Exemple #1
        TerrainInfo[] LoadTilesetSpeeds(TileSet tileSet)
            var info = new TerrainInfo[tileSet.TerrainsCount];

            for (var i = 0; i < info.Length; i++)
                info[i] = TerrainInfo.Impassable;

            foreach (var kvp in TerrainSpeeds)
                int index;
                if (tileSet.TryGetTerrainIndex(kvp.Key, out index))
                    info[index] = kvp.Value;

Exemple #2
 public static int[,] GenerateBiomeMap(TerrainInfo info)
     int[,] biomes = new int[info.TerrainWidth, info.TerrainHeight];
     for (int y = 0; y < info.TerrainHeight; y++)
         for (int x = 0; x < info.TerrainWidth; x++)
             var biome_idx = GetCorrectBiomeIndex(info, x, y);
             biomes[x, y] = biome_idx;
             // initialise our seperated biomes dict, idx represents the index of the biome param (check the parameter list)
             if (!info.SeperatedBiomes.ContainsKey(biome_idx))
                 info.SeperatedBiomes.Add(biome_idx, new List <TerrainPoint>());
             // add the point of our dict
             info.SeperatedBiomes[biome_idx].Add(new TerrainPoint(y, x));
    private void Awake()
        Ins = this;

        m_QuadTree = new QuadTree(Vector3.zero, QuadTreeConfig.TerrainSize);

        int terrainSize = QuadTreeConfig.TerrainSize;
        int gridSize    = QuadTreeConfig.GridSize;

        for (int x = -terrainSize / 2 + gridSize / 2; x < terrainSize / 2; x += gridSize)
            //Debug.DrawLine(new Vector3(x, 0, -terrainSize / 2), new Vector3(x, 0, terrainSize / 2), m_GridLineColor);
            for (int z = -terrainSize / 2 + gridSize / 2; z < terrainSize / 2; z += gridSize)
                //Debug.DrawLine(new Vector3(-terrainSize / 2, 0, z), new Vector3(terrainSize / 2, 0, z), m_GridLineColor);
                Vector3 pos = new Vector3(x, 0, z);
                m_QuadTree.HandleObject(pos, true);
Exemple #4
        public override async Task Execute()
            TerrainInfo info = GetTerrainInfo();

            await TextArea.PrintLine();

            await TextArea.PrintLine();

            await TextArea.PrintLine("You are in " + info.TerrainName + ".");

            await TextArea.Print("Travel: ", XleColor.White);

            await TextArea.Print(info.TravelText, XleColor.Green);

            await TextArea.Print("  -  Food use: ", XleColor.White);

            await TextArea.Print(info.FoodUseText, XleColor.Green);

            await TextArea.PrintLine();
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        Transform turningPointsObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("routeTurningPoints").transform;
        int       i = 0;


        while (i < turningPointsObject.childCount)
            //Debug.Log ("Turning Points" + gridTurningPoints[i]);

        loadElevation(12, 6);
Exemple #6
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        var jsonTextFile = Resources.Load <TextAsset>(terrain_filename);

        myInfo = TerrainInfo.CreateFromJSON(jsonTextFile.text);

        myInfo.wall_height = wall_height; // a bit ugly...

        // this code is used to create new terrains and obstacles
        //myInfo.file_name = "test88";
        //string myString = myInfo.SaveToString();

        Instantiate(flag, myInfo.start_pos, Quaternion.identity);
        Instantiate(flag, myInfo.goal_pos, Quaternion.identity);

        r_terrain = new ResolutionTerrain(this, 2);
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        var jsonTextFile = Resources.Load <TextAsset>(terrain_filename);

        myInfo = TerrainInfo.CreateFromJSON(jsonTextFile.text);

        myInfo.wall_height = wall_height; // a bit ugly...

        // this code is used to create new terrains and obstacles
        //myInfo.file_name = "test88";
        //string myString = myInfo.SaveToString();

        Instantiate(flag, myInfo.start_pos, Quaternion.identity);
        Instantiate(flag, myInfo.goal_pos, Quaternion.identity);

Exemple #8
    protected Vector3 getRandomTargetPos(float minHeight = 0f, float maxHeight = 0f)
        float   maxDot    = -1f;
        Vector3 targetPos = new Vector3();

        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            TerrainInfo info      = GameObject.Find("Terrain").GetComponent <TerrainInfo>();
            Vector3     mapPos    = info.getPos();
            Vector3     mapSize   = info.getSize();
            Vector3     pos       = new Vector3(Random.Range(mapPos.x + mapSize.x * 0.2f, mapPos.x + mapSize.x * 0.8f), Random.Range(minHeight, maxHeight), Random.Range(mapPos.y + mapSize.y * 0.2f, mapPos.y + mapSize.y * 0.8f));
            Vector3     direction = (pos - transform.position).normalized;
            float       dot       = Vector3.Dot(transform.forward, direction);
            if (dot > maxDot)
                maxDot    = dot;
                targetPos = pos;
Exemple #9
    void Start()
        var terrainInfo = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <TerrainInfo>(string.Format("Assets/TileMap/TerrainInfo.asset"));
        var terrainInfo = new TerrainInfo();
        string tilemapInfoPath  = "Assets/TileMap/MapInfo";
        string tilemapInfoName  = "MapInfo_{0}_{1}";
        string itemInfoPath     = "Assets/TileMap/ItemInfo";
        string itemInfoName     = "ItemInfo_{0}_{1}";
        string alphaTexInfoPath = "Assets/TileMap/TerrainAlpha";
        string alphaTexInfoName = "TerrainAlpha_{0}_{1}";
        string tilemapObjPath   = "Assets/TileMap/TileMapObj/Prefab/Terrain";
        string tilemapObjName   = "Terrain@{0}";
        string itemObjPath      = "Assets/TileMap/TileMapObj/Prefab/Item";
        string alphaTexObjPath  = "Assets/TileMap/TileMapObj/Prefab/TerrainAlpha";
        gen.Init(terrainInfo, size_W, size_H, item_W, item_H, size_W / 2 - 1, size_H / 2 - 1);
        gen.SetResPath(false, tilemapInfoPath, tilemapInfoName, itemInfoPath, itemInfoName, alphaTexInfoPath, alphaTexInfoName, tilemapObjPath, tilemapObjName, itemObjPath, alphaTexObjPath);
        // gen.Init(terrainInfo, terrainInfo.MapSize.x, terrainInfo.MapSize.y, terrainInfo.SpiltMapSize.x, terrainInfo.SpiltMapSize.y, size, Vector2.zero);
Exemple #10
 public void GenerateBiomeContent(TerrainInfo info)
     // testing for some biomes to get grass
     if (info.ApplyDetail)
     if (info.ApplyContent)
         // Totaly noob approach, dont use blue noise or anything, just select a random point and place an item therev
         for (int i = 0; i < info.SeperatedBiomes.Keys.Count; i++)
             // instead of taking the first item, take random ?
             for (int j = 0; j < info.TerrainParameterList[i].ObjectListCount; j++)
                 // iterate trough all the objects, then place them, first pass is for random ground bullshit
                 PlaceBiomeContent(info, i, info.TerrainParameterList[i].TerrainParameterObjectCount[j], info.TerrainParameterList[i].TerrainParameterObjectList[j]);
 // placement of objects is invalid, since biomePoint.X and biomePoint.Z are ACTUAL INDICES IN THE ARRAY, NOT POINTS, TODO
 private void PlaceContent(TerrainInfo info, int biomeType, int objCount, GameObject placeableObject)
     // good for debugging
     //for (int i = 0; i < info.SeperatedBiomes[biomeType].Count; i++) {
     //    var biomePoint = info.SeperatedBiomes[biomeType][i];
     //    int terrainPositionY = (int)info._Terrain.terrainData.GetHeight(biomePoint.X, biomePoint.Z);
     //    Instantiate(placeableObject, new Vector3(biomePoint.X, terrainPositionY, biomePoint.Z), Quaternion.identity);
     for (int i = 0; i < objCount; i++)
         int randomPoint = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, info.SeperatedBiomes[biomeType].Count - 1);
         var biomePoint  = info.SeperatedBiomes[biomeType][randomPoint];
         if (!biomePoint.ContainsItem)
             int terrainPositionY = (int)info._Terrain.terrainData.GetHeight(biomePoint.X, biomePoint.Z);
             Instantiate(placeableObject, new Vector3(biomePoint.X, terrainPositionY, biomePoint.Z), Quaternion.identity, info.ContentManager.BiomeParentGameObjects[biomeType].transform);
             // to avoid placing multiple objects on one point, since we are doing it randomly
             info.SeperatedBiomes[biomeType][randomPoint].ContainsItem = true;
    public void SaveLightmap()
        fogInfo                  = new FogInfo();
        fogInfo.fog              = RenderSettings.fog;
        fogInfo.fogMode          = RenderSettings.fogMode;
        fogInfo.fogColor         = RenderSettings.fogColor;
        fogInfo.fogStartDistance = RenderSettings.fogStartDistance;
        fogInfo.fogEndDistance   = RenderSettings.fogEndDistance;

        m_RendererInfo = new List <RendererInfo>();
        var renderers = GetComponentsInChildren <MeshRenderer>();

        foreach (MeshRenderer r in renderers)
            if (r.lightmapIndex != -1)
                RendererInfo info = new RendererInfo();
                info.renderer            = r;
                info.lightmapOffsetScale = r.lightmapScaleOffset;
                info.lightmapIndex       = r.lightmapIndex;

        terrains = GetComponentsInChildren <Terrain>();
        if (terrains != null)
            int cnt = terrains.Length;
            terrainsRendererInfo = new TerrainInfo[cnt];
            for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
                var terrainRenderer = new TerrainInfo();
                terrainRenderer.lightmapOffsetScale = terrains[i].lightmapScaleOffset;
                terrainRenderer.lightmapIndex       = terrains[i].lightmapIndex;
                terrainsRendererInfo[i]             = terrainRenderer;
        lightmapsMode = LightmapSettings.lightmapsMode;
Exemple #13
        public static void FlatTerrainGridTest()
            using (WorldWindow game = new WorldWindow())
                Vector3 eye = new Vector3(-4000, 4000, -4000);
                game.Camera.LookAt(eye, new Vector3());
                game.CameraControl.MoveSpeed = 1000;

                Terrain     terrain = new Terrain();
                int         rows    = 80;
                int         cols    = 100;
                TerrainInfo info    = new TerrainInfo()
                    SouthWestLatLong         = new Vector2(-37, 174),
                    NorthEastLatLong         = new Vector2(-36.9f, 174.1f),
                    DegreesLatitudePerPixel  = 0.2 / (double)rows,
                    DegreesLongitudePerPixel = 0.2 / (double)cols
                float[,] altInMetres = info.CreateFlatAltitudes(rows, cols);
                terrain.Recreate(info, altInMetres);

                ShaderModelRenderer sm = new ShaderModelRenderer(terrain);


                UserInterface ui = new UserInterface(game);

                float time = 0;
                game.UpdateFrame += (o, e) =>
                    time += (float)e.Time;
                    double fps = e.Time == 0 ? 1000 : 1.0 / e.Time;

Exemple #14
 private void OnActivate()
     // Parameter preset editor works in editor
     if (_ParameterPresetEditor == null)
         _ParameterPresetEditor = new TerrainParameterPresetEditor();
     Script = (TerrainGeneration)target;
     // Noise parameter editor works in runtime
     if (Script.TerrainInfo != null)
         // We are in runtime, means we can get all the info from runtime
         if (TerrainInfo == null)
             TerrainInfo           = Script.TerrainInfo;
             _NoiseParameterEditor = new NoiseParameterEditor(TerrainInfo);
             // now just overrwrite this terrain infos parameter property list (biomes) with our serialized editor list
             TerrainInfo.TerrainParameterList = _ParameterPresetEditor.SerializedTerrainParameters;
     WasInitialised = true;
 void Start()
     ContentManager = GetComponent <ContentManager>();
     SeasonalChange = GetComponent <SeasonalChange>();
     RoadGenerator  = GetComponent <RoadGenerator>();
     TerrainInfo    = new TerrainInfo(GetComponent <Terrain>());
     SplineScript   = GetComponentInChildren <Spline>();
     if (UseCustomTerrainSizeDefinitions)
         TerrainInfo.TerrainWidth  = TerrainWidth;
         TerrainInfo.TerrainHeight = TerrainHeight;
         TerrainInfo.TerrainDepth  = TerrainDepth;
     // Figure out how to do this better, for now info has "manager" info (so we can use it elsewhere)
     TerrainInfo.ContentManager   = ContentManager;
     ContentGenerator             = GetComponent <ContentGenerator>();
     TerrainInfo.ContentGenerator = ContentGenerator;
     TerrainInfo.RoadGenerator    = RoadGenerator;
     // Initialize manager, need to handle path for different platforms (OSX, Windows)
     // You can deserialize here and take the first NoiseParameter from the list if you dont want the default values
Exemple #16
    protected TerrainInfo InterfaceTerrainInfoToTerrainInfo(InterfaceTerrainInfo interfaceTerrainInfo)
        TerrainInfo terrainInfo;

        TerrainBlueprintType terrainBlueprintType = InterfaceTerrainToolToTerrainBlueprintType(interfaceTerrainInfo.interfaceTerrainTool);

        switch (interfaceTerrainInfo.interfaceTerrainType)
        case InterfaceTerrainType.Ground:

            // Ground
            TerrainGroundStyle terrainGroundStyle = InterfaceTerrainGroundStyleToTerrainGroundStyle(interfaceTerrainInfo.interfaceTerrainGroundStyle);
            float terrainGroundSegmentLength      = InterfaceTerrainGroundGrainToTerrainSegmentLength(interfaceTerrainInfo.interfaceTerrainGroundGrain);

            terrainInfo = new TerrainInfo(terrainBlueprintType, terrainGroundStyle, terrainGroundSegmentLength);


        case InterfaceTerrainType.Roller:

            TerrainRollerStyle terrainRollerStyle = InterfaceTerrainRollerStyleToTerrainRollerStyle(interfaceTerrainInfo.interfaceTerrainRollerStyle);
            float terrainRollerSpacing            = InterfaceTerrainRollerSpacingToTerrainRollerSpacing(interfaceTerrainInfo.interfaceTerrainRollerSpacing);
            bool  terrainRollerFixed = InterfaceTerrainRollerRotationSpeedToTerrainRollerFixed(interfaceTerrainInfo.interfaceTerrainRollerRotationSpeed);
            float terrainRollerSpeed = InterfaceTerrainRollerRotationSpeedAndInterfaceTerrainRollerRotationToTerrainRollerSpeed(interfaceTerrainInfo.interfaceTerrainRollerRotationSpeed, interfaceTerrainInfo.interfaceTerrainRollerRotationDirection);

            terrainInfo = new TerrainInfo(terrainBlueprintType, terrainRollerStyle, terrainRollerSpacing, terrainRollerFixed, terrainRollerSpeed);


            Debug.LogWarning("Invalid InterfaceTerrainType [" + interfaceTerrainInfo.interfaceTerrainType + "]. Defaulting to InterfaceTerrainType.Ground");
            goto case InterfaceTerrainType.Ground;

 public void HandleStep()
     isInFront = true;
     if (cc.IsGrounded())
         sound.pitch  = 1.0f + Random.Range(-0.1f, 0.1f);
         sound.volume = 1.0f + Random.Range(-0.2f, 0.0f);
         float speedStumbleMultiplier = 1 + Mathf.Pow((cc.rigidbody.velocity.magnitude / (cc.sprintSpeed)), 5);
         float angleStumbleChance     = 1000;
         int   layerMask = 1 << 8;
         if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, Vector3.down, out hit, 100, layerMask))
             objectiveSlopeAngle = Vector3.Angle(hit.normal, Vector3.up) * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
             footstepTerrain     = hit.collider.GetComponentInParent <TerrainInfo>();
             if (footstepTerrain != null)
                 angleStumbleChance = Mathf.Max(1, footstepTerrain.SlopeStumbleConstant - footstepTerrain.SlopeStumbleCoefficient * Mathf.Pow(ObjectiveSlopeAngleDeg(), footstepTerrain.SlopeStumbleExponent));
         float lookingAtFeetMultiplier = Mathf.Min(Mathf.Max(5.5F - 0.05F * Vector3.Angle(Vector3.down, cam.transform.forward), 0.25F), 4F);
         if (Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f) < (speedStumbleMultiplier / (angleStumbleChance * lookingAtFeetMultiplier)))
             sound.pitch  = 1.0f;
             sound.volume = 1.0f;
             sound.pitch  = 1.0f + Random.Range(-0.1f, 0.1f);
             sound.volume = 1.0f + Random.Range(-0.2f, 0.0f);
Exemple #18
        public override void Unpack(BinaryReader reader)
            Id = reader.ReadUInt32();

            RegionNumber = reader.ReadUInt32();
            Version      = reader.ReadUInt32();
            RegionName   = reader.ReadPString();    // "Dereth"


            PartsMask = reader.ReadUInt32();

            if ((PartsMask & 0x10) != 0)

            if ((PartsMask & 0x01) != 0)

            if ((PartsMask & 0x02) != 0)


            if ((PartsMask & 0x0200) != 0)
    private (int, int) PickRoadWaypoint(int pointX, int pointZ, TerrainInfo info)
        // first get a point out of our list
        var newWaypoint = RoadPointList[RoadPointList.Count - 1];

        pointX = newWaypoint.PointX;
        pointZ = newWaypoint.PointZ;
        if (newWaypoint.RoadSpreadDirectionAtCreationTime == RoadSpreadDirection.kUp ||
            newWaypoint.RoadSpreadDirectionAtCreationTime == RoadSpreadDirection.kDown)
            SpreadDirection = (RoadSpreadDirection)Random.Range(2, 4);
            if (SpreadDirection == RoadSpreadDirection.kLeft)
                pointZ -= SplineSize;
                pointZ += SplineSize;
            DirectionChanged = true;
            SpreadDirection = (RoadSpreadDirection)Random.Range(0, 2);
            if (SpreadDirection == RoadSpreadDirection.kUp)
                pointX += SplineSize;
                pointX -= SplineSize;
            DirectionChanged = true;
        return(pointX, pointZ);
Exemple #20
 public NoiseParameterEditor(TerrainInfo info)
     SerializedNoiseParameters = new List <NoiseParameters>();
     CurrentSelectedIndexNoise = EditorPrefs.GetInt("ParameterPresetNoiseIdx");
     TryGeneratingSavedNoiseParameters(info, true);
Exemple #21
    public static void ExportTerrain()

        System.DateTime beforDT = System.DateTime.Now;
        if (Directory.Exists(Application.dataPath + "/TileMap/MapInfo/"))
            Directory.Delete(Application.dataPath + "/TileMap/MapInfo/", true);
        Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.dataPath + "/TileMap/MapInfo/");
        TiledMap map = LoadMap(m_MapName);

        var globalGridSizeX = map.width;
        var globalGridSizeZ = map.height;

        int spiltMap_w = Mathf.CeilToInt(globalGridSizeX * 1f / m_MapSpiltSize_x);
        int spiltMap_h = Mathf.CeilToInt(globalGridSizeZ * 1f / m_MapSpiltSize_y);

        TerrainInfo terrainInfo = GetStriptableObject <TerrainInfo>("Assets/TileMap/TerrainInfo.asset");

        terrainInfo.MapSize_W      = globalGridSizeX;
        terrainInfo.MapSize_H      = globalGridSizeZ;
        terrainInfo.SpiltMapSize_W = spiltMap_w;
        terrainInfo.SpiltMapSize_H = spiltMap_h;
        terrainInfo.SpiltMap_X     = m_MapSpiltSize_x;
        terrainInfo.SpiltMap_Y     = m_MapSpiltSize_y;
        terrainInfo.MapInfoList    = new bool[m_MapSpiltSize_x * m_MapSpiltSize_y];

        Dictionary <string, TiledLayer> _layerDic = new Dictionary <string, TiledLayer>();

        for (int i = 0; i < map.layers.Length; i++)
            var    layer     = map.layers[i];
            string layerName = layer.name;
            _layerDic.Add(layerName, layer);
        if (_layerDic.ContainsKey(TerrainLayerName))
            var terrainTiles = _layerDic[TerrainLayerName].GetTiles();
            int globalSize   = terrainTiles.Length;
            for (int j = 0; j < terrainTiles.Length; j++)
                EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("ExportTerrain", j + "/" + (globalSize), j / (float)globalSize);
                var _terrTile = terrainTiles[j];
                // int _terrRY = GetRotY(_terrTile);
                int terrainID = _terrTile.Gid;
                GetTilesetNameAndIndex(map, _terrTile.Gid, out terrainID);

                if (terrainID != 0 && !UnSetTerrain.Contains(terrainID))
                    int mapIndex_x = _terrTile.X / spiltMap_w;
                    int mapIndex_y = _terrTile.Y / spiltMap_h;
                    terrainInfo.MapInfoList[mapIndex_x * m_MapSpiltSize_x + mapIndex_y] = true;
                    var _mapinfo  = GetStriptableObject <TileMapInfo>(string.Format("Assets/TileMap/MapInfo/MapInfo_{0}_{1}.asset", mapIndex_x, mapIndex_y));
                    int _posIndex = _terrTile.Y * globalGridSizeX + _terrTile.X;

                    int terrainIndex = terrainID == SeaID ? 0 : terrainID;
                    // objInfo.terrainRotY = _terrRY;


                    // UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SetDirty(_mapinfo);

        System.DateTime afterDT = System.DateTime.Now;
        System.TimeSpan ts      = afterDT.Subtract(beforDT);


        // UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SetDirty(terrainInfo);
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     if (!isServer) return;
     if (terrainParent != null)
         terrainParentInfo = terrainParent.GetComponent<TerrainInfo>();
     manager = GameObject.Find("NetworkManager").GetComponent<MyNetworkManager>();
Exemple #23
    public static void ExportObj()
        System.DateTime beforDT = System.DateTime.Now;
        if (Directory.Exists(Application.dataPath + "/TileMap/ItemInfo/"))
            Directory.Delete(Application.dataPath + "/TileMap/ItemInfo/", true);
        Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.dataPath + "/TileMap/ItemInfo/");
        TiledMap map             = LoadMap(m_MapName);
        var      globalGridSizeX = map.width;
        var      globalGridSizeZ = map.height;
        int spiltMap_w = Mathf.CeilToInt(globalGridSizeX * 1f / m_MapSpiltSize_x);
        int spiltMap_h = Mathf.CeilToInt(globalGridSizeZ * 1f / m_MapSpiltSize_y);

        TerrainInfo terrainInfo = GetStriptableObject <TerrainInfo>("Assets/TileMap/TerrainInfo.asset");

        terrainInfo.MapSize_W      = globalGridSizeX;
        terrainInfo.MapSize_H      = globalGridSizeZ;
        terrainInfo.SpiltMapSize_W = spiltMap_w;
        terrainInfo.SpiltMapSize_H = spiltMap_h;
        terrainInfo.SpiltMap_X     = m_MapSpiltSize_x;
        terrainInfo.SpiltMap_Y     = m_MapSpiltSize_y;
        terrainInfo.ItemInfoList   = new bool[m_MapSpiltSize_x * m_MapSpiltSize_y];

        Dictionary <string, TiledLayer> _layerDic = new Dictionary <string, TiledLayer>();

        for (int i = 0; i < map.layers.Length; i++)
            var    layer     = map.layers[i];
            string layerName = layer.name;
            _layerDic.Add(layerName, layer);
        var unRemoveTiles  = _layerDic.ContainsKey(UnRemovableItemLayerName) ? _layerDic[UnRemovableItemLayerName].GetTiles() : null;
        var removableTiles = _layerDic.ContainsKey(RemovableItemLayerName) ? _layerDic[RemovableItemLayerName].GetTiles() : null;
        int globalSize     = globalGridSizeX * globalGridSizeZ;

        for (int i = 0; i < globalSize; i++)
            // EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("ExportObj", i+"/"+(globalSize), i / (float)globalSize);
            TiledLayerTile _unRemoveTile = new TiledLayerTile();
            int            _unRemoveID   = 0;
            // int _unRemoveRY = 0;
            string _unRemoveName = "";
            if (unRemoveTiles != null)
                _unRemoveTile = unRemoveTiles[i];
                // _unRemoveRY = GetRotY(_unRemoveTile);
                _unRemoveID   = _unRemoveTile.Gid;
                _unRemoveName = GetTilesetNameAndIndex(map, _unRemoveTile.Gid, out _unRemoveID);
            TiledLayerTile _removableTile = new TiledLayerTile();
            int            _removableID   = 0;
            // int _removableRY = 0;
            string _removableName = "";
            if (removableTiles != null)
                _removableTile = removableTiles[i];
                // _removableRY = GetRotY(_removableTile);
                _removableID   = _removableTile.Gid;
                _removableName = GetTilesetNameAndIndex(map, _removableTile.Gid, out _removableID);
            if (_unRemoveID == 1 || _removableID == 1)
                int X = _unRemoveID != 0 ? _unRemoveTile.X : _removableTile.X;
                int Y = _unRemoveID != 0 ? _unRemoveTile.Y : _removableTile.Y;

                int itemIndex_x = X / spiltMap_w;
                int itemIndex_y = Y / spiltMap_h;
                terrainInfo.ItemInfoList[itemIndex_x * m_MapSpiltSize_x + itemIndex_y] = true;
                var _mapinfo  = GetStriptableObject <ItemMapInfo>(string.Format("Assets/TileMap/ItemInfo/ItemInfo_{0}_{1}.asset", itemIndex_x, itemIndex_y));
                int _posIndex = Y * globalGridSizeX + X;

                string itemName = _unRemoveID == 1 ? _unRemoveName : _removableName;
                // objInfo.itemRotY = _unRemoveID == 1 ? _unRemoveRY : _removableRY;


                // UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SetDirty(_mapinfo);

        System.DateTime afterDT = System.DateTime.Now;
        System.TimeSpan ts      = afterDT.Subtract(beforDT);
        // UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SetDirty(terrainInfo);
Exemple #24
    public static void ExportTerrainAlpha()
        System.DateTime beforDT = System.DateTime.Now;

        if (Directory.Exists(Application.dataPath + "/TileMap/TerrainAlpha/"))
            Directory.Delete(Application.dataPath + "/TileMap/TerrainAlpha/", true);
        Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.dataPath + "/TileMap/TerrainAlpha/");
        TiledMap map             = LoadMap(m_MapName);
        var      globalGridSizeX = map.width;
        var      globalGridSizeZ = map.height;
        int spiltMap_w = Mathf.CeilToInt(globalGridSizeX * 1f / m_MapSpiltSize_x);
        int spiltMap_h = Mathf.CeilToInt(globalGridSizeZ * 1f / m_MapSpiltSize_y);

        TerrainInfo terrainInfo = GetStriptableObject <TerrainInfo>("Assets/TileMap/TerrainInfo.asset");

        terrainInfo.MapSize_W        = globalGridSizeX;
        terrainInfo.MapSize_H        = globalGridSizeZ;
        terrainInfo.SpiltMapSize_W   = spiltMap_w;
        terrainInfo.SpiltMapSize_H   = spiltMap_h;
        terrainInfo.SpiltMap_X       = m_MapSpiltSize_x;
        terrainInfo.SpiltMap_Y       = m_MapSpiltSize_y;
        terrainInfo.TerrainAlphaList = new bool[m_MapSpiltSize_x * m_MapSpiltSize_y];

        Dictionary <string, TiledLayer> _layerDic = new Dictionary <string, TiledLayer>();

        for (int i = 0; i < map.layers.Length; i++)
            var    layer     = map.layers[i];
            string layerName = layer.name;
            _layerDic.Add(layerName, layer);
        var terrainAlphaTiles1 = _layerDic.ContainsKey(TerrainAlphaLayer1Name) ? _layerDic[TerrainAlphaLayer1Name].GetTiles() : null;
        var terrainAlphaTiles2 = _layerDic.ContainsKey(TerrainAlphaLayer2Name) ? _layerDic[TerrainAlphaLayer2Name].GetTiles() : null;
        var terrainAlphaTiles3 = _layerDic.ContainsKey(TerrainAlphaLayer3Name) ? _layerDic[TerrainAlphaLayer3Name].GetTiles() : null;
        int globalSize         = globalGridSizeX * globalGridSizeZ;

        for (int i = 0; i < globalSize; i++)
            // EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("ExportTerrainAlpha", i+"/"+(globalSize), i / (float)globalSize);
            TiledLayerTile _terrainAlphaTile  = new TiledLayerTile();
            int            _terrainAlphaIndex = 0;
            // int _terainAlphaRY = 0;
            string _terrainAlphaName = "";
            uint   _level            = 0;
            if (terrainAlphaTiles3 != null)
                _terrainAlphaTile = terrainAlphaTiles3[i];
                int    index;
                string itemName = GetTilesetNameAndIndex(map, _terrainAlphaTile.Gid, out index);
                if (index == 1)
                    _terrainAlphaIndex = index;
                    _terrainAlphaName  = itemName;
                    _level             = 3;
            if (terrainAlphaTiles2 != null)
                _terrainAlphaTile = terrainAlphaTiles2[i];
                int    index;
                string itemName = GetTilesetNameAndIndex(map, _terrainAlphaTile.Gid, out index);
                if (index == 1)
                    _terrainAlphaIndex = index;
                    _terrainAlphaName  = itemName;
                    _level             = 2;
            if (terrainAlphaTiles1 != null)
                _terrainAlphaTile = terrainAlphaTiles1[i];
                int    index;
                string itemName = GetTilesetNameAndIndex(map, _terrainAlphaTile.Gid, out index);
                if (index == 1)
                    _terrainAlphaIndex = index;
                    _terrainAlphaName  = itemName;
                    _level             = 1;
            if (_terrainAlphaIndex == 1)
                int X = _terrainAlphaTile.X;
                int Y = _terrainAlphaTile.Y;

                int itemIndex_x = X / spiltMap_w;
                int itemIndex_y = Y / spiltMap_h;
                terrainInfo.TerrainAlphaList[itemIndex_x * m_MapSpiltSize_x + itemIndex_y] = true;
                var _mapinfo  = GetStriptableObject <AlphaTexInfo>(string.Format("Assets/TileMap/TerrainAlpha/TerrainAlpha_{0}_{1}.asset", itemIndex_x, itemIndex_y));
                int _posIndex = Y * globalGridSizeX + X;

                AlphaTexInfo_S alphaTexInfo = new AlphaTexInfo_S();
                alphaTexInfo.objName = _terrainAlphaName;
                alphaTexInfo.level   = _level;


                // UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SetDirty(_mapinfo);

        System.DateTime afterDT = System.DateTime.Now;
        System.TimeSpan ts      = afterDT.Subtract(beforDT);
Exemple #25
 public Terrain(TerrainInfo ti, Point coords)
     : this()
     Ti = ti;
     Coords = coords;
Exemple #26
 void Start()
     TerrainInfo.Use(KeyTerm.TREE, GetComponent <Tile>());
Exemple #27
 protected virtual void UpdateTerrain(
     StarMapTerrain o,
     TerrainInfo oi,
     StarMapBase.SyncContext context)
        //These functions are for taking a PraxisMapper DB and making a workable mobile version. Much less accurate, requires 0 data connectivity.
        //No longer a high priority but I do want to keep this code around.

        public static void CreateStandaloneDB(long relationID = 0, GeoArea bounds = null, bool saveToDB = false, bool saveToFolder = true)
            //TODO: could rename TerrainInfo to TrailInfo, terrainDataSmall to trailData

            string name = "";

            if (bounds != null)
                name = Math.Truncate(bounds.SouthLatitude) + "_" + Math.Truncate(bounds.WestLongitude) + "_" + Math.Truncate(bounds.NorthLatitude) + "_" + Math.Truncate(bounds.EastLongitude) + ".sqlite";

            if (relationID > 0)
                name = relationID.ToString() + ".sqlite";

            if (File.Exists(name))

            var mainDb   = new PraxisContext();
            var sqliteDb = new StandaloneContext(relationID.ToString());

            sqliteDb.ChangeTracker.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
            Log.WriteLog("Standalone DB created for relation " + relationID + " at " + DateTime.Now);

            GeoArea buffered;

            if (relationID > 0)
                var fullArea = mainDb.Places.FirstOrDefault(m => m.SourceItemID == relationID && m.SourceItemType == 3);
                if (fullArea == null)

                buffered = Converters.GeometryToGeoArea(fullArea.ElementGeometry);
                //This should also be able to take a bounding box in addition in the future.
                buffered = bounds;

            //TODO: set a flag to allow this to pull straight from a PBF file?
            List <DbTables.Place> allPlaces = new List <DbTables.Place>();
            var  intersectCheck             = Converters.GeoAreaToPolygon(buffered);
            bool pullFromPbf = false; //Set via arg at startup? or setting file?

            if (!pullFromPbf)
                allPlaces = PraxisCore.Place.GetPlaces(buffered);
                //need a file to read from.
                //optionally a bounding box on that file.
                //Starting to think i might want to track some generic parameters I refer to later. like -box|s|w|n|e or -point|lat|long or -singleFile|here.osm.pbf
                //allPlaces = PbfFileParser.ProcessSkipDatabase();

            Log.WriteLog("Loaded all intersecting geometry at " + DateTime.Now);

            string minCode          = new OpenLocationCode(buffered.SouthLatitude, buffered.WestLongitude).CodeDigits;
            string maxCode          = new OpenLocationCode(buffered.NorthLatitude, buffered.EastLongitude).CodeDigits;
            int    removableLetters = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                if (minCode[i] == maxCode[i])
                    i += 10;
            string commonStart = minCode.Substring(0, removableLetters);

            var wikiList = allPlaces.Where(a => a.Tags.Any(t => t.Key == "wikipedia") && TagParser.GetPlaceName(a.Tags) != "").Select(a => TagParser.GetPlaceName(a.Tags)).Distinct().ToList();
            //Leaving this nearly wide open, since it's not the main driver of DB size.
            var basePlaces    = allPlaces.Where(a => TagParser.GetPlaceName(a.Tags) != "" || a.GameElementName != "unmatched").ToList(); //.Where(a => a.name != "").ToList();// && (a.IsGameElement || wikiList.Contains(a.name))).ToList();
            var distinctNames = basePlaces.Select(p => TagParser.GetPlaceName(p.Tags)).Distinct().ToList();                              //This distinct might be causing things in multiple pieces to only detect one of them, not all of them?

            var placeInfo = PraxisCore.Standalone.Standalone.GetPlaceInfo(basePlaces);
            //Remove trails later.
            //SHORTCUT: for roads that are a straight-enough line (under 1 Cell10 in width or height)
            //just treat them as being 1 Cell10 in that axis, and skip tracking them by each Cell10 they cover.
            HashSet <long> skipEntries = new HashSet <long>();

            foreach (var pi in placeInfo.Where(p => p.areaType == "road" || p.areaType == "trail"))
                //If a road is nearly a straight line, treat it as though it was 1 cell10 wide, and don't index its coverage per-cell later.
                if (pi.height <= ConstantValues.resolutionCell10 && pi.width >= ConstantValues.resolutionCell10)
                    pi.height = ConstantValues.resolutionCell10; skipEntries.Add(pi.PlaceId);
                else if (pi.height >= ConstantValues.resolutionCell10 && pi.width <= ConstantValues.resolutionCell10)
                    pi.width = ConstantValues.resolutionCell10; skipEntries.Add(pi.PlaceId);

            Log.WriteLog("Processed geometry at " + DateTime.Now);
            var placeDictionary = placeInfo.ToDictionary(k => k.PlaceId, v => v);

            //to save time, i need to index which areas are in which Cell6.
            //So i know which entries I can skip when running.
            var indexCell6 = PraxisCore.Standalone.Standalone.IndexAreasPerCell6(buffered, basePlaces);
            var indexes    = indexCell6.SelectMany(i => i.Value.Select(v => new PlaceIndex()
                PlusCode = i.Key, placeInfoId = placeDictionary[v.SourceItemID].id


            Log.WriteLog("Processed Cell6 index table at " + DateTime.Now);

            //trails need processed the old way, per Cell10, when they're not simply a straight-line.
            //Roads too.
            var tdSmalls = new Dictionary <string, TerrainDataSmall>(); //Possible issue: a trail and a road with the same name would only show up as whichever one got in the DB first.
            var toRemove = new List <PlaceInfo2>();

            foreach (var trail in basePlaces.Where(p => (p.GameElementName == "trail" || p.GameElementName == "road"))) //TODO: add rivers here?
                if (skipEntries.Contains(trail.SourceItemID))
                    continue; //Don't per-cell index this one, we shifted it's envelope to handle it instead.
                if (TagParser.GetPlaceName(trail.Tags) == "")
                    continue; //So sorry, but there's too damn many roads without names inflating DB size without being useful as-is.
                var p = placeDictionary[trail.SourceItemID];

                GeoArea thisPath = Converters.GeometryToGeoArea(trail.ElementGeometry);
                List <DbTables.Place> oneEntry = new List <DbTables.Place>();

                var overlapped = AreaTypeInfo.SearchArea(ref thisPath, ref oneEntry);
                if (overlapped.Count() > 0)
                    tdSmalls.TryAdd(TagParser.GetPlaceName(trail.Tags), new TerrainDataSmall()
                        Name = TagParser.GetPlaceName(trail.Tags), areaType = trail.GameElementName
                foreach (var o in overlapped)
                    var ti = new TerrainInfo();
                    ti.PlusCode         = o.Key.Substring(removableLetters, 10 - removableLetters);
                    ti.TerrainDataSmall = new List <TerrainDataSmall>();

            foreach (var r in toRemove.Distinct())
            Log.WriteLog("Trails processed at " + DateTime.Now);

            //make scavenger hunts
            var sh = PraxisCore.Standalone.Standalone.GetScavengerHunts(allPlaces);

            Log.WriteLog("Auto-created scavenger hunt entries at " + DateTime.Now);

            var swCorner = new OpenLocationCode(intersectCheck.EnvelopeInternal.MinY, intersectCheck.EnvelopeInternal.MinX);
            var neCorner = new OpenLocationCode(intersectCheck.EnvelopeInternal.MaxY, intersectCheck.EnvelopeInternal.MaxX);

            //insert default entries for a new player.
            sqliteDb.PlayerStats.Add(new PlayerStats()
                timePlayed = 0, distanceWalked = 0, score = 0
            sqliteDb.Bounds.Add(new Bounds()
                EastBound = neCorner.Decode().EastLongitude, NorthBound = neCorner.Decode().NorthLatitude, SouthBound = swCorner.Decode().SouthLatitude, WestBound = swCorner.Decode().WestLongitude, commonCodeLetters = commonStart, BestIdleCompletionTime = 0, LastPlayedOn = 0, StartedCurrentIdleRun = 0
            sqliteDb.IdleStats.Add(new IdleStats()
                emptySpacePerSecond = 0, emptySpaceTotal = 0, graveyardSpacePerSecond = 0, graveyardSpaceTotal = 0, natureReserveSpacePerSecond = 0, natureReserveSpaceTotal = 0, parkSpacePerSecond = 0, parkSpaceTotal = 0, touristSpacePerSecond = 0, touristSpaceTotal = 0, trailSpacePerSecond = 0, trailSpaceTotal = 0

            //now we have the list of places we need to be concerned with.
            System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(relationID + "Tiles");
            PraxisCore.Standalone.Standalone.DrawMapTilesStandalone(relationID, buffered, allPlaces, saveToFolder);
            Log.WriteLog("Maptiles drawn at " + DateTime.Now);

            //Copy the files as necessary to their correct location.
            //if (saveToFolder)
            //Directory.Move(relationID + "Tiles", config["Solar2dExportFolder"] + "Tiles");

            //File.Copy(relationID + ".sqlite", config["Solar2dExportFolder"] + "database.sqlite");

            Log.WriteLog("Standalone gameplay DB done.");
Exemple #29
        private float GetVisualWorldHeight(TerrainInfo terInfo, float x, float z)
            int ix = terInfo.PosToVertexX(x);
            int iz = terInfo.PosToVertexZ(z);

            if (ix >= terInfo.Width - 1) ix = (int)terInfo.Width - 2;
            if (iz >= terInfo.Height - 1) iz = (int)terInfo.Height - 2;

            Vector3 p11 = new Vector3(terInfo.VertexToPosX(ix), terInfo.VertexToPosZ(iz), terInfo.At((uint)ix, (uint)iz));
            Vector3 p21 = new Vector3(terInfo.VertexToPosX(ix + 1), terInfo.VertexToPosZ(iz), terInfo.At((uint)ix + 1, (uint)iz));
            Vector3 p22 = new Vector3(terInfo.VertexToPosX(ix + 1), terInfo.VertexToPosZ(iz + 1), terInfo.At((uint)ix + 1, (uint)iz + 1));
            Vector3 p12 = new Vector3(terInfo.VertexToPosX(ix), terInfo.VertexToPosZ(iz + 1), terInfo.At((uint)ix, (uint)iz + 1));

            float t, s, ret;

            if (x - p11.x < p12.y - z)
                t = p21.z - p11.z;
                s = p12.z - p11.z;
                ret = p11.z + (x - p11.x) / terInfo.Scaling.x * t + (z - p11.y) / terInfo.Scaling.z * s;
                t = p22.z - p12.z;
                s = p22.z - p21.z;
                ret = p22.z + (x - p22.x) / terInfo.Scaling.x * t + (z - p22.y) / terInfo.Scaling.z * s;

            ret = ret * terInfo.Scaling.y + terInfo.Offset.y;
            //float ret2 = terInfo.GetHeightAt(x, z);
            if (float.IsNaN(ret)) ret = 0;
            return ret;
Exemple #30
    void GenerateLevelFromString(string levelString, bool edit)
        Debug.Log("Generating level from levelString: " + levelString);

        LevelDataRead levelData = new LevelDataRead(levelString);

        //TODO: Generate level from levelData

        // 1) Read version

        string version = levelData.ReadString();

        Debug.Log("Version is: " + version);

        // 2) Read how many terrains there are
        int numTerrains = levelData.ReadInt();

        for (int t = 0; t < numTerrains; t++)
            // Read type
            TerrainBlueprintType type = (TerrainBlueprintType)levelData.ReadInt();

            // Read style
            TerrainGroundStyle style = (TerrainGroundStyle)levelData.ReadInt();

            // Read segment length
            float segmentLength = levelData.ReadFloat();

            TerrainInfo        terrainInfo        = new TerrainInfo(type, style, segmentLength);
            TerrainObjectMaker terrainObjectMaker = new TerrainObjectMaker(terrainInfo);

            for (int i = 0; i < terrainObjectMaker.GetNodeAmount(); i++)


        // 3) Read how many rollers there are
        int numRollers = levelData.ReadInt();

        for (int t = 0; t < numRollers; t++)
            // Read type
            TerrainBlueprintType type = (TerrainBlueprintType)levelData.ReadInt();

            // Read style
            TerrainRollerStyle style = (TerrainRollerStyle)levelData.ReadInt();
            float spacing            = levelData.ReadFloat();
            bool  isFixed            = levelData.ReadBool();
            float speed = levelData.ReadFloat();

            TerrainInfo        terrainInfo        = new TerrainInfo(type, style, spacing, isFixed, speed);
            TerrainObjectMaker terrainObjectMaker = new TerrainObjectMaker(terrainInfo);

            for (int i = 0; i < terrainObjectMaker.GetNodeAmount(); i++)

Exemple #31
        private void CreateTerrain()
            mTMgr = new MET.TerrainManager(OgreEngine.mMgr, "MET");

            mTMgr.SetLodErrorMargin(2, OgreEngine.mWin.Height);
            mTMgr.SetUseLodMorphing(true, 0.2f, "morphFactor");

            mTInfo = new MET.TerrainInfo();
            Mogre.Image image = new Mogre.Image();

            image.Load("heightmap.png", ResourceGroupManager.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME);
            MET.TerrainInfo.LoadHeightmapFromImage(mTInfo, image);
            //mTInfo.Extents = new Mogre.AxisAlignedBox(0, 0, 0, land.SizeX + stepWidth, land.SizeZ, land.SizeY + stepHeight);
            mTInfo.Extents = new Mogre.AxisAlignedBox(Vector3.ZERO, Size);

            Mogre.Image lmImage = new Mogre.Image();
            MET.TerrainInfo.CreateTerraingLightmap(mTInfo, lmImage, Constants.Land.LightmapSize, Constants.Land.LightmapSize, new Vector3(-1, -1, -1), new ColourValue(1, 1, 1), new ColourValue(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f), true);
            //lmImage.Save("lightmapa" + land.Id + ".png");
            TexturePtr lightmapTex = TextureManager.Singleton.CreateManual(

            TexturePtr tex = TextureManager.Singleton.GetByName("ETLightmap");
            tex.GetBuffer(0, 0).BlitFromMemory(lmImage.GetPixelBox(0, 0));

            mTInfo = mTMgr.TerrainInfo;

            image = new Image();
            image.Load("textureMap0.png", ResourceGroupManager.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME);
            TextureSize = image.Width;
            mSMgr = new MET.SplattingManager("ETSplatting", ResourceGroupManager.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, image.Width, image.Width, 3);
            mSMgr.NumTextures = 6;

            mSMgr.LoadMapFromImage(0, image);
            image = new Image();
            image.Load("textureMap1.png", ResourceGroupManager.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME);
            mSMgr.LoadMapFromImage(1, image);

            mTMgr.Material = MaterialManager.Singleton.GetByName("ETTerrainMaterial");

            // lightmapa
            Pass pass = mTMgr.Material.GetTechnique(0).CreatePass();
            pass.LightingEnabled = false;

            pass = mTMgr.Material.GetTechnique(1).CreatePass();
            pass.LightingEnabled = false;

            //base texture for non shader graphics
            lmImage = new Mogre.Image();
            //TODO: replace by real bic texture
            lmImage.Load("baseTexture.jpg", ResourceGroupManager.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME);
            //lmImage.Save("lightmapa" + land.Id + ".png");
            lightmapTex = TextureManager.Singleton.CreateManual(

            tex = TextureManager.Singleton.GetByName("ETBasemap");
            tex.GetBuffer(0, 0).BlitFromMemory(lmImage.GetPixelBox(0, 0));

            Technique tech = mTMgr.Material.CreateTechnique();
            pass = tech.CreatePass();
Exemple #32
    public void makeMap()
        terrain_manager = terrain_manager_game_object.GetComponent <TerrainManager>();
        terrainInfo = terrain_manager.myInfo;
        float[, ] traversability = terrainInfo.traversability;
        terrainInfo = terrain_manager.myInfo;
        float tileXSize = (terrainInfo.x_high - terrainInfo.x_low) / terrainInfo.x_N;
        float tileZSize = (terrainInfo.z_high - terrainInfo.z_low) / terrainInfo.z_N;

        float factor = 4.5f;

        float[, ] newTerrain = new float[(int)Mathf.Floor(tileXSize * tileXSize / factor), (int)Mathf.Floor(tileZSize * tileZSize / factor)];
        stepx = (terrainInfo.x_high - terrainInfo.x_low) / newTerrain.GetLength(0);
        stepz = (terrainInfo.z_high - terrainInfo.z_low) / newTerrain.GetLength(1);
        for (int i = 0; i < newTerrain.GetLength(0); i++)
            float posx = terrainInfo.x_low + stepx / 2 + stepx * i;
            for (int j = 0; j < newTerrain.GetLength(1); j++)
                float posz = terrainInfo.z_low + stepz / 2 + stepz * j;
                newTerrain[i, j] = terrainInfo.traversability[terrainInfo.get_i_index(posx), terrainInfo.get_j_index(posz)];

        int xLen = newTerrain.GetLength(0);
        int zLen = newTerrain.GetLength(1);

        nodeIdMatrix = new int[xLen, zLen];
        mapGraph     = new Graph();
        int   nodeId;
        float wallMargin = 2.0f;

        for (int i = 0; i < xLen; i++)
            float posx = terrainInfo.x_low + stepx / 2 + stepx * i;
            for (int j = 0; j < zLen; j++)
                float posz = terrainInfo.z_low + stepz / 2 + stepz * j;
                if (newTerrain[i, j] == 0.0f && 0.0f == checkTrav(posx, posz + wallMargin) && 0.0f == checkTrav(posx, posz - wallMargin) && 0.0f == checkTrav(posx + wallMargin, posz) && 0.0f == checkTrav(posx - wallMargin, posz))
                    /*GameObject cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive (PrimitiveType.Cube);
                     * Collider c = cube.GetComponent<Collider> ();
                     * c.enabled = false;
                     * cube.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
                     * cube.transform.position = new Vector3 (posx, 0, posz);*/
                    nodeIdMatrix[i, j] = mapGraph.addNode(new Node(posx, posz));
                    mapGraph.getNode(nodeIdMatrix[i, j]).setIndex(i, j);
                    nodeIdMatrix[i, j] = -1;
        float      timeDraw = 1;
        LayerMask  mask     = LayerMask.GetMask("Wall");
        RaycastHit hit;

        for (int i = 0; i < xLen; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < zLen; j++)
                if (nodeIdMatrix[i, j] != -1)
                    nodeId = nodeIdMatrix[i, j];
                    if (nodeIdMatrix[i, j + 1] != -1)
                        Debug.DrawLine(mapGraph.getNode(nodeId).getPosition(), mapGraph.getNode(nodeIdMatrix[i, j + 1]).getPosition(), Color.cyan, timeDraw);
                        mapGraph.addEdge(nodeId, nodeIdMatrix[i, j + 1]);
                    if (nodeIdMatrix[i, j - 1] != -1)
                        Debug.DrawLine(mapGraph.getNode(nodeId).getPosition(), mapGraph.getNode(nodeIdMatrix[i, j - 1]).getPosition(), Color.cyan, timeDraw);
                        mapGraph.addEdge(nodeId, nodeIdMatrix[i, j - 1]);
                    if (nodeIdMatrix[i + 1, j] != -1)
                        Debug.DrawLine(mapGraph.getNode(nodeId).getPosition(), mapGraph.getNode(nodeIdMatrix[i + 1, j]).getPosition(), Color.cyan, timeDraw);
                        mapGraph.addEdge(nodeId, nodeIdMatrix[i + 1, j]);
                    if (nodeIdMatrix[i - 1, j] != -1)
                        Debug.DrawLine(mapGraph.getNode(nodeId).getPosition(), mapGraph.getNode(nodeIdMatrix[i - 1, j]).getPosition(), Color.cyan, timeDraw);
                        mapGraph.addEdge(nodeId, nodeIdMatrix[i - 1, j]);

                    Vector3 from = mapGraph.getNode(nodeId).getPosition();

                     * if(nodeIdMatrix[i-1,j-1] != -1 && !Physics.Raycast(from , mapGraph.getNode(nodeIdMatrix[i-1,j-1]).getPosition()-from, out hit,Vector3.Distance(mapGraph.getNode(nodeIdMatrix[i-1,j-1]).getPosition(),from) , mask)){
                     *  Debug.DrawLine(from,mapGraph.getNode(nodeIdMatrix[i-1,j-1]).getPosition(),Color.cyan,timeDraw);
                     *  mapGraph.addEdge(nodeId,nodeIdMatrix[i-1,j-1]);}
                     * if(nodeIdMatrix[i-1,j+1] != -1 && !Physics.Raycast(from , mapGraph.getNode(nodeIdMatrix[i-1,j+1]).getPosition()-from, out hit,Vector3.Distance(mapGraph.getNode(nodeIdMatrix[i-1,j+1]).getPosition(),from) , mask)){
                     *  Debug.DrawLine(from,mapGraph.getNode(nodeIdMatrix[i-1,j+1]).getPosition(),Color.cyan,timeDraw);
                     *  mapGraph.addEdge(nodeId,nodeIdMatrix[i-1,j+1]);}
                     * if(nodeIdMatrix[i+1,j-1] != -1 && !Physics.Raycast(from , mapGraph.getNode(nodeIdMatrix[i+1,j-1]).getPosition()-from, out hit,Vector3.Distance(mapGraph.getNode(nodeIdMatrix[i+1,j-1]).getPosition(),from) , mask)){
                     *  Debug.DrawLine(from,mapGraph.getNode(nodeIdMatrix[i+1,j-1]).getPosition(),Color.cyan,timeDraw);
                     *  mapGraph.addEdge(nodeId,nodeIdMatrix[i+1,j-1]);}
                     * if(nodeIdMatrix[i+1,j+1] != -1 && !Physics.Raycast(from , mapGraph.getNode(nodeIdMatrix[i+1,j+1]).getPosition()-from, out hit,Vector3.Distance(mapGraph.getNode(nodeIdMatrix[i+1,j+1]).getPosition(),from) , mask)){
                     *  Debug.DrawLine(from,mapGraph.getNode(nodeIdMatrix[i+1,j+1]).getPosition(),Color.cyan,timeDraw);
                     *  mapGraph.addEdge(nodeId,nodeIdMatrix[i+1,j+1]);}*/
 public override void Init(TerrainInfo terrainInfo, int v_count, int h_count, int itemEx_x, int itemEx_y, float offset_x, float offset_y)
     base.Init(terrainInfo, v_count, h_count, itemEx_x, itemEx_y, offset_x, offset_y);
Exemple #34
    public void DrawNoiseParameterGUI(TerrainInfo info, Dictionary <string, bool> EditorWidgetFoldouts)
        EditorWidgetFoldouts["TerrainGenerationWidget"] = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(EditorWidgetFoldouts["TerrainGenerationWidget"], "TerrainGenerationWidget");
        if (EditorWidgetFoldouts["TerrainGenerationWidget"])
            GUILayout.Label("DebugPlane coloring");
            SerializedNoiseParameter.TerrainTextureType = (TextureType)EditorGUI.EnumPopup(EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(), SerializedNoiseParameter.TerrainTextureType);
            var noiseScale = EditorGUI.FloatField(EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(), "Noise Scale", SerializedNoiseParameter.NoiseScale);
            SerializedNoiseParameter.NoiseScale = noiseScale <= 0 ? 0.0001f : noiseScale;
            var baseFrequency = EditorGUI.FloatField(EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(), "Base Frequecny", SerializedNoiseParameter.BaseFrequency);
            SerializedNoiseParameter.BaseFrequency = baseFrequency <= 0 ? 0.0001f : baseFrequency;
            var persistance = EditorGUI.FloatField(EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(), "Persistance", SerializedNoiseParameter.Persistance);
            SerializedNoiseParameter.Persistance = persistance <= 0 ? 0.0001f : persistance;
            var lacunarity = EditorGUI.FloatField(EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(), "Lacunarity", SerializedNoiseParameter.Lacunarity);
            SerializedNoiseParameter.Lacunarity = lacunarity <= 0 ? 0.0001f : lacunarity;
            var octaves = EditorGUI.IntField(EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(), "Number of octaves", SerializedNoiseParameter.NumberOfOctaves);
            SerializedNoiseParameter.NumberOfOctaves     = octaves <= 0 ? 1 : octaves;
            SerializedNoiseParameter.Seed                = EditorGUI.TextField(EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(), "Seed", SerializedNoiseParameter.Seed);
            SerializedNoiseParameter.UserOffset          = EditorGUI.Vector2Field(EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(), "User Offset", SerializedNoiseParameter.UserOffset);
            SerializedNoiseParameter.GlobalNoiseAddition = EditorGUI.FloatField(EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(), "Global noise add", SerializedNoiseParameter.GlobalNoiseAddition);
            SerializedNoiseParameter.CustomFunction      = (CustomFunctionType)EditorGUI.EnumPopup(EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(), SerializedNoiseParameter.CustomFunction);
            if (SerializedNoiseParameter.CustomFunction == CustomFunctionType.kCustom)
                var customExponent = EditorGUI.FloatField(EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(), "Custom Exponent", SerializedNoiseParameter.CustomExponent);
                SerializedNoiseParameter.CustomExponent = customExponent <= 0 ? 0.0001f : customExponent;
            GUILayout.Label("Pick a generation type");
            info.GenerationType = (GenerationType)EditorGUI.EnumPopup(EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(), info.GenerationType);

            if (GUI.Button(EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(), "Paint the terrain!"))
                if (info.GenerationType != GenerationType.kSingleRun)
                    Debug.LogWarningFormat("WARNING: Parameter _GenerationType is {0}, needs to be kSingleRun (can't paint terrain in runtime), changing to single run.", info.GenerationType.ToString());
                    info.GenerationType = GenerationType.kSingleRun;
            GUILayout.Label("Saved noise presets");
            var lastIndex = CurrentSelectedIndexNoise;
            CurrentSelectedIndexNoise = EditorGUILayout.Popup(CurrentSelectedIndexNoise, AllNoiseParameterNames, GUILayout.Width(250));
            DeleteFailsafe            = lastIndex != CurrentSelectedIndexNoise ? 0 : DeleteFailsafe;
            if (GUILayout.Button(string.Format("Delete selected preset ({0})", DeleteFailsafe), GUILayout.MaxWidth(200)))
                if (DeleteFailsafe == 2)
                    DeleteFailsafe = 0;
                    TryGeneratingSavedNoiseParameters(info, false);
            if (GUI.Button(EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(), "Load preset"))
                TryGeneratingSavedNoiseParameters(info, true);
            EditorGUI.LabelField(EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(), "Terrain parameter serializer, saves the current terrain preset configuration.");
            NoisePresetName = EditorGUI.TextField(EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(), "Terrain preset name: ", NoisePresetName);
            if (GUI.Button(EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(), "Save preset"))
                SerializedNoiseParameter.NoiseParameterName = NoisePresetName;
                SerializationManager.SaveNoiseParameters(NoisePresetName, SerializedNoiseParameter);
                TryGeneratingSavedNoiseParameters(info, false);
        SetCorrectNoiseParams(SerializedNoiseParameter, ref info);
        EditorPrefs.SetInt("ParameterPresetNoiseIdx", CurrentSelectedIndexNoise);
 void Start()
     if (!isServer)
     if (terrainParent != null)
         terrainParentInfo = terrainParent.GetComponent<TerrainInfo>();
     //Random.seed = randomSeedValue;//Sets the seed value of the Random class.
     if (placementState == Placement.Random)
         RandomPlacement(this.maxNumberOfAssets, this.assets);
     if (placementState == Placement.Area)
         AreaPlacement(this.areaRadius, this.maxNumberOfAssets, this.assetID, true);
     if (placementState == Placement.Fill)
         FillPlacement(this.heightMin, this.heightMax, this.isBetween, this.maxNumberOfAssets);