// Methods /*Start Battle Method Outline */ /* 1) Get good and bad guys. * 2) Create an array that can hold all characters. * 3) Sort array by agility. * 4) Loop through array, giving each character a turn. Start over at the first element you the last goes.(L) * 5) For each players turn, MATH and handle choices. (F) * 6) If a player character defeats an enemy, call the gainExperience method of the character and send the worth of the enemy it defeated. */ public void startBattle() { mGoodGuys = mGame.getParty(); mBadGuys = new EnemyFactory().getEnemyParty(mGoodGuys.getLevel()); turnOrder = mGoodGuys.getTurnOrder(mBadGuys); selectFirstCharacter(); while(!battleOver()) { if (currentActor.mIsPlayer) { executeAction(mGame.getPlayerAction()); } else { executeAction(currentActor.mAI.ai(turnOrder)); } } }