/*This function controls the player attack*/
    public void playerAttack()
        if (playerTurn)                                                             //see if it is the player's turn
            playerFire.shootProjectile();                                           //fire the designated player projectile

            playerTurn = false;                                                     //player turn over
            enemyTurn  = true;                                                      //now enemy turn
    /* This function timest the enemy attack so that there is a pause before
     * and after to allow the animations to complete before it becomes the player's turn*/
    IEnumerator TimedAttack()
        attackbutton.interactable = false;                        //disable attack button for player
        yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(3));              //wait 3 seconds

        if (!enemy.gameObject.GetComponent <EntityHealth>().dead) //only complete the attack if the enemy is not dead
            animator.SetTrigger("robotTrigger");                  //call the enemy attack animation
            yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(1));          //wait 1 second

            enemyFire.shootProjectile();                          //call the projectile
        }                                                         //enemy attack
        yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(3));              //wait 3 seconds

        attackbutton.interactable = true;                         //enable attack button for player