Exemple #1
        // Main function for where instructions are placed for computer to execute.
        static void Main()
            // 1) Print out line of text.
            Console.WriteLine("1) Hello Marsh!!");

            // Using employee namespace from "EmployeeData". Included at top.
            EmployeeData.EmployeeInfo.Employee1("Marsh", "1");

            // Create a string variable
            string testing = "2) This is just a test";

            // 2) Print out string variable.
            // Returns a true value if string contains the following phrase.
            // Returns the seconds character of the string.
            // Returns the 4 characters of the string testing starting at index 11. Index includes spaces.
            Console.WriteLine(testing.Substring(11, 4));

            // 3) Print out a floating point number.
            double test_number = 4.54;

            Console.WriteLine("3) " + test_number);

            // 4) Allow user to enter a line of text.
            //This line allows a user to write a line of text without the program jumping to the next executing line.
            Console.Write("4) Enter your name here: ");
            // Stores the line of text entered as a string.
            string name = Console.ReadLine();

            // 5) Repeat nomenclature for entering age.
            Console.Write("5) Enter your age: ");
            string age = Console.ReadLine();

            // 6) Printout entered text.
            Console.WriteLine("6) Hello " + name + ", you are " + age + " years old!");

            // Create an array of inegers.
            int[] array1 = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
            array1[1] = 6000;

            // 7) Declare & compose 3 strings to output a sentence.
            var string1 = "Hi";
            var string2 = ", my name is Marshman!";
            var string3 = " Whats yours?";

            Console.WriteLine("7)" + string1 + string2 + string3);

            // 8) Append a string to a Stringbuilder object.
            var sb  = new StringBuilder();
            var sb2 = new StringBuilder("Hello man");

            sb.Append("8) Bighead :)");

            // 9) String Formatter
            var nine_city        = "Indianapolis"; //string
            var nine_temperature = 85.6f;          //floating point number
            var nine_date        = DateTime.Now;   //date & time

            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("9) Welcome to {0}, the temperature is {1} Deg. F, while the date is {2}.", nine_city, nine_temperature, nine_date));

            // 10) Parsing string into an integer.
            var nine_int_string = "13";
            var nine_int1       = int.Parse(nine_int_string);

            Console.WriteLine("10) " + nine_int1);

            // 11) Date time example
            var eleven_birthday      = new DateTime(1995, 9, 10); //Create an object for a custom date.
            var eleven_ageDifference = DateTime.Now - eleven_birthday;

            Console.WriteLine("11) You are currently " + (eleven_ageDifference.Days / 365) + " Years old");
            Console.WriteLine("11) " + eleven_birthday.ToLongDateString());    //Change date time to string date format.

            // 12) Imported from class "Basketball".
            Basketball mvp = new Basketball(2);

            Console.WriteLine("12) " + mvp.totalPoints);
            mvp.fouled();   // Call "fouled()" function.
            Console.WriteLine("12) " + mvp.totalPoints);

            // 13) Abstract method imported from derived class "Lakers".
            Lakers thirteen_result = new Lakers();

            Console.WriteLine("13) Total players of the month " + thirteen_result.players_of_the_month());

            // 14) Virtual method imported from base class "Teams".
            Lakers fourteen_result_1 = new Lakers();

            Console.WriteLine("14) " + fourteen_result_1.best_player("LeBron James"));

            //Keeps console window up after compiling the code. Waits for an entry of text.