IEnumerator Next()
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2.5f));

        gameBall = (GameObject)Instantiate(ball, new Vector3(9.711f, 0.825f, 7.741f), Quaternion.identity);
        bm       = gameBall.GetComponent <Basketball>();
Exemple #2
    private void OnSceneGUI()
        Basketball ball = target as Basketball;

        Quaternion rot = Handles.RotationHandle(ball.rotation, ball.transform.position);

        if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
            Undo.RecordObject(ball, "Rotated RotateAt Point");
            ball.rotation = rot;

        if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
            Transform transform = ((Basketball)target).transform;
            Handles.color = Handles.zAxisColor;
            Handles.ArrowHandleCap(0, transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0, 0f), transform.rotation * Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.forward), size, EventType.Repaint);

        Handles.color = Color.cyan;
        float hizScale = Handles.ScaleSlider(ball.Hiz, ball.transform.position, ball.transform.forward, ball.transform.rotation, HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(ball.transform.position), 0.1f);

        ball.Hiz = hizScale;
        Handles.Label(ball.transform.position + (Vector3.up * 1.25f), string.Format("Açı: {0}\nHız: {1}", ball.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.x, ball.Hiz));
Exemple #3
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     basketball   = GetComponent <Basketball>();
     duzlemNormal = Duzlem.transform.up;
     HizVektoru   = basketball.Hiz * basketball.transform.forward;
 public ActionResult AddOrEdit(Basketball entry)
     using (BasketballEntities db = new BasketballEntities())
         var success = true;                    //Setting condition
         var message = "";                      //Test logic
         var newList = db.Basketballs.ToList(); //creating new list to compare too
         var compare = from c in newList
                       where c.Exercise == entry.Exercise && c.ExerciseDate == entry.ExerciseDate
                       select c; //LINQ to filter what to compare
         if (compare.Any())      //Checking if same exercise added on same day
             success = false;
             message = "false!";
         else     //IF condition is met, add and save data entry
             success = true;
             message = "succesful save!";
         return(Json(new { success, message }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
    void Update()
        if (!aimingMode) return;
        Vector3 mousePos2D = Input.mousePosition;
        mousePos2D.z = -Camera.main.transform.position.z;
        Vector3 mousePos3D = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(mousePos2D);
        Vector3 mouseDelta = mousePos3D - launchPos;
        float maxMagnitude = this.GetComponent<SphereCollider>().radius;
        if (mouseDelta.magnitude > maxMagnitude)
            mouseDelta *= maxMagnitude;

        Vector3 projPos = launchPos + mouseDelta;
        projectile.transform.position = projPos;
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
            aimingMode = false;
            projectileRigidbody.isKinematic = false;
            projectileRigidbody.velocity = -mouseDelta * velocityMult;
            FollowCam.POI = projectile;
            projectile = null;
Exemple #6
        public void BasketballRentTest(int startHours, int startMinutes, int endHours, int endMinutes, double expectedCost)
            IRentable basketball = new Basketball();
            var       cost       = basketball.CalculateTotalRentCost(new DateTime(2019, 09, 05, startHours, startMinutes, 00),
                                                                     new DateTime(2019, 09, 05, endHours, endMinutes, 00));

            Assert.Equal(Math.Round(expectedCost, 2), Math.Round(cost, 2));
        public void enumStartingFive()
            Basketball pointGuard = Basketball.Stockton;
            Basketball center     = Basketball.Shaq;

Exemple #8
        public Form1()
            fGames = new List <Game <Football> >();
            bGames = new List <Game <Basketball> >();

            //TEMP GAMES
            Basketball            detailsHome = new Basketball();
            Details <int, String> detail1     = new Details <int, string>();

            detail1.key             = 30;
            detail1.value           = "Kobe Bryant";
            detailsHome.gameDetails = new List <Details <int, string> >();

            Basketball            detailsAway = new Basketball();
            Details <int, String> detail2     = new Details <int, string>();

            detail2.key             = 25;
            detail2.value           = "Rajon Rondo";
            detailsAway.gameDetails = new List <Details <int, string> >();

            DateTime date = new DateTime();

            Game <Basketball> bGame = new Game <Basketball>("LA Lakers", "NO Pelicans", 30, 25, detailsHome, detailsAway, date);


            Football detailsHome2            = new Football();
            Details <String, String> detail3 = new Details <String, String>();

            detail3.key              = "25min";
            detail3.value            = "Sergio Ramos";
            detailsHome2.gameDetails = new List <Details <String, String> >();

            Football detailsAway2            = new Football();
            Details <String, String> detail4 = new Details <String, String>();

            detail4.key              = "55min";
            detail4.value            = "Lionel Messi";
            detailsAway2.gameDetails = new List <Details <String, String> >();

            DateTime date2 = new DateTime();

            Game <Football> fGame = new Game <Football>("Real Madrid", "Barcelona", 1, 1, detailsHome2, detailsAway2, date);


            footballListBox.DataSource   = fGames;
            basketballListBox.DataSource = bGames;
Exemple #9
        public async Task <List <Basketball> > GetBasketball()
            var document = new HtmlDocument();
            var client   = new WebClient();

            client.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.UserAgent, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.106 Safari/537.36");
            var htmlData = await client.DownloadStringTaskAsync(BasketballUrl);

            var table             = document.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(".//div[@id='all_misc_stats']");
            var tableWithComments = table.OuterHtml;
            var tableUncommented  = tableWithComments.Replace("<!--", "").Replace("-->", "");
            var document1         = new HtmlDocument();


            var rows        = document1.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(".//tbody").SelectNodes(".//tr");
            var basketballs = new List <Basketball>();

            foreach (var row in rows)
                var items = row.ChildNodes;
                var bass  = new Basketball
                    Rk               = items[0].InnerText,
                    Team             = items[1].InnerText,
                    Age              = items[2].InnerText,
                    Wins             = items[3].InnerText,
                    Losses           = items[4].InnerText,
                    WinsPyth         = items[5].InnerText,
                    LossesPyth       = items[6].InnerText,
                    MOV              = items[7].InnerText,
                    SOS              = items[8].InnerText,
                    SRS              = items[9].InnerText,
                    OffRtg           = items[10].InnerText,
                    DefRtg           = items[11].InnerText,
                    Pace             = items[12].InnerText,
                    Fta_per_fga_pct  = items[13].InnerText,
                    Fg3a_per_fga_pct = items[14].InnerText,
                    TSProcent        = items[15].InnerText,
                    EfgPrc           = items[16].InnerText,
                    TOVProcent       = items[17].InnerText,
                    ORBProcent       = items[18].InnerText,
                    FTRate           = items[19].InnerText,
                    Opp_efg_pct      = items[20].InnerText,
                    Opp_tov_pct      = items[21].InnerText,
                    DRBProcent       = items[22].InnerText,
                    Opp_ft_rate      = items[23].InnerText,
                    Arena            = items[24].InnerText,
                    Attend           = items[25].InnerText,
                    Attendance_Per   = items[26].InnerText,
Exemple #10
    public void InitializeObjects()
        controller = GameObject.Find("GameController").GetComponent <GameController>();

        basketball          = controller.BasketballObject;
        basketballRigidbody = controller.BasketballRigidbody;
        player       = controller.PlayerObject;
        playerCamera = controller.PlayerCamera;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Game game = new Football();

            game = new Basketball();
 private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
     if (other.gameObject.tag == "Projectile" && scored == false)
         Goal.goalMet = true;
         Material mat = GetComponent <Renderer>().material;
         Color    c   = mat.color;
         c.a       = 1;
         mat.color = c;
         scored    = true;
    void Start()
        scored     = 0;
        notInBin   = true;
        self       = GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds;
        basketball = GetComponent <Basketball>();

        Vector3 a = new Vector3(1, 2, 0);
        Vector3 b = new Vector3(-2, 3, 5);

        Vector2 c = new Vector2(0, -4);
        Vector2 d = new Vector2(-4, 1);
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     basketball      = GetComponent <Basketball>();
     duzlemNormal    = Duzlem.transform.forward * -1;
     HizVektoru      = basketball.Hiz * basketball.transform.forward;
     PoligonVertices = Duzlem.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices;
     for (int i = 0; i < PoligonVertices.Length; i++)
         PoligonVertices[i].x *= Duzlem.transform.localScale.x;
         PoligonVertices[i].y *= Duzlem.transform.localScale.y;
         PoligonVertices[i].z *= Duzlem.transform.localScale.z;
    void Start()
        foreach (Renderer rend in objects)
            if (rend.tag != "invisableCube")
                rend.enabled = true;
        scored = 0;
        self   = GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds;

        basketball = GetComponent <Basketball>();
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        player     = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent <Player>();
        basketball = GameObject.Find("Basketball").GetComponent <Basketball>();
        Debug.Log(basketball == null);
        basketballRigidbody = basketball.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        playerCamera        = GameObject.Find("FirstPersonCharacter");

        resetTimerInitial = 10.0f;
        resetTimer        = resetTimerInitial;
        resetGame         = false;
        pauseTimer        = false;

    private void Update()
        if (gameTime == 5)
            if (gameScore >= 1)
                win = 1;
                win = 2;

            Destroy(gameBall, 2f);

        if (bm.ground >= 1 && changeGoal && changeGround)
            changeGround = false;

            Destroy(gameBall, 1.5f);

            if (gameTime < 5)
                gameBall = (GameObject)Instantiate(ball, new Vector3(9.711f, 0.825f, 7.741f), Quaternion.identity);
                bm       = gameBall.GetComponent <Basketball>();

        else if (bm.ground == 0 && changeGoal && !changeGround)
            changeGround = true;

        if (bm.goal >= 1 && changeGoal && changeGround)
            changeGoal = false;

        else if (bm.goal == 0 && !changeGoal && changeGround)
            changeGoal = true;
Exemple #18
 private void addNewGameOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (gameTypeBox.SelectedItem.Equals("Кошарка"))//Basketball
         if (!(homeTeamTextBox.Text is null || homeTeamTextBox.Text.Equals("")) &&
             !(awayTeamTextBox.Text is null || awayTeamTextBox.Text.Equals("")))
             Basketball homeTeam = new Basketball();
             Basketball awayTeam = new Basketball();
             homeTeam.gameDetails = detailsHome;
             awayTeam.gameDetails = detailsAway;
             bGame = new Game <Basketball>(homeTeamTextBox.Text, awayTeamTextBox.Text, int.Parse(homeTeamScoreTextBox.Text), int.Parse(awayTeamScoreTextBox.Text), homeTeam, awayTeam, dateOfMatch.Value);
             MessageBox.Show("Погрешни податоци!", "ГРЕШКА", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Exemple #19
        public void TeamDefaultInitsTest()
            ISport football = new Football();
            ITeam  eagles   = new Team(football, "Eagles");

            Assert.AreEqual(eagles.Name, "Eagles");
            Assert.AreEqual(eagles.ID, 404); // 404 is default ID

            Assert.AreEqual(eagles.PlayerList.Count, 0);
            Assert.AreEqual(eagles.SportPlayed.Name, "Football");
            Assert.AreEqual(eagles.StatList.Count, 4);

            ISport baseball = new Baseball();

            eagles = new Team(baseball, "Eagles");
            Assert.AreEqual(eagles.SportPlayed.Name, "Baseball");

            ISport basketBall = new Basketball();

            eagles = new Team(basketBall, "Eagles");
            Assert.AreEqual(eagles.SportPlayed.Name, "Basketball");
Exemple #20
        public string PrintMatchEvents()
            Random randNumEvents = new Random();
            int    amountOfEvents;             // a random amount of times events will occur

            Random randSeed = new Random();    // seed for random players and teams

            int randEventSeed;                 // for getting a random sport event

            this.MatchResultOutputString = ""; // reset output string

            if (Match.SportPlayed.GetType() == typeof(Football))
                Football football = new Football();

                amountOfEvents = randNumEvents.Next(10, 18);

                for (int i = 0; i < amountOfEvents; i++)
                    randEventSeed = randSeed.Next(0, Match.SportPlayed.NumEvents);

                    ITeam teamChosen = Match.getRandomTeam(randSeed);

                    if (randEventSeed == 0)
                        teamChosen.StatList[0].Value++; // increment touchdowns
                        teamChosen.Score        += 7;
                        MatchResultOutputString += football.Touchdown(teamChosen.GetRandomPlayer(randSeed));
                    else if (randEventSeed == 1)
                        teamChosen.StatList[1].Value++; // increment Interceptions
                        MatchResultOutputString += football.Interception(teamChosen.GetRandomPlayer(randSeed));
                    else if (randEventSeed == 2)
                        teamChosen.StatList[2].Value++; // increment field goals
                        teamChosen.Score        += 3;
                        MatchResultOutputString += football.FieldGoal(teamChosen.GetRandomPlayer(randSeed));
                    else if (randEventSeed == 3)
                        teamChosen.StatList[3].Value++; // increment penalties
                        MatchResultOutputString += football.Penalty(teamChosen.GetRandomPlayer(randSeed));
            else if (Match.SportPlayed.GetType() == typeof(Baseball))
                Baseball baseball = new Baseball();

                amountOfEvents = randNumEvents.Next(6, 12);

                for (int i = 0; i < amountOfEvents; i++)
                    randEventSeed = randSeed.Next(0, Match.SportPlayed.NumEvents);

                    ITeam teamChosen = Match.getRandomTeam(randSeed);

                    if (randEventSeed == 0)
                        int scoreAmount = randSeed.Next(1, 4);
                        teamChosen.Score        += scoreAmount;
                        MatchResultOutputString += baseball.HomeRun(teamChosen.GetRandomPlayer(randSeed));
                    else if (randEventSeed == 1)
                        teamChosen.Score        += 1;
                        MatchResultOutputString += baseball.ScoreRun(teamChosen.GetRandomPlayer(randSeed));
                    else if (randEventSeed == 2)
                        teamChosen.Score        += 4;
                        MatchResultOutputString += baseball.GrandSlam(teamChosen.GetRandomPlayer(randSeed));
            else if (Match.SportPlayed.GetType() == typeof(Hockey))
                Hockey hockey = new Hockey();

                amountOfEvents = randNumEvents.Next(3, 13);

                for (int i = 0; i < amountOfEvents; i++)
                    randEventSeed = randSeed.Next(0, Match.SportPlayed.NumEvents);

                    ITeam teamChosen = Match.getRandomTeam(randSeed);

                    if (randEventSeed == 0)
                        teamChosen.Score        += 1;
                        MatchResultOutputString += hockey.Score(teamChosen.GetRandomPlayer(randSeed));
                    else if (randEventSeed == 1)
                        MatchResultOutputString += hockey.Fight(teamChosen.GetRandomPlayer(randSeed));
                    else if (randEventSeed == 2)
                        MatchResultOutputString += hockey.StealPuck(teamChosen.GetRandomPlayer(randSeed));
            else if (Match.SportPlayed.GetType() == typeof(Basketball))
                Basketball basketBall = new Basketball();

                amountOfEvents = randNumEvents.Next(20, 35);

                for (int i = 0; i < amountOfEvents; i++)
                    randEventSeed = randSeed.Next(0, Match.SportPlayed.NumEvents);

                    ITeam teamChosen = Match.getRandomTeam(randSeed);

                    if (randEventSeed == 0)
                        teamChosen.Score        += 3;
                        MatchResultOutputString += basketBall.ThreePoint(teamChosen.GetRandomPlayer(randSeed));
                    else if (randEventSeed == 1)
                        teamChosen.Score        += 2;
                        MatchResultOutputString += basketBall.TwoPoint(teamChosen.GetRandomPlayer(randSeed));
                    else if (randEventSeed == 2)
                        MatchResultOutputString += basketBall.Foul(teamChosen.GetRandomPlayer(randSeed));
                    else if (randEventSeed == 3)
                        teamChosen.Score        += 2;
                        MatchResultOutputString += basketBall.Dunk(teamChosen.GetRandomPlayer(randSeed));
Exemple #21
 void Awake()
     Instance = this;
Exemple #22
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     S = this;
     SwitchView("Show Both");
Exemple #23
        // Main function for where instructions are placed for computer to execute.
        static void Main()
            // 1) Print out line of text.
            Console.WriteLine("1) Hello Marsh!!");

            // Using employee namespace from "EmployeeData". Included at top.
            EmployeeData.EmployeeInfo.Employee1("Marsh", "1");

            // Create a string variable
            string testing = "2) This is just a test";

            // 2) Print out string variable.
            // Returns a true value if string contains the following phrase.
            // Returns the seconds character of the string.
            // Returns the 4 characters of the string testing starting at index 11. Index includes spaces.
            Console.WriteLine(testing.Substring(11, 4));

            // 3) Print out a floating point number.
            double test_number = 4.54;

            Console.WriteLine("3) " + test_number);

            // 4) Allow user to enter a line of text.
            //This line allows a user to write a line of text without the program jumping to the next executing line.
            Console.Write("4) Enter your name here: ");
            // Stores the line of text entered as a string.
            string name = Console.ReadLine();

            // 5) Repeat nomenclature for entering age.
            Console.Write("5) Enter your age: ");
            string age = Console.ReadLine();

            // 6) Printout entered text.
            Console.WriteLine("6) Hello " + name + ", you are " + age + " years old!");

            // Create an array of inegers.
            int[] array1 = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
            array1[1] = 6000;

            // 7) Declare & compose 3 strings to output a sentence.
            var string1 = "Hi";
            var string2 = ", my name is Marshman!";
            var string3 = " Whats yours?";

            Console.WriteLine("7)" + string1 + string2 + string3);

            // 8) Append a string to a Stringbuilder object.
            var sb  = new StringBuilder();
            var sb2 = new StringBuilder("Hello man");

            sb.Append("8) Bighead :)");

            // 9) String Formatter
            var nine_city        = "Indianapolis"; //string
            var nine_temperature = 85.6f;          //floating point number
            var nine_date        = DateTime.Now;   //date & time

            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("9) Welcome to {0}, the temperature is {1} Deg. F, while the date is {2}.", nine_city, nine_temperature, nine_date));

            // 10) Parsing string into an integer.
            var nine_int_string = "13";
            var nine_int1       = int.Parse(nine_int_string);

            Console.WriteLine("10) " + nine_int1);

            // 11) Date time example
            var eleven_birthday      = new DateTime(1995, 9, 10); //Create an object for a custom date.
            var eleven_ageDifference = DateTime.Now - eleven_birthday;

            Console.WriteLine("11) You are currently " + (eleven_ageDifference.Days / 365) + " Years old");
            Console.WriteLine("11) " + eleven_birthday.ToLongDateString());    //Change date time to string date format.

            // 12) Imported from class "Basketball".
            Basketball mvp = new Basketball(2);

            Console.WriteLine("12) " + mvp.totalPoints);
            mvp.fouled();   // Call "fouled()" function.
            Console.WriteLine("12) " + mvp.totalPoints);

            // 13) Abstract method imported from derived class "Lakers".
            Lakers thirteen_result = new Lakers();

            Console.WriteLine("13) Total players of the month " + thirteen_result.players_of_the_month());

            // 14) Virtual method imported from base class "Teams".
            Lakers fourteen_result_1 = new Lakers();

            Console.WriteLine("14) " + fourteen_result_1.best_player("LeBron James"));

            //Keeps console window up after compiling the code. Waits for an entry of text.
 public ActionResult Edit(Basketball.Domain.Entities.DayOfWeek @dayOfWeek)
     if (ModelState.IsValid) {
                 return RedirectToAction("Index");
         return View(@dayOfWeek);