Exemple #1
    public void OnProjectileHit(Projectile projectile)
        if (!Owner && GameObj.transform.parent)
            Owner = GameObj.transform.parent.gameObject.GetFirstComponentUpward <AgentHuman>();

        if ((Owner != null) && (Owner.IsFriend(projectile.Agent) == true))
            projectile.ignoreThisHit = true;

        Vector3 impulse = (projectile.Transform.forward * (projectile.Impulse * 0.005f)) + (Vector3.up * (projectile.Impulse * 0.002f));

//		Debug.Log ("HatObject, impulse=" + impulse.ToString("F5") + ", projectile.Impulse=" + projectile.Impulse.ToString("F5") + ", impulse.magnitude=" + impulse.magnitude);
//		Debug.DrawLine(GameObj.transform.position, GameObj.transform.position + impulse, Color.red, 5.0f);

        if (uLink.Network.isServer)
            if (Owner)
                //send impulse to clients
                Owner.NetworkView.RPC("ShotOffHat", uLink.RPCMode.Others, impulse, false);

                //shot off the hat on server
                Owner.ShotOffHat(impulse, true);
            //apply impulse to a hat which is already shot off
            if (null == GameObj.transform.parent)
                GameObj.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = false;
                GameObj.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().useGravity  = true;

                GameObj.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().AddForce(impulse, ForceMode.Impulse);
                return;                 // on client and still on head --> do nothing

        DestroyTime = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad + 20;         //destroy hat after 20 seconds