Exemple #1
    // ------
    protected override void OnUpdate()

        if (Camera.main == null)

        AgentHuman player     = Owner.LocalPlayer.Owner;
        BlackBoard blackBoard = player.BlackBoard;

        if (player.LastHitTime + 0.15f > Time.timeSinceLevelLoad)
            m_CrosshairHit.Widget.Show(true, true);
            m_CrosshairHit.Widget.Show(false, true);

        WeaponBase weapon = player.WeaponComponent.GetCurrentWeapon();

        if (!weapon || weapon.PreparedForFireProgress < 0 || !player.IsAlive)
            if (m_PrepareForFire.IsVisible())
                m_PrepareForFire.Show(false, true);
            if (!m_PrepareForFire.IsVisible())
                m_PrepareForFire.Show(true, true);
            float   progress = weapon.PreparedForFireProgress;
            Color   color    = Color.white * (1 - progress) + Color.green * progress;
            Vector3 offset   = new Vector3(75 + 70 * (1 - progress), 0, 0);
            Vector3 basePos  = m_PrepareForFire.transform.localPosition;

            m_PrepareForFireA.Color = color;
            m_PrepareForFireB.Color = color;
            m_PrepareForFireA.transform.localPosition = basePos - offset;
            m_PrepareForFireB.transform.localPosition = basePos + offset;

        const float crosshairDistance = 200.0f;
        //do jake vzdalenosti testujeme kolizi zda mirime na enemy (todo: mozna pouzit konstantu z UpdateIdealFireDir)
        bool aimingHit      = false;
        bool showEnemyLabel = false;
        //test collision in aiming sight
        Ray        ray  = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(new Vector2(Screen.width / 2, Screen.height / 2));
        LayerMask  mask = (ObjectLayerMask.Default | ObjectLayerMask.PhysicsMetal | ObjectLayerMask.Ragdoll);
        Vector3    hitPoint;
        GameObject go    = CollisionUtils.FirstCollisionOnRay(ray, crosshairDistance, player.GameObject, out hitPoint, mask);
        Agent      agent = null;

        if (go)
            agent = GameObjectUtils.GetFirstComponentUpward <Agent>(go);
            if (!agent || (agent == Player.LocalInstance.Owner) || !agent.IsAlive || agent.IsFriend(player))
                agent = null;
        if (!agent)
            mask = ObjectLayerMask.Ragdoll;
            go   = CollisionUtils.FirstSphereCollisionOnRay(ray, 0.6f, crosshairDistance, player.GameObject, out hitPoint, mask);
            if (go)
                mask          = ObjectLayerMask.Default | ObjectLayerMask.PhysicsMetal | ObjectLayerMask.Ragdoll;
                ray.direction = hitPoint - ray.origin;
                GameObject go2 = CollisionUtils.FirstCollisionOnRay(ray, crosshairDistance, player.GameObject, out hitPoint, mask);                 // to be accurate
                if (go2)
                    agent = GameObjectUtils.GetFirstComponentUpward <Agent>(go2);
                    if (!agent || (agent == Player.LocalInstance.Owner) || !agent.IsAlive || agent.IsFriend(player))
                        agent = null;

        if (agent)
            //is it enemy?
            //Sem pridavat dalsi typy enemacu co nejsou podedene z agenta
            Agent a = GameObjectUtils.GetFirstComponentUpward <Agent>(go);
            if (a && (a != Player.LocalInstance.Owner) && a.IsAlive && !a.IsFriend(player))
                aimingHit = true;
                PlayerPersistantInfo ppi = PPIManager.Instance.GetPPI(a.networkView.owner);
                if (ppi != null)
                    SetTextAndAdjustBackground(ppi.NameForGui, m_EnemyLabelName, m_EnemyLabel, m_EnemyLabelOrigWidth, m_EnemyLabelNameOrigScale);
                    showEnemyLabel = true;
                E_Team enemyTeam = (ppi != null) ? ppi.Team : E_Team.None;
                if (Client.Instance.GameState.GameType == E_MPGameType.DeathMatch)
                    enemyTeam = E_Team.Bad;
                m_EnemyLabel.Color          = ZoneControlFlag.Colors[enemyTeam];
                m_CrosshairHit.Widget.Color = ZoneControlFlag.Colors[E_Team.Bad];
                //m_Crosshair[(int)E_CrosshairType.Target].Widget.Color = ZoneControlFlag.Colors[E_Team.Bad];
                //foreach (GUIBase_Widget widget in m_CrosshairTargetChilds)
                //	widget.Color = ZoneControlFlag.Colors[E_Team.Bad];
        m_EnemyLabel.Show(showEnemyLabel, true);

        if (aimingHit || blackBoard.Desires.MeleeTarget && player.CanMelee())