HasTag() public method

Returns true if creature's race data has the tag.
public HasTag ( string tag ) : bool
tag string
return bool
Example #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Handles Heavy Stander bonuses and auto-defense, reducing damage
		/// and setting the appropriate options on tAction. Returns whether
		/// or not Heavy Stander pinged.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// All active and passive Heavy Standers are checked in sequence,
		/// followed by the equipment, with the passive damage reduction
		/// stacking. It's unknown whether this is official, and assumedly
		/// no monsters have multiple Heavy Stander skills.
		/// The ping reduction is only applied once, no matter where it
		/// came from.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="attacker"></param>
		/// <param name="target"></param>
		/// <param name="damage"></param>
		/// <param name="tAction"></param>
		public static bool Handle(Creature attacker, Creature target, ref float damage, TargetAction tAction)
			var pinged = false;
			var rank = DefaultMsgRank;
			var rnd = RandomProvider.Get();

			// Dark Lord is immune to melee and magic damage,
			// like a R1 passive defense, but he doesn't ping.
			if (target.HasTag("/darklord/") && !target.HasTag("/darklord/darklord2/"))
				damage = 1;
				return false;

			// Monsters with the /beatable_only/ tag don't take damage from
			// anything but pillows. Pillows on the other hand do 3x damage.
			// (Guessed, based on event information and client data.)
			if (target.HasTag("/beatable_only/"))
				var rightHand = attacker.RightHand;
				if (rightHand == null || !rightHand.HasTag("/pillow/"))
					damage = 1;
					damage *= 3;

			// Check skills
			for (int i = 0; i < Skills.Length; ++i)
				// Check if skill exists and it's either in use or passive
				var skill = target.Skills.Get(Skills[i]);
				if (skill != null && (skill.Info.Id == SkillId.HeavyStanderPassive || skill.Has(SkillFlags.InUse)))
					var damageReduction = skill.RankData.Var1;
					var activationChance = skill.RankData.Var3;

					// Apply damage reduction
					if (damageReduction > 0)
						damage = Math.Max(1, damage - (damage / 100 * damageReduction));

					// Apply auto defense
					if (!pinged && rnd.Next(100) < activationChance)
						pinged = true;
						rank = skill.Info.Rank;

			// Check equipment
			if (!pinged)
				var equipment = target.Inventory.GetMainEquipment();
				for (int i = 0; i < equipment.Length; ++i)
					var activationChance = equipment[i].Data.AutoDefenseMelee;

					// Add upgrades
					activationChance += equipment[i].MetaData1.GetFloat("IM_MLE") * 100;

					if (activationChance > 0 && rnd.Next(100) < activationChance)
						pinged = true;

			// Notice, flag, and damage reduction
			if (pinged)
				damage = Math.Max(1, damage / 2);

				tAction.EffectFlags |= EffectFlags.HeavyStander;

				var msg = "";
				if (rank >= SkillRank.Novice && rank <= SkillRank.RA)
					msg = rnd.Rnd(Lv1Msgs);
				else if (rank >= SkillRank.R9 && rank <= SkillRank.R5)
					msg = rnd.Rnd(Lv2Msgs);
				else if (rank >= SkillRank.R4 && rank <= SkillRank.R1)
					msg = rnd.Rnd(Lv3Msgs);

				Send.Notice(attacker, msg);

			return pinged;
Example #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Returns true if creature is able to attack this creature.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="creature"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public bool CanAttack(Creature creature)
			if (creature.IsInvincible)
				return false;
			//Check override first...
			foreach (object target in this.AttackOverride)
				//Check state first, then tag, then the creature itself.
				if (target is CreatureStates)
					if (creature.Has((CreatureStates)target))
						return true;
				else if (target is string)
					if (creature.HasTag((string)target))
						return true;
					if (creature == target)
						return true;
			//Then check the actual filter.
			foreach (object target in this.AttackFilter)
				//Check state first, then tag, then the creature itself.
				if (target is CreatureStates)
					if (creature.Has((CreatureStates)target))
						return false;
				else if (target is string)
					if (creature.HasTag((string)target))
						return false;
					if (creature == target)
						return false;

			return true;
Example #3
		public override bool Matches(Creature creature)
			var isTag = (creature.HasTag(this.Tag));
			return isTag;