CanTarget() public method

Returns true if creature is able to attack this creature.
public CanTarget ( Creature creature ) : bool
creature Creature
return bool
Example #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Bolt specific use code.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="attacker"></param>
		/// <param name="skill"></param>
		/// <param name="target"></param>
		protected override void UseSkillOnTarget(Creature attacker, Skill skill, Creature mainTarget)
			// Create actions
			var aAction = new AttackerAction(CombatActionType.RangeHit, attacker, skill.Info.Id, mainTarget.EntityId);

			var cap = new CombatActionPack(attacker, skill.Info.Id, aAction);

			var targets = new List<Creature>();
			targets.AddRange(mainTarget.Region.GetCreaturesInRange(mainTarget.GetPosition(), SplashRange).Where(a => a != mainTarget && attacker.CanTarget(a) && attacker.CanAttack(a)));

			// Damage
			var damage = this.GetDamage(attacker, skill);

			var max = Math.Min(targets.Count, skill.Stacks);
			for (int i = 0; i < max; ++i)
				var target = targets[i];
				var targetDamage = damage;


				var tAction = new TargetAction(CombatActionType.TakeHit, target, attacker, skill.Info.Id);
				tAction.Stun = TargetStun;

				// Full damage for the first target, -10% for every subsequent one.
				targetDamage -= (targetDamage * 0.1f) * i;

				// Reduce damage
				var maxDamage = damage; //Damage without Defense and Protection
				// Reduce damage
				Defense.Handle(aAction, tAction);
				SkillHelper.HandleMagicDefenseProtection(target, ref targetDamage);
				ManaShield.Handle(target, ref targetDamage, tAction, maxDamage, true);

				// Deal damage
				if (targetDamage > 0)
					target.TakeDamage(tAction.Damage = targetDamage, attacker);

				if (target == mainTarget)

				// Death/Knockback
				this.HandleKnockBack(attacker, target, tAction);


			// Override stun set by defense
			aAction.Stun = AttackerStun;

			Send.Effect(attacker, Effect.UseMagic, EffectSkillName);
			Send.SkillUseStun(attacker, skill.Info.Id, aAction.Stun, 1);

			this.BeforeHandlingPack(attacker, skill);

Example #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Uses LightningRod
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="attacker"></param>
		/// <param name="skill"></param>
		/// <param name="packet"></param>
		public void Use(Creature attacker, Skill skill, Packet packet)
			// Set full charge variable
			attacker.Temp.LightningRodFullCharge = (DateTime.Now >= attacker.Temp.LightningRodPrepareTime.AddMilliseconds(skill.RankData.Var3));

			// Get direction for target Area
			var direction = Mabi.MabiMath.ByteToRadian(attacker.Direction);

			var attackerPos = attacker.GetPosition();

			// Calculate polygon points
			var r = MabiMath.ByteToRadian(attacker.Direction);
			var poe = attackerPos.GetRelative(r, 800);
			var pivot = new Point(poe.X, poe.Y);
			var p1 = new Point(pivot.X - SkillLength / 2, pivot.Y - SkillWidth / 2);
			var p2 = new Point(pivot.X - SkillLength / 2, pivot.Y + SkillWidth / 2);
			var p3 = new Point(pivot.X + SkillLength / 2, pivot.Y + SkillWidth / 2);
			var p4 = new Point(pivot.X + SkillLength / 2, pivot.Y - SkillWidth / 2);
			p1 = this.RotatePoint(p1, pivot, r);
			p2 = this.RotatePoint(p2, pivot, r);
			p3 = this.RotatePoint(p3, pivot, r);
			p4 = this.RotatePoint(p4, pivot, r);

			// TargetProp
			var lProp = new Prop(280, attacker.RegionId, poe.X, poe.Y, MabiMath.ByteToRadian(attacker.Direction), 1f, 0f, "single");

			// Prepare Combat Actions
			var cap = new CombatActionPack(attacker, skill.Info.Id);

			var targetAreaId = new Location(attacker.RegionId, poe).ToLocationId();

			var aAction = new AttackerAction(CombatActionType.SpecialHit, attacker, targetAreaId);
			aAction.Set(AttackerOptions.KnockBackHit1 | AttackerOptions.UseEffect);
			aAction.PropId = lProp.EntityId;

			// Get targets in Polygon - includes collission check
			var targets = attacker.Region.GetCreaturesInPolygon(p1, p2, p3, p4).Where(x => attacker.CanTarget(x) && !attacker.Region.Collisions.Any(attacker.GetPosition(), x.GetPosition())).ToList();

			var rnd = RandomProvider.Get();

			// Check crit
			var crit = false;
			var critSkill = attacker.Skills.Get(SkillId.CriticalHit);
			if (critSkill != null && critSkill.Info.Rank > SkillRank.Novice)
				var critChance = Math2.Clamp(0, 30, attacker.GetTotalCritChance(0));
				if (rnd.NextDouble() * 100 < critChance)
					crit = true;

			foreach (var target in targets)
				var tAction = new TargetAction(CombatActionType.TakeHit, target, attacker, SkillId.CombatMastery);
				tAction.AttackerSkillId = skill.Info.Id;

				var damage = attacker.GetRndMagicDamage(skill, skill.RankData.Var1, skill.RankData.Var2);

				// Add damage if the skill is fully charged
				var dmgMultiplier = skill.RankData.Var4 / 100f;
				if (attacker.Temp.LightningRodFullCharge)
					damage += (damage * dmgMultiplier);

				// Critical Hit
				if (crit)
					var bonus = critSkill.RankData.Var1 / 100f;
					damage = damage + (damage * bonus);


				// MDef and MProt
				SkillHelper.HandleMagicDefenseProtection(target, ref damage);

				// Conditions
				SkillHelper.HandleConditions(attacker, target, ref damage);

				// Mana Deflector
				var delayReduction = ManaDeflector.Handle(attacker, target, ref damage, tAction);

				// Mana Shield
				ManaShield.Handle(target, ref damage, tAction);

				// Apply Damage
				target.TakeDamage(tAction.Damage = damage, attacker);

				// Stun Time
				tAction.Stun = TargetStun;

				// Death or Knockback
				if (target.IsDead)
					attacker.Shove(target, KnockbackDistance);
					// Always knock down
					if (target.Is(RaceStands.KnockDownable))
						attacker.Shove(target, KnockbackDistance);

			// Update current weapon
			SkillHelper.UpdateWeapon(attacker, targets.FirstOrDefault(), ProficiencyGainType.Melee, attacker.RightHand);


			Send.Effect(attacker, Effect.LightningRod, (int)LightningRodEffect.Attack, poe.X, poe.Y);

			Send.SkillUse(attacker, skill.Info.Id, targetAreaId, 0, 1);
			skill.Train(1); // Use the Skill

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles skill usage.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="creature"></param>
        /// <param name="skill"></param>
        /// <param name="packet"></param>
        public void Use(Creature creature, Skill skill, Packet packet)
            var targetEntityId = packet.GetLong();

            // Similar to WM there is a case where these aren't sent.
            // Apparently this can happen if you activate the skill while
            // targetting an enemy.
            var unk1 = (packet.Peek() != PacketElementType.None ? packet.GetInt() : 0);
            var unk2 = (packet.Peek() != PacketElementType.None ? packet.GetInt() : 0);

            if (_cm == null)
                _cm = ChannelServer.Instance.SkillManager.GetHandler<CombatMastery>(SkillId.CombatMastery);

            // TODO: Check duration

            var attackResult = false;

            var target = creature.Region.GetCreature(targetEntityId);
            if (target != null && !creature.IsStunned && creature.CanTarget(target))
                var pos = creature.GetPosition();
                var targetPos = target.GetPosition();
                var inRange = pos.InRange(targetPos, creature.AttackRangeFor(target));

                if (!inRange)
                    var telePos = pos.GetRelative(targetPos, -creature.AttackRangeFor(target) + 100);

                    // Check teleport distance
                    if (pos.GetDistance(telePos) > skill.RankData.Var3 + 100)
                        Send.Notice(creature, "Out of range");
                        Send.Effect(creature, Effect.SilentMoveTeleport, targetEntityId, (byte)0);

                        creature.SetPosition(telePos.X, telePos.Y);
                        Send.SkillTeleport(creature, telePos.X, telePos.Y);

                        inRange = true;

                if (inRange)
                    attackResult = (_cm.Use(creature, skill, targetEntityId) == CombatSkillResult.Okay);

            Send.CombatAttackR(creature, attackResult);

            Send.SkillUse(creature, skill.Info.Id, targetEntityId, unk1, unk2);
Example #4
File: Prop.cs Project: Vinna/aura
		/// <summary>
		/// Returns targetable creatures in given range of prop.
		/// Owner of the prop and creatures he can't target are excluded.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="owner">Owner of the prop, who is excluded and used as reference for CanTarget (null to ignore).</param>
		/// <param name="range"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public ICollection<Creature> GetTargetableCreaturesInRange(Creature owner, int range)
			var pos = this.GetPosition();
			var targetable = this.Region.GetCreatures(target =>
				var targetPos = target.GetPosition();

				return target != owner // Exclude owner
					&& (owner == null || owner.CanTarget(target)) // Check targetability
					&& !target.IsDead // Check if target's alive (in case owner is null)
					&& !target.Has(CreatureStates.NamedNpc) // Don't hit NamedNpcs (in case owner is null)
					&& targetPos.InRange(pos, range) // Check range
					&& !this.Region.Collisions.Any(pos, targetPos) // Check collisions between entities
					&& !target.Conditions.Has(ConditionsA.Invisible); // Check visiblility (GM)

			return targetable;
Example #5
		public void Use(Creature creature, Skill skill, long targetEntityId, int unk1, int unk2)

			if (_cm == null)
				_cm = ChannelServer.Instance.SkillManager.GetHandler<CombatMastery>(SkillId.CombatMastery);

			var attackResult = false;

			var target = creature.Region.GetCreature(targetEntityId);
			if (target != null && !creature.IsStunned && !creature.IsOnAttackDelay && creature.CanTarget(target) && creature.CanAttack(target))
				var pos = creature.GetPosition();
				var targetPos = target.GetPosition();
				var inRange = (pos.InRange(targetPos, creature.AttackRangeFor(target))
				&& !creature.Region.Collisions.Any(pos, targetPos) // Check collisions between position
				&& !target.Conditions.Has(ConditionsA.Invisible)); // Check visiblility (GM)

				if (!inRange && !target.IsNotReadyToBeHit)
					var telePos = pos.GetRelative(targetPos, -creature.AttackRangeFor(target) + 100);

					// Check teleport distance
					if (pos.GetDistance(telePos) > skill.RankData.Var3 + 100)
						Send.Notice(creature, "Out of range");
						Send.Effect(creature, Effect.SilentMoveTeleport, targetEntityId, (byte)0);

						creature.SetPosition(telePos.X, telePos.Y);
						Send.SkillTeleport(creature, telePos.X, telePos.Y);

						inRange = true;

				if (inRange)
					attackResult = (_cm.Use(creature, skill, targetEntityId) == CombatSkillResult.Okay);

			Send.CombatAttackR(creature, attackResult);

			Send.SkillUse(creature, skill.Info.Id, targetEntityId, unk1, unk2);