private static void WizardPlace() { Console.Clear(); Con.wizard.PlaceArround(); Client.Timer(3.5); Console.Clear(); Con.wizard.LookLike(); Client.Timer(3); if (Steps == 3) { Con.WizardConv(); Steps++; Town(); } else if (Steps == 5) { Console.WriteLine("You're ready to go to the king, do it now!!!"); } else { Texts.FollowTheMentor(Steps); } Client.Timer(1.5); Town(); }
private static void TheStablePlace() { Console.Clear();; Client.Timer(3); if (Steps == 4) { Console.Clear();; Client.Timer(2); Steps++; ToTheKing(); } else { Texts.FollowTheMentor(Steps); } Client.Timer(1.5); Town(); }
private static void BlackSmithPlace() { Console.Clear(); Con.blacksmith.PlaceArround(); Client.Timer(3); Console.Clear(); if (Steps == 2) { Con.BlackSmithConv(); Steps++; Town(); } else if (Steps == 5) { Console.WriteLine("You're ready to go to the king, do it now!!!"); } else { Texts.FollowTheMentor(Steps); } Client.Timer(1.5); Town(); }