protected override void DrawCore(RenderContext context, RenderFrame output)
            var input = Input.GetSafeRenderFrame(context);

            // If RenderFrame input or output are null, we can't do anything
            if (input == null)

            // If an effect is set, we are using it
            if (Effect != null)
                Effect.SetInput(0, input);
                if (input.DepthStencil != null)
                    Effect.SetInput(1, input.DepthStencil);
            else if (input != output)
                // Else only use a scaler if input and output don't match
                // TODO: Is this something we want by default or we just don't output anything?
                var effect = context.GetSharedEffect<ImageScaler>();
                effect.SetInput(0, input);
        protected override void DrawCore(RenderContext context, RenderFrame output)
            var graphicsDevice = context.GraphicsDevice;

            // clear the targets
            if (output.DepthStencil != null && (ClearFlags == ClearRenderFrameFlags.ColorAndDepth || ClearFlags == ClearRenderFrameFlags.DepthOnly))
                const DepthStencilClearOptions ClearOptions = DepthStencilClearOptions.DepthBuffer | DepthStencilClearOptions.Stencil;
                graphicsDevice.Clear(output.DepthStencil, ClearOptions, Depth, Stencil);

            if (ClearFlags == ClearRenderFrameFlags.ColorAndDepth || ClearFlags == ClearRenderFrameFlags.ColorOnly)
                foreach (var renderTarget in output.RenderTargets)
                    if (renderTarget != null)
                        // If color is in GammeSpace and rendertarget is either SRgb or HDR, use a linear value to clear the buffer.
                        // TODO: We will need to move this color transform code to a shareable component
                        var color = Color.ToColorSpace(ColorSpace, (renderTarget.Format.IsSRgb() || renderTarget.Format.IsHDR()) ? ColorSpace.Linear : graphicsDevice.ColorSpace);
                        graphicsDevice.Clear(renderTarget, color);
        protected override void DrawCore(RenderContext context, RenderFrame output)
            // Early exit if some properties are null
            if (Mode == null)

            // Gets the current camera state from the slot
            var camera = context.GetCameraFromSlot(Camera);

            // Draw this camera.
            using (context.PushTagAndRestore(Current, this))
            using (context.PushTagAndRestore(CameraComponentRenderer.Current, camera))
                // Run all pre-renderers
                foreach (var renderer in PreRenderers)

                // Draw the scene based on its drawing mode (e.g. implementation forward or deferred... etc.)

                // Run all post-renderers
                foreach (var renderer in PostRenderers)
        protected override void DrawCore(RenderDrawContext context, RenderFrame output)
            var input = Input.GetSafeRenderFrame(context.RenderContext);

            // If RenderFrame input or output are null, we can't do anything
            if (input == null)

            // If an effect is set, we are using it
            if (Effect != null)
                Effect.SetInput(0, input);
                if (input.DepthStencil != null)
                    Effect.SetInput(1, input.DepthStencil);
            else if (input != output)
                // Else only use a scaler if input and output don't match
                // TODO: Is this something we want by default or we just don't output anything?
                var effect = context.GetSharedEffect<ImageScaler>();
                effect.SetInput(0, input);

            // Switch back last output as render target
            context.CommandList.ResourceBarrierTransition(output, GraphicsResourceState.RenderTarget);
        private void RenderQuad(RenderDrawContext renderContext, RenderFrame frame)
            customEffectInstance.Parameters.Set(EffectKeys.Phase, -3 * (float)Game.UpdateTime.Total.TotalSeconds);

            spriteBatch.Begin(renderContext.GraphicsContext, blendState: BlendStates.NonPremultiplied, depthStencilState: DepthStencilStates.None, effect: customEffectInstance);
            spriteBatch.Draw(Logo, new RectangleF(0, 0, 1, 1), Color.White);
Example #6
 public override void Dispose()
     if (currentFrame != null)
         currentFrame = null;
        public void DrawParallax(RenderContext context, RenderFrame frame)

            foreach (var pallaraxBackground in backgroundParallax)

        protected override void DrawCore(RenderDrawContext context, RenderFrame output)
            var sceneInstance = GetChildSceneInstance();
            if (sceneInstance == null)

            // Draw scene recursively
            sceneInstance.Draw(context, output, GraphicsCompositorOverride);
        /// <summary>
        /// Activates the output to the current <see cref="GraphicsDevice" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
        /// <param name="output">The output.</param>
        /// <param name="disableDepth">if set to <c>true</c> [disable depth].</param>
        protected virtual void ActivateOutputCore(RenderDrawContext context, RenderFrame output, bool disableDepth)
            // Set default render target states
            foreach (var renderTarget in output.RenderTargets)
                context.CommandList.ResourceBarrierTransition(renderTarget, GraphicsResourceState.RenderTarget);
            context.CommandList.ResourceBarrierTransition(output.DepthStencil, GraphicsResourceState.DepthWrite);

            // Setup the render target
            context.CommandList.SetRenderTargetsAndViewport(disableDepth ? null : output.DepthStencil, output.RenderTargets);
        public override RenderFrame GetRenderFrame(RenderContext context)
            // Get the relative frame
            var relativeFrame = context.Tags.Get(RelativeSizeSource == RenderFrameRelativeMode.Current ? RenderFrame.Current : SceneGraphicsLayer.Master);

            // Check if we need to resize it
            if (currentFrame != null && (currentFrame.Descriptor != Descriptor || currentFrame.CheckIfResizeRequired(relativeFrame)))

            // Allocate the render frame if necessary
            // TODO: Should we use allocated shared textures from RenderContext?
            return currentFrame ?? (currentFrame = RenderFrame.New(context.GraphicsDevice, Descriptor, relativeFrame));
        protected override void ActivateOutputCore(RenderContext context, RenderFrame output, bool disableDepth)
            base.ActivateOutputCore(context, output, disableDepth);

            Viewport viewport;
            var rect = Viewport;
            // Setup the viewport
            if (IsViewportInPercentage)
                var width = output.Width;
                var height = output.Height;
                viewport = new Viewport((int)(rect.X * width / 100.0f), (int)(rect.Y * height / 100.0f), (int)(rect.Width * width / 100.0f), (int)(rect.Height * height / 100.0f));
                viewport = new Viewport((int)rect.X, (int)rect.Y, (int)rect.Width, (int)rect.Height);
Example #12
        protected override void DrawCore(RenderContext context, RenderFrame output)
            if (ChildScene == null || !ChildScene.Enabled)

            currentSceneInstance = SceneInstance.GetCurrent(Context);

            childSceneProcessor = childSceneProcessor ?? currentSceneInstance.GetProcessor<ChildSceneProcessor>();

            if (childSceneProcessor == null)

            SceneInstance sceneInstance = childSceneProcessor.GetSceneInstance(ChildScene);
            if (sceneInstance != null)
                sceneInstance.Draw(context, output, GraphicsCompositorOverride);
        protected override void DrawCore(RenderContext context, RenderFrame output)
            var graphicsDevice = context.GraphicsDevice;

            // clear the targets
            if (output.DepthStencil != null)
                const DepthStencilClearOptions ClearOptions = DepthStencilClearOptions.DepthBuffer | DepthStencilClearOptions.Stencil;
                graphicsDevice.Clear(output.DepthStencil, ClearOptions, Depth, Stencil);

            if (ClearFlags == ClearRenderFrameFlags.Color)
                foreach (var renderTarget in output.RenderTargets)
                    if (renderTarget != null)
                        graphicsDevice.Clear(renderTarget, Color);
Example #14
 public void imageBegin(int w, int h, int bucketSize)
     if (frame == null)
         frame = new RenderFrame();
         frame.imagePanel.imageBegin(w, h, bucketSize);
         Dimension screenRes = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
         bool needFit = false;
         if (w >= (screenRes.getWidth() - 200) || h >= (screenRes.getHeight() - 200))
             frame.imagePanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension((int)screenRes.getWidth() - 200, (int)screenRes.getHeight() - 200));
             needFit = true;
             frame.imagePanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(w, h));
         if (needFit)
         frame.imagePanel.imageBegin(w, h, bucketSize);
 protected override void PostDrawCore(RenderContext context)
     CurrentRenderFrame = null;
Example #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DirectRenderFrameProvider"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="renderFrame">The render frame.</param>
 public DirectRenderFrameProvider(RenderFrame renderFrame) // Provide only this constructor so that this class doesn't appear in the editor
     RenderFrame = renderFrame;
        private void Render(RenderDrawContext context, RenderFrame frame)
            // depth test off mode 
            spriteBatch.Begin(context.GraphicsContext, depthStencilState: DepthStencilStates.None);
            // render the keyboard key states
            spriteBatch.DrawString(Font, KeyboardSessionString, textLeftTopCorner, fontColor);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(Font, "Key pressed/released: " + keyEvents, textLeftTopCorner + new Vector2(TextSubSectionOffsetX, 1 * (textHeight + TextSpaceY)), fontColor);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(Font, "Key down: " + keyDown, textLeftTopCorner + new Vector2(TextSubSectionOffsetX, 2 * (textHeight + TextSpaceY)), fontColor);

            // render the mouse key states
            spriteBatch.DrawString(Font, "Mouse :", textLeftTopCorner + new Vector2(0, 4 * (textHeight + TextSpaceY)), fontColor);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(Font, "Mouse position: " + mousePosition, textLeftTopCorner + new Vector2(TextSubSectionOffsetX, 5 * (textHeight + TextSpaceY)), fontColor);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(Font, "Mouse button pressed: " + mouseButtonPressed, textLeftTopCorner + new Vector2(TextSubSectionOffsetX, 6 * (textHeight + TextSpaceY)), fontColor);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(Font, "Mouse button down: " + mouseButtonDown, textLeftTopCorner + new Vector2(TextSubSectionOffsetX, 7 * (textHeight + TextSpaceY)), fontColor);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(Font, "Mouse button released: " + mouseButtonReleased, textLeftTopCorner + new Vector2(TextSubSectionOffsetX, 8 * (textHeight + TextSpaceY)), fontColor);

            var mouseScreenPosition = new Vector2(mousePosition.X * screenSize.X, mousePosition.Y * screenSize.Y);
            spriteBatch.Draw(RoundTexture, mouseScreenPosition, mouseColor, 0, roundTextureSize / 2, 0.1f);

            // render the pointer states
            foreach (var tuple in pointerPressed)
                DrawPointers(tuple, 1.5f, Color.Blue);
            foreach (var tuple in pointerMoved)
                DrawPointers(tuple, 1f, Color.Green);
            foreach (var tuple in pointerReleased)
                DrawPointers(tuple, 2f, Color.Red);

            // render the gesture states
            spriteBatch.DrawString(Font, "Gestures :", textLeftTopCorner + new Vector2(0, 10 * (textHeight + TextSpaceY)), fontColor);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(Font, "Drag: " + dragEvent, textLeftTopCorner + new Vector2(TextSubSectionOffsetX, 11 * (textHeight + TextSpaceY)), fontColor);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(Font, "Flick: " + flickEvent, textLeftTopCorner + new Vector2(TextSubSectionOffsetX, 12 * (textHeight + TextSpaceY)), fontColor);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(Font, "LongPress: " + longPressEvent, textLeftTopCorner + new Vector2(TextSubSectionOffsetX, 13 * (textHeight + TextSpaceY)), fontColor);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(Font, "Composite: " + compositeEvent, textLeftTopCorner + new Vector2(TextSubSectionOffsetX, 14 * (textHeight + TextSpaceY)), fontColor);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(Font, "Tap: " + tapEvent, textLeftTopCorner + new Vector2(TextSubSectionOffsetX, 15 * (textHeight + TextSpaceY)), fontColor);

            spriteBatch.DrawString(Font, "GamePads: " + gamePadText, textLeftTopCorner + new Vector2(TextSubSectionOffsetX, 17 * (textHeight + TextSpaceY)), fontColor);
Example #18
        private void RenderSpheres(RenderContext renderContext, RenderFrame frame)

            // draw the ball
            var time = (float)Game.DrawTime.Total.TotalSeconds;
            var rotation = time * (float)Math.PI * 0.5f;
            var sourceRectangle = GetSphereAnimation(1.25f * time);
            spriteBatch.Draw(sphere, ballPosition, sourceRectangle, Color.White, rotation, ballHalfSize);

Example #19
        public static void Main()
            using (RenderFrame frame = RenderFrame.Create("", 640, 480, 32, false))
                Counter timer = new Counter();

                FileSystem fs = new FileSystem();
                fs.addDefaultRoots("pretty good", "simple test");
                MediaLoader loader = new MediaLoader(fs);
                //Texture sample = loader.fetch<Texture>("sample.bmp");

                bool  running = true;
                World world   = World.Load(loader, "level01.lvl");
                //world.add(new MeshInstance(loader.fetch<Mesh>("basicroad.obj")));
                Camera cam = new Camera();
                float delta = 0;

                Key  rightleft = new PlusMinus(new Hold(new Ckey(Keys.D)), new Hold(new Ckey(Keys.A)));
                Key  forback   = new PlusMinus(new Hold(new Ckey(Keys.W)), new Hold(new Ckey(Keys.S)));
                Key  updown    = new PlusMinus(new Hold(new Ckey(Keys.Space)), new Hold(new Ckey(Keys.ControlKey)));
                Hold sprint    = new Hold(new Ckey(Keys.ShiftKey));


                vec2 mousesmooth = new vec2(0, 0);
                vec3 movement    = new vec3(0, 0, 0);

                float sensitivity    = 0.1f;
                float mousesmoothing = 6;

                Pipeline pipe = Pipeline.Create("pipeline.xml", loader, frame.Width, frame.Height);

                while (running)

                     * {
                     *  world.render(frame.Width, frame.Height, cam);
                     * });*/

                    pipe.render(new RenderArgs(world, cam, frame.Width, frame.Height));

                     * FullscreenQuad.render(fbo, frame.Width, frame.Height);
                     * Shader.Unbind();*/

                     * world.render(frame.Width, frame.Height, cam);
                     * frame.swap();*/

                    System.Drawing.Point p      = frame.getCursorPos();
                    System.Drawing.Point center = frame.Center;

                    mousesmooth = vec2.Curve(new vec2(p.X - center.X, p.Y - center.Y), mousesmooth, mousesmoothing);
                    movement    = vec3.Curve(Key.Combine(rightleft, updown, forback).Normalized *(3 + sprint.Value * 3), movement, 5);

                    // math::Quaternion(math::op::vec3::yAxisPositive, -x) * math::Quaternion(mRotation.getRight(), y) * mRotation;

                    quat final = quat.FpsQuat(cam.rotation, mousesmooth.x * sensitivity, mousesmooth.y * sensitivity);
                    cam.location += cam.rotation.getRUI(movement) * delta;

                    foreach (RenderFrame.Event e in frame.Events)
                        if (e.button.equals(new Ckey(Keys.Escape)))
                            running = false;
                            Key.Run(e.button, e.down, rightleft, forback, updown, sprint);
                    delta = timer.Duration;
 /// <summary>
 /// Invokes the <see cref="RenderFrame"/> event.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual void OnRenderFrame()
     RenderFrame?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Example #21
 protected virtual void PostCameraRendererDraw(RenderContext context, RenderFrame frame)
Example #22
 /// <summary>
 /// We are about to display a video frame.  Calculate positions for
 /// animated objects, and add their primitives to the RenderFrame list.
 /// </summary>
 public override void PrepareFrame(RenderFrame frame, ElapsedTime elapsedTime)
     base.PrepareFrame(frame, elapsedTime);
        protected override void SpecificDrawBeforeUI(RenderDrawContext context, RenderFrame renderFrame)
            base.SpecificDrawBeforeUI(context, renderFrame);

Example #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Called just after a frame is drawn.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="frame">The <see cref="RenderFrame"/> containing everything that was drawn.</param>
 internal virtual void EndRender(RenderFrame frame)
Example #25
 /// <summary>
 /// Called just before a frame is drawn.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="frame">The <see cref="RenderFrame"/> containing everything to be drawn.</param>
 internal virtual void BeginRender(RenderFrame frame)
Example #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Called at the full frame rate
 /// elapsedTime is time since last frame
 /// Executes in the UpdaterThread
 /// </summary>
 public abstract void PrepareFrame(RenderFrame frame, ElapsedTime elapsedTime);
Example #27
 public FrameDisplay(string filename)
     this.filename = filename;
     frame         = null;
Example #28
        protected override void SpecificDrawBeforeUI(RenderContext context, RenderFrame renderFrame)
            base.SpecificDrawBeforeUI(context, renderFrame);

Example #29
 public override void PrepareFrame(RenderFrame frame, in ElapsedTime elapsedTime)
Example #30
 protected abstract void DrawCore(RenderContext context, RenderFrame output);
Example #31
        internal void Start()

            DisplaySize = new Point(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height);

            // Validate that the DirectX feature level is one we understand
            if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(ORTS.Settings.UserSettings.DirectXFeature), "Level" + Game.Settings.DirectXFeatureLevel))
                Game.Settings.DirectXFeatureLevel = "";

            if (Game.Settings.DirectXFeatureLevel == "")
                // Choose default feature level based on profile
                if (GraphicsDevice.GraphicsProfile == GraphicsProfile.HiDef)
                    Game.Settings.DirectXFeatureLevel = "10_0";
                    Game.Settings.DirectXFeatureLevel = "9_1";

            if (Game.Settings.ShadowMapDistance == 0)
                Game.Settings.ShadowMapDistance = Game.Settings.ViewingDistance / 2;

            ShadowMapCount = Game.Settings.ShadowMapCount;
            if (!Game.Settings.DynamicShadows)
                ShadowMapCount = 0;
            else if ((ShadowMapCount > 1) && !Game.Settings.IsDirectXFeatureLevelIncluded(ORTS.Settings.UserSettings.DirectXFeature.Level9_3))
                ShadowMapCount = 1;
            else if (ShadowMapCount < 0)
                ShadowMapCount = 0;
            else if (ShadowMapCount > ShadowMapCountMaximum)
                ShadowMapCount = ShadowMapCountMaximum;
            if (ShadowMapCount < 1)
                Game.Settings.DynamicShadows = false;

            ShadowMapDistance = new int[ShadowMapCount];
            ShadowMapDiameter = new int[ShadowMapCount];
            ShadowMapLimit    = new float[ShadowMapCount];

            ShadowPrimitiveCount    = new int[ShadowMapCount];
            ShadowPrimitivePerFrame = new int[ShadowMapCount];


            CurrentFrame = new RenderFrame(Game);
            NextFrame    = new RenderFrame(Game);
Example #32
        private void RenderQuad(RenderContext renderContext, RenderFrame frame)
            GraphicsDevice.Clear(frame.DepthStencil, DepthStencilClearOptions.DepthBuffer);

            if (_tile != null)
                _spriteBatch.Draw(_tile, Vector2.Zero);
Example #33
 private void DisplayGBuffer(RenderContext context, RenderFrame frame)
Example #34
 public override void PrepareFrame(RenderFrame frame, in ElapsedTime elapsedTime, bool updateFull)
Example #35
 protected virtual void SpecificDrawBeforeUI(RenderContext context, RenderFrame renderFrame)
Example #36
        private void UpdateAnimation(RenderFrame frame, ElapsedTime elapsedTime)
            float distanceTravelledM;

            if (MSTSWagon.IsDriveable && MSTSWagon.Simulator.UseAdvancedAdhesion)
                //TODO: next code line has been modified to flip trainset physics in order to get viewing direction coincident with loco direction when using rear cab.
                // To achieve the same result with other means, without flipping trainset physics, the line should be changed as follows:
                //                                distanceTravelledM = MSTSWagon.WheelSpeedMpS * elapsedTime.ClockSeconds;
                distanceTravelledM = ((MSTSWagon.Train != null && MSTSWagon.Train.IsPlayerDriven && ((MSTSLocomotive)MSTSWagon).UsingRearCab) ? -1 : 1) * MSTSWagon.WheelSpeedMpS * elapsedTime.ClockSeconds;
                distanceTravelledM = MSTSWagon.SpeedMpS * elapsedTime.ClockSeconds;

            // Running gear animation
            if (!RunningGear.Empty() && MSTSWagon.DriverWheelRadiusM > 0.001)
                RunningGear.UpdateLoop(distanceTravelledM / MathHelper.TwoPi / MSTSWagon.DriverWheelRadiusM);

            // Wheel animation
            if (WheelPartIndexes.Count > 0)
                var wheelCircumferenceM = MathHelper.TwoPi * MSTSWagon.WheelRadiusM;
                var rotationalDistanceR = MathHelper.TwoPi * distanceTravelledM / wheelCircumferenceM;  // in radians
                WheelRotationR = MathHelper.WrapAngle(WheelRotationR - rotationalDistanceR);
                var wheelRotationMatrix = Matrix.CreateRotationX(WheelRotationR);
                foreach (var iMatrix in WheelPartIndexes)
                    TrainCarShape.XNAMatrices[iMatrix] = wheelRotationMatrix * TrainCarShape.SharedShape.Matrices[iMatrix];

            // truck angle animation
            foreach (var p in Car.Parts)
                if (p.iMatrix <= 0)
                Matrix m = Matrix.Identity;
                m.Translation = TrainCarShape.SharedShape.Matrices[p.iMatrix].Translation;
                m.M11         = p.Cos;
                m.M13         = p.Sin;
                m.M31         = -p.Sin;
                m.M33         = p.Cos;

                // To cancel out any vibration, apply the inverse here. If no vibration is present, this matrix will be Matrix.Identity.
                TrainCarShape.XNAMatrices[p.iMatrix] = Car.VibrationInverseMatrix * m;

            if (FreightShape != null)
                FreightShape.Location.XNAMatrix = Car.WorldPosition.XNAMatrix;
                FreightShape.Location.TileX     = Car.WorldPosition.TileX; FreightShape.Location.TileZ = Car.WorldPosition.TileZ;

                if (MSTSWagon.WagonType == TrainCar.WagonTypes.Tender)
                    if (MSTSWagon.TendersSteamLocomotive == null)
                    if (FreightShape.XNAMatrices.Length > 0 && MSTSWagon.TendersSteamLocomotive != null)
                        if (MSTSWagon.FreightAnimFlag > 0 && MSTSWagon.FreightAnimMaxLevelM > MSTSWagon.FreightAnimMinLevelM)
                            FreightShape.XNAMatrices[0].M42 = MSTSWagon.FreightAnimMinLevelM + MSTSWagon.TendersSteamLocomotive.FuelController.CurrentValue * (MSTSWagon.FreightAnimMaxLevelM - MSTSWagon.FreightAnimMinLevelM);
                        // reproducing MSTS strange behavior; used to display loco crew
                            FreightShape.Location.XNAMatrix.M42 += MSTSWagon.FreightAnimMaxLevelM;
                FreightShape.PrepareFrame(frame, elapsedTime);

            if (FreightAnimations != null)
                foreach (var freightAnim in FreightAnimations.Animations)
                    if (freightAnim.FreightShape != null && !((freightAnim.Animation is FreightAnimationContinuous) && (freightAnim.Animation as FreightAnimationContinuous).LoadPerCent == 0))
                        freightAnim.FreightShape.Location.XNAMatrix = Car.WorldPosition.XNAMatrix;
                        freightAnim.FreightShape.Location.TileX     = Car.WorldPosition.TileX; freightAnim.FreightShape.Location.TileZ = Car.WorldPosition.TileZ;
                        if (freightAnim.FreightShape.XNAMatrices.Length > 0)
                            if (freightAnim.Animation is FreightAnimationContinuous)
                                var continuousFreightAnim = freightAnim.Animation as FreightAnimationContinuous;
                                if (MSTSWagon.FreightAnimations.IsGondola)
                                    freightAnim.FreightShape.XNAMatrices[0] = TrainCarShape.XNAMatrices[1];
                                freightAnim.FreightShape.XNAMatrices[0].M42 = continuousFreightAnim.MinHeight +
                                                                              continuousFreightAnim.LoadPerCent / 100 * (continuousFreightAnim.MaxHeight - continuousFreightAnim.MinHeight);
                            if (freightAnim.Animation is FreightAnimationStatic)
                                var staticFreightAnim = freightAnim.Animation as FreightAnimationStatic;
                                freightAnim.FreightShape.XNAMatrices[0].M41 = staticFreightAnim.XOffset;
                                freightAnim.FreightShape.XNAMatrices[0].M42 = staticFreightAnim.YOffset;
                                freightAnim.FreightShape.XNAMatrices[0].M43 = staticFreightAnim.ZOffset;
                        // Forcing rotation of freight shape
                        freightAnim.FreightShape.PrepareFrame(frame, elapsedTime);

            // Control visibility of passenger cabin when inside it
            if (Viewer.Camera.AttachedCar == this.MSTSWagon
                &&  //( Viewer.ViewPoint == Viewer.ViewPoints.Cab ||  // TODO, restore when we complete cab views -
                Viewer.Camera.Style == Camera.Styles.Passenger)
                // We are in the passenger cabin
                if (InteriorShape != null)
                    InteriorShape.PrepareFrame(frame, elapsedTime);
                    TrainCarShape.PrepareFrame(frame, elapsedTime);
                // Skip drawing if CAB view - draw 2D view instead - by GeorgeS
                if (Viewer.Camera.AttachedCar == this.MSTSWagon &&
                    Viewer.Camera.Style == Camera.Styles.Cab)

                // We are outside the passenger cabin
                TrainCarShape.PrepareFrame(frame, elapsedTime);
Example #37
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws this scene instance with the specified context and <see cref="RenderFrame"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
        /// <param name="toFrame">To frame.</param>
        /// <param name="compositorOverride">The compositor overload. Set this value to by-pass the default compositor of a scene.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
        /// context
        /// or
        /// toFrame
        /// </exception>
        public void Draw(RenderContext context, RenderFrame toFrame, ISceneGraphicsCompositor compositorOverride = null)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("context");
            if (toFrame == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("toFrame");

            // If no scene, then we can return immediately
            if (Scene == null)

            var graphicsDevice = context.GraphicsDevice;

            bool hasGraphicsBegin = false;

            // Update global time
            var gameTime = context.Time;

            context.GraphicsDevice.Parameters.Set(GlobalKeys.Time, (float)gameTime.Total.TotalSeconds);
            context.GraphicsDevice.Parameters.Set(GlobalKeys.TimeStep, (float)gameTime.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);

                hasGraphicsBegin = true;

                // Always clear the state of the GraphicsDevice to make sure a scene doesn't start with a wrong setup

                // Draw the main scene using the current compositor (or the provided override)
                var graphicsCompositor = compositorOverride ?? Scene.Settings.GraphicsCompositor;
                if (graphicsCompositor != null)
                    // Push context (pop after using)
                    using (context.PushTagAndRestore(RenderFrame.Current, toFrame))
                        using (context.PushTagAndRestore(SceneGraphicsLayer.Master, toFrame))
                            using (context.PushTagAndRestore(Current, this))
                                using (context.PushTagAndRestore(CameraRendererMode.RendererTypesKey, RendererTypes))
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error("An exception occurred while rendering", ex);
                if (hasGraphicsBegin)
Example #38
        public override void PrepareFrame(RenderFrame frame, ORTS.Common.ElapsedTime elapsedTime, bool updateFull)
            if (updateFull)

                var labels         = Labels;
                var newLabels      = new Dictionary <TrItemLabel, LabelPrimitive>(labels.Count);
                var worldFiles     = Owner.Viewer.World.Scenery.WorldFiles;
                var cameraLocation = Owner.Viewer.Camera.CameraWorldLocation;
                foreach (var worldFile in worldFiles)
                    if ((State & DisplayState.Platforms) != 0 && worldFile.platforms != null)
                        foreach (var platform in worldFile.platforms)
                            if (State == DisplayState.Auto && Platforms != null && (!Platforms.ContainsKey(platform.ItemName) || !Platforms[platform.ItemName]))

                            // Calculates distance between camera and platform label.
                            var distance = WorldLocation.GetDistance(platform.Location.WorldLocation, cameraLocation).Length();
                            if (distance <= MaximumDistancePlatform)
                                if (labels.ContainsKey(platform))
                                    newLabels[platform] = labels[platform];
                                    newLabels[platform] = new LabelPrimitive(Owner.Label3DMaterial, Color.Yellow, Color.Black, 0)
                                        Position = platform.Location, Text = platform.ItemName

                                // Change color with distance.
                                var ratio = (MathHelper.Clamp(distance, MinimumDistance, MaximumDistancePlatform) - MinimumDistance) / (MaximumDistancePlatform - MinimumDistance);
                                newLabels[platform].Color.A = newLabels[platform].Outline.A = (byte)MathHelper.Lerp(255, 0, ratio);

                    if ((State & DisplayState.Sidings) != 0 && worldFile.sidings != null)
                        foreach (var siding in worldFile.sidings)
                            if (State == DisplayState.Auto && Sidings != null && (!Sidings.ContainsKey(siding.ItemName) || !Sidings[siding.ItemName]))

                            // Calculates distance between camera and siding label.
                            var distance = WorldLocation.GetDistance(siding.Location.WorldLocation, cameraLocation).Length();
                            if (distance <= MaximumDistanceSiding)
                                if (labels.ContainsKey(siding))
                                    newLabels[siding] = labels[siding];
                                    newLabels[siding] = new LabelPrimitive(Owner.Label3DMaterial, Color.Orange, Color.Black, 0)
                                        Position = siding.Location, Text = siding.ItemName

                                // Change color with distance.
                                var ratio = (MathHelper.Clamp(distance, MinimumDistance, MaximumDistanceSiding) - MinimumDistance) / (MaximumDistanceSiding - MinimumDistance);
                                newLabels[siding].Color.A = newLabels[siding].Outline.A = (byte)MathHelper.Lerp(255, 0, ratio);
                Labels = newLabels;

            foreach (var primitive in Labels.Values)
                frame.AddPrimitive(Owner.Label3DMaterial, primitive, RenderPrimitiveGroup.Labels, ref Identity);
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DirectRenderFrameProvider"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="renderFrame">The render frame.</param>
 public DirectRenderFrameProvider(RenderFrame renderFrame) // Provide only this constructor so that this class doesn't appear in the editor
     RenderFrame = renderFrame;
Example #40
 /// <summary>
 /// Activates the output to the current <see cref="GraphicsDevice" />.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
 /// <param name="output">The output.</param>
 /// <param name="disableDepth">if set to <c>true</c> [disable depth].</param>
 protected virtual void ActivateOutputCore(RenderDrawContext context, RenderFrame output, bool disableDepth)
     // Setup the render target
     context.CommandList.SetRenderTargetsAndViewport(disableDepth ? null : output.DepthStencil, output.RenderTargets);
Example #41
        protected override void PostCameraRendererDraw(RenderContext context, RenderFrame frame)
            if (!debug)

            spriteBatch.DrawString(font, "Desired triangle size: {0}".ToFormat(currentMaterial.Parameters.Get(TessellationKeys.DesiredTriangleSize)), new Vector2(0), Color.Black);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(font, "FPS: {0}".ToFormat(DrawTime.FramePerSecond), new Vector2(0, 20), Color.Black);
 protected override void PreDrawCore(RenderContext context)
     CurrentRenderFrame = context.Tags.GetSafe(RenderFrame.Current);
 protected override void DrawCore(RenderContext context, RenderFrame output)
     drawAction(context, output);
Example #44
        protected override void SpecificDrawBeforeUI(RenderContext context, RenderFrame renderFrame)
            base.SpecificDrawBeforeUI(context, renderFrame);

Example #45
 public abstract void OnRender(RenderFrame renderFrame);
 private void RenderQuad(RenderContext renderContext, RenderFrame frame)
     quad.Parameters.Set(EffectKeys.Phase, -3 * (float)Game.UpdateTime.Total.TotalSeconds);
     quad.Draw(Logo, samplingState, Color.White);
Example #47
 internal void StartUpdate(RenderFrame frame, GameTime gameTime)
     CurrentFrame  = frame;
     this.gameTime = gameTime;
Example #48
 /// <summary>
 /// Activates the output to the current <see cref="GraphicsDevice" />.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
 /// <param name="output">The output.</param>
 /// <param name="disableDepth">if set to <c>true</c> [disable depth].</param>
 protected virtual void ActivateOutputCore(RenderContext context, RenderFrame output, bool disableDepth)
     // Setup the render target
     context.GraphicsDevice.SetDepthAndRenderTargets(disableDepth ? null : output.DepthStencil, output.RenderTargets);
Example #49
        private void UpdateAnimation(RenderFrame frame, ElapsedTime elapsedTime)
            float distanceTravelledM         = 0.0f; // Distance travelled by non-driven wheels
            float distanceTravelledDrivenM   = 0.0f; // Distance travelled by driven wheels
            float AnimationWheelRadiusM      = 0.0f; // Radius of non driven wheels
            float AnimationDriveWheelRadiusM = 0.0f; // Radius of driven wheels

            if (MSTSWagon.IsDriveable && MSTSWagon.Simulator.UseAdvancedAdhesion)
                //TODO: next code line has been modified to flip trainset physics in order to get viewing direction coincident with loco direction when using rear cab.
                // To achieve the same result with other means, without flipping trainset physics, the line should be changed as follows:
                //                                distanceTravelledM = MSTSWagon.WheelSpeedMpS * elapsedTime.ClockSeconds;

                if (Car.EngineType == Orts.Simulation.RollingStocks.TrainCar.EngineTypes.Steam) // Steam locomotive so set up different speeds for different driver and non-driver wheels
                    distanceTravelledM       = ((MSTSWagon.Train != null && MSTSWagon.Train.IsPlayerDriven && ((MSTSLocomotive)MSTSWagon).UsingRearCab) ? -1 : 1) * MSTSWagon.WheelSpeedMpS * elapsedTime.ClockSeconds;
                    distanceTravelledDrivenM = ((MSTSWagon.Train != null && MSTSWagon.Train.IsPlayerDriven && ((MSTSLocomotive)MSTSWagon).UsingRearCab) ? -1 : 1) * MSTSWagon.WheelSpeedSlipMpS * elapsedTime.ClockSeconds;
                    // Set values of wheel radius - assume that drive wheel and non driven wheel are different sizes
                    AnimationWheelRadiusM      = MSTSWagon.WheelRadiusM;
                    AnimationDriveWheelRadiusM = MSTSWagon.DriverWheelRadiusM;
                else  // Other driveable rolling stock - all wheels have same speed.
                    distanceTravelledM       = ((MSTSWagon.Train != null && MSTSWagon.Train.IsPlayerDriven && ((MSTSLocomotive)MSTSWagon).UsingRearCab) ? -1 : 1) * MSTSWagon.WheelSpeedMpS * elapsedTime.ClockSeconds;
                    distanceTravelledDrivenM = ((MSTSWagon.Train != null && MSTSWagon.Train.IsPlayerDriven && ((MSTSLocomotive)MSTSWagon).UsingRearCab) ? -1 : 1) * MSTSWagon.WheelSpeedMpS * elapsedTime.ClockSeconds;
                    // Set values of wheel radius - assume that drive wheel and non driven wheel are same sizes
                    AnimationWheelRadiusM      = MSTSWagon.WheelRadiusM;
                    AnimationDriveWheelRadiusM = MSTSWagon.WheelRadiusM;
            else // set values for simple adhesion
                distanceTravelledM       = MSTSWagon.SpeedMpS * elapsedTime.ClockSeconds;
                distanceTravelledDrivenM = MSTSWagon.SpeedMpS * elapsedTime.ClockSeconds;
                // Set values of wheel radius - assume that drive wheel and non driven wheel are same sizes
                if (Car.EngineType == Orts.Simulation.RollingStocks.TrainCar.EngineTypes.Steam) // set values for steam stock
                    AnimationWheelRadiusM      = MSTSWagon.WheelRadiusM;
                    AnimationDriveWheelRadiusM = MSTSWagon.DriverWheelRadiusM;
                else // set values for non-driveable stock, eg wagons, and driveable stock such as diesels, electric locomotives
                    AnimationWheelRadiusM      = MSTSWagon.WheelRadiusM;
                    AnimationDriveWheelRadiusM = MSTSWagon.WheelRadiusM;

            if (Car.BrakeSkid) // if car wheels are skidding because of brakes lockin wheels up then stop wheels rotating.
                distanceTravelledM       = 0.0f;
                distanceTravelledDrivenM = 0.0f;

            // Running gear and drive wheel rotation (animation) in steam locomotives
            if (!RunningGear.Empty() && AnimationDriveWheelRadiusM > 0.001)
                RunningGear.UpdateLoop(distanceTravelledDrivenM / MathHelper.TwoPi / AnimationDriveWheelRadiusM);

            // Wheel rotation (animation) - for non-drive wheels in steam locomotives and all wheels in other stock
            if (WheelPartIndexes.Count > 0)
                var wheelCircumferenceM = MathHelper.TwoPi * AnimationWheelRadiusM;
                var rotationalDistanceR = MathHelper.TwoPi * distanceTravelledM / wheelCircumferenceM;  // in radians
                WheelRotationR = MathHelper.WrapAngle(WheelRotationR - rotationalDistanceR);
                var wheelRotationMatrix = Matrix.CreateRotationX(WheelRotationR);
                foreach (var iMatrix in WheelPartIndexes)
                    TrainCarShape.XNAMatrices[iMatrix] = wheelRotationMatrix * TrainCarShape.SharedShape.Matrices[iMatrix];

            Trace.TraceInformation("========================== Debug Animation in MSTSWagonViewer.cs ==========================================");
            Trace.TraceInformation("Slip speed - Car ID: {0} WheelDistance: {1} SlipWheelDistance: {2}", Car.CarID, distanceTravelledM, distanceTravelledDrivenM);
            Trace.TraceInformation("Wag Speed - Wheelspeed: {0} Slip: {1} Train: {2}", MSTSWagon.WheelSpeedMpS, MSTSWagon.WheelSpeedSlipMpS, MSTSWagon.SpeedMpS);
            Trace.TraceInformation("Wheel Radius - DriveWheel: {0} NonDriveWheel: {1}", AnimationDriveWheelRadiusM, AnimationWheelRadiusM);

            // truck angle animation
            foreach (var p in Car.Parts)
                if (p.iMatrix <= 0)
                Matrix m = Matrix.Identity;
                m.Translation = TrainCarShape.SharedShape.Matrices[p.iMatrix].Translation;
                m.M11         = p.Cos;
                m.M13         = p.Sin;
                m.M31         = -p.Sin;
                m.M33         = p.Cos;

                // To cancel out any vibration, apply the inverse here. If no vibration is present, this matrix will be Matrix.Identity.
                TrainCarShape.XNAMatrices[p.iMatrix] = Car.VibrationInverseMatrix * m;

            if (FreightShape != null)
                FreightShape.Location.XNAMatrix = Car.WorldPosition.XNAMatrix;
                FreightShape.Location.TileX     = Car.WorldPosition.TileX; FreightShape.Location.TileZ = Car.WorldPosition.TileZ;

                if (MSTSWagon.WagonType == TrainCar.WagonTypes.Tender)
                    if (MSTSWagon.TendersSteamLocomotive == null)
                    if (FreightShape.XNAMatrices.Length > 0 && MSTSWagon.TendersSteamLocomotive != null)
                        if (MSTSWagon.FreightAnimFlag > 0 && MSTSWagon.FreightAnimMaxLevelM > MSTSWagon.FreightAnimMinLevelM)
                            FreightShape.XNAMatrices[0].M42 = MSTSWagon.FreightAnimMinLevelM + MSTSWagon.TendersSteamLocomotive.FuelController.CurrentValue * (MSTSWagon.FreightAnimMaxLevelM - MSTSWagon.FreightAnimMinLevelM);
                        // reproducing MSTS strange behavior; used to display loco crew
                            FreightShape.Location.XNAMatrix.M42 += MSTSWagon.FreightAnimMaxLevelM;
                FreightShape.PrepareFrame(frame, elapsedTime);

            if (FreightAnimations != null)
                foreach (var freightAnim in FreightAnimations.Animations)
                    if (freightAnim.FreightShape != null && !((freightAnim.Animation is FreightAnimationContinuous) && (freightAnim.Animation as FreightAnimationContinuous).LoadPerCent == 0))
                        freightAnim.FreightShape.Location.XNAMatrix = Car.WorldPosition.XNAMatrix;
                        freightAnim.FreightShape.Location.TileX     = Car.WorldPosition.TileX; freightAnim.FreightShape.Location.TileZ = Car.WorldPosition.TileZ;
                        if (freightAnim.FreightShape.XNAMatrices.Length > 0)
                            if (freightAnim.Animation is FreightAnimationContinuous)
                                var continuousFreightAnim = freightAnim.Animation as FreightAnimationContinuous;
                                if (MSTSWagon.FreightAnimations.IsGondola)
                                    freightAnim.FreightShape.XNAMatrices[0] = TrainCarShape.XNAMatrices[1];
                                freightAnim.FreightShape.XNAMatrices[0].M42 = continuousFreightAnim.MinHeight +
                                                                              continuousFreightAnim.LoadPerCent / 100 * (continuousFreightAnim.MaxHeight - continuousFreightAnim.MinHeight);
                            if (freightAnim.Animation is FreightAnimationStatic)
                                var staticFreightAnim = freightAnim.Animation as FreightAnimationStatic;
                                freightAnim.FreightShape.XNAMatrices[0].M41 = staticFreightAnim.XOffset;
                                freightAnim.FreightShape.XNAMatrices[0].M42 = staticFreightAnim.YOffset;
                                freightAnim.FreightShape.XNAMatrices[0].M43 = staticFreightAnim.ZOffset;
                        // Forcing rotation of freight shape
                        freightAnim.FreightShape.PrepareFrame(frame, elapsedTime);

            // Control visibility of passenger cabin when inside it
            if (Viewer.Camera.AttachedCar == this.MSTSWagon
                &&  //( Viewer.ViewPoint == Viewer.ViewPoints.Cab ||  // TODO, restore when we complete cab views -
                Viewer.Camera.Style == Camera.Styles.Passenger)
                // We are in the passenger cabin
                if (InteriorShape != null)
                    InteriorShape.PrepareFrame(frame, elapsedTime);
                    TrainCarShape.PrepareFrame(frame, elapsedTime);
                // Skip drawing if CAB view - draw 2D view instead - by GeorgeS
                if (Viewer.Camera.AttachedCar == this.MSTSWagon &&
                    Viewer.Camera.Style == Camera.Styles.Cab)

                // We are outside the passenger cabin
                TrainCarShape.PrepareFrame(frame, elapsedTime);
 private void DisplayGBuffer(RenderContext context, RenderFrame frame)
Example #51
 internal override void EndRender(RenderFrame frame)
Example #52
 public virtual void PrepareFrame(RenderFrame frame, in ElapsedTime elapsedTime, bool updateFull)
Example #53
 public override void OnRender(RenderFrame renderFrame)
Example #54
 protected virtual void PostCameraRendererDraw(RenderContext context, RenderFrame frame)
Example #55
 public abstract void RenderOverlay(RenderFrame frame, bool keyboardOnly);
Example #56
 protected virtual void SpecificDrawBeforeUI(RenderContext context, RenderFrame renderFrame)
Example #57
        /// <summary>
        /// We are about to display a video frame.  Calculate positions for
        /// animated objects, and add their primitives to the RenderFrame list.
        /// </summary>
        public override void PrepareFrame(RenderFrame frame, ElapsedTime elapsedTime)
            var car = Car as MSTSSteamLocomotive;

            foreach (var drawer in Cylinders)
                drawer.SetOutput(car.Cylinders1SteamVelocityMpS, car.Cylinders1SteamVolumeM3pS, car.Cylinder1ParticleDurationS);

            foreach (var drawer in Cylinders2)
                drawer.SetOutput(car.Cylinders2SteamVelocityMpS, car.Cylinders2SteamVolumeM3pS, car.Cylinder2ParticleDurationS);

            foreach (var drawer in Blowdown)
                drawer.SetOutput(car.BlowdownSteamVelocityMpS, car.BlowdownSteamVolumeM3pS, car.BlowdownParticleDurationS);

            // TODO: Drainpipe - Not used in either MSTS or OR - currently disabled by zero values set in SteamLocomotive file
            foreach (var drawer in Drainpipe)
                drawer.SetOutput(car.DrainpipeSteamVelocityMpS, car.DrainpipeSteamVolumeM3pS, car.DrainpipeParticleDurationS);

            foreach (var drawer in Injectors1)
                drawer.SetOutput(car.Injector1SteamVelocityMpS, car.Injector1SteamVolumeM3pS, car.Injector1ParticleDurationS);

            foreach (var drawer in Injectors2)
                drawer.SetOutput(car.Injector2SteamVelocityMpS, car.Injector2SteamVolumeM3pS, car.Injector2ParticleDurationS);

            foreach (var drawer in SmallEjector)
                drawer.SetOutput(car.SmallEjectorSteamVelocityMpS, car.SmallEjectorSteamVolumeM3pS, car.SmallEjectorParticleDurationS);

            foreach (var drawer in LargeEjector)
                drawer.SetOutput(car.LargeEjectorSteamVelocityMpS, car.LargeEjectorSteamVolumeM3pS, car.LargeEjectorParticleDurationS);

            foreach (var drawer in Compressor)
                drawer.SetOutput(car.CompressorSteamVelocityMpS, car.CompressorSteamVolumeM3pS, car.CompressorParticleDurationS);

            foreach (var drawer in Generator)
                drawer.SetOutput(car.GeneratorSteamVelocityMpS, car.GeneratorSteamVolumeM3pS, car.GeneratorParticleDurationS);

            foreach (var drawer in SafetyValves)
                drawer.SetOutput(car.SafetyValvesSteamVelocityMpS, car.SafetyValvesSteamVolumeM3pS, car.SafetyValvesParticleDurationS);

            Throttlepercent = car.ThrottlePercent > 0 ? car.ThrottlePercent / 10f : 0f;

            foreach (var drawer in Stack)
                Color_Value = car.SmokeColor.SmoothedValue;
                drawer.SetOutput(car.StackSteamVelocityMpS.SmoothedValue, car.StackSteamVolumeM3pS / Stack.Count + car.FireRatio, Throttlepercent + car.FireRatio, new Color(Color_Value, Color_Value, Color_Value));

            foreach (var drawer in Whistle)
                drawer.SetOutput(car.WhistleSteamVelocityMpS, car.WhistleSteamVolumeM3pS, car.WhistleParticleDurationS);

            base.PrepareFrame(frame, elapsedTime);
Example #58
 private void Render(RenderDrawContext arg1, RenderFrame arg2)
Example #59
    static void CaptureFrame(
        RenderFrame frame,
        int captureWidth,
        int captureHeight,
        float horizontalInc,
        float verticalInc,
        float eyeSeparation,
        string effects,
        Camera camera,
        Vector3 capturePos,
        Material biltMaterial)
        var cameraTrans     = camera.transform;
        var horizontalSteps = (int)(360.0f / horizontalInc);
        var verticalSteps   = (int)(180.0f / verticalInc + 1);

        camera.fieldOfView = 180.0f / verticalSteps;
        biltMaterial.SetVector("_BlitParams", new Vector4(
                                   1.0f / captureWidth,
                                   1.0f / captureHeight,

        for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            var left      = (i == 0);
            var eyeOffset = new Vector3(left ? -eyeSeparation : eyeSeparation, 0, 0);

            var renderTarget = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(captureWidth * 2, captureHeight * 2, 16, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);
            var sliderWidth  = (float)renderTarget.width / horizontalSteps;
            var sliderHeight = (float)renderTarget.height / verticalSteps;

            // render the slides to the target.
   = renderTarget;
            camera.targetTexture = renderTarget;
            for (var row = 0; row < verticalSteps; row++)
                for (var col = 0; col < horizontalSteps; col++)
                    cameraTrans.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(
                        180.0f * ((verticalSteps / 2) - row) / verticalSteps,
                        360.0f * col / horizontalSteps,
                    cameraTrans.position = capturePos + cameraTrans.rotation * eyeOffset;
                    // build the viewport.
                    var rect = new Rect(col * sliderWidth, row * sliderHeight, sliderWidth, sliderHeight);
                    camera.pixelRect = rect;
            camera.targetTexture = null;

            // slice to SphericalAtlas
            var sphericalAtlas = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(captureWidth, captureHeight);
            Graphics.Blit(renderTarget, sphericalAtlas, biltMaterial);

            // process the full screen effects.
            PostProcessEffects(ref sphericalAtlas, effects);

            // read the pixels to texture..
   = sphericalAtlas;
            Graphics.Blit(sphericalAtlas, left ? frame.RenderTargetLeft : frame.RenderTargetRight);

            // no need.
   = null;