Exemplo n.º 1
        protected override void DrawCore(RenderContext context, RenderFrame output)
            var input = Input.GetSafeRenderFrame(context);

            // If RenderFrame input or output are null, we can't do anything
            if (input == null)

            // If an effect is set, we are using it
            if (Effect != null)
                Effect.SetInput(0, input);
                if (input.DepthStencil != null)
                    Effect.SetInput(1, input.DepthStencil);
            else if (input != output)
                // Else only use a scaler if input and output don't match
                // TODO: Is this something we want by default or we just don't output anything?
                var effect = context.GetSharedEffect<ImageScaler>();
                effect.SetInput(0, input);
        protected override void DrawCore(RenderContext context, RenderFrame output)
            var graphicsDevice = context.GraphicsDevice;

            // clear the targets
            if (output.DepthStencil != null && (ClearFlags == ClearRenderFrameFlags.ColorAndDepth || ClearFlags == ClearRenderFrameFlags.DepthOnly))
                const DepthStencilClearOptions ClearOptions = DepthStencilClearOptions.DepthBuffer | DepthStencilClearOptions.Stencil;
                graphicsDevice.Clear(output.DepthStencil, ClearOptions, Depth, Stencil);

            if (ClearFlags == ClearRenderFrameFlags.ColorAndDepth || ClearFlags == ClearRenderFrameFlags.ColorOnly)
                foreach (var renderTarget in output.RenderTargets)
                    if (renderTarget != null)
                        // If color is in GammeSpace and rendertarget is either SRgb or HDR, use a linear value to clear the buffer.
                        // TODO: We will need to move this color transform code to a shareable component
                        var color = Color.ToColorSpace(ColorSpace, (renderTarget.Format.IsSRgb() || renderTarget.Format.IsHDR()) ? ColorSpace.Linear : graphicsDevice.ColorSpace);
                        graphicsDevice.Clear(renderTarget, color);
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected override void DrawCore(RenderContext context, RenderFrame output)
            // Early exit if some properties are null
            if (Mode == null)

            // Gets the current camera state from the slot
            var camera = context.GetCameraFromSlot(Camera);

            // Draw this camera.
            using (context.PushTagAndRestore(Current, this))
            using (context.PushTagAndRestore(CameraComponentRenderer.Current, camera))
                // Run all pre-renderers
                foreach (var renderer in PreRenderers)

                // Draw the scene based on its drawing mode (e.g. implementation forward or deferred... etc.)

                // Run all post-renderers
                foreach (var renderer in PostRenderers)
        protected override void DrawCore(RenderDrawContext context, RenderFrame output)
            var input = Input.GetSafeRenderFrame(context.RenderContext);

            // If RenderFrame input or output are null, we can't do anything
            if (input == null)

            // If an effect is set, we are using it
            if (Effect != null)
                Effect.SetInput(0, input);
                if (input.DepthStencil != null)
                    Effect.SetInput(1, input.DepthStencil);
            else if (input != output)
                // Else only use a scaler if input and output don't match
                // TODO: Is this something we want by default or we just don't output anything?
                var effect = context.GetSharedEffect<ImageScaler>();
                effect.SetInput(0, input);

            // Switch back last output as render target
            context.CommandList.ResourceBarrierTransition(output, GraphicsResourceState.RenderTarget);
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void RenderQuad(RenderDrawContext renderContext, RenderFrame frame)
            customEffectInstance.Parameters.Set(EffectKeys.Phase, -3 * (float)Game.UpdateTime.Total.TotalSeconds);

            spriteBatch.Begin(renderContext.GraphicsContext, blendState: BlendStates.NonPremultiplied, depthStencilState: DepthStencilStates.None, effect: customEffectInstance);
            spriteBatch.Draw(Logo, new RectangleF(0, 0, 1, 1), Color.White);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public override void Dispose()
     if (currentFrame != null)
         currentFrame = null;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void DrawParallax(RenderContext context, RenderFrame frame)

            foreach (var pallaraxBackground in backgroundParallax)

        protected override void DrawCore(RenderDrawContext context, RenderFrame output)
            var sceneInstance = GetChildSceneInstance();
            if (sceneInstance == null)

            // Draw scene recursively
            sceneInstance.Draw(context, output, GraphicsCompositorOverride);
        /// <summary>
        /// Activates the output to the current <see cref="GraphicsDevice" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
        /// <param name="output">The output.</param>
        /// <param name="disableDepth">if set to <c>true</c> [disable depth].</param>
        protected virtual void ActivateOutputCore(RenderDrawContext context, RenderFrame output, bool disableDepth)
            // Set default render target states
            foreach (var renderTarget in output.RenderTargets)
                context.CommandList.ResourceBarrierTransition(renderTarget, GraphicsResourceState.RenderTarget);
            context.CommandList.ResourceBarrierTransition(output.DepthStencil, GraphicsResourceState.DepthWrite);

            // Setup the render target
            context.CommandList.SetRenderTargetsAndViewport(disableDepth ? null : output.DepthStencil, output.RenderTargets);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public override RenderFrame GetRenderFrame(RenderContext context)
            // Get the relative frame
            var relativeFrame = context.Tags.Get(RelativeSizeSource == RenderFrameRelativeMode.Current ? RenderFrame.Current : SceneGraphicsLayer.Master);

            // Check if we need to resize it
            if (currentFrame != null && (currentFrame.Descriptor != Descriptor || currentFrame.CheckIfResizeRequired(relativeFrame)))

            // Allocate the render frame if necessary
            // TODO: Should we use allocated shared textures from RenderContext?
            return currentFrame ?? (currentFrame = RenderFrame.New(context.GraphicsDevice, Descriptor, relativeFrame));
        protected override void ActivateOutputCore(RenderContext context, RenderFrame output, bool disableDepth)
            base.ActivateOutputCore(context, output, disableDepth);

            Viewport viewport;
            var rect = Viewport;
            // Setup the viewport
            if (IsViewportInPercentage)
                var width = output.Width;
                var height = output.Height;
                viewport = new Viewport((int)(rect.X * width / 100.0f), (int)(rect.Y * height / 100.0f), (int)(rect.Width * width / 100.0f), (int)(rect.Height * height / 100.0f));
                viewport = new Viewport((int)rect.X, (int)rect.Y, (int)rect.Width, (int)rect.Height);
Exemplo n.º 12
        protected override void DrawCore(RenderContext context, RenderFrame output)
            if (ChildScene == null || !ChildScene.Enabled)

            currentSceneInstance = SceneInstance.GetCurrent(Context);

            childSceneProcessor = childSceneProcessor ?? currentSceneInstance.GetProcessor<ChildSceneProcessor>();

            if (childSceneProcessor == null)

            SceneInstance sceneInstance = childSceneProcessor.GetSceneInstance(ChildScene);
            if (sceneInstance != null)
                sceneInstance.Draw(context, output, GraphicsCompositorOverride);
Exemplo n.º 13
        protected override void DrawCore(RenderContext context, RenderFrame output)
            var graphicsDevice = context.GraphicsDevice;

            // clear the targets
            if (output.DepthStencil != null)
                const DepthStencilClearOptions ClearOptions = DepthStencilClearOptions.DepthBuffer | DepthStencilClearOptions.Stencil;
                graphicsDevice.Clear(output.DepthStencil, ClearOptions, Depth, Stencil);

            if (ClearFlags == ClearRenderFrameFlags.Color)
                foreach (var renderTarget in output.RenderTargets)
                    if (renderTarget != null)
                        graphicsDevice.Clear(renderTarget, Color);
Exemplo n.º 14
 public void imageBegin(int w, int h, int bucketSize)
     if (frame == null)
         frame = new RenderFrame();
         frame.imagePanel.imageBegin(w, h, bucketSize);
         Dimension screenRes = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
         bool needFit = false;
         if (w >= (screenRes.getWidth() - 200) || h >= (screenRes.getHeight() - 200))
             frame.imagePanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension((int)screenRes.getWidth() - 200, (int)screenRes.getHeight() - 200));
             needFit = true;
             frame.imagePanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(w, h));
         if (needFit)
         frame.imagePanel.imageBegin(w, h, bucketSize);
 protected override void PostDrawCore(RenderContext context)
     CurrentRenderFrame = null;
Exemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DirectRenderFrameProvider"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="renderFrame">The render frame.</param>
 public DirectRenderFrameProvider(RenderFrame renderFrame) // Provide only this constructor so that this class doesn't appear in the editor
     RenderFrame = renderFrame;
Exemplo n.º 17
        private void Render(RenderDrawContext context, RenderFrame frame)
            // depth test off mode 
            spriteBatch.Begin(context.GraphicsContext, depthStencilState: DepthStencilStates.None);
            // render the keyboard key states
            spriteBatch.DrawString(Font, KeyboardSessionString, textLeftTopCorner, fontColor);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(Font, "Key pressed/released: " + keyEvents, textLeftTopCorner + new Vector2(TextSubSectionOffsetX, 1 * (textHeight + TextSpaceY)), fontColor);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(Font, "Key down: " + keyDown, textLeftTopCorner + new Vector2(TextSubSectionOffsetX, 2 * (textHeight + TextSpaceY)), fontColor);

            // render the mouse key states
            spriteBatch.DrawString(Font, "Mouse :", textLeftTopCorner + new Vector2(0, 4 * (textHeight + TextSpaceY)), fontColor);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(Font, "Mouse position: " + mousePosition, textLeftTopCorner + new Vector2(TextSubSectionOffsetX, 5 * (textHeight + TextSpaceY)), fontColor);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(Font, "Mouse button pressed: " + mouseButtonPressed, textLeftTopCorner + new Vector2(TextSubSectionOffsetX, 6 * (textHeight + TextSpaceY)), fontColor);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(Font, "Mouse button down: " + mouseButtonDown, textLeftTopCorner + new Vector2(TextSubSectionOffsetX, 7 * (textHeight + TextSpaceY)), fontColor);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(Font, "Mouse button released: " + mouseButtonReleased, textLeftTopCorner + new Vector2(TextSubSectionOffsetX, 8 * (textHeight + TextSpaceY)), fontColor);

            var mouseScreenPosition = new Vector2(mousePosition.X * screenSize.X, mousePosition.Y * screenSize.Y);
            spriteBatch.Draw(RoundTexture, mouseScreenPosition, mouseColor, 0, roundTextureSize / 2, 0.1f);

            // render the pointer states
            foreach (var tuple in pointerPressed)
                DrawPointers(tuple, 1.5f, Color.Blue);
            foreach (var tuple in pointerMoved)
                DrawPointers(tuple, 1f, Color.Green);
            foreach (var tuple in pointerReleased)
                DrawPointers(tuple, 2f, Color.Red);

            // render the gesture states
            spriteBatch.DrawString(Font, "Gestures :", textLeftTopCorner + new Vector2(0, 10 * (textHeight + TextSpaceY)), fontColor);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(Font, "Drag: " + dragEvent, textLeftTopCorner + new Vector2(TextSubSectionOffsetX, 11 * (textHeight + TextSpaceY)), fontColor);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(Font, "Flick: " + flickEvent, textLeftTopCorner + new Vector2(TextSubSectionOffsetX, 12 * (textHeight + TextSpaceY)), fontColor);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(Font, "LongPress: " + longPressEvent, textLeftTopCorner + new Vector2(TextSubSectionOffsetX, 13 * (textHeight + TextSpaceY)), fontColor);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(Font, "Composite: " + compositeEvent, textLeftTopCorner + new Vector2(TextSubSectionOffsetX, 14 * (textHeight + TextSpaceY)), fontColor);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(Font, "Tap: " + tapEvent, textLeftTopCorner + new Vector2(TextSubSectionOffsetX, 15 * (textHeight + TextSpaceY)), fontColor);

            spriteBatch.DrawString(Font, "GamePads: " + gamePadText, textLeftTopCorner + new Vector2(TextSubSectionOffsetX, 17 * (textHeight + TextSpaceY)), fontColor);
Exemplo n.º 18
        private void RenderSpheres(RenderContext renderContext, RenderFrame frame)

            // draw the ball
            var time = (float)Game.DrawTime.Total.TotalSeconds;
            var rotation = time * (float)Math.PI * 0.5f;
            var sourceRectangle = GetSphereAnimation(1.25f * time);
            spriteBatch.Draw(sphere, ballPosition, sourceRectangle, Color.White, rotation, ballHalfSize);

Exemplo n.º 19
        public static void Main()
            using (RenderFrame frame = RenderFrame.Create("", 640, 480, 32, false))
                Counter timer = new Counter();

                FileSystem fs = new FileSystem();
                fs.addDefaultRoots("pretty good", "simple test");
                MediaLoader loader = new MediaLoader(fs);
                //Texture sample = loader.fetch<Texture>("sample.bmp");

                bool  running = true;
                World world   = World.Load(loader, "level01.lvl");
                //world.add(new MeshInstance(loader.fetch<Mesh>("basicroad.obj")));
                Camera cam = new Camera();
                float delta = 0;

                Key  rightleft = new PlusMinus(new Hold(new Ckey(Keys.D)), new Hold(new Ckey(Keys.A)));
                Key  forback   = new PlusMinus(new Hold(new Ckey(Keys.W)), new Hold(new Ckey(Keys.S)));
                Key  updown    = new PlusMinus(new Hold(new Ckey(Keys.Space)), new Hold(new Ckey(Keys.ControlKey)));
                Hold sprint    = new Hold(new Ckey(Keys.ShiftKey));


                vec2 mousesmooth = new vec2(0, 0);
                vec3 movement    = new vec3(0, 0, 0);

                float sensitivity    = 0.1f;
                float mousesmoothing = 6;

                Pipeline pipe = Pipeline.Create("pipeline.xml", loader, frame.Width, frame.Height);

                while (running)

                     * {
                     *  world.render(frame.Width, frame.Height, cam);
                     * });*/

                    pipe.render(new RenderArgs(world, cam, frame.Width, frame.Height));

                     * FullscreenQuad.render(fbo, frame.Width, frame.Height);
                     * Shader.Unbind();*/

                     * world.render(frame.Width, frame.Height, cam);
                     * frame.swap();*/

                    System.Drawing.Point p      = frame.getCursorPos();
                    System.Drawing.Point center = frame.Center;

                    mousesmooth = vec2.Curve(new vec2(p.X - center.X, p.Y - center.Y), mousesmooth, mousesmoothing);
                    movement    = vec3.Curve(Key.Combine(rightleft, updown, forback).Normalized *(3 + sprint.Value * 3), movement, 5);

                    // math::Quaternion(math::op::vec3::yAxisPositive, -x) * math::Quaternion(mRotation.getRight(), y) * mRotation;

                    quat final = quat.FpsQuat(cam.rotation, mousesmooth.x * sensitivity, mousesmooth.y * sensitivity);
                    cam.location += cam.rotation.getRUI(movement) * delta;

                    foreach (RenderFrame.Event e in frame.Events)
                        if (e.button.equals(new Ckey(Keys.Escape)))
                            running = false;
                            Key.Run(e.button, e.down, rightleft, forback, updown, sprint);
                    delta = timer.Duration;
 /// <summary>
 /// Invokes the <see cref="RenderFrame"/> event.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual void OnRenderFrame()
     RenderFrame?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Exemplo n.º 21
 protected virtual void PostCameraRendererDraw(RenderContext context, RenderFrame frame)
Exemplo n.º 22
 /// <summary>
 /// We are about to display a video frame.  Calculate positions for
 /// animated objects, and add their primitives to the RenderFrame list.
 /// </summary>
 public override void PrepareFrame(RenderFrame frame, ElapsedTime elapsedTime)
     base.PrepareFrame(frame, elapsedTime);
Exemplo n.º 23
        protected override void SpecificDrawBeforeUI(RenderDrawContext context, RenderFrame renderFrame)
            base.SpecificDrawBeforeUI(context, renderFrame);

Exemplo n.º 24
 /// <summary>
 /// Called just after a frame is drawn.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="frame">The <see cref="RenderFrame"/> containing everything that was drawn.</param>
 internal virtual void EndRender(RenderFrame frame)
Exemplo n.º 25
 /// <summary>
 /// Called just before a frame is drawn.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="frame">The <see cref="RenderFrame"/> containing everything to be drawn.</param>
 internal virtual void BeginRender(RenderFrame frame)
Exemplo n.º 26
 /// <summary>
 /// Called at the full frame rate
 /// elapsedTime is time since last frame
 /// Executes in the UpdaterThread
 /// </summary>
 public abstract void PrepareFrame(RenderFrame frame, ElapsedTime elapsedTime);
Exemplo n.º 27
 public FrameDisplay(string filename)
     this.filename = filename;
     frame         = null;
Exemplo n.º 28
        protected override void SpecificDrawBeforeUI(RenderContext context, RenderFrame renderFrame)
            base.SpecificDrawBeforeUI(context, renderFrame);

Exemplo n.º 29
 public override void PrepareFrame(RenderFrame frame, in ElapsedTime elapsedTime)
Exemplo n.º 30
 protected abstract void DrawCore(RenderContext context, RenderFrame output);
Exemplo n.º 31
        internal void Start()

            DisplaySize = new Point(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height);

            // Validate that the DirectX feature level is one we understand
            if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(ORTS.Settings.UserSettings.DirectXFeature), "Level" + Game.Settings.DirectXFeatureLevel))
                Game.Settings.DirectXFeatureLevel = "";

            if (Game.Settings.DirectXFeatureLevel == "")
                // Choose default feature level based on profile
                if (GraphicsDevice.GraphicsProfile == GraphicsProfile.HiDef)
                    Game.Settings.DirectXFeatureLevel = "10_0";
                    Game.Settings.DirectXFeatureLevel = "9_1";

            if (Game.Settings.ShadowMapDistance == 0)
                Game.Settings.ShadowMapDistance = Game.Settings.ViewingDistance / 2;

            ShadowMapCount = Game.Settings.ShadowMapCount;
            if (!Game.Settings.DynamicShadows)
                ShadowMapCount = 0;
            else if ((ShadowMapCount > 1) && !Game.Settings.IsDirectXFeatureLevelIncluded(ORTS.Settings.UserSettings.DirectXFeature.Level9_3))
                ShadowMapCount = 1;
            else if (ShadowMapCount < 0)
                ShadowMapCount = 0;
            else if (ShadowMapCount > ShadowMapCountMaximum)
                ShadowMapCount = ShadowMapCountMaximum;
            if (ShadowMapCount < 1)
                Game.Settings.DynamicShadows = false;

            ShadowMapDistance = new int[ShadowMapCount];
            ShadowMapDiameter = new int[ShadowMapCount];
            ShadowMapLimit    = new float[ShadowMapCount];

            ShadowPrimitiveCount    = new int[ShadowMapCount];
            ShadowPrimitivePerFrame = new int[ShadowMapCount];


            CurrentFrame = new RenderFrame(Game);
            NextFrame    = new RenderFrame(Game);
Exemplo n.º 32
        private void RenderQuad(RenderContext renderContext, RenderFrame frame)
            GraphicsDevice.Clear(frame.DepthStencil, DepthStencilClearOptions.DepthBuffer);

            if (_tile != null)
                _spriteBatch.Draw(_tile, Vector2.Zero);
Exemplo n.º 33
 private void DisplayGBuffer(RenderContext context, RenderFrame frame)
Exemplo n.º 34
 public override void PrepareFrame(RenderFrame frame, in ElapsedTime elapsedTime, bool updateFull)
Exemplo n.º 35
 protected virtual void SpecificDrawBeforeUI(RenderContext context, RenderFrame renderFrame)
Exemplo n.º 36
        private void UpdateAnimation(RenderFrame frame, ElapsedTime elapsedTime)
            float distanceTravelledM;

            if (MSTSWagon.IsDriveable && MSTSWagon.Simulator.UseAdvancedAdhesion)
                //TODO: next code line has been modified to flip trainset physics in order to get viewing direction coincident with loco direction when using rear cab.
                // To achieve the same result with other means, without flipping trainset physics, the line should be changed as follows:
                //                                distanceTravelledM = MSTSWagon.WheelSpeedMpS * elapsedTime.ClockSeconds;
                distanceTravelledM = ((MSTSWagon.Train != null && MSTSWagon.Train.IsPlayerDriven && ((MSTSLocomotive)MSTSWagon).UsingRearCab) ? -1 : 1) * MSTSWagon.WheelSpeedMpS * elapsedTime.ClockSeconds;
                distanceTravelledM = MSTSWagon.SpeedMpS * elapsedTime.ClockSeconds;

            // Running gear animation
            if (!RunningGear.Empty() && MSTSWagon.DriverWheelRadiusM > 0.001)
                RunningGear.UpdateLoop(distanceTravelledM / MathHelper.TwoPi / MSTSWagon.DriverWheelRadiusM);

            // Wheel animation
            if (WheelPartIndexes.Count > 0)
                var wheelCircumferenceM = MathHelper.TwoPi * MSTSWagon.WheelRadiusM;
                var rotationalDistanceR = MathHelper.TwoPi * distanceTravelledM / wheelCircumferenceM;  // in radians
                WheelRotationR = MathHelper.WrapAngle(WheelRotationR - rotationalDistanceR);
                var wheelRotationMatrix = Matrix.CreateRotationX(WheelRotationR);
                foreach (var iMatrix in WheelPartIndexes)
                    TrainCarShape.XNAMatrices[iMatrix] = wheelRotationMatrix * TrainCarShape.SharedShape.Matrices[iMatrix];

            // truck angle animation
            foreach (var p in Car.Parts)
                if (p.iMatrix <= 0)
                Matrix m = Matrix.Identity;
                m.Translation = TrainCarShape.SharedShape.Matrices[p.iMatrix].Translation;
                m.M11         = p.Cos;
                m.M13         = p.Sin;
                m.M31         = -p.Sin;
                m.M33         = p.Cos;

                // To cancel out any vibration, apply the inverse here. If no vibration is present, this matrix will be Matrix.Identity.
                TrainCarShape.XNAMatrices[p.iMatrix] = Car.VibrationInverseMatrix * m;

            if (FreightShape != null)
                FreightShape.Location.XNAMatrix = Car.WorldPosition.XNAMatrix;
                FreightShape.Location.TileX     = Car.WorldPosition.TileX; FreightShape.Location.TileZ = Car.WorldPosition.TileZ;

                if (MSTSWagon.WagonType == TrainCar.WagonTypes.Tender)
                    if (MSTSWagon.TendersSteamLocomotive == null)
                    if (FreightShape.XNAMatrices.Length > 0 && MSTSWagon.TendersSteamLocomotive != null)
                        if (MSTSWagon.FreightAnimFlag > 0 && MSTSWagon.FreightAnimMaxLevelM > MSTSWagon.FreightAnimMinLevelM)
                            FreightShape.XNAMatrices[0].M42 = MSTSWagon.FreightAnimMinLevelM + MSTSWagon.TendersSteamLocomotive.FuelController.CurrentValue * (MSTSWagon.FreightAnimMaxLevelM - MSTSWagon.FreightAnimMinLevelM);
                        // reproducing MSTS strange behavior; used to display loco crew
                            FreightShape.Location.XNAMatrix.M42 += MSTSWagon.FreightAnimMaxLevelM;
                FreightShape.PrepareFrame(frame, elapsedTime);

            if (FreightAnimations != null)
                foreach (var freightAnim in FreightAnimations.Animations)
                    if (freightAnim.FreightShape != null && !((freightAnim.Animation is FreightAnimationContinuous) && (freightAnim.Animation as FreightAnimationContinuous).LoadPerCent == 0))
                        freightAnim.FreightShape.Location.XNAMatrix = Car.WorldPosition.XNAMatrix;
                        freightAnim.FreightShape.Location.TileX     = Car.WorldPosition.TileX; freightAnim.FreightShape.Location.TileZ = Car.WorldPosition.TileZ;
                        if (freightAnim.FreightShape.XNAMatrices.Length > 0)
                            if (freightAnim.Animation is FreightAnimationContinuous)
                                var continuousFreightAnim = freightAnim.Animation as FreightAnimationContinuous;
                                if (MSTSWagon.FreightAnimations.IsGondola)
                                    freightAnim.FreightShape.XNAMatrices[0] = TrainCarShape.XNAMatrices[1];
                                freightAnim.FreightShape.XNAMatrices[0].M42 = continuousFreightAnim.MinHeight +
                                                                              continuousFreightAnim.LoadPerCent / 100 * (continuousFreightAnim.MaxHeight - continuousFreightAnim.MinHeight);
                            if (freightAnim.Animation is FreightAnimationStatic)
                                var staticFreightAnim = freightAnim.Animation as FreightAnimationStatic;
                                freightAnim.FreightShape.XNAMatrices[0].M41 = staticFreightAnim.XOffset;
                                freightAnim.FreightShape.XNAMatrices[0].M42 = staticFreightAnim.YOffset;
                                freightAnim.FreightShape.XNAMatrices[0].M43 = staticFreightAnim.ZOffset;
                        // Forcing rotation of freight shape
                        freightAnim.FreightShape.PrepareFrame(frame, elapsedTime);

            // Control visibility of passenger cabin when inside it
            if (Viewer.Camera.AttachedCar == this.MSTSWagon
                &&  //( Viewer.ViewPoint == Viewer.ViewPoints.Cab ||  // TODO, restore when we complete cab views -
                Viewer.Camera.Style == Camera.Styles.Passenger)
                // We are in the passenger cabin
                if (InteriorShape != null)
                    InteriorShape.PrepareFrame(frame, elapsedTime);
                    TrainCarShape.PrepareFrame(frame, elapsedTime);
                // Skip drawing if CAB view - draw 2D view instead - by GeorgeS
                if (Viewer.Camera.AttachedCar == this.MSTSWagon &&
                    Viewer.Camera.Style == Camera.Styles.Cab)

                // We are outside the passenger cabin
                TrainCarShape.PrepareFrame(frame, elapsedTime);
Exemplo n.º 37
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws this scene instance with the specified context and <see cref="RenderFrame"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
        /// <param name="toFrame">To frame.</param>
        /// <param name="compositorOverride">The compositor overload. Set this value to by-pass the default compositor of a scene.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
        /// context
        /// or
        /// toFrame
        /// </exception>
        public void Draw(RenderContext context, RenderFrame toFrame, ISceneGraphicsCompositor compositorOverride = null)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("context");
            if (toFrame == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("toFrame");

            // If no scene, then we can return immediately
            if (Scene == null)

            var graphicsDevice = context.GraphicsDevice;

            bool hasGraphicsBegin = false;

            // Update global time
            var gameTime = context.Time;

            context.GraphicsDevice.Parameters.Set(GlobalKeys.Time, (float)gameTime.Total.TotalSeconds);
            context.GraphicsDevice.Parameters.Set(GlobalKeys.TimeStep, (float)gameTime.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);

                hasGraphicsBegin = true;

                // Always clear the state of the GraphicsDevice to make sure a scene doesn't start with a wrong setup

                // Draw the main scene using the current compositor (or the provided override)
                var graphicsCompositor = compositorOverride ?? Scene.Settings.GraphicsCompositor;
                if (graphicsCompositor != null)
                    // Push context (pop after using)
                    using (context.PushTagAndRestore(RenderFrame.Current, toFrame))
                        using (context.PushTagAndRestore(SceneGraphicsLayer.Master, toFrame))
                            using (context.PushTagAndRestore(Current, this))
                                using (context.PushTagAndRestore(CameraRendererMode.RendererTypesKey, RendererTypes))
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error("An exception occurred while rendering", ex);
                if (hasGraphicsBegin)
Exemplo n.º 38
        public override void PrepareFrame(RenderFrame frame, ORTS.Common.ElapsedTime elapsedTime, bool updateFull)
            if (updateFull)

                var labels         = Labels;
                var newLabels      = new Dictionary <TrItemLabel, LabelPrimitive>(labels.Count);
                var worldFiles     = Owner.Viewer.World.Scenery.WorldFiles;
                var cameraLocation = Owner.Viewer.Camera.CameraWorldLocation;
                foreach (var worldFile in worldFiles)
                    if ((State & DisplayState.Platforms) != 0 && worldFile.platforms != null)
                        foreach (var platform in worldFile.platforms)
                            if (State == DisplayState.Auto && Platforms != null && (!Platforms.ContainsKey(platform.ItemName) || !Platforms[platform.ItemName]))

                            // Calculates distance between camera and platform label.
                            var distance = WorldLocation.GetDistance(platform.Location.WorldLocation, cameraLocation).Length();
                            if (distance <= MaximumDistancePlatform)
                                if (labels.ContainsKey(platform))
                                    newLabels[platform] = labels[platform];
                                    newLabels[platform] = new LabelPrimitive(Owner.Label3DMaterial, Color.Yellow, Color.Black, 0)
                                        Position = platform.Location, Text = platform.ItemName

                                // Change color with distance.
                                var ratio = (MathHelper.Clamp(distance, MinimumDistance, MaximumDistancePlatform) - MinimumDistance) / (MaximumDistancePlatform - MinimumDistance);
                                newLabels[platform].Color.A = newLabels[platform].Outline.A = (byte)MathHelper.Lerp(255, 0, ratio);

                    if ((State & DisplayState.Sidings) != 0 && worldFile.sidings != null)
                        foreach (var siding in worldFile.sidings)
                            if (State == DisplayState.Auto && Sidings != null && (!Sidings.ContainsKey(siding.ItemName) || !Sidings[siding.ItemName]))

                            // Calculates distance between camera and siding label.
                            var distance = WorldLocation.GetDistance(siding.Location.WorldLocation, cameraLocation).Length();
                            if (distance <= MaximumDistanceSiding)
                                if (labels.ContainsKey(siding))
                                    newLabels[siding] = labels[siding];
                                    newLabels[siding] = new LabelPrimitive(Owner.Label3DMaterial, Color.Orange, Color.Black, 0)
                                        Position = siding.Location, Text = siding.ItemName

                                // Change color with distance.
                                var ratio = (MathHelper.Clamp(distance, MinimumDistance, MaximumDistanceSiding) - MinimumDistance) / (MaximumDistanceSiding - MinimumDistance);
                                newLabels[siding].Color.A = newLabels[siding].Outline.A = (byte)MathHelper.Lerp(255, 0, ratio);
                Labels = newLabels;

            foreach (var primitive in Labels.Values)
                frame.AddPrimitive(Owner.Label3DMaterial, primitive, RenderPrimitiveGroup.Labels, ref Identity);
Exemplo n.º 39
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DirectRenderFrameProvider"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="renderFrame">The render frame.</param>
 public DirectRenderFrameProvider(RenderFrame renderFrame) // Provide only this constructor so that this class doesn't appear in the editor
     RenderFrame = renderFrame;
Exemplo n.º 40
 /// <summary>
 /// Activates the output to the current <see cref="GraphicsDevice" />.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
 /// <param name="output">The output.</param>
 /// <param name="disableDepth">if set to <c>true</c> [disable depth].</param>
 protected virtual void ActivateOutputCore(RenderDrawContext context, RenderFrame output, bool disableDepth)
     // Setup the render target
     context.CommandList.SetRenderTargetsAndViewport(disableDepth ? null : output.DepthStencil, output.RenderTargets);
Exemplo n.º 41
        protected override void PostCameraRendererDraw(RenderContext context, RenderFrame frame)
            if (!debug)

            spriteBatch.DrawString(font, "Desired triangle size: {0}".ToFormat(currentMaterial.Parameters.Get(TessellationKeys.DesiredTriangleSize)), new Vector2(0), Color.Black);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(font, "FPS: {0}".ToFormat(DrawTime.FramePerSecond), new Vector2(0, 20), Color.Black);
 protected override void PreDrawCore(RenderContext context)
     CurrentRenderFrame = context.Tags.GetSafe(RenderFrame.Current);
Exemplo n.º 43
 protected override void DrawCore(RenderContext context, RenderFrame output)
     drawAction(context, output);
Exemplo n.º 44
        protected override void SpecificDrawBeforeUI(RenderContext context, RenderFrame renderFrame)
            base.SpecificDrawBeforeUI(context, renderFrame);

Exemplo n.º 45
 public abstract void OnRender(RenderFrame renderFrame);
Exemplo n.º 46
 private void RenderQuad(RenderContext renderContext, RenderFrame frame)
     quad.Parameters.Set(EffectKeys.Phase, -3 * (float)Game.UpdateTime.Total.TotalSeconds);
     quad.Draw(Logo, samplingState, Color.White);
Exemplo n.º 47
 internal void StartUpdate(RenderFrame frame, GameTime gameTime)
     CurrentFrame  = frame;
     this.gameTime = gameTime;
Exemplo n.º 48
 /// <summary>
 /// Activates the output to the current <see cref="GraphicsDevice" />.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
 /// <param name="output">The output.</param>
 /// <param name="disableDepth">if set to <c>true</c> [disable depth].</param>
 protected virtual void ActivateOutputCore(RenderContext context, RenderFrame output, bool disableDepth)
     // Setup the render target
     context.GraphicsDevice.SetDepthAndRenderTargets(disableDepth ? null : output.DepthStencil, output.RenderTargets);
Exemplo n.º 49
        private void UpdateAnimation(RenderFrame frame, ElapsedTime elapsedTime)
            float distanceTravelledM         = 0.0f; // Distance travelled by non-driven wheels
            float distanceTravelledDrivenM   = 0.0f; // Distance travelled by driven wheels
            float AnimationWheelRadiusM      = 0.0f; // Radius of non driven wheels
            float AnimationDriveWheelRadiusM = 0.0f; // Radius of driven wheels

            if (MSTSWagon.IsDriveable && MSTSWagon.Simulator.UseAdvancedAdhesion)
                //TODO: next code line has been modified to flip trainset physics in order to get viewing direction coincident with loco direction when using rear cab.
                // To achieve the same result with other means, without flipping trainset physics, the line should be changed as follows:
                //                                distanceTravelledM = MSTSWagon.WheelSpeedMpS * elapsedTime.ClockSeconds;

                if (Car.EngineType == Orts.Simulation.RollingStocks.TrainCar.EngineTypes.Steam) // Steam locomotive so set up different speeds for different driver and non-driver wheels
                    distanceTravelledM       = ((MSTSWagon.Train != null && MSTSWagon.Train.IsPlayerDriven && ((MSTSLocomotive)MSTSWagon).UsingRearCab) ? -1 : 1) * MSTSWagon.WheelSpeedMpS * elapsedTime.ClockSeconds;
                    distanceTravelledDrivenM = ((MSTSWagon.Train != null && MSTSWagon.Train.IsPlayerDriven && ((MSTSLocomotive)MSTSWagon).UsingRearCab) ? -1 : 1) * MSTSWagon.WheelSpeedSlipMpS * elapsedTime.ClockSeconds;
                    // Set values of wheel radius - assume that drive wheel and non driven wheel are different sizes
                    AnimationWheelRadiusM      = MSTSWagon.WheelRadiusM;
                    AnimationDriveWheelRadiusM = MSTSWagon.DriverWheelRadiusM;
                else  // Other driveable rolling stock - all wheels have same speed.
                    distanceTravelledM       = ((MSTSWagon.Train != null && MSTSWagon.Train.IsPlayerDriven && ((MSTSLocomotive)MSTSWagon).UsingRearCab) ? -1 : 1) * MSTSWagon.WheelSpeedMpS * elapsedTime.ClockSeconds;
                    distanceTravelledDrivenM = ((MSTSWagon.Train != null && MSTSWagon.Train.IsPlayerDriven && ((MSTSLocomotive)MSTSWagon).UsingRearCab) ? -1 : 1) * MSTSWagon.WheelSpeedMpS * elapsedTime.ClockSeconds;
                    // Set values of wheel radius - assume that drive wheel and non driven wheel are same sizes
                    AnimationWheelRadiusM      = MSTSWagon.WheelRadiusM;
                    AnimationDriveWheelRadiusM = MSTSWagon.WheelRadiusM;
            else // set values for simple adhesion
                distanceTravelledM       = MSTSWagon.SpeedMpS * elapsedTime.ClockSeconds;
                distanceTravelledDrivenM = MSTSWagon.SpeedMpS * elapsedTime.ClockSeconds;
                // Set values of wheel radius - assume that drive wheel and non driven wheel are same sizes
                if (Car.EngineType == Orts.Simulation.RollingStocks.TrainCar.EngineTypes.Steam) // set values for steam stock
                    AnimationWheelRadiusM      = MSTSWagon.WheelRadiusM;
                    AnimationDriveWheelRadiusM = MSTSWagon.DriverWheelRadiusM;
                else // set values for non-driveable stock, eg wagons, and driveable stock such as diesels, electric locomotives
                    AnimationWheelRadiusM      = MSTSWagon.WheelRadiusM;
                    AnimationDriveWheelRadiusM = MSTSWagon.WheelRadiusM;

            if (Car.BrakeSkid) // if car wheels are skidding because of brakes lockin wheels up then stop wheels rotating.
                distanceTravelledM       = 0.0f;
                distanceTravelledDrivenM = 0.0f;

            // Running gear and drive wheel rotation (animation) in steam locomotives
            if (!RunningGear.Empty() && AnimationDriveWheelRadiusM > 0.001)
                RunningGear.UpdateLoop(distanceTravelledDrivenM / MathHelper.TwoPi / AnimationDriveWheelRadiusM);

            // Wheel rotation (animation) - for non-drive wheels in steam locomotives and all wheels in other stock
            if (WheelPartIndexes.Count > 0)
                var wheelCircumferenceM = MathHelper.TwoPi * AnimationWheelRadiusM;
                var rotationalDistanceR = MathHelper.TwoPi * distanceTravelledM / wheelCircumferenceM;  // in radians
                WheelRotationR = MathHelper.WrapAngle(WheelRotationR - rotationalDistanceR);
                var wheelRotationMatrix = Matrix.CreateRotationX(WheelRotationR);
                foreach (var iMatrix in WheelPartIndexes)
                    TrainCarShape.XNAMatrices[iMatrix] = wheelRotationMatrix * TrainCarShape.SharedShape.Matrices[iMatrix];

            Trace.TraceInformation("========================== Debug Animation in MSTSWagonViewer.cs ==========================================");
            Trace.TraceInformation("Slip speed - Car ID: {0} WheelDistance: {1} SlipWheelDistance: {2}", Car.CarID, distanceTravelledM, distanceTravelledDrivenM);
            Trace.TraceInformation("Wag Speed - Wheelspeed: {0} Slip: {1} Train: {2}", MSTSWagon.WheelSpeedMpS, MSTSWagon.WheelSpeedSlipMpS, MSTSWagon.SpeedMpS);
            Trace.TraceInformation("Wheel Radius - DriveWheel: {0} NonDriveWheel: {1}", AnimationDriveWheelRadiusM, AnimationWheelRadiusM);

            // truck angle animation
            foreach (var p in Car.Parts)
                if (p.iMatrix <= 0)
                Matrix m = Matrix.Identity;
                m.Translation = TrainCarShape.SharedShape.Matrices[p.iMatrix].Translation;
                m.M11         = p.Cos;
                m.M13         = p.Sin;
                m.M31         = -p.Sin;
                m.M33         = p.Cos;

                // To cancel out any vibration, apply the inverse here. If no vibration is present, this matrix will be Matrix.Identity.
                TrainCarShape.XNAMatrices[p.iMatrix] = Car.VibrationInverseMatrix * m;

            if (FreightShape != null)
                FreightShape.Location.XNAMatrix = Car.WorldPosition.XNAMatrix;
                FreightShape.Location.TileX     = Car.WorldPosition.TileX; FreightShape.Location.TileZ = Car.WorldPosition.TileZ;

                if (MSTSWagon.WagonType == TrainCar.WagonTypes.Tender)
                    if (MSTSWagon.TendersSteamLocomotive == null)
                    if (FreightShape.XNAMatrices.Length > 0 && MSTSWagon.TendersSteamLocomotive != null)
                        if (MSTSWagon.FreightAnimFlag > 0 && MSTSWagon.FreightAnimMaxLevelM > MSTSWagon.FreightAnimMinLevelM)
                            FreightShape.XNAMatrices[0].M42 = MSTSWagon.FreightAnimMinLevelM + MSTSWagon.TendersSteamLocomotive.FuelController.CurrentValue * (MSTSWagon.FreightAnimMaxLevelM - MSTSWagon.FreightAnimMinLevelM);
                        // reproducing MSTS strange behavior; used to display loco crew
                            FreightShape.Location.XNAMatrix.M42 += MSTSWagon.FreightAnimMaxLevelM;
                FreightShape.PrepareFrame(frame, elapsedTime);

            if (FreightAnimations != null)
                foreach (var freightAnim in FreightAnimations.Animations)
                    if (freightAnim.FreightShape != null && !((freightAnim.Animation is FreightAnimationContinuous) && (freightAnim.Animation as FreightAnimationContinuous).LoadPerCent == 0))
                        freightAnim.FreightShape.Location.XNAMatrix = Car.WorldPosition.XNAMatrix;
                        freightAnim.FreightShape.Location.TileX     = Car.WorldPosition.TileX; freightAnim.FreightShape.Location.TileZ = Car.WorldPosition.TileZ;
                        if (freightAnim.FreightShape.XNAMatrices.Length > 0)
                            if (freightAnim.Animation is FreightAnimationContinuous)
                                var continuousFreightAnim = freightAnim.Animation as FreightAnimationContinuous;
                                if (MSTSWagon.FreightAnimations.IsGondola)
                                    freightAnim.FreightShape.XNAMatrices[0] = TrainCarShape.XNAMatrices[1];
                                freightAnim.FreightShape.XNAMatrices[0].M42 = continuousFreightAnim.MinHeight +
                                                                              continuousFreightAnim.LoadPerCent / 100 * (continuousFreightAnim.MaxHeight - continuousFreightAnim.MinHeight);
                            if (freightAnim.Animation is FreightAnimationStatic)
                                var staticFreightAnim = freightAnim.Animation as FreightAnimationStatic;
                                freightAnim.FreightShape.XNAMatrices[0].M41 = staticFreightAnim.XOffset;
                                freightAnim.FreightShape.XNAMatrices[0].M42 = staticFreightAnim.YOffset;
                                freightAnim.FreightShape.XNAMatrices[0].M43 = staticFreightAnim.ZOffset;
                        // Forcing rotation of freight shape
                        freightAnim.FreightShape.PrepareFrame(frame, elapsedTime);

            // Control visibility of passenger cabin when inside it
            if (Viewer.Camera.AttachedCar == this.MSTSWagon
                &&  //( Viewer.ViewPoint == Viewer.ViewPoints.Cab ||  // TODO, restore when we complete cab views -
                Viewer.Camera.Style == Camera.Styles.Passenger)
                // We are in the passenger cabin
                if (InteriorShape != null)
                    InteriorShape.PrepareFrame(frame, elapsedTime);
                    TrainCarShape.PrepareFrame(frame, elapsedTime);
                // Skip drawing if CAB view - draw 2D view instead - by GeorgeS
                if (Viewer.Camera.AttachedCar == this.MSTSWagon &&
                    Viewer.Camera.Style == Camera.Styles.Cab)

                // We are outside the passenger cabin
                TrainCarShape.PrepareFrame(frame, elapsedTime);
 private void DisplayGBuffer(RenderContext context, RenderFrame frame)
Exemplo n.º 51
 internal override void EndRender(RenderFrame frame)
Exemplo n.º 52
 public virtual void PrepareFrame(RenderFrame frame, in ElapsedTime elapsedTime, bool updateFull)
Exemplo n.º 53
 public override void OnRender(RenderFrame renderFrame)
Exemplo n.º 54
 protected virtual void PostCameraRendererDraw(RenderContext context, RenderFrame frame)
Exemplo n.º 55
 public abstract void RenderOverlay(RenderFrame frame, bool keyboardOnly);
Exemplo n.º 56
 protected virtual void SpecificDrawBeforeUI(RenderContext context, RenderFrame renderFrame)
Exemplo n.º 57
        /// <summary>
        /// We are about to display a video frame.  Calculate positions for
        /// animated objects, and add their primitives to the RenderFrame list.
        /// </summary>
        public override void PrepareFrame(RenderFrame frame, ElapsedTime elapsedTime)
            var car = Car as MSTSSteamLocomotive;

            foreach (var drawer in Cylinders)
                drawer.SetOutput(car.Cylinders1SteamVelocityMpS, car.Cylinders1SteamVolumeM3pS, car.Cylinder1ParticleDurationS);

            foreach (var drawer in Cylinders2)
                drawer.SetOutput(car.Cylinders2SteamVelocityMpS, car.Cylinders2SteamVolumeM3pS, car.Cylinder2ParticleDurationS);

            foreach (var drawer in Blowdown)
                drawer.SetOutput(car.BlowdownSteamVelocityMpS, car.BlowdownSteamVolumeM3pS, car.BlowdownParticleDurationS);

            // TODO: Drainpipe - Not used in either MSTS or OR - currently disabled by zero values set in SteamLocomotive file
            foreach (var drawer in Drainpipe)
                drawer.SetOutput(car.DrainpipeSteamVelocityMpS, car.DrainpipeSteamVolumeM3pS, car.DrainpipeParticleDurationS);

            foreach (var drawer in Injectors1)
                drawer.SetOutput(car.Injector1SteamVelocityMpS, car.Injector1SteamVolumeM3pS, car.Injector1ParticleDurationS);

            foreach (var drawer in Injectors2)
                drawer.SetOutput(car.Injector2SteamVelocityMpS, car.Injector2SteamVolumeM3pS, car.Injector2ParticleDurationS);

            foreach (var drawer in SmallEjector)
                drawer.SetOutput(car.SmallEjectorSteamVelocityMpS, car.SmallEjectorSteamVolumeM3pS, car.SmallEjectorParticleDurationS);

            foreach (var drawer in LargeEjector)
                drawer.SetOutput(car.LargeEjectorSteamVelocityMpS, car.LargeEjectorSteamVolumeM3pS, car.LargeEjectorParticleDurationS);

            foreach (var drawer in Compressor)
                drawer.SetOutput(car.CompressorSteamVelocityMpS, car.CompressorSteamVolumeM3pS, car.CompressorParticleDurationS);

            foreach (var drawer in Generator)
                drawer.SetOutput(car.GeneratorSteamVelocityMpS, car.GeneratorSteamVolumeM3pS, car.GeneratorParticleDurationS);

            foreach (var drawer in SafetyValves)
                drawer.SetOutput(car.SafetyValvesSteamVelocityMpS, car.SafetyValvesSteamVolumeM3pS, car.SafetyValvesParticleDurationS);

            Throttlepercent = car.ThrottlePercent > 0 ? car.ThrottlePercent / 10f : 0f;

            foreach (var drawer in Stack)
                Color_Value = car.SmokeColor.SmoothedValue;
                drawer.SetOutput(car.StackSteamVelocityMpS.SmoothedValue, car.StackSteamVolumeM3pS / Stack.Count + car.FireRatio, Throttlepercent + car.FireRatio, new Color(Color_Value, Color_Value, Color_Value));

            foreach (var drawer in Whistle)
                drawer.SetOutput(car.WhistleSteamVelocityMpS, car.WhistleSteamVolumeM3pS, car.WhistleParticleDurationS);

            base.PrepareFrame(frame, elapsedTime);
Exemplo n.º 58
 private void Render(RenderDrawContext arg1, RenderFrame arg2)
Exemplo n.º 59
    static void CaptureFrame(
        RenderFrame frame,
        int captureWidth,
        int captureHeight,
        float horizontalInc,
        float verticalInc,
        float eyeSeparation,
        string effects,
        Camera camera,
        Vector3 capturePos,
        Material biltMaterial)
        var cameraTrans     = camera.transform;
        var horizontalSteps = (int)(360.0f / horizontalInc);
        var verticalSteps   = (int)(180.0f / verticalInc + 1);

        camera.fieldOfView = 180.0f / verticalSteps;
        biltMaterial.SetVector("_BlitParams", new Vector4(
                                   1.0f / captureWidth,
                                   1.0f / captureHeight,

        for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            var left      = (i == 0);
            var eyeOffset = new Vector3(left ? -eyeSeparation : eyeSeparation, 0, 0);

            var renderTarget = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(captureWidth * 2, captureHeight * 2, 16, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);
            var sliderWidth  = (float)renderTarget.width / horizontalSteps;
            var sliderHeight = (float)renderTarget.height / verticalSteps;

            // render the slides to the target.
            RenderTexture.active = renderTarget;
            camera.targetTexture = renderTarget;
            for (var row = 0; row < verticalSteps; row++)
                for (var col = 0; col < horizontalSteps; col++)
                    cameraTrans.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(
                        180.0f * ((verticalSteps / 2) - row) / verticalSteps,
                        360.0f * col / horizontalSteps,
                    cameraTrans.position = capturePos + cameraTrans.rotation * eyeOffset;
                    // build the viewport.
                    var rect = new Rect(col * sliderWidth, row * sliderHeight, sliderWidth, sliderHeight);
                    camera.pixelRect = rect;
            camera.targetTexture = null;

            // slice to SphericalAtlas
            var sphericalAtlas = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(captureWidth, captureHeight);
            Graphics.Blit(renderTarget, sphericalAtlas, biltMaterial);

            // process the full screen effects.
            PostProcessEffects(ref sphericalAtlas, effects);

            // read the pixels to texture..
            RenderTexture.active = sphericalAtlas;
            Graphics.Blit(sphericalAtlas, left ? frame.RenderTargetLeft : frame.RenderTargetRight);

            // no need.
            RenderTexture.active = null;