public override void PlayerPunched(int damage, PlayerPunch punch) { if (state == WizardState.PickingCups) { if (motor.IsRealCupInFront()) { Invoke("DoCupRecover", 4.0f); motor.DoCupStun(); } else { state = WizardState.Idle; DoScreenSweep(); } } if (state == WizardState.CupStunned) { healthPool -= damage; healthBar.updateHealth(healthPool); CamShake.AddTrauma(0.2f); audioSource.PlayOneShot(hurtSound); if (healthPool < 0) { DoDie(); } else { motor.DoCupHurt(); } } }
public override void PlayerPunched(int damage, PlayerPunch punch) { if (state == BlackbeardState.Idle) { motor.DoGuard(); } if (state == BlackbeardState.Stunned && canGetHurt) { healthPool -= damage; healthBar.updateHealth(healthPool); CamShake.AddTrauma(0.7f); if (healthPool <= 0) { DoDie(); } else { DoHurt(punch); } player.BossHurt(); } if (state == BlackbeardState.Cannon && cannonballBackfire) { DoStun(); DoCannonReturn(); } }
public void IcicleHurt(int damage) { healthPool -= damage; healthBar.updateHealth(healthPool); CamShake.AddTrauma(0.7f); canHurt = true; DoRoar(); }
public void OnLookAtIrrwish(float distT, float facingT, float opaqueness) { float totalFactor = facingT * Mathf.Clamp(_dmgFacingFactor, _minFacingDmg, 1.0f) * (1.0f - opaqueness); if (_shake) { _shake.ReduceTrauma = false; _shake.AddTrauma(totalFactor * Time.deltaTime); } float dmg = Mathf.Lerp(_dmgClose, _dmgFar, distT) * totalFactor; ChangeHealth(dmg * Time.deltaTime); }
public override void PlayerPunched(int damage, PlayerPunch punch) { Camera.main.GetComponent <AudioSource>().PlayOneShot(punchSound); health -= damage; if (health <= 0) { GameController.controller.Win(2.0f); } healthBar.updateHealth(health); CamShake.AddTrauma(0.7f); vel -= 250.0f; }
void DoHurt(int dmg, PlayerPunch punch) { sound.playHurt(); CamShake.AddTrauma(0.7f); motor.DoHurt(punch); healthpool -= dmg; healthBar.updateHealth(healthpool); if (healthpool <= 0) { GameController.controller.Win(4.0f); sound.playDeath(); state = ChinbaldState.Dead; motor.DoDeath(); player.BossDied(); } }
void DoHurt(int dmg) { ClearInputQueue(); attacking = false; state = PlayerState.Hurt; healthpool -= dmg; healthBar.updateHealth(healthpool); CamShake.AddTrauma(1.0f); ani.SetTrigger("PlayerHurt"); if (healthpool <= 0) { GameController.controller.GameOver(); state = PlayerState.Dead; ani.SetTrigger("death"); boss.PlayerDied(); } }
public void tickDown() { if (left) { left.tickDown(); CamShake.AddTrauma(0.2f); } if (center) { center.tickDown(); CamShake.AddTrauma(0.2f); } if (right) { right.tickDown(); CamShake.AddTrauma(0.2f); } }
public void collapse() { if (left) { left.fall(); CamShake.AddTrauma(0.5f); } if (right) { left.fall(); CamShake.AddTrauma(0.5f); } if (center) { center.fall(); CamShake.AddTrauma(0.5f); } }
public void OnTap() { if (shakeTicks > 0) { return; } tapDamage++; CamShake.AddTrauma(0.1f); if (tapDamage >= 3) { tapDamage = 0; tickDown(); CamShake.AddTrauma(0.3f); } else { shake(3); } }
public override void PlayerPunched(int dmg, PlayerPunch punch) { //TODO: Create a specific timing window during the roar to hurt him. if (state == YetiState.Roar && canHurt) { healthPool -= dmg; healthBar.updateHealth(healthPool); CamShake.AddTrauma(0.7f); if (healthPool <= 0) { DoDie(); } else { //DoHurt (punch); } player.BossHurt(); } }
void Shake() { CamShake.AddTrauma(1.0f); }
void JumpShake() { CamShake.AddTrauma(0.8f); }