Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// "Help" function to update the form with the game value
        /// </summary>
        void FormUpdate()
            diePictureBox.Image     = Images.GetDieImage(Pig_Single_Die_Game.GetFaceValue());    // Set the image to the die value
            TotalPointsPlayer1.Text = Pig_Single_Die_Game.GetPointsTotal("Player 1").ToString(); // Set the Player 1 points label to player 1's points
            TotalPointsPlayer2.Text = Pig_Single_Die_Game.GetPointsTotal("Player 2").ToString(); // Set the Player 2 points label to player 2's points

            textLine1.Text = Pig_Single_Die_Game.GetThisPlayer();                                // Set the information text's first line to the player name
            textLine2.Text = (HoldBtn.Enabled) ? "Roll or Hold" : "Roll Die";                    // Set the information text's second line to the player's available action
Ejemplo n.º 2
        }//end of RollButton_Click

        /// <summary>
        /// Updates textbox, changes player, updates WhoseTurnToLabel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void HoldButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Pig_Single_Die_Game.current_player == 1)
                PlayerOneTotalTextBox.Text         = Pig_Single_Die_Game.GetPointsTotal().ToString();
                Pig_Single_Die_Game.current_player = 2;
                WhoseTurnToLabel.Text = "Player 2";
            else if (Pig_Single_Die_Game.current_player == 2)
                PlayerTwoTotalTextBox.Text         = Pig_Single_Die_Game.GetPointsTotal().ToString();
                Pig_Single_Die_Game.current_player = 1;
                WhoseTurnToLabel.Text = "Player 1";
        }//end of HoldButton_Click
Ejemplo n.º 3
        }// end SetPlayerScores

        /// <summary>
        /// Displays end turn message as messagebox.
        /// Players reverted score is displayed.
        /// </summary>
        private void EndTurn()
            string currentPlayer, revertedScore;


            currentPlayer = lblWhoseTurn.Text.ToString();

            revertedScore = Pig_Single_Die_Game.GetPointsTotal(currentPlayer).ToString();

            // Finish this part

            MessageBox.Show("Sorry you have thrown a 1." +
                            "\nYour turn is over." +
                            "\nYour score reverts to " + revertedScore);

        } // end EndTurn()
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Call the PlayGame function and determine the outcome of the round. Allow another turn if player did not roll a 1 or call the next player if player did roll a 1.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void rollButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int points = Pig_Single_Die_Game.GetPointsTotal(pigLabelWhosTurnTo.Text);

            if (!Pig_Single_Die_Game.PlayGame())
                Program.showOKMessageBox("Sorry, you've thrown a 1.\nYour turn is over.\nYour score reverts to " + points + ".");
                pigLabelWhosTurnTo.Text = Pig_Single_Die_Game.GetNextPlayersName();

            if (Pig_Single_Die_Game.HasWon())
Ejemplo n.º 5
 private void RollButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     HoldBtn.Enabled = true;             // Enabled the hold button once a die has been thrown
     if (Pig_Single_Die_Game.PlayGame()) // If a 1 has been thrown
         HoldBtn.Enabled = false;        // Disable the hold button
         MessageBox.Show("Sorry you have thrown a 1.\nYour turn is over!\nYour score reverts to " + Pig_Single_Die_Game.GetPointsTotal(Pig_Single_Die_Game.GetNextPlayer()));
         if (Pig_Single_Die_Game.CheckWin())   // If a player has won the game
             MessageBox.Show(Pig_Single_Die_Game.GetThisPlayer() + " has won!\nWell done.");
             // Disable gameplay buttons until the user makes a choice whether to play again
             RollBtn.Enabled = false;
             HoldBtn.Enabled = false;
             // Enable the user to make a choice whether to play again
             GameTerminal.Enabled = true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Rolls die through .PlayGame(), updates image, changes player, checks for wins
 /// Updates WhosTurnToLabel, updates textbox, enables groupbox.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void RollButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (Pig_Single_Die_Game.current_player == 1)
         PictureBox.Image           = Images.GetDieImage(Pig_Single_Die_Game.GetFaceValue());
         PlayerOneTotalTextBox.Text = Pig_Single_Die_Game.overall_points.ToString();
         if (Pig_Single_Die_Game.did_roll_one == 1)
             MessageBox.Show("You have thrown a 1.\n Your turn is over!\n Your overall_points reverts to " + Pig_Single_Die_Game.GetPointsTotal() + "!");
             Pig_Single_Die_Game.current_player = 2;
             WhoseTurnToLabel.Text = "Player 2";
         if (Pig_Single_Die_Game.HasWon())
             MessageBox.Show("Player 1 has won!\n Well done!");
             AnotherGameGroupBox.Enabled = true;
     else if (Pig_Single_Die_Game.current_player == 2)
         PictureBox.Image           = Images.GetDieImage(Pig_Single_Die_Game.GetFaceValue());
         PlayerTwoTotalTextBox.Text = Pig_Single_Die_Game.overall_points.ToString();
         if (Pig_Single_Die_Game.did_roll_one == 1)
             MessageBox.Show("You have thrown a 1.\n Your turn is over!\n Your overall_points reverts to " + Pig_Single_Die_Game.GetPointsTotal() + "!");
             Pig_Single_Die_Game.current_player = 1;
             WhoseTurnToLabel.Text            = "Player 1";
             Pig_Single_Die_Game.did_roll_one = 0;
         if (Pig_Single_Die_Game.HasWon())
             MessageBox.Show("Player 2 has won!\n Well done!");
             AnotherGameGroupBox.Enabled = true;
 }//end of RollButton_Click
Ejemplo n.º 7
        }// end EnableHoldButton

        /// <summary>
        /// Displays player scores from the Game class on the form
        /// </summary>
        private void SetPlayerScores()
            txtPlayerOneTotal.Text = Pig_Single_Die_Game.GetPointsTotal("Player 1").ToString();

            txtPlayerTwoTotal.Text = Pig_Single_Die_Game.GetPointsTotal("Player 2").ToString();
        }// end SetPlayerScores