public void CreateGlow(Entity lightSource)
            var center = lightSource.Component<Position>().Coords;
            var source = lightSource.Component<LightSource>();
            // Radius, light strength, fog strength; must start in the center
            var lightPools = new[]
                                     new[] {1, 30, 0},
                                     new[] {2, 25, 5},
                                     new[] {Convert.ToInt32(source.Radius*.6), 20, 10},
                                     new[] {Convert.ToInt32(source.Radius*.75), 12, 25},
                                     new[] {Convert.ToInt32(source.Radius*.9), 5, 40}

            var glow = new Dictionary<GridPoint, Entity>();
            foreach (var pool in lightPools)
                var points = Utilities.CreateCircle(center, pool[0], true);
                foreach (var point in points)
                    if (glow.ContainsKey(point) == false)
                        var lightStrength = source.Strength * pool[1] / 100.0;
                        var fogStrength = source.Strength * pool[2] / 100.0;
                        var light = new Light(source.Color, lightStrength, fogStrength);
                        glow[point] = new Entity("Light", new Component[] { new Position(point.X, point.Y), light } );
            _sourcesAndLights.Add(lightSource, glow.Values.ToList());
 public override void Register(Entity entity)
     if (entity.Component<Mob>() != null)
     if (entity.Component<Obstacle>() != null)
 public override void Deregister(Entity entity)
     if (entity.Component<Tile>() != null)
         var positions = entity.Component<IPosition>().Positions;
         foreach (var pos in positions)
             _map[pos.X, pos.Y] = null;
         SetTiles(_region.Default, positions);
 public override void Register(Entity entity)
     if (entity.Component<Harvestable>() != null)
 public override void Register(Entity entity)
     var item = entity.Component<InventoryItem>();
     if (item != null && _inventory.ContainsKey(entity.Name) == false)
         _inventory.Add(entity.Name, item);
        public void DrawEntity(Entity entity)
            var position = entity.Component<IPosition>();
            if (position == null) return;

            var graphic = entity.Component<BeadGraphic>();
            if (graphic != null)
                foreach (var pos in position.Positions)
                    if (GameState.OnScreen(pos.X, pos.Y))
                        DrawBeadGraphic(pos.X, pos.Y, graphic);

            var overlay = entity.Component<Overlay>();
            if (overlay != null)
                foreach (var pos in position.Positions)
                    DrawOverlay(pos.X, pos.Y, overlay);
 public void MoveEntity(Entity entity, GridPoint oldPos, GridPoint newPos, bool checkPassable = true)
     var canMove = true;
     if (checkPassable == true)
         if (CanPassThroughSquare(entity, newPos) == false)
             canMove = false;
     if (canMove == true)
         var pos = entity.Component<IPosition>();
         pos.ChangePosition(oldPos, newPos);
        private bool CanPass(Entity traveler, Entity blocker)
            var mob = traveler.Component<Mob>();
            var obstacle = blocker.Component<Obstacle>();

            // If the obstacle blocks everything, return false
            if (obstacle.MovementTypesBlocked.Contains("all"))
                return false;

            // Get all the flags the traveler has that the obstacle doesn't
            var flags = from flag in mob.MovementTypes
                        where obstacle.MovementTypesBlocked.Contains(flag) == false
                        select flag;

            // If the traveler has any flags (can pass) that the obstacle doesn't (can block),
            // then the traveler can pass over the obstacle
            return flags.Any();
        public override void Register(Entity entity)
            var position = entity.Component<IPosition>();
            if (position == null) return;

            var beadGraphic = entity.Component<BeadGraphic>();
            var overlay = entity.Component<Overlay>();
            var light = entity.Component<Light>();
            var darkness = entity.Component<Darkness>();

            if (beadGraphic != null)
            if (overlay != null)
            if (light != null)
            if (darkness != null)
            if (beadGraphic != null || overlay != null || light != null || darkness != null)
 public override void Register(Entity entity)
     var lightSource = entity.Component<LightSource>();
     if (lightSource != null)
        private void BuildEntity()
            if (_name == null)
                throw new Exception("Error: Call start before calling build!");

            var tile = new Entity(_name, _requiredComponents.Union(_optionalComponents));

            if (tile.Component<Buildable>() != null)
                Action<bool> callback = isPressed => GameState.SwitchBuildable(_name, isPressed);
                ButtonBuilder.Start(_name, ButtonType.Build, _graphic, _buttonColor, callback);
                ButtonBuilder.AddBorder(_buttonBorderColor, _buttonBorderWidth);
                if (_graphic.Glyph != ' ')
                    ButtonBuilder.AddGlyph(_buttonGlyphColor, _graphic.Glyph);

        private void PressButton(Entity clicked)
            var button = clicked.Component<MenuButton>();

            var buttonGraphic = clicked.Component<ButtonGraphic>();
            var beadGraphic = clicked.Component<BeadGraphic>();
            if (button.IsPressed == true)
        private void DrawButton(Entity buttonEntity)
            var pos = buttonEntity.Component<Position>();

            var buildable = buttonEntity.Component<Buildable>();
            if (buildable != null)
                DrawCounter(pos.X + 1, pos.Y, buildable.Cost, 1, _buildCounterColor, _bgColor);
                GameState.DrawString(pos.X + 3, pos.Y, buttonEntity.Name, _buildCounterColor);