public static Monster BuildVineBlight(string name = "")
            Monster vineBlight = new Monster();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
       = "Joe";
       = name;

            vineBlight.race             = "Vine Blight";
            vineBlight.creatureSize     = CreatureSize.Medium;
            vineBlight.alignmentStr     = AlignmentNames.NeutralEvil;
            vineBlight.kind             = CreatureKinds.Plant;
            vineBlight.baseArmorClass   = 12;
            vineBlight.naturalArmor     = true;
            vineBlight.HitPoints        = 26;
            vineBlight.hitPointsDice    = Dice.d8x4.Plus(8);
            vineBlight.baseWalkingSpeed = 10;

																			15 (+2)
																			8 (-1)
																			14 (+2)
																			5 (-3)
																			10 (+0)
																			3 (-4)
																			"                                                                            );
            vineBlight.skillsModStealth    = +1;
            vineBlight.conditionImmunities = Conditions.Blinded | Conditions.Deafened;
            vineBlight.blindsightRadius    = 60;
            vineBlight.passivePerception   = 10;
            vineBlight.challengeRating  = 1 / 2;
            vineBlight.experiencePoints = 100;

            vineBlight.AddAttack(Attack.Melee(AttackNames.Constrict, +4, 10, 1)
                                 .AddDamage(DamageType.Bludgeoning, Dice.d6x2.Plus(2), AttackKind.NonMagical)
                                 .AddGrapple(12, CreatureSizes.LargeOrSmaller));

            vineBlight.AddAttack(Attack.Area(AttackNames.EntanglingPlants, 15)
                                 .AddCondition(Conditions.Restrained, 12, Ability.strength));

            vineBlight.traits.Add("False Appearance. While the blight remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a tangle of vines.");
        public static Monster BuildVrock()
            Monster vrock = new Monster();

             = "Clyde";
            vrock.raceClass      = "Vrock";
            vrock.creatureSize   = CreatureSize.Large;
            vrock.alignment      = AlignmentNames.ChaoticEvil;
            vrock.kind           = CreatureKinds.Fiends;
            vrock.baseArmorClass = 15;
            vrock.naturalArmor   = true;
            vrock.hitPoints      = 104;
            vrock.hitPointsDice  = Dice.d10x11.Plus(44);;
            vrock.baseSpeed      = 40;
            vrock.flyingSpeed    = 60;
            vrock.SetAbilities(17, +3, 15, +2, 18, +4, 8, -1, 13, +1, 8, -1);
            vrock.savingDexterityMod = +5;
            vrock.savingWisdomMod    = +4;
            vrock.savingCharismaMod  = +2;
            vrock.advantages         = Against.spellsAndMagicalEffects;
            vrock.AddDamageResistance(DamageType.Cold | DamageType.Fire | DamageType.Lightning | DamageType.Bludgeoning | DamageType.Piercing | DamageType.Slashing, AttackKind.NonMagical);
            vrock.conditionImmunities = Conditions.Poisoned;
            vrock.darkvisionRadius    = 120;
            vrock.passivePerception   = 11;
            vrock.telepathyRadius  = 120;
            vrock.challengeRating  = 6;
            vrock.experiencePoints = 2300;
            vrock.AddAttack(Attack.Melee(AttackNames.Beak, +6, 5, 1).AddDamage(DamageType.Piercing, Dice.d6x2.Plus(3), AttackKind.NonMagical));

            vrock.AddAttack(Attack.Melee(AttackNames.Talons, +6, 5, 1).AddDamage(DamageType.Slashing, Dice.d10x2.Plus(3), AttackKind.NonMagical));

            Attack sporesAttack = Attack.Area(AttackNames.Spores, 15).AddDamage(DamageType.Poison, Dice.d10x1, AttackKind.NonMagical, TimePoint.StartOfTurn, TimePoint.EndOfTurn, Conditions.Poisoned, 14, Ability.Constitution);

            sporesAttack.description = "A 15­-foot­-radius cloud of toxic spores extends out from the vrock. The spores spread around corners. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned. While poisoned in this way, a target takes 5 (1d10) poison damage at the start of each of its turns. A target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Emptying a vial of holy water on the target also ends the effect on it.";
            //sporesAttack.releaseTrigger = new ReleaseTrigger("Target receives splashes of holy water.");

            Attack screech = Attack.Area(AttackNames.StunningScreech, 20).AddCondition(Conditions.Stunned, 14, Ability.Constitution);

            screech.LastDamage.IncludeTargetSenses = Senses.Hearing;
            // TODO: Add test to determine if an attack hits a player using screech.includeTargetSenses.
            screech.recharges = DndTimeSpan.FromDays(1);

            vrock.AddMultiAttack(AttackNames.Beak, AttackNames.Talons);

            vrock.traits.Add("Magic Resistance. The vrock has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.");

        public static Monster BuildVioletFungus(string name = "")
            Monster violetFungus = new Monster();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
       = "Bonnie";
       = name;

            violetFungus.race             = "Violet Fungus";
            violetFungus.creatureSize     = CreatureSize.Medium;
            violetFungus.alignmentStr     = AlignmentNames.unaligned;
            violetFungus.kind             = CreatureKinds.Plant;
            violetFungus.baseArmorClass   = 5;
            violetFungus.HitPoints        = 18;
            violetFungus.hitPointsDice    = Dice.d8x4;
            violetFungus.baseWalkingSpeed = 5;

            violetFungus.SetAbilities(3, -4, 1, -5, 10, 0, 1, -5, 3, -4, 1, -5);
            violetFungus.conditionImmunities = Conditions.Blinded | Conditions.Deafened | Conditions.Frightened;
            violetFungus.blindsightRadius    = 30;
            violetFungus.passivePerception   = 6;
            violetFungus.challengeRating     = 1 / 4;
            violetFungus.experiencePoints    = 50;
            violetFungus.AddAttack(Attack.Melee(AttackNames.RottingTouch, +2, 10, 1).AddDamage(DamageType.Necrotic, Dice.d8x1, AttackKind.NonMagical));
            violetFungus.multiAttackCount = MultiAttackCount.d4x1;
            violetFungus.traits.Add("False Appearance. While the violet fungus remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from an ordinary fungus.");
Beispiel #4
        private void AddMonstersToRooms()
            List <string> monsterType = new List <string>()
                "Dragon", "Orc", "Knight", "Sink"

            // Add attacks & place in a room
            for (int i = 0; i < rooms.Count; i += 2)
                if (i >= 2)
                    Room current = rooms[i];
                    if (rnd.Next(0, 4) == 0)
                        Monster monster = new Monster(monsterType[rnd.Next(0, monsterType.Count)], rnd.Next(1, 140), rnd.Next(3, 25), "Head");
                        if (monster.Name == "Dragon")
                            monster.AddAttack("Hit you with it's tail", rnd.Next(40, 50));
                            monster.AddAttack("Roared", 10);
                            monster.AddAttack("Sat on you", rnd.Next(55, 65));
                            monster.AddAttack("Fired a spike at you", rnd.Next(20, 35));
                        else if (monster.Name == "Orc")
                            monster.AddAttack("Hit you with it's bat", rnd.Next(19, 23));
                            monster.AddAttack("Head butted you", rnd.Next(20, 30));
                            monster.WeaponType = "bat";
                        else if (monster.Name == "Knight")
                            monster.AddAttack("Hit you with their sword", rnd.Next(17, 25));
                            monster.AddAttack("Charged their sword and hit you", rnd.Next(35, 43));
                            monster.AddAttack("Bashed into you", 10);
                            monster.WeaponType = "Sword";
                            monster.IsScared   = true;
                        else if (monster.Name == "Sink")
                            monster.AddAttack("Fired water at you", 10);
                            monster.AddAttack("Fell off the wall, and destroyed the floor", rnd.Next(87, 100));
                            monster.AddAttack("Poured water onto the ground", 1);
                            monster.WeaponType = "Water";

                        current.NPC         = monster;
                        monster.CurrentRoom = current;