        IEnumerator Start()
            // save off player instance
            playerInstance = Player.instance;
            if (!playerInstance)
                Debug.LogError("No player instance found in Hand Start()");

            // allocate array for colliders
            overlappingColliders = new Collider[ColliderArraySize];

            // We are a "no SteamVR fallback hand" if we have this camera set
            // we'll use the right mouse to look around and left mouse to interact
            // - don't need to find the device
            if (noSteamVRFallbackCamera)
                yield break;

            //Debug.Log( "Hand - initializing connection routine" );

            // Acquire the correct device index for the hand we want to be
            // Also for the other hand if we get there first
            while (true)
                // Don't need to run this every frame
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.0f));

                // We have a controller now, break out of the loop!
                if (controller != null)

                //Debug.Log( "Hand - checking controllers..." );

                // Initialize both hands simultaneously
                if (startingHandType == HandType.Left || startingHandType == HandType.Right)
                    // Left/right relationship.
                    // Wait until we have a clear unique left-right relationship to initialize.
                    int leftIndex  = SteamVR_Controller.GetDeviceIndex(SteamVR_Controller.DeviceRelation.Leftmost);
                    int rightIndex = SteamVR_Controller.GetDeviceIndex(SteamVR_Controller.DeviceRelation.Rightmost);
                    if (leftIndex == -1 || rightIndex == -1 || leftIndex == rightIndex)
                        //Debug.Log( string.Format( "...Left/right hand relationship not yet established: leftIndex={0}, rightIndex={1}", leftIndex, rightIndex ) );

                    int myIndex    = (startingHandType == HandType.Right) ? rightIndex : leftIndex;
                    int otherIndex = (startingHandType == HandType.Right) ? leftIndex : rightIndex;

                    if (otherHand)
                    // No left/right relationship. Just wait for a connection

                    var vr = SteamVR.instance;
                    for (int i = 0; i < Valve.VR.OpenVR.k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount; i++)
                        if (vr.hmd.GetTrackedDeviceClass((uint)i) != Valve.VR.ETrackedDeviceClass.Controller)
                            //Debug.Log( string.Format( "Hand - device {0} is not a controller", i ) );

                        var device = SteamVR_Controller.Input(i);
                        if (!device.valid)
                            //Debug.Log( string.Format( "Hand - device {0} is not valid", i ) );

                        if ((otherHand != null) && (otherHand.controller != null))
                            // Other hand is using this index, so we cannot use it.
                            if (i == (int)otherHand.controller.index)
                                //Debug.Log( string.Format( "Hand - device {0} is owned by the other hand", i ) );
