void BeforePlay() { float time = GetProceedTime(); if( time > m_Timing) { switch( m_ActionSound.LoopType) { case eLoopType.Once: m_Sound = AsSoundManager.Instance.PlaySound( m_ActionSound.FileName, m_EntityTrn.position, false); break; case eLoopType.Once_Cycle: if(m_Sound == null) { m_Sound = AsSoundManager.Instance.PlaySound( m_ActionSound.FileName, m_EntityTrn.position, false); if(m_Sound != null) GameObject.Destroy( m_Sound.GetComponent<AsSoundObject>()); // else // Debug.LogError("SoundProcessor::BeforePlay: '" + m_ActionSound.FileName + "' is not found"); } else { m_Sound.Play(); } break; case eLoopType.Loop: m_Sound = AsSoundManager.Instance.PlaySound( m_ActionSound.FileName, m_EntityTrn.position, true); break; } m_State = eSoundState.After_Play; } }
public static void AddTargetForClip(string clipName, AudioSource source) { if (!AudioResourceTargetsByName.ContainsKey(clipName)) { AudioResourceTargetsByName.Add(clipName, new List<AudioSource> { source }); } else { var sources = AudioResourceTargetsByName[clipName]; // populate the audio clip even if it was loaded previous by another AudioClip populatedClip = null; // ReSharper disable once ForCanBeConvertedToForeach for (var i = 0; i < sources.Count; i++) { var clip = sources[i].clip; if (clip == null) { continue; } populatedClip = clip; break; } if (populatedClip != null) { source.clip = populatedClip; var aVar = source.GetComponent<SoundGroupVariation>(); if (aVar != null) { aVar.internetFileLoadStatus = MasterAudio.InternetFileLoadStatus.Loaded; } } sources.Add(source); } }
public void init() { // Calculate number of samples between each beat. OnDisable(); audioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>(); float audioBpm = audioSource.GetComponent<BeatSynchronizer>().bpm; //Debug.Log("BPM: " + audioBpm); beatPeriod = (60f / (audioBpm * BeatDecimalValues.values[(int)beatValue])); samplePeriod = beatPeriod * audioSource.clip.frequency; //RhythmManager.rm.setPeriod((60f / (audioBpm * BeatDecimalValues.values[(int)beatValue]))); if (beatOffset != BeatValue.None) { sampleOffset = (60f / (audioBpm * BeatDecimalValues.values[(int)beatOffset])) * audioSource.clip.frequency; if (negativeBeatOffset) { sampleOffset = samplePeriod - sampleOffset; } } samplePeriod *= beatScalar; sampleOffset *= beatScalar; nextBeatSample = 0f; lastSamplePeriod = samplePeriod; OnEnable(); }
void Start() { Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait; scrollingTexture = GameObject.Find ("Plane").GetComponent<ScrollingTexture> (); anim = GameObject.Find ("MainMenuCanvas").GetComponentInChildren<Animator> (); sushianimators = GameObject.Find ("Sushis").GetComponentsInChildren<Animator> (); laughingManager = GameObject.Find("LaughingManager").GetComponent<AudioSource>(); audioPlayScript = audioManager.GetComponent<AudioPlayScript> (); laughingPlayScript = laughingManager.GetComponent <LaughingPlayScript> (); Invoke ("PlayHelloSound", 0.5f); }
public static void DuckSoundGroup(string soundGroupName, AudioSource aSource) { var ma = MasterAudio.Instance; if (!ma.EnableMusicDucking || !ma.duckingBySoundType.ContainsKey(soundGroupName)) { return; } var matchingDuck = ma.duckingBySoundType[soundGroupName]; // duck music var duckLength = aSource.GetComponent<AudioSource>().clip.length; var duckPitch = aSource.pitch; var pcs = PlaylistController.Instances; for (var i = 0; i < pcs.Count; i++) { pcs[i].DuckMusicForTime(duckLength, duckPitch, matchingDuck.riseVolStart); } if (pcs.Count == 0) { Debug.LogWarning("Playlist Controller is not in the Scene. Cannot duck music."); } }
protected void StopLoop(AudioSource source) { if (fadeDuration > 0) { LeanTween.value(source.gameObject,_audioSource.Value.volume,0,fadeDuration ).setOnUpdate( (float updateVolume)=>{ source.volume = updateVolume; } ).setOnComplete( ()=>{ source.GetComponent<AudioSource>().Stop(); if (waitUntilFinished) { Continue(); } } ); } else { source.GetComponent<AudioSource>().Stop(); } }
public static void FadeOut(this AudioSource a, float duration) { a.GetComponent <MonoBehaviour>().StartCoroutine(FadeOutCore(a, duration)); }
public static void FadeInCallback(this AudioSource a, float duration, System.Action <AudioSource> callback = null) { a.GetComponent <MonoBehaviour>().StartCoroutine(FadeInCall(a, duration, callback)); }
public static void FadeIn(this AudioSource audio, float duration) { audio.GetComponent <MonoBehaviour>().StartCoroutine(FadeInCore(audio, duration)); }