        private void StartGame()
            //Play the preparation music
            soundPlayer.Stream = Properties.Resources.Preparation;

            //Prompt the player for the difficulty of the match
            DifficultyPrompt diffPrompt = new DifficultyPrompt();


            //Create a new "game"
            currentGame = new Game((Difficulty)diffPrompt.selectedDifficulty);

            //Let the player choose the piece they wish to be, and assign it
            PiecePrompt piecePrompt = new PiecePrompt();

            currentGame.PlayerPiece = piecePrompt.selectedPiece;

            //Create a new AI player, and assign it the piece opposite of the player
            currentGame.aiPlayer         = new AI();
            currentGame.aiPlayer.AIPiece = Game.GetOppositePiece(currentGame.PlayerPiece);
            currentGame.AIPiece          = currentGame.aiPlayer.AIPiece;

            //Determine who goes first
            DiceRollPrompt diceRoll = new DiceRollPrompt();

            currentGame.CurrentPlayer = diceRoll.firstToGo;

            //Start the game
            currentGame.GameStarted = true;
            currentGame.GameState   = Game.State.Playing;

            //Start the game timers

            //Play battle music
            soundPlayer.Stream = Properties.Resources.BattleMusic;
        private void StartGame()
            //Create a new "game"
            currentGame = new Game(matchDifficulty[matchIndex]);

            //Repaint the grid

            //Determine if this is the champion match
            championMatchStarted = (matchIndex + 1 == NUMBER_OF_T_MATCHES) ? true : false;

            //Display the proper round
            roundLabel.Text = (championMatchStarted) ? "Final Round" : "Round " + (matchIndex + 1);

            //Assign the player's piece
            currentGame.PlayerPiece = playerPiece;

            //Create a new AI player, and assign it the piece opposite of the player
            currentGame.aiPlayer         = new AI();
            currentGame.aiPlayer.AIPiece = Game.GetOppositePiece(currentGame.PlayerPiece);
            currentGame.AIPiece          = currentGame.aiPlayer.AIPiece;

            //Determine who goes first
            DiceRollPrompt diceRoll = new DiceRollPrompt();

            if (championMatchStarted)
                //Change the controls and time the music for the reveal of the champion
                if (!championMusicPlayed)
                diceRoll.Controls["aiNameLabel"].Text = "Champion";
                PictureBox pb = diceRoll.Controls["aiPictureBox"] as PictureBox;
                pb.Image = Properties.Resources.championai;
            currentGame.CurrentPlayer = diceRoll.firstToGo;

            //Start the game
            currentGame.GameStarted = true;
            currentGame.GameState   = Game.State.Playing;

            //Start the game timers

            //Play champion music for last fight, and set up champion profile
            if (!championMusicPlayed && championMatchStarted)
                soundPlayer.Stream = Properties.Resources.ChampionMusic;
                championMusicPlayed = true;
                aiNameLabel.Text    = "The Champion";
                aiPictureBox.Image  = Properties.Resources.championai;
            //Only battle music at beginning
            else if (!battleMusicPlayed)
                soundPlayer.Stream = Properties.Resources.BattleMusic;
                battleMusicPlayed = true;
         *  A little explanation here: The normal AI's priority is to build as much matches
         *  as possible, completely ignoring the player. It will place the piece in
         *  a row/column/diagonal with the most matches. For example, a diagonal with two cells
         *  occupied and an empty third one will override a row with one cell occupied. The AI
         *  ignores any row/column/diagonal block off by the player. This same concept is used
         *  throughout this loop.
        private void CalculateNormalMove(ref Board board)
            //The amount of matches of the AI's piece
            int matches = 0;
            //Coordinates and piecePlaced flag
            Vector2D cellCoord   = new Vector2D(0, 0);
            bool     piecePlaced = false;

            while (!piecePlaced)
                //Check row
                for (int row = 0; row < board.Grid.GetLength(0); row++)
                    int colMatches       = CheckHorizontal(ref board, AIPiece, row);
                    int playerColMatches = CheckHorizontal(ref board, Game.GetOppositePiece(AIPiece), row);
                    //If the row has not been blocked by the player, and the matches in this row is greater
                    //than any matches found previously, then we use this row. This is the same throughout the
                    //other checks.
                    if (playerColMatches == 0 && colMatches > matches)
                        //This is now the new highest match.
                        matches = colMatches;
                        //Get the free cell in this row
                        cellCoord = GetFreeCellRow(ref board, row);
                        //Flag the piece as placed.
                        piecePlaced = true;

                //Check column
                for (int col = 0; col < board.Grid.GetLength(1); col++)
                    int rowMatches       = CheckVertical(ref board, AIPiece, col);
                    int playerRowMatches = CheckVertical(ref board, Game.GetOppositePiece(AIPiece), col);
                    if (playerRowMatches == 0 && rowMatches > matches)
                        matches     = rowMatches;
                        cellCoord   = GetFreeCellCol(ref board, col);
                        piecePlaced = true;

                //Gets the smallest of the row or column, as that will give the number of diagonal cells.
                int diagonalSpaces = (board.Grid.GetLength(0) < board.Grid.GetLength(1)) ?
                                     board.Grid.GetLength(0) : board.Grid.GetLength(1);

                //Check the left diagonal for matches
                int leftDiagMatches = CheckLeftDiagonal(ref board, AIPiece);
                if (CheckLeftDiagonal(ref board, Game.GetOppositePiece(AIPiece)) == 0 && leftDiagMatches > matches)
                    matches     = leftDiagMatches;
                    cellCoord   = GetFreeCellLeftDiag(ref board, diagonalSpaces);
                    piecePlaced = true;

                //Check the right diagonal for matches
                int rightDiagMatches = CheckRightDiagonal(ref board, AIPiece);
                if (CheckRightDiagonal(ref board, Game.GetOppositePiece(AIPiece)) == 0 && rightDiagMatches > matches)
                    matches     = rightDiagMatches;
                    cellCoord   = GetFreeCellRightDiag(ref board, diagonalSpaces);
                    piecePlaced = true;

                //If we can not find a move, the AI defaults to Easy AI.
                if (!piecePlaced)
                    piecePlaced = true;
                    CalculateEasyMove(ref board);
                    //Place the piece down.
                    board.Grid[cellCoord.x, cellCoord.y].CellPiece = AIPiece;
         *  A step up from Normal, this now checks for if the player is about to win.
         *  If so, the AI will sabotage them. It will, however, prioritize itself first.
         *  If it's about to get a row/column/diagonal of full matches, it will do that instead,
         *  hence the selfVictory flag. The only weakness of this AI is that a smart player can
         *  devise a strategy that can create two openings for the player to win in one turn, as the AI can
         *  only block one of them.
        private void CalculateAdvancedMove(ref Board board)
            //Stores the coordinate of where the piece is to be placed
            Vector2D cellCoord = new Vector2D(0, 0);
            //Whether a piece has been placed or not
            bool piecePlaced = false;
            //Whether the AI has chosen a move the will ensure victory
            bool selfVictory = false;

            while (!piecePlaced)
                //Check row for whether AI can win in next move, then whether player win in next move
                int rowLength = board.Grid.GetLength(0);
                for (int row = 0; row < rowLength; row++)
                    int colMatches       = CheckHorizontal(ref board, AIPiece, row);
                    int playerColMatches = CheckHorizontal(ref board, Game.GetOppositePiece(AIPiece), row);
                    //Checks whether the AI will win first, then whether or not the player will win in the next move
                    //Notice that this checks whether or not the AI is one move away from winning, and whether the last slot of the row is free
                    if (colMatches == rowLength - 1 && playerColMatches == 0)
                        cellCoord   = GetFreeCellRow(ref board, row);
                        piecePlaced = true;
                        selfVictory = true;
                    } //This checks the same thing as the previous if statement, but with the player.
                    //This is the part that the AI determines whether or not it should block the player
                    else if (!selfVictory && playerColMatches == rowLength - 1 && colMatches == 0)
                        cellCoord   = GetFreeCellRow(ref board, row);
                        piecePlaced = true;

                //Check column for self win, then player win
                int colLength = board.Grid.GetLength(1);
                for (int col = 0; col < colLength; col++)
                    int rowMatches       = CheckVertical(ref board, AIPiece, col);
                    int playerRowMatches = CheckVertical(ref board, Game.GetOppositePiece(AIPiece), col);
                    //Checks whether the AI will win first, then whether or not the player will win in the next move
                    if (rowMatches == colLength - 1 && playerRowMatches == 0)
                        cellCoord   = GetFreeCellCol(ref board, col);
                        piecePlaced = true;
                        selfVictory = true;
                    else if (!selfVictory && playerRowMatches == colLength - 1 && rowMatches == 0)
                        cellCoord   = GetFreeCellCol(ref board, col);
                        piecePlaced = true;

                //Determine the amount of diagonal spaces
                int diagonalSpaces = (board.Grid.GetLength(0) < board.Grid.GetLength(1)) ?
                                     board.Grid.GetLength(0) : board.Grid.GetLength(1);

                //Check the left diagonal for self win, then player.
                int lDiagMatches       = CheckLeftDiagonal(ref board, AIPiece);
                int playerLDiagMatches = CheckLeftDiagonal(ref board, Game.GetOppositePiece(AIPiece));
                if (lDiagMatches == diagonalSpaces - 1 && playerLDiagMatches == 0)
                    cellCoord   = GetFreeCellLeftDiag(ref board, diagonalSpaces);
                    piecePlaced = true;
                    selfVictory = true;
                else if (!selfVictory && playerLDiagMatches == diagonalSpaces - 1 && lDiagMatches == 0)
                    cellCoord   = GetFreeCellLeftDiag(ref board, diagonalSpaces);
                    piecePlaced = true;

                //Check the right diagonal for self win, then player.
                int rDiagMatches       = CheckRightDiagonal(ref board, AIPiece);
                int playerRDiagMatches = CheckRightDiagonal(ref board, Game.GetOppositePiece(AIPiece));
                if (rDiagMatches == diagonalSpaces - 1 && playerRDiagMatches == 0)
                    cellCoord   = GetFreeCellRightDiag(ref board, diagonalSpaces);
                    piecePlaced = true;
                    selfVictory = true;
                else if (!selfVictory && playerRDiagMatches == diagonalSpaces - 1 && rDiagMatches == 0)
                    cellCoord   = GetFreeCellRightDiag(ref board, diagonalSpaces);
                    piecePlaced = true;

                //If a piece still isn't placed, we default to the Normal AI.
                if (!piecePlaced)
                    piecePlaced = true;
                    CalculateNormalMove(ref board);
                    //Place the piece down.
                    board.Grid[cellCoord.x, cellCoord.y].CellPiece = AIPiece;