 /// <summary>
 /// Clear all data to start new tagfile
 /// </summary>
 public void Reset()
     EpochRec          = new EpochRecord();
     TagName           = String.Empty;
     TagValue          = String.Empty;
     HaveName          = false;
     HaveValue         = false;
     HeaderRecordCount = 0;
     HeaderRequired    = true;
     HeaderUpdated     = false;
     TrailerRequired   = false;
     updateCount       = 0;
     EpochCount        = 0;
     TagContent        = new TagContentList(); // zero list
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="txt">Each field from data packet should be in the order RS+Name+Value</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ParseText(string txt)
            // Note STX and ETX, ENQ, ACK, NAK should not enter here as a rule.

            packetIsHeader = false;

            // If debugging (causing a ide delay) this can be commented out

            if (prevEpochTime != DateTime.MinValue)
                // this check is here to prevent two epochs seprated by a min time interval being stitched together
                TimeSpan minSpanAllowed = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(TagConstants.MIN_EPOCH_INTERVAL_SECS);
                TimeSpan currentSpan    = DateTime.Now - prevEpochTime;
                if (currentSpan > minSpanAllowed)
                    if (Prev_EpochRec != null)
                        Prev_EpochRec = null; // stops the previous epoch being associated to this epoch
                    if (_PrevTagFile_EpochRec != null)
                        _PrevTagFile_EpochRec = null;

            prevEpochTime = DateTime.Now;

                byte[] bArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(txt);
                if (!ValidateText(ref bArray))

                HaveName  = false;
                HaveValue = false;

                // construct records(tagfile fields) byte by byte
                for (int i = 0; i < bArray.Length; i++)
                    switch (bArray[i])
                    case TagConstants.STX:

                    case TagConstants.ETX:

                    case TagConstants.ENQ:

                    case TagConstants.ACK:

                    case TagConstants.NAK:

                    case TagConstants.RS:
                        if (HaveName && TagValue != String.Empty)
                        HaveName  = false;
                        HaveValue = false;
                        TagValue  = String.Empty;
                        TagName   = String.Empty;

                        if (!HaveName)
                            TagName  = TagName + (char)bArray[i];
                            HaveName = TagName.Length == TagConstants.TAG_NAME_LENGHT;
                            TagValue = TagValue + (char)bArray[i];
                            if (!HaveValue)
                                HaveValue = true;
                            if (HaveName && i == bArray.Length - 1) // endoftext
                                if (HaveName && TagValue != String.Empty)
                                    var res = ProcessField();
                                    if (res == false)

                // finally process all fields picked out of the datapacket
                var newHeader = false;

                LastStateEpochRecord.EpochCopyLatestValues(ref EpochRec); // Remeber last valid values for each tag

                if (Prev_EpochRec != null)                                // test needed
                    // Check if its the same position and elevation
                    if (packetIsHeader) // if header record
                        UpdateTagContentList(ref EpochRec, ref newHeader, TagConstants.UpdateReason.NewHeader);
                    else if (EpochRec.MachineStateDifferent(ref Prev_EpochRec))
                        UpdateTagContentList(ref EpochRec, ref newHeader, TagConstants.UpdateReason.ChangeRecord);
                        if (NotSeenNewPosition && updateCount > 1)
                            NotSeenNewPosition = false;
                        Log.LogError($"** Same Position ***");
                if (packetIsHeader)
                    UpdateTagContentList(ref EpochRec, ref newHeader, TagConstants.UpdateReason.NewHeader);
                    UpdateTagContentList(ref EpochRec, ref newHeader, TagConstants.UpdateReason.ChangeRecord);

                if (newHeader)                                           // Is this the start of a new tagfile
                    if (_PrevTagFile_EpochRec != null)                   // epoch from last tagfile
                        if (_PrevTagFile_EpochRec.IsFullPositionEpoch()) // if it is a new tagfile we use last known epoch to start new tagfile
                            UpdateTagContentList(ref _PrevTagFile_EpochRec, ref tmpNR, TagConstants.UpdateReason.LastTagFileEpoch);
                        _PrevTagFile_EpochRec = null;
                    if (Prev_EpochRec == null)
                        Prev_EpochRec = new EpochRecord();
                    Prev_EpochRec.EpochCopy(ref LastStateEpochRecord);

            catch (Exception e)
                Log.LogError($"Unexpected error occured in ParseText. Error:{e.Message}, {e.StackTrace}");
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks we have enough input data to create a tagfile epoch
        /// </summary>
        public void UpdateTagContentList(ref EpochRecord eRecord, ref bool newHeader, TagConstants.UpdateReason reason)
            if (DebugTraceToLog)
                Log.LogInformation($"* UpdateTagContentList * {reason}");

            newHeader = false;
            var timeAdded = false;

            if (!HeaderUpdated & !eRecord.HasMTP)                               // dont process any epoch before recieving a header
                Log.LogWarning("Epoch ignored before recieving header record"); // should not happen

            if (!eRecord.HasUpdateData() && !TrailerRequired)

            if (reason == TagConstants.UpdateReason.ChangeRecord)

            if (!HeaderUpdated)
                if (eRecord.HasTime)
                    TagContent.AddTimeEntry(new TagData_UnsignedInt()
                        Data = eRecord.Time
                    TagContent.AddWeekEntry(new TagData_UnsignedInt()
                        Data = eRecord.Week
                    eRecord.Time = uint.MaxValue; // reset
                    HeaderUpdated = true;
                    timeAdded     = true;

                    // Some fields are defaulted by Trimble set them up here now
                    // todo add these to appsettings as defaults
                    eRecord.CoordSys = TagConstants.DEFAULT_COORDSYS; // coordinate system
                    if (eRecord.MappingMode == ushort.MaxValue)
                        eRecord.MappingMode = TagConstants.DEFAULT_MAPPINGMODE;  // min elevation defaulted if not supplied to suit marine
                    eRecord.RadioType     = TagConstants.DEFAULT_RADIOTYPE;      // torch
                    eRecord.AppVersion    = TagConstants.DEFAULT_APPVERSION;     // app version
                    eRecord.ValidPosition = TagConstants.DEFAULT_VALID_POSITION; // has valid position
                    newHeader             = true;

            if (eRecord.HasCST)
                TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_UnsignedInt()
                    DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.CST, DataType = TAGDataType.t8bitUInt, Data = eRecord.CST
                eRecord.CST = uint.MaxValue;
            if (eRecord.HasFlags)
                TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_UnsignedInt()
                    DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.Flags, DataType = TAGDataType.t4bitUInt, Data = eRecord.Flags
                eRecord.Flags = uint.MaxValue;;
            if (eRecord.HasTargetCCV)
                TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_UnsignedInt()
                    DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.TargetCCV, DataType = TAGDataType.t12bitUInt, Data = eRecord.TargetCCV
                eRecord.TargetCCV = uint.MaxValue;
            if (eRecord.HasTargetMDP)
                TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_UnsignedInt()
                    DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.TargetMDP, DataType = TAGDataType.t12bitUInt, Data = eRecord.TargetMDP
                eRecord.TargetMDP = uint.MaxValue;
            if (eRecord.HasDirection)
                TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_UnsignedInt()
                    DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.Direction, DataType = TAGDataType.t4bitUInt, Data = eRecord.Direction
                eRecord.Direction = uint.MaxValue;
            if (eRecord.HasTemperature)
                TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_UnsignedInt()
                    DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.Temperature, DataType = TAGDataType.t12bitUInt, Data = eRecord.Temperature
                eRecord.Temperature = uint.MaxValue;
            if (eRecord.HasCoordSys)
                TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_UnsignedInt()
                    DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.CoordSys, DataType = TAGDataType.t4bitUInt, Data = eRecord.CoordSys
                eRecord.CoordSys = ushort.MaxValue;;
            if (eRecord.HasValidPosition)
                TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_UnsignedInt()
                    DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.ValidPosition, DataType = TAGDataType.t4bitUInt, Data = eRecord.ValidPosition
                eRecord.ValidPosition = ushort.MaxValue;
            if (eRecord.HasMappingMode)
                TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_UnsignedInt()
                    DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.MappingMode, DataType = TAGDataType.t8bitUInt, Data = eRecord.MappingMode
                eRecord.MappingMode = ushort.MaxValue;;
            if (eRecord.HasDesign)
                TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_Unicode()
                    DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.Design, DataType = TAGDataType.tUnicodeString, Data = eRecord.Design
                eRecord.Design = String.Empty;
            if (eRecord.HasLAT)
                TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_Double()
                    DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.Latitude, DataType = TAGDataType.tIEEEDouble, Data = eRecord.LAT
                eRecord.LAT = double.MaxValue;
            if (eRecord.HasLON)
                TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_Double()
                    DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.Longtitude, DataType = TAGDataType.tIEEEDouble, Data = eRecord.LON
                eRecord.LON = double.MaxValue;
            if (eRecord.HasHGT)
                TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_Double()
                    DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.height, DataType = TAGDataType.tIEEEDouble, Data = eRecord.HGT
                eRecord.HGT = double.MaxValue;
            if (eRecord.HasUTM)
                TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_UnsignedInt()
                    DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.UTMZone, DataType = TAGDataType.t8bitUInt, Data = eRecord.UTM
                eRecord.UTM = byte.MaxValue;
            if (eRecord.HasTargetThickness)
                TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_UnsignedInt()
                    DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.TargetThickness, DataType = TAGDataType.t16bitUInt, Data = eRecord.TargetThickness
                eRecord.TargetThickness = uint.MaxValue;
            if (eRecord.HasTargetPasses)
                TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_UnsignedInt()
                    DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.TargetPasses, DataType = TAGDataType.t12bitUInt, Data = eRecord.TargetPasses
                eRecord.TargetPasses = uint.MaxValue;
            if (eRecord.HasTempMin)
                TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_UnsignedInt()
                    DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.TempMin, DataType = TAGDataType.t12bitUInt, Data = eRecord.TempMin
                eRecord.TempMin = uint.MaxValue;
            if (eRecord.HasTempMax)
                TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_UnsignedInt()
                    DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.TempMax, DataType = TAGDataType.t12bitUInt, Data = eRecord.TempMax
                eRecord.TempMax = uint.MaxValue;
            if (TransmissionProtocolVersion < TagConstants.TRANSMISSION_PROTOCOL_VERSION_ONE)
                HeaderRequired = HeaderRecordCount < 3; // do we have the key main header values
                HeaderRequired = !eRecord.HasHeader;

            if (eRecord.HasTime & !timeAdded)
                if (eRecord.HasDeltaTime)
                    TagContent.AddTimeDeltaEntry(new TagData_UnsignedInt()
                        Data = eRecord.DeltaTime
                    TagContent.AddTimeEntry(new TagData_UnsignedInt()
                        Data = eRecord.Time
                eRecord.DeltaTime = uint.MaxValue;
                eRecord.Time      = uint.MaxValue; // reset

            if (eRecord.HasLEB || eRecord.HasLNB || eRecord.HasLHB)
                TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_Empty()
                    DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.Left, DataType = TAGDataType.tEmptyType
                if (eRecord.HasLEB)
                    TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_Double()
                        DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.Easting, DataType = TAGDataType.tIEEEDouble, Data = eRecord.LEB
                    eRecord.LEB = double.MaxValue;
                if (eRecord.HasLNB)
                    TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_Double()
                        DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.Northing, DataType = TAGDataType.tIEEEDouble, Data = eRecord.LNB
                    eRecord.LNB = double.MaxValue;
                if (eRecord.HasLHB)
                    TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_Double()
                        DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.Elevation, DataType = TAGDataType.tIEEEDouble, Data = eRecord.LHB
                    eRecord.LHB = double.MaxValue;
            if (eRecord.HasREB || eRecord.HasRNB || eRecord.HasRHB)
                TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_Empty()
                    DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.Right, DataType = TAGDataType.tEmptyType
                if (eRecord.HasREB)
                    TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_Double()
                        DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.Easting, DataType = TAGDataType.tIEEEDouble, Data = eRecord.REB
                    eRecord.REB = double.MaxValue;
                if (eRecord.HasRNB)
                    TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_Double()
                        DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.Northing, DataType = TAGDataType.tIEEEDouble, Data = eRecord.RNB
                    eRecord.RNB = double.MaxValue;
                if (eRecord.HasRHB)
                    TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_Double()
                        DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.Elevation, DataType = TAGDataType.tIEEEDouble, Data = eRecord.RHB
                    eRecord.RHB = double.MaxValue;

            if (eRecord.HasHDG)
                // special field todo. Heading does not go to tagfile. will go somewhere else eventually
                eRecord.HDG = double.MaxValue;

            if (eRecord.HasMSD)
                TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_Double()
                    DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.MachineSpeed, DataType = TAGDataType.tIEEEDouble, Data = eRecord.MSD
                eRecord.MSD = double.MaxValue;
            if (eRecord.HasGPM)
                TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_UnsignedInt()
                    DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.GPSMode, DataType = TAGDataType.t4bitUInt, Data = eRecord.GPM
                eRecord.GPM = ushort.MaxValue;
            if (eRecord.HasBOG)
                // writes On_GROUND and BLADE_ON_GROUND together
                TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_UnsignedInt()
                    DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.OG, DataType = TAGDataType.t4bitUInt, Data = eRecord.BOG
                TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_UnsignedInt()
                    DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.BOG, DataType = TAGDataType.t4bitUInt, Data = eRecord.BOG
                eRecord.BOG = ushort.MaxValue;
            if (eRecord.HasCCV)
                TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_UnsignedInt()
                    DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.CCV, DataType = TAGDataType.t12bitUInt, Data = eRecord.CCV
                eRecord.CCV = uint.MaxValue;
            if (eRecord.HasMDP)
                TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_UnsignedInt()
                    DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.MDP, DataType = TAGDataType.t12bitUInt, Data = eRecord.MDP
                eRecord.MDP = uint.MaxValue;

            if (TrailerRequired)
                if (ForceSerial != string.Empty)
                    eRecord.RadioSerial = ForceSerial;
                    eRecord.Serial      = ForceSerial;

                if (eRecord.HasRadioSerial)
                    TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_String()
                        DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.RadioSerial, DataType = TAGDataType.tANSIString, Data = eRecord.RadioSerial
                    eRecord.RadioSerial = String.Empty;
                if (eRecord.HasRadioType)
                    TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_String()
                        DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.RadioType, DataType = TAGDataType.tANSIString, Data = eRecord.RadioType
                    eRecord.RadioType = String.Empty;
                if (eRecord.HasSerial)
                    TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_String()
                        DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.FileSerial, DataType = TAGDataType.tANSIString, Data = eRecord.Serial
                    eRecord.Serial = String.Empty;
                if (eRecord.HasMID)
                    TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_String()
                        DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.MachineID, DataType = TAGDataType.tANSIString, Data = eRecord.MID
                    eRecord.MID = String.Empty;
                if (eRecord.HasAppVersion)
                    TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_String()
                        DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.ApplicationVersion, DataType = TAGDataType.tANSIString, Data = eRecord.AppVersion
                    eRecord.AppVersion = String.Empty;
                if (eRecord.HasMTP)
                    TagContent.AddEntry(new TagData_UnsignedInt()
                        DictID = (short)DictionaryItem.MachineType, DataType = TAGDataType.t8bitUInt, Data = eRecord.MTP
                    eRecord.MTP = byte.MaxValue;
 /// <summary>
 /// Make copy of last epoch to be reused in new tagfile
 /// </summary>
 public void CloneLastEpoch()
     _PrevTagFile_EpochRec = new EpochRecord();
     _PrevTagFile_EpochRec.EpochCopy(ref EpochRec);