public static async Task MainContainerEngineNodePool()
            logger.Info("Starting example");

            string compartmentId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("OCI_COMPARTMENT_ID");
            var    provider      = new ConfigFileAuthenticationDetailsProvider(OciConfigProfileName);

            var containerEngineClient = new ContainerEngineClient(provider);
            var vcnClient             = new VirtualNetworkClient(provider);
            var identityClient        = new IdentityClient(provider);

            Vcn           vcn           = null;
            List <Subnet> subnets       = null;
            List <string> lbSubnetIds   = new List <string>();
            List <string> poolSubnetIds = new List <string>();
            Cluster       cluster       = null;
            NodePool      nodePool      = null;

                List <IdentityModels.AvailabilityDomain> availablityDomains = await GetAvailabilityDomains(identityClient, compartmentId);

                vcn = await CreateVcn(vcnClient, compartmentId);

                subnets = await CreateSubnets(vcnClient, compartmentId, vcn);


                var kubernetesVersion = await GetKubernetesVersion(containerEngineClient);

                cluster = await CreateCluster(containerEngineClient, vcn.Id, lbSubnetIds, kubernetesVersion, compartmentId);

                // Add node pool in the cluster
                KeyValue keyValue = new KeyValue
                    Key   = "key1",
                    Value = "value1"
                List <KeyValue> initialNodeLabels = new List <KeyValue> {

                List <NodePoolPlacementConfigDetails> nodePoolPlacementConfigDetails = new List <NodePoolPlacementConfigDetails>();
                foreach (var availabilityDomain in availablityDomains)
                    nodePoolPlacementConfigDetails.Add(new NodePoolPlacementConfigDetails
                        AvailabilityDomain = availabilityDomain.Name,
                        SubnetId           = poolSubnetIds[0]

                var createNodePoolNodeConfigDetails = new CreateNodePoolNodeConfigDetails
                    Size             = availablityDomains.Count,
                    PlacementConfigs = nodePoolPlacementConfigDetails
                nodePool = await CreateNodePool(containerEngineClient, compartmentId, cluster.Id, NodePoolDisplayName,
                                                kubernetesVersion, NodeImageName, NodeShape, initialNodeLabels, createNodePoolNodeConfigDetails);

                logger.Info("Created node pool");

                // Update the node pool
                await UpdateNodePool(containerEngineClient, nodePool.Id, NewNodePoolDisplayName);
            catch (Exception e)
                logger.Error($"Failed to create container engine cluster: {e}");
                logger.Info("Cleaning up...");

                if (nodePool != null)
                    await DeleteNodePool(containerEngineClient, nodePool.Id);
                if (cluster != null)
                    await DeleteCluster(containerEngineClient, cluster.Id);
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    if (subnets[i] != null)
                        await DeleteSubnet(vcnClient, subnets[i]);
                if (vcn != null)
                    await DeleteVcn(vcnClient, vcn);

            logger.Info("End example");
         * Creates a node pool in a cluster and waits until the work request finished
         * @param containerEngineClient the containerEngineclient used to create the node pool
         * @param compartmentId The compartment ID
         * @param clusterId The ID of the cluster that the node pool is added in
         * @param displayName The display name of the node pool
         * @param kubernetesVersion kubernetesVersion
         * @param nodeImageName The image to use on each node in the node pool
         * @param nodeShape The number of CPUs and the amount of memory allocated to each node in the node pool
         * @param initialNodeLabels The initial node label
         * @param nodePoolNodeConfigDetails The node pool size and the placementConfig of nodes.
         * @return the created node pool
        private static async Task <NodePool> CreateNodePool(ContainerEngineClient containerEngineClient, string compartmentId,
                                                            string clusterId, string displayName, string kubernetesVersion, string nodeImageName,
                                                            string nodeShape, List <KeyValue> initialNodeLabels, CreateNodePoolNodeConfigDetails nodePoolNodeConfigDetails)
            var createNodePoolDetails = new CreateNodePoolDetails
                CompartmentId     = compartmentId,
                ClusterId         = clusterId,
                Name              = displayName,
                KubernetesVersion = kubernetesVersion,
                NodeImageName     = nodeImageName,
                InitialNodeLabels = initialNodeLabels,
                NodeConfigDetails = nodePoolNodeConfigDetails,
                NodeShape         = nodeShape
            var createNodePoolRequest = new CreateNodePoolRequest
                CreateNodePoolDetails = createNodePoolDetails
            var createNodePoolResponse = await containerEngineClient.CreateNodePool(createNodePoolRequest);

            string workRequestId = createNodePoolResponse.OpcWorkRequestId;

            logger.Info($"Create node pool work request ID: {workRequestId}");

            GetWorkRequestResponse workRequestResponse = WaitForWorkRequestFinished(containerEngineClient, workRequestId);
            var nodePoolId = GetWorkRequestResourceId(workRequestResponse, "nodepool");

            logger.Info($"Node pool ID is {nodePoolId}");

            GetNodePoolRequest getNodePoolRequest = new GetNodePoolRequest
                NodePoolId = nodePoolId
            GetNodePoolResponse getNodePoolResponse = await containerEngineClient.GetNodePool(getNodePoolRequest);
