public void SetPosition(int x, int y) { Painter.Invalidate(new Rectangle(x - hot_x, y - hot_y, grp.Width, grp.Height)); this.x = x; this.y = y; Painter.Invalidate(new Rectangle(x - hot_x, y - hot_y, grp.Width, grp.Height)); }
public override void PointerMotion(MouseMotionEventArgs args) { /* if the dropdown is visible, see if we're inside it */ if (!dropdown_visible) { return; } if ( /* * starcraft doesn't include this check.. should we? * args.X >= X1 && args.X < X1 + dropdownSurface.Width && */ args.Y >= Y1 + Height && args.Y < Y1 + Height + dropdownSurface.Height) { int new_selected_item = (args.Y - (Y1 + Height)) / Font.LineSize; if (selected_item != new_selected_item) { selected_item = new_selected_item; CreateDropdownSurface(); Painter.Invalidate(new Rectangle(new Point(X1, Y1 + Height), dropdownSurface.Size)); } } }
void PlayerFrameReady() { if (surf != null) { surf.Dispose(); } surf = new Surface(player.Surface); if (player.Width != Painter.Width || player.Height != Painter.Height) { double horiz_zoom = (double)Painter.Width / player.Width; double vert_zoom = (double)Painter.Height / player.Height; double zoom; if (horiz_zoom < vert_zoom) { zoom = horiz_zoom; } else { zoom = vert_zoom; } // FIXME: newSDL //surf.Scale (zoom); } /* signal to the painter to redraw the screen */ Painter.Invalidate(); }
public void SetHotSpot(int hot_x, int hot_y) { Painter.Invalidate(new Rectangle(x - hot_x, y - hot_y, grp.Width, grp.Height)); this.hot_x = hot_x; this.hot_y = hot_y; Painter.Invalidate(new Rectangle(x - hot_x, y - hot_y, grp.Width, grp.Height)); }
protected virtual void Invalidate() { if (visible) { Painter.Invalidate(Bounds); } surface = null; }
void ShowDropdown() { dropdown_visible = true; selected_item = cursor; CreateDropdownSurface(); Painter.Add(Layer.Popup, PaintDropdown); Painter.Invalidate(new Rectangle(new Point(X1, Y1 + Height), dropdownSurface.Size)); }
protected override void Invalidate() { if (Visible) { Painter.Invalidate(Bounds); } if (Surface != null) { Surface.Fill(Color.Transparent); } }
public void CursorTick(object sender, TickEventArgs e) { totalElapsed += e.TicksElapsed; if (totalElapsed < millisDelay) { return; } totalElapsed = 0; current_frame++; Painter.Invalidate(new Rectangle(x - hot_x, y - hot_y, grp.Width, grp.Height)); }
public virtual void AddToPainter () { Painter.Painting += FirstPaint; if (background != null) Painter.Add (Layer.Background, BackgroundPainter); if (UIPainter != null) Painter.Add (Layer.UI, UIPainter.Paint); if (Cursor != null) Game.Instance.Cursor = Cursor; Painter.Invalidate (); }
void HideDropdown() { dropdown_visible = false; if (cursor != selected_item) { cursor = selected_item; if (SelectionChanged != null) { SelectionChanged(cursor); } Invalidate(); } Painter.Remove(Layer.Popup, PaintDropdown); Painter.Invalidate(new Rectangle(new Point(X1, Y1 + Height), dropdownSurface.Size)); }
void Recenter(int x, int y) { topleft_x = x - Painter.SCREEN_RES_X / 2; topleft_y = y - Painter.SCREEN_RES_Y / 2; ClipTopLeft(); SpriteManager.SetUpperLeft(topleft_x, topleft_y); mapRenderer.SetUpperLeft(topleft_x, topleft_y); UpdateCursor(); Painter.Invalidate(new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), new Size(Painter.SCREEN_RES_X, Painter.SCREEN_RES_Y))); }
void AdvanceToNextPage() { Painter.Invalidate(); while (pageEnumerator.MoveNext()) { if (pageEnumerator.Current.Background != null) { currentBackground = pageEnumerator.Current.Background; } if (pageEnumerator.Current.HasText) { return; } } Console.WriteLine("finished!"); Events.Tick -= FlipPage; MarkupFinished(); }
public override void RemoveFromPainter() { if (Background != null) { Painter.Remove(Layer.DialogBackground, BackgroundPainter); } if (UIPainter != null) { Painter.Remove(Layer.DialogUI, UIPainter.Paint); } if (dimScreen) { Painter.Remove(Layer.DialogDimScreenHack, DimScreenPainter); } Painter.Invalidate(); }
public void ScrollTick(object sender, TickEventArgs e) { scroll_elapsed += e.TicksElapsed; if (scroll_elapsed < 20) { return; } scroll_elapsed = 0; if (horiz_delta == 0 && vert_delta == 0) { return; } int old_topleft_x = topleft_x; int old_topleft_y = topleft_y; topleft_x += horiz_delta; topleft_y += vert_delta; ClipTopLeft(); if (old_topleft_x == topleft_x && old_topleft_y == topleft_y) { return; } SpriteManager.SetUpperLeft(topleft_x, topleft_y); mapRenderer.SetUpperLeft(topleft_x, topleft_y); UpdateCursor(); Painter.Invalidate(new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), new Size(Painter.SCREEN_RES_X, 375))); }
public void SetUpperLeft(int x, int y) { /* XXX be naive for now, and redraw the entire section we need */ if (mapSurface == null) { mapSurface = new Surface(width, height); } int tl_x = x / 32; int tl_y = y / 32; for (int map_y = tl_y; map_y <= tl_y + width / 32 && map_y < chk.Height; map_y++) { for (int map_x = tl_x; map_x <= tl_x + width / 32 && map_x < chk.Width; map_x++) { Surface tile = GetTile(chk.MapTiles[map_x, map_y]); mapSurface.Blit(tile, new Point(map_x * 32 - x, map_y * 32 - y)); } } Painter.Invalidate(new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), new Size(width, height))); }
public void Invalidate() { Painter.Invalidate(new Rectangle(new Point(x - SpriteManager.X - sprite_surface.Width / 2, y - SpriteManager.Y - sprite_surface.Height / 2), sprite_surface.Size)); }