/// <summary> /// 根据关键字生成字典编码 /// </summary> /// <param name="key"></param> /// <param name="order">该字典顺序号</param> /// <returns></returns> public string GenerateDictCode(string key, bool IsChildNode, string pCode, ref int order) { //Dictionary<string, int> dic = new Dictionary<string, int>(); int maxNum = TypeConverter.ObjectToInt(instance.GetMax("Dict_ID", key)) + 1; //DataTable dt = instance.idb.RunProcReturnDatatable("qx_find_dictkeycode", new List<SqlParameter>() { new SqlParameter("sTable", key) }.ToArray()); //Modify By QB string code = string.Empty; if (pCode == "root" || pCode == "") { pCode = ""; } code = Bll_Comm.GetTableKey("", key, pCode, code); return(code); }
/// <summary> /// 审核单据 /// </summary> /// <param name="VerfiyKey">模块名称</param> /// <param name="KeyCode">编码字段名称</param> /// <param name="RecordId">编码单据号</param> /// <param name="AuditSuggest">备注</param> /// <param name="UserId">用户ID</param> /// <param name="NextAuditNode">下一审核节点</param> /// <param name="IsLastAuditNode">是否为最后一个节点</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool Audit(string VerfiyKey, string RecordId, string AuditSuggest, string UserId, string Agree, string VerfiyNodeCode, out string _ProResult ) { bool result = false; string ProResult = ""; _ProResult = ""; //审核单据,判断是否终审 VerifyProcess_Records Records = new VerifyProcess_Records() { Module_Code = VerfiyKey.ToString(), //模块编码 VRecord_Code = Bll_Comm.GetTableKey("VerifyProcess_Records"), Record_ID = RecordId, //单据ID VRecord_Opinion = AuditSuggest, //审理意见 VRecord_VCode = VerfiyNodeCode, //审核阶段编码 VRecord_Flag = Agree, VRecord_Owner = UserId, Stat = 2 }; int Temp_result = AuditProcessRecordsInstance.Add(Records); if (Temp_result > 0) { SqlParameter x1 = new SqlParameter("@auditCode", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50); x1.Value = Records.VRecord_Code; SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { x1 }; IDbDataParameter[] parames = param as IDbDataParameter[]; DataTable dt = AuditProcessRecordsInstance.idb.RunProcReturnDatatable("qx_sp_audit", parames); ProResult = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProResult)) { result = true; _ProResult = ProResult; } } return(result); }
public string CreateDictNode(Bse_Dict Node, bool IsChildNode, ref int order) { //获取关键字 string codeKey = Node.Dict_Key; //获取父编码 string parentCode = Node.Dict_Code; if (codeKey == parentCode)//如果是最顶级,即其父编码为空 { parentCode = ""; } //throw new NotImplementedException(); //var dict = GetModelByCode(parentCode,); order = 0; //var newCode = GenerateDictCode(dict.Dict_Key,IsChildNode, ref order); string Code = ""; var newCode = Bll_Comm.GetTableKey("", codeKey, parentCode, Code); return(newCode); }
// Modify BY QB // Modify: // Modify Date:2011-3-12 /// <summary> /// 通用字典转换 /// </summary> /// <param name="Module"></param> /// <param name="dt"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static DataTable ConvertDict(string Module, DataTable dt) { QX.DAL.ADOBse_Dict dictInstance = new QX.DAL.ADOBse_Dict(); Sys_Config_ListPage M_Model = new Sys_Config_ListPage(); List <Sys_Config_Fieled> D_List = new List <Sys_Config_Fieled>(); Bll_Comm.GetListConfig(Module, out M_Model, out D_List); if (M_Model != null && D_List.Count > 0 && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { List <Sys_Config_Fieled> newDList = D_List.Where(o => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.D_DictKey)).ToList(); for (var i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { foreach (var item in newDList) { var model = dictInstance.GetListByWhere(" AND Dict_Key='" + item.D_DictKey + "' AND Dict_Code='" + dt.Rows[i][item.D_Index] + "'"); if (model.Count > 0) { dt.Rows[i][item.D_Index] = model.First().Dict_Name; } } } } return(dt); }
public DataTable GetNextVerifyUser(string node,string curUser) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); Dictionary<string, object> dic = new Dictionary<string, object>(); dic.Add("Node", node); dic.Add("User", curUser); dt = new Bll_Comm().GetDataTablebyProc("qx_sp_nextuser", dic); return dt; }
/// <summary> /// 生成员工编码 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public string GenerateEmpCode() { var val = new Bll_Comm().GetMax("Bse_Employee", "Emp_ID"); int re=Common.C_Class.Utils.TypeConverter.ObjectToInt(val)+1; return re.ToString(); }
public ActionResult GetData(int page, int rows, string search, string sidx, string sord) { string Name = Request["name"] == null ? "" : Request["name"].ToString(); string filters = Request["filters"] == null ? "" : Request["filters"].ToString(); string filter = Request["filter"] == null ? "" : Request["filter"].ToString(); string ModuleName = Request["m"] == null ? "" : Request["m"].ToString(); string NameSpace = Request["n"] == null ? "" : Request["n"].ToString(); string filtersSql = string.Empty; string mapSqlFilter = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filters)) { filtersSql = BulidJqGridSearch.BuildSearch(filters); } BLL.Bll_Sys_Config_Refer configRefer = new QX.BLL.Bll_Sys_Config_Refer(); BLL.Bll_Sys_Config_Field_Refer configReferList = new Bll_Sys_Config_Field_Refer(); Sys_Config_Refer model = configRefer.GetListByCode(" AND R_ModuleName='" + ModuleName + "'")[0]; var referList = configReferList.GetListByCode(" AND D_ModuleName='" + ModuleName + "'").Where(o=>!string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.D_DictKey)); BLL.Bll_Bse_Dict DictInstance = new Bll_Bse_Dict(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.R_SQL)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter)) { model.R_SQL = model.R_SQL + filter; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filtersSql)) { model.R_SQL = model.R_SQL + " AND " + filtersSql; } dt = configRefer.ListBySql(model.R_SQL); } else { string _filtersql = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.R_FilterSql) ? model.R_FilterSql : ""; _filtersql = _filtersql + filter; #region 特殊映射处理 if (ModuleName=="HR_StuffModule") { //读取映射配置表中公司配置 Bll_Comm comm = new Bll_Comm(); string mapFilter = ""; var mapModel = comm.CommMap(ModuleName, "Company"); if (mapModel!=null) { var deptList = comm.GetChildListDeptNon(comm.CommMap(ModuleName, "Company").Map_Object); if (deptList.Count()>0) { foreach (var item in deptList) { } for (int i = 0; i < deptList.Count;i++ ) { if (i==(deptList.Count-1)) { mapFilter += "'" + deptList[i].Dept_Code+"'"; } else { mapFilter += "'" + deptList[i].Dept_Code+ "',"; } } mapFilter.TrimEnd(','); } mapSqlFilter = " Stuff_DepCode in(" + mapFilter + ")"; } } #endregion //为空时不初始化 //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter)) //{ // dt = configRefer.ListDataByCode(Name, _filtersql, filtersSql + mapSqlFilter); //} dt = configRefer.ListDataByCode(Name, _filtersql, filtersSql + mapSqlFilter); } DataTable newdt = DataTablePage.GetPagedTable(dt, page, rows); #region 字典进行转换 //对字典进行转换 for (int i = 0; i < newdt.Rows.Count; i++) { foreach (var item in referList.ToList()) { var value = newdt.Rows[i][item.D_Index] != null ? newdt.Rows[i][item.D_Index].ToString() : ""; var DictResult = DictInstance.GetListByCode(" AND Dict_Code='" + value + "' AND Dict_Key='" + item.D_DictKey + "' "); if (DictResult.Count > 0) { newdt.Rows[i][item.D_Index] = DictResult.FirstOrDefault().Dict_Name; } } } #endregion var json = DataTablePage.JsonForJqgrid(newdt, page, rows, dt.Rows.Count); return JavaScript(json); }
public string GenerateTemplateConfigCode() { return(Bll_Comm.GetTableKey("Verify_TemplateConfig")); }
// private Bll_HR_Department deptInstance = new Bll_HR_Department(); /// <summary> /// 同步公司物料类别 /// </summary> /// <param name="itype"></param> /// <param name="companycode"></param> /// <param name="deptCode"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool SyncMaterialTypeFromDict(string itype, string companyCode) { bool result = false; List <WH_MaterialType> list = new List <WH_MaterialType>(); List <Bse_Dict> dictList = new List <Bse_Dict>(); List <string> Union = new List <string>(); List <string> InterSect = new List <string>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(companyCode) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(itype)) { try { //dictList = dictInstance.GetListByCode(" AND Dict_Key!=Dict_Code AND Dict_PCode='" + itype + "'"); // Modify BY QB // Modify:同步字典中所有子类别 // Modify Date:2011-3-22 dictList = dictInstance.GetListByCode(" AND Dict_Key!=Dict_Code AND Dict_Key='" + itype + "'"); list = instance.GetListByCode(" AND MT_CompanyCode='" + companyCode + "' "); IEnumerable <string> listStrList = list.Select(o => o.MT_TCode); IEnumerable <string> dictStrList = dictList.Select(o => o.Dict_Code); //取Dict与MaterialType中的并集,并比对Maertitype中是否存在,不存在则插入数据, Union = dictStrList.Union(listStrList).ToList <string>(); //取交集 InterSect = dictStrList.Intersect(listStrList).ToList <string>(); //逻辑删除关系类别 foreach (var listItem in listStrList) { if (!InterSect.Contains(listItem)) { var typeModel = list.Where(o => o.MT_TCode == listItem); if (typeModel.Count() > 0) { typeModel.First().Stat = 1; instance.Update(typeModel.First()); } } } //更新和插入Type foreach (var item in Union) { var typeModel = list.Where(o => o.MT_TCode == item); var dictModel = dictList.Where(o => o.Dict_Code == item); if (typeModel.Count() > 0) { //更新 if (dictModel.First().Dict_Name != typeModel.First().MT_TName) { typeModel.First().MT_TName = dictModel.First().Dict_Name; typeModel.First().MT_TPCode = dictModel.First().Dict_PCode; typeModel.First().MT_Order = dictModel.First().Dict_Order; instance.Update(typeModel.First()); } } else { //插入 WH_MaterialType model = new WH_MaterialType(); model.MT_Code = Bll_Comm.GetTableKey("WH_MaterialType"); model.MT_TCode = dictModel.First().Dict_Code; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dictModel.First().Dict_PCode) && dictModel.First().Dict_PCode != itype) { model.MT_TPCode = dictModel.First().Dict_PCode; } model.MT_TName = dictModel.First().Dict_Name; model.MT_Order = dictModel.First().Dict_Order; model.MT_CompanyCode = companyCode; var deptModel = deptInstance.GetModel(" AND Dept_Code='" + companyCode + "' "); model.MT_Company = deptModel != null ? deptModel.Dept_Name : ""; instance.Insert(model); } } result = true; } catch (System.Exception e) { throw; } } return(result); }
public string GetDeptCode(string DeptPCode) { return(Bll_Comm.GetTableKey("", "HR_Department", DeptPCode, "")); }
public ActionResult GetProjectCode() { string key = new Bll_Comm().GetTableKeyCode("SD_Project"); return Json(new { SDI_Code = key }); }