private void Add_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (GetButtonContent(ButtonAdd) == "Add") { TextBoxTitle.IsEnabled = true; TextBoxDescription.IsEnabled = true; TextBoxTitle.Document.Blocks.Clear(); TextBoxDescription.Document.Blocks.Clear(); ButtonAdd.Content = "Confirm?"; } else if (GetButtonContent(ButtonAdd) == "Confirm?") { selectedNoteToAdd = new Note() { NoteTitle = new TextRange(TextBoxTitle.Document.ContentStart, TextBoxTitle.Document.ContentEnd).Text, NoteDescription = new TextRange(TextBoxDescription.Document.ContentStart, TextBoxDescription.Document.ContentEnd).Text }; using (var db = new NoppeDBEntities()) { db.Notes.Add(this.selectedNoteToAdd); db.SaveChanges(); DisplayNotes.ItemsSource = null; // reset listbox (This also makes sure that the item source doesnt show the note from before) listOfNotes = db.Notes.ToList(); DisplayNotes.ItemsSource = listOfNotes; } TextBoxDescription.Document.Blocks.Clear(); TextBoxTitle.Document.Blocks.Clear(); ButtonAdd.Content = "Add"; } }
public void InitiliseTheCode() { using (var db = new NoppeDBEntities()) { listOfNotes = db.Notes.ToList(); } DisplayNotes.ItemsSource = listOfNotes; DisplayNotes.DisplayMemberPath = "NoteTitle"; }
private void TextBoxSearch_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { // SQL Query based off of the ComboBox selection using (var db = new NoppeDBEntities()) { listOfNotes = new List <Note>(); if (((ComboBoxItem)ComboBoxSearch.SelectedItem).Content.ToString() == "Title") { var queryForSeachBar = ( from notes in db.Notes where notes.NoteTitle.Contains(TextBoxSearch.Text) orderby notes.NoteTitle select notes ).ToList(); foreach (Note note in queryForSeachBar) { listOfNotes.Add(note); } DisplayNotes.ItemsSource = listOfNotes; DisplayNotes.DisplayMemberPath = "NoteTitle"; } else if (((ComboBoxItem)ComboBoxSearch.SelectedItem).Content.ToString() == "Text") { var queryForSeachBar = ( from notes in db.Notes where notes.NoteDescription.Contains(TextBoxSearch.Text) orderby notes.NoteDescription select notes ).ToList(); foreach (Note note in queryForSeachBar) { listOfNotes.Add(note); } DisplayNotes.ItemsSource = listOfNotes; DisplayNotes.DisplayMemberPath = "NoteDescription"; } } }
private void ButtonEdit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (GetButtonContent(ButtonEdit) == "Edit") { TextBoxTitle.IsEnabled = true; TextBoxDescription.IsEnabled = true; ButtonEdit.Content = "Save"; } else if (GetButtonContent(ButtonEdit) == "Save") { if (selectedNoteToAdd != null) { var noteID = selectedNoteToAdd.NoteID; selectedNoteToAdd = new Note() { NoteID = noteID, NoteTitle = new TextRange(TextBoxTitle.Document.ContentStart, TextBoxTitle.Document.ContentEnd).Text, NoteDescription = new TextRange(TextBoxDescription.Document.ContentStart, TextBoxDescription.Document.ContentEnd).Text }; // To Do saving code here using (var db = new NoppeDBEntities()) { var noteToEdit = db.Notes.Find(this.selectedNoteToAdd.NoteID); noteToEdit.NoteDescription = this.selectedNoteToAdd.NoteDescription; noteToEdit.NoteTitle = this.selectedNoteToAdd.NoteTitle; db.SaveChanges(); DisplayNotes.ItemsSource = null; // reset listbox listOfNotes = db.Notes.ToList(); DisplayNotes.ItemsSource = listOfNotes; } TextBoxTitle.Document.Blocks.Clear(); TextBoxDescription.Document.Blocks.Clear(); TextBoxTitle.IsEnabled = false; TextBoxDescription.IsEnabled = false; ButtonEdit.Content = "Edit"; ButtonDelete.IsEnabled = false; ButtonEdit.IsEnabled = false; } } }
private void Delete_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (GetButtonContent(ButtonDelete) == "Delete") { ButtonDelete.Content = "Confirm?"; } else if (GetButtonContent(ButtonDelete) == "Confirm?") { using (var db = new NoppeDBEntities()) { var removeItemID = db.Notes.Find(selectedNoteToAdd.NoteID); db.Notes.Remove(removeItemID); db.SaveChanges(); DisplayNotes.ItemsSource = null; listOfNotes = db.Notes.ToList(); DisplayNotes.ItemsSource = listOfNotes; } TextBoxTitle.Document.Blocks.Clear(); TextBoxDescription.Document.Blocks.Clear(); ButtonDelete.IsEnabled = false; ButtonEdit.IsEnabled = false; ButtonDelete.Content = "Delete"; } }
private void Edit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (GetButtonContent(ButtonEdit) == "Edit") { ButtonEdit.Content = "Save"; TextBoxTitle.IsEnabled = true; TextBoxDescription.IsEnabled = true; } else if (GetButtonContent(ButtonEdit) == "Save") { if (selectedNoteToAdd != null) { var noteID = selectedNoteToAdd.NoteID; // Gets the previous note id so it knows where to update it // when redoing the this function I noticed that I didn't need // to make another note object I can just assign the textboxes directly to the fields in the db using (var db = new NoppeDBEntities()) { var editedNote = db.Notes.Find(this.selectedNoteToAdd.NoteID); // finds the note in the database with the id from the selected note editedNote.NoteDescription = new TextRange(TextBoxTitle.Document.ContentStart, TextBoxTitle.Document.ContentEnd).Text; editedNote.NoteTitle = new TextRange(TextBoxDescription.Document.ContentStart, TextBoxDescription.Document.ContentEnd).Text; db.SaveChanges(); DisplayNotes.ItemsSource = null; // reset listbox listOfNotes = db.Notes.ToList(); DisplayNotes.ItemsSource = listOfNotes; } TextBoxTitle.Document.Blocks.Clear(); TextBoxDescription.Document.Blocks.Clear(); TextBoxTitle.IsEnabled = false; TextBoxDescription.IsEnabled = false; ButtonDelete.IsEnabled = false; ButtonEdit.IsEnabled = false; ButtonEdit.Content = "Edit"; } } }