        /// <summary>
        /// Converts an instance of tbKeywordRow to a 'real' Keyword object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="KeywordRow">A single instance of tbKeywordRow to parse into a Keyword object.</param>
        /// <returns>A new Keyword object with properties set to the values in the row.</returns>
        public static Keyword MapRowToKeyword(DSNyMPH.tbKeywordRow KeywordRow)
            Keyword _new = new Keyword();

            //check for null row, then map fields to object
            if (KeywordRow != null)
                _new.OID         = KeywordRow.KeywordOID;
                _new.Name        = KeywordRow.KeywordName;
                _new.IsCustom    = KeywordRow.IsCustom;
                _new.KeywordType = ParseSDK(KeywordRow.KeywordType);

        /// <summary>
        /// Persists an instance of Keyword to the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Item">A Keyword instance to add or update. If added, this Keyword will have its OID property assigned.</param>
        /// <returns>The number of rows affected; this will be -1 if an exception occurs.</returns>
        public int SaveKeyword(ref Keyword Item)
            int _result = 0;

            if (Item != null)
                //create typed data objects
                DSNyMPH.tbKeywordDataTable _dtKeyword = new DSNyMPH.tbKeywordDataTable();

                    using (tbKeywordTableAdapter _taKeyword = new tbKeywordTableAdapter())
                        //fill typed table with instance(s) of this Keyword
                        _taKeyword.FillByOID(_dtKeyword, Item.OID);

                        //If no records are returned, add this Keyword to the datatable.
                        if (_dtKeyword.Count == 0)
                            //add new row
                            //_result = _taKeyword.Insert(Item.Name, Item.IsCustom, Item.KeywordType.ToString());

                            DSNyMPH.tbKeywordRow _row = _dtKeyword.NewtbKeywordRow();

                            //TODO: review this process
                            //set properties
                            _row.KeywordName = Item.Name;
                            _row.KeywordType = Item.KeywordType.ToString();
                            _row.IsCustom    = Item.IsCustom;

                            //update changes to datatable using table adapter
                            _result = _taKeyword.Update(_dtKeyword);

                            Item.OID = FindKeywordOID(Item);
                            //should only be one instance
                            //TODO: there's probably a better way to do this...
                            DSNyMPH.tbKeywordRow _row = (DSNyMPH.tbKeywordRow)_dtKeyword.Rows[0];

                            //TODO: review this process
                            //set properties
                            _row.KeywordName = Item.Name;
                            _row.KeywordType = Item.KeywordType.ToString();
                            _row.IsCustom    = Item.IsCustom;

                            //update changes to datatable using table adapter
                            _result = _taKeyword.Update(_dtKeyword);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //write to logging
                    _elh.WriteEvent(string.Format("Exception occurred while saving Keyword   {0}. Exception details: {1}", Item.ToString(), ex.Message), EventLogEntryType.Error);

                    _result = -1;
                _result = -1;