public void TearDown() { var workDir = repo.Info.WorkingDirectory; repo.Dispose(); DeleteDirectory(workDir); }
void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (repository != null) { repository.Dispose(); } }
public void Dispose() { if (_repo != null) { _repo.Dispose(); } }
public void CleanupTestRepo() { string repoPath = repo.Info.WorkingDirectory; if (repo != null) { repo.Dispose(); } FileSystemHelper.DeleteDirectory(repoPath); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { var result = CommandLine.Parser.Default.ParseArguments<Options>(args); if (!result.Errors.Any()) { string url = result.Value.Repository; var brancOption = result.Value.Branch; var branchSepIndex = brancOption.IndexOf('/'); if (branchSepIndex > 0) { var credentials = new UsernamePasswordCredentials { Username = result.Value.UserName, Password = result.Value.Password }; CredentialsHandler credHandler = (s, fromUrl, types) => credentials; var remote = brancOption.Substring(0, branchSepIndex); var branch = brancOption.Substring(branchSepIndex+1, brancOption.Length - branchSepIndex-1); var workingDirectory = result.Value.LocalRepoPath; var isLocalRepoExist = Repository.Discover(workingDirectory); if (isLocalRepoExist == null) { var cloneOptions = new CloneOptions {CredentialsProvider = credHandler}; Repository.Clone(url, workingDirectory, cloneOptions); } Repository repo = null; try { var tagName = result.Value.TagName; repo = new Repository(workingDirectory); //repo.Fetch(remote, new FetchOptions(){CredentialsProvider = credHandler}); repo.Network.Pull(new Signature(result.Value.UserName,result.Value.Email, new DateTimeOffset()), new PullOptions() { FetchOptions = new FetchOptions() { CredentialsProvider = credHandler } }); repo.ApplyTag(tagName); PushChanges(repo, credHandler, remote, branch, tagName); Console.WriteLine("Tagged :{0}", result.Value.TagName); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error happened {0}", ex.Message); } finally { if (repo != null) repo.Dispose(); } } } Console.ReadLine(); }
public void Remove(string path, string fileName, string folderName) { string delimiter = Path.Combine(@"\"); var repo = new LibGit2Sharp.Repository(path + delimiter + folderName); repo.Dispose(); DeleteDirectory(path + delimiter + folderName); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public LibGit2Sharp.IRepository CreateInMemory() { logger.LogTrace("Creating in-memory libgit2 repository..."); var repo = new LibGit2Sharp.Repository(); try { logger.LogTrace("Successfully created in-memory libgit2 repository."); return(repo); } catch { repo.Dispose(); throw; } }
public RepositoryWrapper(Repository repo) { this.repo = repo; Head = async (i) => { return new BranchWrapper(repo, repo.Head); }; Config = async (i) => { return repo.Config; }; Index = async (i) => { return repo.Index; }; Ignore = async (i) => { return repo.Ignore; }; Network = async (i) => { return new NetworkWrapper(repo.Network); }; ObjectDatabase = async (i) => { return repo.ObjectDatabase; }; Refs = async (i) => { return repo.Refs; }; Commits = async (i) => { return repo.Commits.Select(c => new CommitWrapper(c)); }; Tags = async (i) => { return repo.Tags; }; Stashes = async (i) => { return repo.Stashes; }; Info = async (i) => { return repo.Info; }; Diff = async (i) => { return repo.Diff; }; Notes = async (i) => { return repo.Notes; }; Submodules = async (i) => { return repo.Submodules; }; Dispose = async (i) => { repo.Dispose(); return null; }; Lookup = async (id) => { var found = repo.Lookup(id.ToString()); if (found.GetType() == typeof(Commit)) { return new CommitWrapper((Commit)found); } else { return found; } }; Branches = async (i) => repo.Branches.Select(b => new BranchWrapper(repo, b)).ToDictionary(b => b.Name); Reset = async (dynamic i) => { var modeName = ((string)i.mode).ToLower(); ResetMode mode; if (modeName == "soft") { mode = ResetMode.Soft; } else if (modeName == "mixed") { mode = ResetMode.Mixed; } else { mode = ResetMode.Hard; } var committish = (string)i.committish; repo.Reset(mode, committish, null, null); return null; }; Checkout = async (i) => { var branch = repo.Branches.First(b => b.Name == i.ToString()); repo.Checkout(branch); return branch; }; }
public IObservable<DateTimeOffset> LastCommitTime(string repoPath) { return Observable.Start(() => { var repo = default(Repository); try { repo = new Repository(repoPath); if (repo.Head == null || repo.Head.Tip == null) { throw new Exception("Couldn't find commit"); } this.Log().Debug("Last Commit Time: {0}", repo.Head.Tip.Author.When); return repo.Head.Tip.Author.When; } catch (Exception ex) { this.Log().WarnException("Couldn't read commit time on repo: " + repoPath, ex); throw; } finally { if (repo != null) repo.Dispose(); } }, RxApp.TaskpoolScheduler); }
public IObservable<RepositoryStatus> GetStatus(string repoPath) { return Observable.Start(() => { var repo = default(Repository); try { repo = new Repository(repoPath); return repo.Index.RetrieveStatus(); } catch (Exception ex) { this.Log().WarnException("Couldn't read status for repo: " + repoPath, ex); throw; } finally { if (repo != null) repo.Dispose(); } }, RxApp.TaskpoolScheduler); }
public string ProtocolUrlForRepoPath(string repoPath) { if (!isGitHubForWindowsInstalled()) return null; var remoteUrl = default(string); var repo = default(Repository); try { repo = new Repository(repoPath); var remote = repo.Network.Remotes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("origin", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (remote == null) return null; this.Log().Info("Using remote {0} for repo {1}", remote.Url, repoPath); remoteUrl = remote.Url.ToLowerInvariant(); } catch (Exception ex) { this.Log().WarnException("Failed to open repo: " + repoPath, ex); return null; } finally { if (repo != null) repo.Dispose(); } var ret = protocolUrlForRemoteUrl(remoteUrl); this.Log().Info("Protocol URL for {0} is {1}", repoPath, ret); return ret; }
protected override Repository OnPublish (string serverPath, FilePath localPath, FilePath[] files, string message, ProgressMonitor monitor) { // Initialize the repository RootRepository = new LibGit2Sharp.Repository (LibGit2Sharp.Repository.Init (localPath)); RootPath = localPath; RootRepository.Network.Remotes.Add ("origin", Url); // Add the project files ChangeSet cs = CreateChangeSet (localPath); foreach (FilePath fp in files) { RootRepository.Stage (RootRepository.ToGitPath (fp)); cs.AddFile (fp); } // Create the initial commit cs.GlobalComment = message; Commit (cs, monitor); RootRepository.Branches.Update (RootRepository.Branches ["master"], branch => branch.TrackedBranch = "refs/remotes/origin/master"); RetryUntilSuccess (monitor, credType => RootRepository.Network.Push (RootRepository.Head, new PushOptions { OnPushStatusError = delegate (PushStatusError e) { RootRepository.Dispose (); RootRepository = null; if (RootPath.Combine (".git").IsDirectory) Directory.Delete (RootPath.Combine (".git"), true); throw new VersionControlException (e.Message); }, CredentialsProvider = (url, userFromUrl, types) => GitCredentials.TryGet (url, userFromUrl, types, credType) })); return this; }
/// <inheritdoc /> public Task Initialize(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { return(Task.Factory.StartNew(async() => { using (logger.BeginScope("Initializing repository...")) { var repoPath = ioManager.ResolvePath(ioManager.ConcatPath(gitHubConfiguration.RepoOwner, gitHubConfiguration.RepoName)); logger.LogTrace("Repo path evaluated to be: {0}", repoPath); try { logger.LogTrace("Creating repository object."); cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); repositoryObject = new LibGit2Sharp.Repository(repoPath); repositoryObject.RemoveUntrackedFiles(); cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); repositoryObject.RetrieveStatus(); } catch (OperationCanceledException e) { logger.LogDebug(e, "Repository setup cancelled!"); repositoryObject?.Dispose(); throw; } catch (Exception e) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); using (logger.BeginScope("Repository fallback initializing...")) { repositoryObject?.Dispose(); try { logger.LogTrace("Checking repository directory exists."); if (await ioManager.DirectoryExists(repoPath, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)) { logger.LogWarning(e, "Failed to load repository! Deleting and cloning..."); await ioManager.DeleteDirectory(repoPath, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); } else { logger.LogInformation(e, "Cloning repository..."); } LibGit2Sharp.Repository.Clone(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}/{1}", gitHubConfiguration.RepoOwner, gitHubConfiguration.RepoName), repoPath, new CloneOptions { Checkout = false, RecurseSubmodules = true, OnProgress = (a) => !cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested, OnUpdateTips = (a, b, c) => !cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested, OnTransferProgress = (a) => !cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested }); logger.LogInformation("Repo clone completed."); repositoryObject = new LibGit2Sharp.Repository(repoPath); } catch (UserCancelledException e2) { logger.LogDebug(e2, "Repository setup cancelled!"); cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); } catch (Exception e2) { logger.LogCritical(e2, "Unable to clone repository!"); throw; } } } } }, cancellationToken, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, TaskScheduler.Current)); }
/// <summary> /// Disposes the <see cref="repositoryObject"/> /// </summary> public void Dispose() { repositoryObject?.Dispose(); semaphore.Dispose(); }
private static void StartDeploying(Repository repository, FileManager fileManager) { Commit commitOlder = null; Commit commitNewer = null; string olderVersion = "UNK"; string newerVersion = "UNK"; bool wrongInput = true; while (wrongInput) { Console.Out.Write("Older version: "); olderVersion = Console.In.ReadLine(); Console.Out.Write("Newer version: "); newerVersion = Console.In.ReadLine(); Tag tagOlder = repository.Tags.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == olderVersion); Tag tagNewer = repository.Tags.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == newerVersion); if (tagOlder == null || tagNewer == null) { if (tagOlder == null) { Printf("Invalid older tag"); } if (tagNewer == null) { Printf("Invalid newer tag"); } } else { commitOlder = tagOlder.Target as Commit; commitNewer = tagNewer.Target as Commit; if (commitOlder == null || commitNewer == null) { if (commitOlder == null) { Printf("Older tag does not point to commit"); } if (commitNewer == null) { Printf("Newer tag does not point to commit"); } } else { if (commitOlder.Author.When >= commitNewer.Author.When) { Printf("Wrong timing"); } else { wrongInput = false; } } } } TreeChanges changes = repository.Diff.Compare<TreeChanges>(commitOlder.Tree, commitNewer.Tree); PrintChanges(changes); LogChanges(changes); List<TreeEntryChanges> filesToBeBackedUp = new List<TreeEntryChanges>(); filesToBeBackedUp.AddRange(changes.Modified); filesToBeBackedUp.AddRange(changes.Deleted); filesToBeBackedUp.AddRange(changes.Renamed); List<TreeEntryChanges> filesToBeDeployed = new List<TreeEntryChanges>(); filesToBeDeployed.AddRange(changes.Added); filesToBeDeployed.AddRange(changes.Modified); filesToBeDeployed.AddRange(changes.Renamed); string backUpPath = string.Format("{0}{1}", TmpPath, "backup\\"); string deployPath = string.Format("{0}{1}", TmpPath, "deploy\\"); fileManager.CreateTmpFolder(TmpPath); BundleCreationResult backupResult; BundleCreationResult deployResult; BundleCreationResult rollBackResult; BundleCreationResult deployPackResult; Printf("Creating backup"); backupResult = fileManager.CreateBackUp(ServerPath, backUpPath, filesToBeBackedUp); PrintResult("Creating backup", backupResult); if (backupResult == BundleCreationResult.Succes) { Printf("Creating deploy pack"); deployPackResult = fileManager.CreateDeployPack(BaseRepositoryPath, deployPath, filesToBeDeployed); PrintResult("Creating deploy pack", deployPackResult); if (deployPackResult == BundleCreationResult.Succes) { Printf("Deploying files"); deployResult = fileManager.DeployFiles(deployPath, ServerPath, changes, BaseRepositoryPath); PrintResult("Deploying files", deployResult); if (deployResult == BundleCreationResult.Fail) { Printf("Rolling back"); rollBackResult = fileManager.RollBack(backUpPath, ServerPath, changes); PrintResult("Rolling back", rollBackResult); } } } Printf("Generating Zip"); fileManager.GenerateZip(ZipFilePath, TmpPath, filesToBeBackedUp, filesToBeDeployed, olderVersion.Replace(".", "_"), newerVersion.Replace(".", "_")); fileManager.DeleteTmpFolder(TmpPath); repository.Dispose(); }
Commit fetchLatestCommitForHead(string repositoryRoot) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(repositoryRoot)) { return null; } var repo = default(Repository); try { repo = new Repository(repositoryRoot); return repo.Commits.FirstOrDefault(); } catch (Exception ex) { this.Log().ErrorException("Couldn't open repo", ex); return null; } finally { if (repo != null) { repo.Dispose(); } } }