/// <summary> /// Verifies that the specified path points to a valid repository usable by SyncTool /// (a repository with the expected tags and default branches as created by RepositoryInitHelper) /// </summary> public static bool IsValid(string path) { // check if the directory exists and is a valid git repository if (!Directory.Exists(path) || !Repository.IsValid(path)) { return false; } using (var repository = new Repository(path)) { // the repository needs to be a bare repository if (!repository.Info.IsBare) { return false; } // ensure there is a configuration branch if (!repository.LocalBranchExists(RepositoryInitHelper.ConfigurationBranchName)) { return false; } // ensure there is a tag for the initial commit if (repository.Tags[RepositoryInitHelper.InitialCommitTagName] == null) { return false; } // check if there is a repository info file in the root (on all branches) foreach (var localBranch in repository.GetLocalBranches()) { var gitDirectory = new GitDirectory(null, "Irrelevant", localBranch.Tip); if (!gitDirectory.FileExists(RepositoryInfoFile.RepositoryInfoFileName)) { return false; } //TODO: verify content of repository info file } } return true; }
public void CreateGroup_Creates_a_repository_and_pushes_it_to_the_remote_repository() { // create a mock for the settings provider var settingsProvider = GetGroupSettingsProviderMock().WithEmptyGroupSettings(); // set up local working directory var localDir = Path.Combine(m_TempDirectory.Location, "Local"); Directory.CreateDirectory(localDir); // set up the "remote" repository var remoteDir = Path.Combine(m_TempDirectory.Location, "Remote"); Directory.CreateDirectory(remoteDir); Repository.Init(remoteDir, true); var groupManager = new GitBasedGroupManager(new SingleDirectoryRepositoryPathProvider(localDir), settingsProvider.Object); // create a new group groupManager.CreateGroup("Group1", remoteDir); // creation of groups should not leave behind anything Assert.Empty(Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(localDir)); // assert that the group was actually created in the remote repository using (var repository = new Repository(remoteDir)) { Assert.Equal(2, repository.Branches.Count()); Assert.True(repository.LocalBranchExists(RepositoryInitHelper.ConfigurationBranchName)); Assert.NotNull(repository.Tags[RepositoryInitHelper.InitialCommitTagName]); } settingsProvider.Verify(m => m.SaveGroupSettings(It.IsAny<IEnumerable<GroupSettings>>()), Times.AtLeastOnce); }
public void Begin_deletes_local_branches_if_the_tracked_brach_was_deleted_in_the_remote_repository() { var transaction1 = CreateTransaction(); transaction1.Begin(); m_RemoteRepository.Branches.Remove(s_Branch3); var transaction2 = CreateCachingTransaction(transaction1.LocalPath); transaction2.Begin(); // assert that the branch has been removed in the local repository and that other branches are still there using (var repository = new Repository(transaction2.LocalPath)) { Assert.False(repository.LocalBranchExists(s_Branch3)); Assert.True(repository.LocalBranchExists(s_Branch2)); Assert.True(repository.LocalBranchExists("master")); } }