private void AppBarButton_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Button button = sender as Button; if (button == null || IsActionConfirmationRequired == false || ConfirmationActionCommand == null) return; const string defaultMessage = "Do you really want to {0}"; string confirmationPopUpMessage = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ActionConfirmationMessage) ? DebugFormat.Format(defaultMessage, button.Content) : ActionConfirmationMessage; ConfirmationDailogDetails confirmationDailogDetails = new ConfirmationDailogDetails { Message = confirmationPopUpMessage, ActionName = button.Content.ToString(), Template = button.Template, ActionCommand = ConfirmationActionCommand }; **//instead of ConfirmationActionCommand want to use base.Command** ConfirmationDailog dialog = new ConfirmationDailog(confirmationDailogDetails) { PlacementTarget = button, IsOpen = true }; //validation here dialog.ShowDialog(); var confirmed = dialog.IsConfirmed; e.Handled = confirmed; }
private void Print(NodePin node, TextWriter output, int depth, DebugFormat format) { bool formatted = format != DebugFormat.Compact; string prefix = formatted ? Environment.NewLine + new String(' ', depth << 1) : ""; output.Write("{0}{{", formatted ? " " : ""); if (formatted) { prefix += " "; } for (int i = 0; i < node.Ptr.Count; i++) { if (i > 0 || node.Ptr[i].IsValue) { output.Write("{0}{1}", prefix, node.Ptr[i].Key); } if (formatted && node.Ptr.IsLeaf) { output.Write(" = {0}", node.Ptr[i].Payload); } if (format == DebugFormat.Full) { output.Write(" (IsLeaf={0})", node.Ptr.IsLeaf); output.Write(" (Count={0})", node.Ptr.Count); } if (node.Ptr[i].IsNode) { using (NodePin child = _storage.Lock(node, node.Ptr[i].ChildNode)) { Print(child, output, depth + 1, format); #if DEBUG if (format == DebugFormat.Full) { try { Validate(child, node, i, 1); } catch (Exception ex) { output.WriteLine(); output.WriteLine("{0} Error = {1}", prefix, ex.Message); } } #endif } } else if (formatted) { output.Write("={0}", node.Ptr[i].Payload); } if (i + 1 < node.Ptr.Count) { output.Write(','); } } if (formatted) { prefix = prefix.Substring(0, prefix.Length - 2); } output.Write("{0}}}", prefix); }
private Action <V> TryCatchAction <V> (Action <V> action, Component component = null) { return(x => { try { action(x); } catch (Exception e) { DebugFormat.LogException(component, e); } }); }
public static void DeleteAllSaves() { DebugFormat.Log <Saver <T> >($"path: {PERSISTANT_DATA_PATH}"); if (Directory.Exists(PERSISTANT_DATA_PATH)) { Directory.Delete(PERSISTANT_DATA_PATH, true); } }
public void SaveAsyncDelayed() { if (saver == null) { DebugFormat.LogError(this, "Saver is not initialized!"); } = PrepeareDataBeforeSave(Data); saver.SaveAsyncDelayed(); onSaveStarted.OnNext(Data); }
protected override void OnAfterClick() { base.OnAfterClick(); if (autoSwitchStates && isAcceptMode.Value == acceptStateBeforeClick) { DebugFormat.Log(this, "Auto switch"); isAcceptMode.Value = !isAcceptMode.Value; } }
protected override void OnDataLoaded(SaveData data) { DebugFormat.Log(this); Data = new SaveData() { accessToken = data.accessToken, refreshToken = data.refreshToken }; AccessTokenHeader = Data.accessToken; }
protected virtual bool Open(T unit) { if (IsOpen) { return(Open()); } DebugFormat.Log(this,; ((Subject <T>)OnOpen).OnNext(lastUnit = unit); return(Open()); }
public T Load() { if (saver == null) { DebugFormat.LogError(this, "Saver is not initialized!"); } Data = PrepareData(saver.Load()); NotifyLoadingDataListeners(loadingDataListeners, Data); return(Data); }
public DebugRequestEvents(CompositeDisposable compositeDisposable, Request <T> request, int id) : base() { #if UNITY_EDITOR OnSuccess.Subscribe(x => DebugFormat.Log <Request <T> >($"[{request.RESTMethod}] {id} - OnSuccess\n\n{JsonConvert.SerializeObject(x, Formatting.Indented)}\n", deep: DEEP)).AddTo(compositeDisposable); OnSuccessRaw.Subscribe(x => DebugFormat.Log <Request <T> >($"[{request.RESTMethod}] {id} - OnSuccessRaw\n\n{Request<T>.JsonPrettify(x)}\n", deep: DEEP)).AddTo(compositeDisposable); #endif OnSerializationError.Subscribe(x => DebugFormat.LogError <Request <T> >($"[{request.RESTMethod}] {id} - OnSerializationError: {x}", deep: DEEP)).AddTo(compositeDisposable); OnHttpError.Subscribe(x => DebugFormat.LogError <Request <T> >($"[{request.RESTMethod}] {id} - OnHttpError\n\n {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(x, Formatting.Indented)}\n", deep: DEEP)).AddTo(compositeDisposable); OnHttpErrorRaw.Subscribe(x => DebugFormat.LogError <Request <T> >($"[{request.RESTMethod}] {id} - OnHttpErrorRaw\n\n{x}\n", deep: DEEP)).AddTo(compositeDisposable); OnNetworkError.Subscribe(x => DebugFormat.LogError <Request <T> >($"[{request.RESTMethod}] {id} - OnNetworkError\n\n {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(x, Formatting.Indented)}\n", deep: DEEP)).AddTo(compositeDisposable); }
protected override void OnEnable() { AccessTokenHeader = null; base.OnEnable(); DebugFormat.Log(this); compositeDisposable.Clear(); GlobalEvents.OnHttpError.Where(httpError => httpError.httpResponseCode == AccessTokenExpiredCode) .Subscribe(httpError => SetToken(null, null)) .AddTo(compositeDisposable); }
public Task LoadAsync() { if (saver == null) { DebugFormat.LogError(this, "Saver is not initialized!"); } return(saver.LoadAsync(task => { Data = PrepareData(; NotifyLoadingDataListeners(loadingDataListeners, Data); })); }
protected virtual void Close(T unit) { if (!IsOpen) { Close(); return; } Close(); DebugFormat.Log(this,; ((Subject <T>)OnClose).OnNext(lastUnit); lastUnit = null; }
protected override UnityWebRequest CreateUnityWebRequest(string endpoint) { var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data); var byteData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json); #if UNITY_EDITOR try { DebugFormat.Log <RequestPost <T1, T2> >($"JSON {RESTMethod}:\n\n{JsonPrettify(json)}\n"); } catch (Exception e) { DebugFormat.Log <RequestPost <T1, T2> >($"JSON {RESTMethod}:\n\n{json}\n"); } #endif return(new UnityWebRequest(endpoint) { method = RESTMethod, uploadHandler = new UploadHandlerRaw(byteData), downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerBuffer() }); }
public async UniTask SendRequest() { UnityWebRequest unityRequest = null; try { unityRequest = CreateUnityWebRequest(RequestURL); await PrepeareRequest(unityRequest); await unityRequest.SendWebRequest(); } catch (Exception e) { } finally { try { await RequestPostprocessing(unityRequest); if (unityRequest.result == UnityWebRequest.Result.ConnectionError) { await ProcessNetworkError(unityRequest); } if (unityRequest.result == UnityWebRequest.Result.ProtocolError) { await ProcessHttpError(unityRequest); } if (unityRequest.isDone && unityRequest.result == UnityWebRequest.Result.Success) { var json = GetJSON(unityRequest); ResponseRawData = json; Events.SendSuccessRaw(json); var data = FromJSON <T>(unityRequest); await OnDataReceived(data); Events.SendSuccess(data); } } catch (Exception e2) { DebugFormat.LogException <Request <T> >(e2); } } }
public async UniTask <Request <T> > SendRequest <T> (Request <T> request) { var compositeDisposable = request.Events.Subscribe(GlobalEvents); if (debug) { var id = Request <T> .IncrementalID; DebugFormat.Log(this, $"[{request.RESTMethod}] {id} - {request.RequestURL}", this); if (debugHeaders) { var headers = request.GetHeaders(); foreach (var key in headers.Keys) { DebugFormat.Log(this, $"Header {key} : {headers[key]}"); } } var debugEvents = new DebugRequestEvents <T>(compositeDisposable, request, id); compositeDisposable.Add(request.Events.Subscribe(debugEvents)); } await request.SendRequest(); if (debug && debugHeaders && request.LastUnityRequest != null) { if (debugHeaders) { var headers = request.LastUnityRequest.GetResponseHeaders(); foreach (var key in headers.Keys) { DebugFormat.Log(this, $"Response Header {key} : {headers[key]}"); } } } compositeDisposable.Dispose(); return(request); #if UNITY_EDITOR && ZENJECT if (!Application.isPlaying && Zenject.ProjectContext.HasInstance) { DestroyImmediate(Zenject.ProjectContext.Instance.gameObject); } #endif }
protected virtual K FromJSON <K> (UnityWebRequest unityRequest) { string json = null; try { json = GetJSON(unityRequest); var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <K>(json, jsonSerializerSettings); return(result); } catch (Exception e) { Events.SendSerializationError(e.Message); DebugFormat.LogException <Request <T> >(e); try { DebugFormat.LogError(this, $"JSON ({typeof(K).Name}):\n\n{JsonPrettify(json)}\n"); } catch (Exception e2) { DebugFormat.LogError(this, $"JSON ({typeof(K).Name}):\n\n{json}\n"); } } return(default(K)); }
public void Print(TextWriter output, DebugFormat format) { using (RootLock root = LockRoot(LockType.Read, "Print", true)) Print(root.Pin, output, 0, format); }
protected virtual void OnHideAnimationCompleted() { DebugFormat.Log(this); gameObject.SetActive(false); }
protected virtual void OnShowAnimationCompleted() { DebugFormat.Log(this); }