public ScriptFormula(MpqFileStream stream) { this.I0 = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.I1 = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.I2 = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.I3 = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.I4 = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.NameSize = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.I5 = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.OpcodeSize = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.OpCodeName = stream.ReadStringZ(Encoding.ASCII); switch (NameSize % 4) { case 0: break; case 1: stream.Position += 3; break; case 2: stream.Position += 2; break; case 3: stream.Position += 1; break; } this.OpCodeArray = new byte[OpcodeSize]; stream.Read(OpCodeArray, 0, OpcodeSize); }
public List<BuffDef> Buffs = new List<BuffDef>(); //4 public PowerDef(MpqFileStream stream) { TagMap = stream.ReadSerializedItem<TagMap>(); stream.Position += (2 * 4); GeneralTagMap = stream.ReadSerializedItem<TagMap>(); stream.Position += (2 * 4); PVPGeneralTagMap = stream.ReadSerializedItem<TagMap>(); stream.Position += (2 * 4); ContactTagMap0 = stream.ReadSerializedItem<TagMap>(); ContactTagMap1 = stream.ReadSerializedItem<TagMap>(); ContactTagMap2 = stream.ReadSerializedItem<TagMap>(); ContactTagMap3 = stream.ReadSerializedItem<TagMap>(); stream.Position += (8 * 4); PVPContactTagMap0 = stream.ReadSerializedItem<TagMap>(); PVPContactTagMap1 = stream.ReadSerializedItem<TagMap>(); PVPContactTagMap2 = stream.ReadSerializedItem<TagMap>(); PVPContactTagMap3 = stream.ReadSerializedItem<TagMap>(); stream.Position += (8 * 4); I0 = stream.ReadValueS32(); ActColFlags1 = new ActorCollisionFlags(stream); ActColFlags2 = new ActorCollisionFlags(stream); stream.Position += 4; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Buffs.Add(new BuffDef(stream)); stream.Position += (2 * 4); } }
public Header(MpqFileStream stream) { DeadBeef = stream.ReadInt32(); SnoType = stream.ReadInt32(); unknown1 = stream.ReadInt32(); unknown2 = stream.ReadInt32(); }
/// <summary> /// Reads SceneSpecification from given MPQFileStream. /// </summary> /// <param name="stream">The MPQFileStream to read from.</param> public SceneSpecification(MpqFileStream stream) { CellZ = stream.ReadValueS32(); Cell = new Vector2D(stream); SNOLevelAreas = new int[4]; for (int i = 0; i < SNOLevelAreas.Length; i++) { SNOLevelAreas[i] = stream.ReadValueS32(); } SNOPrevWorld = stream.ReadValueS32(); Unknown1 = stream.ReadValueS32(); SNOPrevLevelArea = stream.ReadValueS32(); SNONextWorld = stream.ReadValueS32(); Unknown2 = stream.ReadValueS32(); SNONextLevelArea = stream.ReadValueS32(); SNOMusic = stream.ReadValueS32(); SNOCombatMusic = stream.ReadValueS32(); SNOAmbient = stream.ReadValueS32(); SNOReverb = stream.ReadValueS32(); SNOWeather = stream.ReadValueS32(); SNOPresetWorld = stream.ReadValueS32(); Unknown3 = stream.ReadValueS32(); Unknown4 = stream.ReadValueS32(); Unknown5 = stream.ReadValueS32(); stream.Position += (9 * 4); ClusterID = stream.ReadValueS32(); SceneCachedValues = new SceneCachedValues(stream); }
public void Read(MpqFileStream stream) { this.I0 = stream.ReadValueS32(); // Maybe this should stay a Char Array instead of a string. - DarkLotus this.Name = stream.ReadString(64, true); this.TriggeredEvent.Read(stream); }
public GizmoLocSpawnType(MpqFileStream stream) { stream.Position += 8; this.SpawnEntry = stream.ReadSerializedData<GizmoLocSpawnEntry>(); this.S0 = stream.ReadString(80, true); this.S1 = stream.ReadString(256, true); }
public void Read(MpqFileStream stream) { this.SNOSpawn = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.Probability = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.I1 = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.I2 = stream.ReadValueS32(); }
public ConvLocalDisplayTimes(CrystalMpq.MpqFileStream stream) { for (int i = 0; i < Languages.Length; i++) { Languages[i] = stream.ReadValueS32(); } }
public void Read(MpqFileStream stream) { this.SNOPower = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.Category = (ActiveSkillCategory)stream.ReadValueS32(); this.ReqLevel = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.I2 = stream.ReadValueS32(); }
/// <summary> /// Reads RGBAColor from given MPQFileStream. /// </summary> /// <param name="stream">The MPQFileStream to read from.</param> public RGBAColor(MpqFileStream stream) { var buf = new byte[4]; stream.Read(buf, 0, 4); Red = buf[0]; Green = buf[1]; Blue = buf[2]; Alpha = buf[3]; }
public TagMap(MpqFileStream stream) { tagmapsize = stream.ReadInt32(); TagMapEntry = new TagMapEntry[tagmapsize]; for (int i = 0; i < tagmapsize; i++) { TagMapEntry[i] = new TagMapEntry(stream); } }
public void FileRead(MpqFileStream stream, long offset) { stream.Position = offset + 0; Min = new Vector3D(); Min.FileRead(stream, stream.Position); stream.Position = offset + 12; Max = new Vector3D(); Max.FileRead(stream, stream.Position); }
public Header(MpqFileStream stream) { this.DeadBeef = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.SnoType = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.Unknown1 = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.Unknown2 = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.SNOId = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.Unknown3 = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.Unknown4 = stream.ReadValueS32(); }
public QuestUnassignedStep(MpqFileStream stream) { I0 = stream.ReadValueS32(); stream.Position += 4; // unaccounted in xml stream.Position += (2 * 4); StepObjectiveSets = stream.ReadSerializedData<QuestStepObjectiveSet>(); stream.Position += (2 * 4); StepFailureConditionsSets = stream.ReadSerializedData<QuestStepFailureConditionSet>(); }
public void Read(MpqFileStream stream) { TagMapSize = stream.ReadValueS32(); TagMapEntries = new TagMapEntry[TagMapSize]; for (int i = 0; i < TagMapSize; i++) { TagMapEntries[i] = new TagMapEntry(stream); } }
public ItemSpecifierData(MpqFileStream stream) { ItemGBId = stream.ReadValueS32(); I0 = stream.ReadValueS32(); for (int i = 0; i > 3; i++) { GBIdAffixes[i] = stream.ReadValueS32(); } I1 = stream.ReadValueS32(); }
public WaypointInfo(MpqFileStream stream) { SNOWorld = stream.ReadValueS32(); SNOLevelArea = stream.ReadValueS32(); I0 = stream.ReadValueS32(); I1 = stream.ReadValueS32(); I2 = stream.ReadValueS32(); SNOQuestRange = stream.ReadValueS32(); I3 = stream.ReadValueS32(); }
public NavMeshDef(MpqFileStream stream) { this.SquaresCountX = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.SquaresCountY = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.Int0 = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.NavMeshSquareCount = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.Float0 = stream.ReadValueF32(); this.Squares = stream.ReadSerializedData<NavMeshSquare>(this.NavMeshSquareCount); stream.Position += (3 * 4); this.Filename = stream.ReadString(256, true); }
public void Read(MpqFileStream stream) { this.Name = stream.ReadString(128, true); this.Type = (MarkerType)stream.ReadValueS32(); this.PRTransform = new PRTransform(stream); this.SNOHandle = new SNOHandle(stream); this.TagMap = stream.ReadSerializedItem<TagMap>(); stream.Position += 8; this.MarkerLinksCount = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.MarkerLinks = stream.ReadSerializedData<MarkerLink>(); stream.Position += (3 * 4); }
public void Read(MpqFileStream stream) { this.SNOPower = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.Category = (ActiveSkillCategory)stream.ReadValueS32(); this.SkillGroup = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.ReqLevel = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.RuneNone_ReqLevel = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.RuneA_ReqLevel = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.RuneB_ReqLevel = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.RuneC_ReqLevel = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.RuneD_ReqLevel = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.RuneE_ReqLevel = stream.ReadValueS32(); }
/// <summary> /// Reads SceneCachedValues from given MPQFileStream. /// </summary> /// <param name="stream">The MPQFileStream to read from.</param> public SceneCachedValues(MpqFileStream stream) { Unknown1 = stream.ReadValueS32(); Unknown2 = stream.ReadValueS32(); Unknown3 = stream.ReadValueS32(); AABB1 = new AABB(stream); AABB2 = new AABB(stream); Unknown4 = new int[4]; for (int i = 0; i < Unknown4.Length; i++) { Unknown4[i] = stream.ReadValueS32(); } Unknown5 = stream.ReadValueS32(); }
public void Read(MpqFileStream stream) { this.I0 = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.SNOSubTreasureClass = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.Percentage = stream.ReadValueF32(); this.I1 = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.GBIdQualityClass = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.I2 = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.I3 = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.SNOCondition = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.ItemSpecifier = new ItemSpecifierData(stream); this.I5 = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.I4 = new int[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) this.I4[i] = stream.ReadValueS32(); }
public void Read(MpqFileStream stream) { this.Name = stream.ReadString(128, true); this.Int0 = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.PRTransform = new PRTransform(stream); this.SNOName = new SNOName(stream); this.TagMap = stream.ReadSerializedItem<TagMap>(); // Un sure about these 3 ints, 010template isnt the same as snodata.xml - DarkLotus this.IntTagMap = stream.ReadValueS32(); Int1 = stream.ReadValueS32(); Int2 = stream.ReadValueS32(); var pointerMarkerLinks = stream.GetSerializedDataPointer(); stream.Position += (3 * 4); }
public void Read(MpqFileStream stream) { SNOConv = stream.ReadValueS32(); I0 = stream.ReadValueS32(); I1 = stream.ReadValueS32(); I2 = stream.ReadValueS32(); GbidItem = stream.ReadValueS32(); Noname1 = stream.ReadString(128, true); Noname2 = stream.ReadString(128, true); SNOQuestCurrent = stream.ReadValueS32(); I3 = stream.ReadValueS32(); SNOQuestAssigned = stream.ReadValueS32(); SNOQuestActive = stream.ReadValueS32(); SNOQuestComplete = stream.ReadValueS32(); SNOQuestRange = stream.ReadValueS32(); SNOLevelArea = stream.ReadValueS32(); }
public void Read(MpqFileStream stream) { this.Name = stream.ReadString(128, true); this.Type = (MarkerType)stream.ReadValueS32(); this.PRTransform = new PRTransform(stream); this.SNOHandle = new SNOHandle(stream); this.TagMap = stream.ReadSerializedItem<TagMap>(); // Un sure about these 3 ints, 010template isnt the same as snodata.xml - DarkLotus // IntTagMap && Int2 are always 0 for beta. leave it here only because xml does not match either -farmy this.IntTagMap = stream.ReadValueS32(); Int1 = stream.ReadValueS32(); var int2 = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.MarkerLinks = stream.ReadSerializedData<MarkerLink>(); stream.Position += (3 * 4); }
public void Read(MpqFileStream stream) { this.F0 = new Float3(stream); this.F1 = new Float3(stream); this.F2 = new Float3(stream); stream.Position += 36; this.DominoNodeCount = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.VerticeCount = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.DominoTriangleCount = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.DominoEdgeCount = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.I4 = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.I5 = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.Vertices = stream.ReadSerializedData<Float3>(); this.DominoTriangles = stream.ReadSerializedData<MeshTriangle>(); this.DominoNodes = stream.ReadSerializedData<MeshNode>(); this.DominoEdges = stream.ReadSerializedData<MeshEdge>(); this.I6 = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.I7 = stream.ReadValueS32(); }
public Marker(MpqFileStream stream) { byte[] buf = new byte[128]; stream.Read(buf, 0, 128); Name = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buf); i0 = stream.ReadInt32(); PRTransform = new PRTransform(stream); SNOName = new SNOName(stream); serTagMap = new SerializeData(stream); TagMap = stream.ReadInt32(); i1 = stream.ReadInt32(); i2 = stream.ReadInt32(); serMarkerLinks = new SerializeData(stream); stream.Position += (3 * 4); long x = stream.Position; if (serTagMap.Size > 0) { stream.Position = serTagMap.Offset + 16; TM = new TagMap(stream); } stream.Position = x; }
public TagMapEntry(MpqFileStream stream) { this.Type = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.TagID = stream.ReadValueS32(); switch (this.Type) { case 0: this.Int2 = stream.ReadValueS32(); break; case 1: Float0 = stream.ReadValueF32(); break; case 2: // SNO this.Int2 = stream.ReadValueS32(); break; case 4: this.ScriptFormula = new ScriptFormula(stream); break; default: this.Int2 = stream.ReadValueS32(); break; } }
public void Read(MpqFileStream stream) { this.DRLGParams = stream.ReadSerializedData<DRLGParams>(); stream.Position += 8; this.SceneParams = stream.ReadSerializedItem<SceneParams>(); stream.Position += 8; LabelRuleSet = new LabelRuleSet(stream); this.Int1 = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.SceneClusterSet = new SceneClusterSet(stream); for (int i = 0; i < SNONavMeshFunctions.Length; i++) { SNONavMeshFunctions[i] = stream.ReadValueS32(); } SNOScript = stream.ReadValueS32(); Int2 = stream.ReadValueS32(); }
public Environment(MpqFileStream stream) { Unknown = new int[38]; for (int i = 0; i < 38; i++) { Unknown[i] = stream.ReadValueS32(); } /* RGBAColor0 = new RGBAColor(stream); PostFXParams1 = new PostFXParams(stream); int2 = stream.ReadInt32(); int3 = stream.ReadInt32(); UberMaterial4 = new UberMaterial(stream); * */ snoMusic = stream.ReadValueS32(); snoCombatMusic = stream.ReadValueS32(); snoAmbient = stream.ReadValueS32(); snoReverb = stream.ReadValueS32(); snoWeather = stream.ReadValueS32(); snoIrradianceTex = stream.ReadValueS32(); snoIrradianceTexDead = stream.ReadValueS32(); }
public LabelCondition(MpqFileStream stream) { Enum0 = (DT_ENUM0)stream.ReadValueS32(); Int0 = stream.ReadValueS32(); Int1 = new int[4]; for (int i = 0; i < Int1.Length; i++) { Int1[i] = stream.ReadValueS32(); } }