public static void Finalize(Calinfo calinfo, ZonelessEventStore es_zoneless) { = EventStore.UniqueByTitleAndStart(,, save_tag_sources: true); // deduplicate es_zoneless.ExcludePastEvents(); // the EventCollector should already have done this, but in case not... es_zoneless.SortEventList(); // order by dtstart Utils.BuildTagStructures(es_zoneless, calinfo); // build structures used to generate tag picklists var i = 0; foreach (var evt in { var str = evt.dtstart.ToString() + evt.title.ToString() + evt.source.ToString() + evt.url; var hash = HttpUtils.GetMd5Hash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str)); evt.uid = i; i++; evt.hash = hash; } es_zoneless.PopulateDaysAndCounts(); // do this here for a) renderer efficiency, b) renderer simplification // (it only updates these structures for category views) es_zoneless.when_finalized = DateTime.UtcNow; es_zoneless.Serialize(); }
public void AddZonelessEventIncrementsCount() { var zoneless = new ZonelessEventStore(calinfo); Assert.AreEqual(0,; zoneless.AddEvent(in_evt0_zoneless.title, in_evt0_zoneless.url, in_evt0_zoneless.source, test_lat, test_lon, in_evt0_zoneless.dtstart, in_evt0_zoneless.dtend, allday: false, categories: test_category, description: test_description, location: test_location); Assert.AreEqual(1,; }
public void TagsAndUrlsAreCoalesced() // 3 events with same title + start should coalesce tags and urls { DeleteZonedObjects(keene_test_hub); var dtstart = new DateTimeWithZone(DateTime.Now, calinfo_keene.tzinfo); var dtend = new DateTimeWithZone(dtstart.LocalTime + TimeSpan.FromHours(1), calinfo_keene.tzinfo); var es1 = new ZonedEventStore(calinfo_keene, SourceType.ical); es1.AddEvent( "event", "http://1", "source1", dtstart, dtend, "1", "1", false, "cat1", "first event", "first location" ); es1.Serialize(); Assert.IsTrue(calinfo_keene.eventful); var es2 = new ZonedEventStore(calinfo_keene, SourceType.eventful); es2.AddEvent( "event", "http://2", "source2", dtstart, dtend, "2", "2", false, "cat2,cat2a", "second event", "second location" ); es2.Serialize(); EventStore.CombineZonedEventStoresToZonelessEventStore(keene_test_hub, settings); var es = new ZonelessEventStore(calinfo_keene).Deserialize(); Assert.That( == 1); var evt = => e.title == "event"); Assert.That(evt.categories == "cat1,cat2,cat2a"); Assert.That(evt.urls_and_sources.Keys.Count == 2); Assert.That(evt.urls_and_sources["http://1"] == "source1"); Assert.That(evt.urls_and_sources["http://2"] == "source2"); }
public CalendarRendererTest() { = new CalendarRenderer(Configurator.testid); = new MockCache(); var est = new EventStoreTest(); est.SerializeAndDeserializeZonelessEventStoreYieldsExpectedEvents(); = new ZonelessEventStore(calinfo); var uri = BlobStorage.MakeAzureBlobUri(EventStoreTest.test_container,,false); = (ZonelessEventStore)BlobStorage.DeserializeObjectFromUri(uri); }
public static ZonelessEventStore ZonedToZoneless(string id, Calinfo calinfo, ZonedEventStore es_zoned) { var es_zoneless = new ZonelessEventStore(calinfo); foreach (var evt in { es_zoneless.AddEvent(evt.title, evt.url, evt.source,, evt.lon, evt.dtstart.LocalTime, evt.dtend.LocalTime, evt.allday, evt.categories, evt.description, evt.location); } ZonelessEventStore.Finalize(calinfo, es_zoneless); return(es_zoneless); }
private static ZonelessEventStore ProcessEventBriteExample(string example, string source, Calinfo calinfo, Collector collector) { DeleteZonedObjects(; var es = new ZonedEventStore(calinfo, SourceType.eventbrite); collector.CollectEventBrite(es); EventStore.CombineZonedEventStoresToZonelessEventStore(, settings); var zes = new ZonelessEventStore(calinfo).Deserialize(); return(zes); }
private ZonelessEventStore CreateFilterable(Calinfo calinfo) { var filterable = new ZonelessEventStore(calinfo); filterable.AddEvent("e1", "", "s1", null, null, DateTime.Parse("2013/11/01 8 AM"), DateTime.MinValue, false, null, null, null); filterable.AddEvent("e2", "", "s1", null, null, DateTime.Parse("2013/11/02 8 AM"), DateTime.MinValue, false, null, null, null); filterable.AddEvent("e3", "", "s2", null, null, DateTime.Parse("2013/11/03 8 AM"), DateTime.MinValue, false, null, null, null); filterable.AddEvent("e4", "", "s2", null, null, DateTime.Parse("2013/11/04 8 AM"), DateTime.MinValue, false, null, null, null); filterable.AddEvent("e5", "", "s2", null, null, DateTime.Parse("2013/11/05 8 AM"), DateTime.MinValue, false, "music", null, null); Assert.That( == 5); return(filterable); }
private static void HillsideExampleIsCorrectObj(ZonelessEventStore zes, string search, string replace) { var title_substr = "Afternoon Tea 3"; if (search != null && replace != null) { title_substr = title_substr.Replace(search, replace); } Assert.That( > 0); // it's a recurring event, don't need/want to test for exact count var evt =[0]; Assert.That(evt.title.StartsWith(title_substr)); Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Hour == 15); Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Minute == 0); Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Second == 0); }
private static ZonelessEventStore ProcessIcalExample(string example, string source, Calinfo calinfo, FeedRegistry fr, Collector collector, bool purge) { DeleteZonedObjects(; if (purge) { Utils.PurgeFeedCacheForHub(; } var feedurl = BlobStorage.MakeAzureBlobUri("admin", example + ".ics", false).ToString(); fr.AddFeed(feedurl, source); var es = new ZonedEventStore(calinfo, SourceType.ical); collector.CollectIcal(fr, es, false); EventStore.CombineZonedEventStoresToZonelessEventStore(, settings); var zes = new ZonelessEventStore(calinfo).Deserialize(); return(zes); }
public static void CombineZonedEventStoresToZonelessEventStore(string id, Dictionary <string, string> settings) { var bs = BlobStorage.MakeDefaultBlobStorage(); var calinfo = new Calinfo(id); var lists_of_zoned_events = new List <List <ZonedEvent> >(); var ical_uri = BlobStorage.MakeAzureBlobUri(container: id, name: id + "." + SourceType.ical + ".zoned.obj", use_cdn: false); DeserializeZoned(ical_uri, lists_of_zoned_events); //if (calinfo.hub_type == HubType.where.ToString()) if (calinfo.hub_enum == HubType.where) { Uri non_ical_uri; //foreach (var type in non_ical_types) foreach (NonIcalType type in Enum.GetValues(typeof(CalendarAggregator.NonIcalType))) { if (Utils.UseNonIcalService(type, settings, calinfo) == false) { continue; } non_ical_uri = BlobStorage.MakeAzureBlobUri(container: id, name: id + "." + type + ".zoned.obj", use_cdn: false); if (BlobStorage.ExistsBlob(non_ical_uri)) // // might not exist, e.g. if facebook=no in hub metadata { DeserializeZoned(non_ical_uri, lists_of_zoned_events); } } } var es_zoneless = new ZonelessEventStore(calinfo); // combine the various List<ZonedEvent> objects into our new ZonelessEventStore // always add the local time foreach (var list in lists_of_zoned_events) { foreach (var evt in list) { es_zoneless.AddEvent(evt.title, evt.url, evt.source,, evt.lon, evt.dtstart.LocalTime, evt.dtend.LocalTime, evt.allday, evt.categories, evt.description, evt.location); } } ZonelessEventStore.Finalize(calinfo, es_zoneless); }
public void SerializeAndDeserializeZonelessEventStoreYieldsExpectedEvents() { var es = new ZonelessEventStore(calinfo); es.AddEvent(title: title1, url: "http://foo", source: source1, lat: null, lon: null, dtstart: dt1, dtend: min, allday: false, categories: test_category, description: test_description, location: test_location); var evt1 = => e.title == title1); evt1.urls_and_sources = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "http://foo", source1 } }; es.AddEvent(title: title2, url: "http://bar", source: source2, lat: null, lon: null, dtstart: dt2, dtend: min, allday: false, categories: null, description: test_description, location: test_location); var evt2 = => e.title == title2); evt2.urls_and_sources = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "http://bar", source2 } }; var response = es.Serialize(); Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.Created, response.HttpResponse.status); var es2 = new ZonelessEventStore(calinfo).Deserialize(); es2.SortEventList(); Assert.That( == 2); evt1 =[0]; evt2 =[1]; Assert.AreEqual(evt1.dtstart, dt1); Assert.AreEqual(evt2.dtstart, dt2); Assert.AreEqual(evt1.title, title1); Assert.AreEqual(evt2.title, title2); }
private ZonelessEventStore MakeNewEventStore() { var title1 = "e1"; var title2 = "e2"; var source1 = "s1"; var source2 = "s2"; var expected_year = 2020; var expected_hour = 1; var dt1 = new DateTime(expected_year, 1, 1, expected_hour, 1, 1); var dt2 = new DateTime(expected_year, 2, 2, expected_hour, 2, 2); var min = DateTime.MinValue; var test_category = "test_category"; var test_description = "test_description"; var test_location = "test_location"; var es = new ZonelessEventStore(calinfo); es.AddEvent(title: title1, url: "http://foo", source: source1, lat: null, lon: null, dtstart: dt1, dtend: min, allday: false, categories: test_category, description: test_description, location: test_location); var evt1 = => e.title == title1); evt1.urls_and_sources = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "http://foo", source1 } }; es.AddEvent(title: title2, url: "http://bar", source: source2, lat: null, lon: null, dtstart: dt2, dtend: min, allday: false, categories: null, description: test_description, location: test_location); var evt2 = => e.title == title2); evt2.urls_and_sources = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "http://foo", source1 } }; return(es); }
private ZonelessEventStore GetEventStoreWithoutCaching(ICache cache) { var es = new ZonelessEventStore(this.calinfo); var obj_bytes = HttpUtils.FetchUrl(es.uri).bytes; return (ZonelessEventStore)BlobStorage.DeserializeObjectFromBytes(obj_bytes); }
// possibly filter an event list by view or count public List<ZonelessEvent> Filter(string view, int count, DateTime from, DateTime to, ZonelessEventStore es) { var events =; FilterMode mode; if ( from != DateTime.MinValue && to != DateTime.MinValue ) events = events.FindAll(evt => evt.dtstart >= from && evt.dtstart <= to); // reduce to time window if (view != null) // reduce to matching categories { if (view.Contains('|')) mode = FilterMode.or_list; else if (view.Contains(',')) mode = FilterMode.and_list; else mode = FilterMode.single; var view_list = new List<string>(); switch (mode) { case FilterMode.and_list: view_list = view.Split(',').ToList(); foreach (var view_item in view_list) { var and_item = view_item.Trim(); events = events.FindAll(evt => evt.categories != null && evt.categories.Split(',').ToList().Contains(and_item)); } break; case FilterMode.or_list: view_list = view.Split('|').ToList(); events = events.FindAll(evt => evt.categories != null && evt.categories.Split(',').ToList().Any(x => view_list.Contains(x.Trim()))); break; case FilterMode.single: events = events.FindAll(evt => evt.categories != null && evt.categories.Split(',').ToList().Contains(view)); break; default: break; } } if (count != 0) // reduce to first count events events = events.Take(count).ToList(); return events; }
private static ZonelessEventStore ProcessUpcomingExample(string example, string source, Calinfo calinfo, Collector collector) { DeleteZonedObjects(; var es = new ZonedEventStore(calinfo, SourceType.upcoming); collector.CollectUpcoming(es, test: true); EventStore.CombineZonedEventStoresToZonelessEventStore(, settings); var zes = new ZonelessEventStore(calinfo).Deserialize(); return zes; }
private static ContentResult view_calendar_helper(string id, ContentResult r, ZonedEventStore es_zoned, ZonelessEventStore es_zoneless) { foreach (var evt in es_zoneless.AddEvent(evt.title, evt.url.ToString(), evt.source, "", "", evt.dtstart.LocalTime, evt.dtend.LocalTime, evt.allday, evt.categories, evt.description, evt.location); = EventStore.UniqueByTitleAndStart(id,, save_tag_sources: false); es_zoneless.ExcludePastEvents(); es_zoneless.SortEventList(); var cr = new CalendarRenderer(id); r.Content = cr.RenderHtmlEventsOnly(es_zoneless, null, 0, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue, new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "announce_time_of_day", false }, { "add_to_cal", false }, { "inline_descriptions", true }, {"taglist",false } } ); return r; }
public List<string> GetTags(ZonelessEventStore es) { var dicts = MakeTagCloud(es); var tags = dicts.Select(x => x.Keys.First()); return tags.ToList(); }
public string RenderHtmlEventsOnly(ZonelessEventStore eventstore, string view, int count, DateTime from, DateTime to, Dictionary<string,object> args) { MaybeUseTestTemplate(args); eventstore = GetEventStore(eventstore, view, count, from, to); //AdvanceToAnHourAgo(eventstore); var builder = new StringBuilder(); RenderEventsAsHtml(eventstore, builder, args); var html = this.template_html.Replace("__EVENTS__", builder.ToString()); if (args.ContainsKey("taglist") && (bool) args["taglist"] == true ) html = this.InsertTagSelector(html, view, eventsonly: true); html = html.Replace("__APPDOMAIN__", ElmcityUtils.Configurator.appdomain); html = html.Replace("__ID__",; html = html.Replace("__TITLE__", MakeTitle(view)); html = html.Replace("__META__", MakeTitle(view) + " calendars happenings schedules"); html = html.Replace("__CSSURL__", this.calinfo.css); html = MaybeOverrideTheme(args, html); html = html.Replace("__GENERATED__", System.DateTime.UtcNow.ToString()); html = Utils.RemoveCommentSection(html, "SIDEBAR"); html = Utils.RemoveCommentSection(html, "JQUERY_UI_CSS"); html = Utils.RemoveCommentSection(html, "JQUERY_UI"); html = Utils.RemoveCommentSection(html, "DATEPICKER"); html = Utils.RemoveCommentSection(html, "HUBTITLE"); html = Utils.RemoveCommentSection(html, "TAGS"); return html; }
public string RenderHtmlEventsOnlyRaw(ZonelessEventStore eventstore, string view, int count, DateTime from, DateTime to, Dictionary<string, object> args) { this.ResetCounters(); MaybeUseTestTemplate(args); eventstore = GetEventStore(eventstore, view, count, from, to); string title = null; DateTime dtstart = DateTime.MinValue; try { var sentinel = (string)args["raw_sentinel"]; string[] separators = new string[] { "__|__" }; var l = sentinel.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.None); title = l[0]; dtstart = DateTime.Parse(l[1]); } catch (Exception e) { GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", "RenderHtmlEventsOnlyRaw", e.Message + e.StackTrace); } var events = new List<ZonelessEvent>(); if ((String.IsNullOrEmpty(title) == false) && (dtstart != DateTime.MinValue)) { var found = false; foreach (var evt in { if (found) // add everything after the sentinel { events.Add(evt); } if (evt.title == title && evt.dtstart == dtstart) { found = true; continue; // skip the sentinel } } } = events; var builder = new StringBuilder(); RenderEventsAsHtml(eventstore, builder, args); var html = builder.ToString(); return html; }
public string RenderHtml(ZonelessEventStore es) { return RenderHtml(eventstore: es, view: null, count: 0, from: DateTime.MinValue, to: DateTime.MinValue, args:null); }
public string RenderHtml(ZonelessEventStore eventstore, string view, int count, DateTime from, DateTime to, Dictionary<string,object> args) { this.ResetCounters(); eventstore = GetEventStore(eventstore, view, count, from, to); AdvanceToAnHourAgo(eventstore); MaybeUseTestTemplate(args); var builder = new StringBuilder(); RenderEventsAsHtml(eventstore, builder, args); var html = this.template_html.Replace("__EVENTS__", builder.ToString()); if (args.ContainsKey("taglist") && (bool)args["taglist"] == true) html = this.InsertTagSelector(html, view, eventsonly: false); html = html.Replace("__APPDOMAIN__", ElmcityUtils.Configurator.appdomain); html = html.Replace("__ID__",; html = html.Replace("__CSSURL__", this.calinfo.css); html = MaybeOverrideTheme(args, html); //html = html.Replace("__TITLE__", this.calinfo.title); html = html.Replace("__TITLE__", MakeTitle(view)); html = html.Replace("__META__", MakeTitle(view) + " calendars happenings schedules"); html = html.Replace("__WIDTH__", this.calinfo.display_width); html = html.Replace("__CONTACT__",; html = html.Replace("__FEEDCOUNT__", this.calinfo.feed_count); /* string generated = String.Format("{0}\n{1}\n{2}\n{3}", System.DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(), System.Net.Dns.GetHostName(), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(GenUtils.GetSettingsFromAzureTable("usersettings")), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this.calinfo) ); */ html = html.Replace("__GENERATED__", System.DateTime.UtcNow.ToString() + " : " + this.calinfo.version_description); return html; }
public string RenderEventsAsHtmlList(ZonelessEventStore es) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(@"<ul style=""list-style-type:none"">"); foreach (var evt in sb.Append(RenderEvtAsListItem(evt)); sb.Append("</ul>"); return sb.ToString(); }
public void RenderEventsAsHtml(ZonelessEventStore es, StringBuilder builder, Dictionary<string,object> args) { if (args == null) args = new Dictionary<string, object>(); if ( args.ContainsKey("mobile") == false ) args["mobile"] = false; //OrganizeByDate(es); var event_renderer = new EventRenderer(RenderEvtAsHtml); var year_month_anchors = new List<string>(); // e.g. ym201201 var day_anchors = new List<string>(); // e.g. d20120119 var current_time_of_day = TimeOfDay.Initialized; var sources_dict = new Dictionary<string, int>(); int sequence_position = 0; bool sequence_at_zero = true; string last_source_key = null; string current_date_key = null; var announce_time_of_day = get_announce_time_of_day(args); BuildSourcesDict(es, announce_time_of_day, sources_dict); foreach (ZonelessEvent evt in { string datekey = Utils.DateKeyFromDateTime(evt.dtstart); var event_builder = new StringBuilder(); var year_month_anchor = datekey.Substring(1, 6); if ((bool)args["mobile"] == false) // skip day anchors and headers in mobile view { if (!year_month_anchors.Exists(ym => ym == year_month_anchor)) { builder.Append(string.Format("\n<a name=\"ym{0}\"></a>\n", year_month_anchor)); year_month_anchors.Add(year_month_anchor); } if (!day_anchors.Exists(d => d == datekey)) { event_builder.Append(string.Format("\n<a name=\"{0}\"></a>\n", datekey)); var date = Utils.DateFromDateKey(datekey); event_builder.Append(string.Format("<h1 id=\"{0}\" class=\"ed\"><b>{1}</b></h1>\n", datekey, date)); day_anchors.Add(datekey); sequence_at_zero = true; } } if (announce_time_of_day && (bool) args["mobile"] == false) // skip time-of-day markers in mobile view { var time_of_day = Utils.ClassifyTime(evt.dtstart); if (time_of_day != current_time_of_day || datekey != current_date_key) // see { current_date_key = datekey; current_time_of_day = time_of_day; event_builder.Append(string.Format("<h2 id=\"t{0}\" class=\"timeofday\">{1}</h2>", this.time_of_day_counter, time_of_day.ToString())); this.time_of_day_counter += 1; sequence_at_zero = true; } } var source_key = MakeSourceKey(current_time_of_day, datekey, evt); if (source_key != last_source_key) { sequence_at_zero = true; last_source_key = source_key; } if (sequence_at_zero) { sequence_position = 1; sequence_at_zero = false; } else sequence_position++; if (evt.urls_and_sources.Count == 1) // else multiple coalesced sources, nothing to hide { args["source_key"] = source_key; args["sequence_count"] = sources_dict[source_key]; args["sequence_position"] = sequence_position; } AppendEvent(event_builder, event_renderer, evt, args ); builder.Append(event_builder); } }
// see public List<Dictionary<string, int>> MakeTagCloud(ZonelessEventStore es) { if ( es == null ) es = this.es_getter(this.cache); var tagquery = from evt in where evt.categories != null from tag in evt.categories.Split(',') where tag != "" group tag by tag into occurrences orderby occurrences.Count() descending select new Dictionary<string, int>() { { occurrences.Key, occurrences.Count() } }; return tagquery.ToList(); }
public ActionResult view_cached_calendar(string feedurl, string id) { var r = new ContentResult(); r.ContentType = "text/html"; try { var calinfo = Utils.AcquireCalinfo(id); var es_zoneless = new ZonelessEventStore(calinfo); var es_zoned = Utils.GetFeedObjFromCache(calinfo, feedurl); r = view_calendar_helper(id, r, es_zoned, es_zoneless); } catch (Exception e) { r.Content = "Unable to view calendar. " + e.Message + e.StackTrace; return r; } return r; }
public void TagsAndUrlsAreCoalesced() { DeleteZonedObjects(keene_test_hub); var dtstart = new DateTimeWithZone(DateTime.Now, calinfo_keene.tzinfo); var dtend = new DateTimeWithZone(dtstart.LocalTime + TimeSpan.FromHours(1), calinfo_keene.tzinfo); var es1 = new ZonedEventStore(calinfo_keene, SourceType.ical); es1.AddEvent( "event", "http://1", "source1", dtstart, dtend, "1", "1", false, "cat1", "first event", "first location" ); es1.Serialize(); Assert.IsTrue(calinfo_keene.eventful); var es2 = new ZonedEventStore(calinfo_keene, SourceType.eventful); es2.AddEvent( "event", "http://2", "source2", dtstart, dtend, "2", "2", false, "cat2,cat2a", "second event", "second location" ); es2.Serialize(); Assert.IsTrue(calinfo_keene.upcoming); var es3 = new ZonedEventStore(calinfo_keene, SourceType.upcoming); es3.AddEvent( "event", "http://3", "source3", dtstart, dtend, "3", "3", false, "cat3,cat3a", "third event", "third location" ); es3.AddEvent( "another event", "http://4", "source4", dtstart, dtend, "4", "4", false, "cat4,cat4a", "fourth event", "fourth location" ); es3.Serialize(); EventStore.CombineZonedEventStoresToZonelessEventStore(keene_test_hub, settings); var es = new ZonelessEventStore(calinfo_keene).Deserialize(); Assert.That( == 2); var evt = => e.title == "event"); Assert.That(evt.categories == "cat1,cat2,cat2a,cat3,cat3a"); Assert.That(evt.urls_and_sources.Keys.Count == 3); Assert.That(evt.urls_and_sources["http://1"] == "source1"); Assert.That(evt.urls_and_sources["http://2"] == "source2"); Assert.That(evt.urls_and_sources["http://3"] == "source3"); //Assert.That(evt.list_of_urls_and_sources[0][0] == "http://1" && evt.list_of_urls_and_sources[0][1] == "source1"); //Assert.That(evt.list_of_urls_and_sources[1][0] == "http://2" && evt.list_of_urls_and_sources[1][1] == "source2"); //Assert.That(evt.list_of_urls_and_sources[2][0] == "http://3" && evt.list_of_urls_and_sources[2][1] == "source3"); }
public ActionResult view_calendar(string feedurl, string id) { var r = new ContentResult(); r.ContentType = "text/html"; if (id != String.Empty && Utils.CachedFeedObjExists(id, feedurl)) return view_cached_calendar(feedurl, id); DDay.iCal.iCalendar ical; var source = ""; // unneeded for this single-cal purpose try { ical = Utils.iCalFromFeedUrl(feedurl, settings); } catch (Exception e) { r.Content = string.Format(@"Sorry, unable to parse {0} as an iCalendar feed. The error was: {1}", feedurl, e.Message + e.StackTrace); return r; } var events_to_include = new List<DDay.iCal.Event>(); var event_recurrence_types = new Dictionary<DDay.iCal.Event, Collector.RecurrenceType>(); var calinfo = new Calinfo(id); var collector = new Collector(calinfo, settings); try { DateTime utc_midnight_in_tz = Utils.MidnightInTz(calinfo.tzinfo).UniversalTime; DateTime then = utc_midnight_in_tz.AddDays(calinfo.icalendar_horizon_days); collector.FeedGather(utc_midnight_in_tz, then, 0, ical, source, events_to_include, event_recurrence_types, false); var es_zoned = new ZonedEventStore(calinfo, SourceType.ical); var fr = new FeedRegistry(id); foreach (var evt in events_to_include) collector.AddIcalEvent(evt, fr, es_zoned, feedurl, source); var es_zoneless = new ZonelessEventStore(calinfo); r = view_calendar_helper(id, r, es_zoned, es_zoneless); } catch (Exception e) { r.Content = "Unable to view calendar. " + e.Message + e.StackTrace; return r; } return r; }
private static void HillsideExampleIsCorrectObj(ZonelessEventStore zes, string search, string replace) { var title_substr = "Afternoon Tea 3"; if (search != null && replace != null) title_substr = title_substr.Replace(search, replace); Assert.That( > 0); // it's a recurring event, don't need/want to test for exact count var evt =[0]; Assert.That(evt.title.StartsWith(title_substr)); Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Hour == 15); Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Minute == 0); Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Second == 0); }
public void EventfulUrlsAreNormalized() { DeleteZonedObjects(keene_test_hub); var dtstart = new DateTimeWithZone(DateTime.Now, calinfo_keene.tzinfo); var dtend = new DateTimeWithZone(dtstart.LocalTime + TimeSpan.FromHours(1), calinfo_keene.tzinfo); var es1 = new ZonedEventStore(calinfo_keene, SourceType.ical); es1.AddEvent( "event", "", "The Blind Pig", dtstart, dtend, "1", "1", false, "music", "first event", "first location" ); es1.Serialize(); var es2 = new ZonedEventStore(calinfo_keene, SourceType.eventful); es2.AddEvent( "event", "", "Blind Pig", dtstart, dtend, "1", "1", false, "eventful", "first event", "first location" ); es2.Serialize(); EventStore.CombineZonedEventStoresToZonelessEventStore(keene_test_hub, settings); var es = new ZonelessEventStore(calinfo_keene).Deserialize(); Assert.That( == 1); var evt = => e.title == "event"); var categories = evt.categories.Split(',').ToList(); categories.Sort(); Assert.That(categories.SequenceEqual(new List<string>() { "eventful", "music" })); Assert.That(evt.urls_and_sources.Keys.Count == 1); }
// return an eventstore with just today's events for this hub public ZonelessEventStore FindTodayEvents() { ZonelessEventStore es; try { es = this.es_getter(this.cache); = => Utils.DtIsTodayInTz(e.dtstart, this.calinfo.tzinfo)); var events_having_dt = => ZonelessEventStore.IsZeroHourMinSec(evt) == false); var events_not_having_dt = => ZonelessEventStore.IsZeroHourMinSec(evt) == true); = new List<ZonelessEvent>(); foreach (var evt in events_having_dt); foreach (var evt in events_not_having_dt); } catch (Exception e) { es = new ZonelessEventStore(this.calinfo); GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", "CalendarRenderer.FindTodayEvents", e.Message + e.StackTrace); } return es; }
public void UpcomingUrlsAreNormalized() { DeleteZonedObjects(keene_test_hub); var dtstart = new DateTimeWithZone(DateTime.Now, calinfo_keene.tzinfo); var dtend = new DateTimeWithZone(dtstart.LocalTime + TimeSpan.FromHours(1), calinfo_keene.tzinfo); var es1 = new ZonedEventStore(calinfo_keene, SourceType.ical); es1.AddEvent( "event", "", "Comedy Showcase", dtstart, dtend, "1", "1", false, "comedy", "first event", "first location" ); es1.Serialize(); var es2 = new ZonedEventStore(calinfo_keene, SourceType.upcoming); es2.AddEvent( "event", "", "Ann Arbor Comedy Showcase", dtstart, dtend, "1", "1", false, "upcoming", "first event", "first location" ); es2.Serialize(); EventStore.CombineZonedEventStoresToZonelessEventStore(keene_test_hub, settings); var es = new ZonelessEventStore(calinfo_keene).Deserialize(); Assert.That( == 1); var evt = => e.title == "event"); var categories = evt.categories.Split(',').ToList(); categories.Sort(); Assert.That(categories.SequenceEqual(new List<string>() { "comedy", "upcoming" })); Assert.That(evt.urls_and_sources.Keys.Count == 1); }
public string RenderIcs(ZonelessEventStore eventstore, string view, int count, DateTime from, DateTime to, Dictionary<string,object> args) { eventstore = GetEventStore(eventstore, view, count, from, to); var ical = new DDay.iCal.iCalendar(); Collector.AddTimezoneToDDayICal(ical, this.calinfo.tzinfo); var tzid = this.calinfo.tzinfo.Id; foreach (var evt in { var ical_evt = new DDay.iCal.Event(); ical_evt.Start = new DDay.iCal.iCalDateTime(evt.dtstart); ical_evt.Start.TZID = tzid; ical_evt.End = new DDay.iCal.iCalDateTime(evt.dtend); ical_evt.End.TZID = tzid; ical_evt.Summary = evt.title; ical_evt.Url = new Uri(evt.url); if (evt.description != null) ical_evt.Description = evt.description + " " + evt.url; else ical_evt.Description = evt.url; ical_evt.Description = evt.description; ical_evt.Location = evt.location; Collector.AddCategoriesFromCatString(ical_evt, evt.categories); ical.Children.Add(ical_evt); } var ics_text = Utils.SerializeIcalToIcs(ical); return ics_text; }
private static ZonelessEventStore ProcessIcalExample(string example, string source, Calinfo calinfo, FeedRegistry fr, Collector collector) { DeleteZonedObjects(; var feedurl = BlobStorage.MakeAzureBlobUri("admin", example + ".ics", false).ToString(); fr.AddFeed(feedurl, source); var es = new ZonedEventStore(calinfo, SourceType.ical); collector.CollectIcal(fr, es, false); EventStore.CombineZonedEventStoresToZonelessEventStore(, settings); var zes = new ZonelessEventStore(calinfo).Deserialize(); return zes; }
public string RenderJson(ZonelessEventStore eventstore, string view, int count, DateTime from, DateTime to, Dictionary<string, object> args) { eventstore = GetEventStore(eventstore, view, count, from, to); for (var i = 0; i <; i++) { var evt =[i]; if ( this.calinfo.hub_enum == HubType.where ) { = != null ? :; evt.lon = evt.lon != null ? evt.lon : this.calinfo.lon; } // provide utc so browsers receiving the json don't apply their own timezones evt = ZonelessEventStore.UniversalFromLocalAndTzinfo(evt, this.calinfo.tzinfo);[i] = evt; } return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(; }
// the CalendarRenderer object uses this to get the pickled object that contains an eventstore, // from the CalendarRender's cache if available, else fetching bytes private ZonelessEventStore GetEventStoreWithCaching(ICache cache) { var es = new ZonelessEventStore(this.calinfo); var obj_bytes = (byte[])CacheUtils.RetrieveBlobAndEtagFromServerCacheOrUri(cache, es.uri)["response_body"]; return (ZonelessEventStore)BlobStorage.DeserializeObjectFromBytes(obj_bytes); }
public string RenderRss(ZonelessEventStore eventstore, string view, int count, DateTime from, DateTime to, Dictionary<string,object> args) { try { eventstore = GetEventStore(eventstore, view, count, from, to); var query = string.Format("view={0}&count={1}", view, count); return Utils.RssFeedFromEventStore(, query, eventstore); } catch (Exception e) { GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", String.Format("RenderRss: view {0}, count {1}", view, count), e.Message); return String.Empty; } }
private ZonelessEventStore CreateFilterable(Calinfo calinfo) { var filterable = new ZonelessEventStore(calinfo); filterable.AddEvent("e1", "", "s1", null, null, DateTime.Parse("2013/11/01 8 AM"), DateTime.MinValue, false, null, null, null); filterable.AddEvent("e2", "", "s1", null, null, DateTime.Parse("2013/11/02 8 AM"), DateTime.MinValue, false, null, null, null); filterable.AddEvent("e3", "", "s2", null, null, DateTime.Parse("2013/11/03 8 AM"), DateTime.MinValue, false, null, null, null); filterable.AddEvent("e4", "", "s2", null, null, DateTime.Parse("2013/11/04 8 AM"), DateTime.MinValue, false, null, null, null); filterable.AddEvent("e5", "", "s2", null, null, DateTime.Parse("2013/11/05 8 AM"), DateTime.MinValue, false, "music", null, null); Assert.That( == 5); return filterable; }
private ZonelessEventStore MakeNewEventStore() { var title1 = "e1"; var title2 = "e2"; var source1 = "s1"; var source2 = "s2"; var expected_year = 2020; var expected_hour = 1; var dt1 = new DateTime(expected_year, 1, 1, expected_hour, 1, 1); var dt2 = new DateTime(expected_year, 2, 2, expected_hour, 2, 2); var min = DateTime.MinValue; var test_category = "test_category"; var test_description = "test_description"; var test_location = "test_location"; var es = new ZonelessEventStore(calinfo); es.AddEvent(title: title1, url: "http://foo", source: source1, lat: null, lon: null, dtstart: dt1, dtend: min, allday: false, categories: test_category, description: test_description, location: test_location); var evt1 = => e.title == title1); evt1.urls_and_sources = new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "http://foo", source1 } }; es.AddEvent(title: title2, url: "http://bar", source: source2, lat: null, lon: null, dtstart: dt2, dtend: min, allday: false, categories: null, description: test_description, location: test_location); var evt2 = => e.title == title2); evt2.urls_and_sources = new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "http://foo", source1 } }; return es; }
public string RenderHtmlForMobile(ZonelessEventStore eventstore, string view, int count, DateTime from, DateTime to, Dictionary<string,object> args) { //GenUtils.LogMsg("info", "RenderForMobile", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(args)); this.ResetCounters(); MaybeUseTestTemplate(args); eventstore = GetEventStore(eventstore, view, count, from, to); if (from == DateTime.MinValue && to == DateTime.MinValue) AdvanceToAnHourAgo(eventstore); count = (int) args["mobile_event_count"]; // wait until now to apply the reduction =; // assume a css link like this: // <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href=""/> var css = (string) args["css"]; var theme = css.Replace("", ""); args["theme"] = theme; var html = RenderHtmlEventsOnly(eventstore, view, count, from, to, args); string mobile_long = ""; string ua = ""; if (args.ContainsKey("mobile_long") && args.ContainsKey("ua")) { mobile_long = (string)args["mobile_long"]; // the longest dimension of detected mobile device ua = (string)args["ua"]; // user agent } html = html.Replace("get_css_theme?", string.Format("get_css_theme?mobile=yes&mobile_long={0}&ua={1}&", mobile_long, ua)); //html = this.InsertTagSelector(html, (string) args["view"]); /* html = html.Replace("__MOBILE__", "yes"); // todo: remove this when conversion to server-side method is complete if (args.ContainsKey("mobile_long") && args.ContainsKey("mobile_short")) { html = html.Replace("__MOBILE_LONG__", args["mobile_long"].ToString()); html = html.Replace("__MOBILE_SHORT__", args["mobile_short"].ToString()); } */ return html; }
// the default html rendering chunks by day, this method processes the raw list of events into // the ZonelessEventStore's event_dict like so: // key: d20100710 // value: [ <ZonelessEvent>, <ZonelessEvent> ... ] public static void OrganizeByDate(ZonelessEventStore es) { es.GroupEventsByDatekey(); es.SortEventSublists(); es.SortDatekeys(); }