        private ZonelessEventStore GetEventStore(ZonelessEventStore es, string view, int count, DateTime from, DateTime to, string source, Dictionary<string,object> args)
            if (args == null)
                args = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            // see RenderDynamicViewWithCaching:
            // view_data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(view_renderer(eventstore:null, view:view, view:count));
            // the renderer might be, e.g., CalendarRenderer.RenderHtml, which calls this method
            if (es == null)  // if no eventstore passed in (e.g., for testing)
                es = this.es_getter(this.cache); // get the eventstore. if the getter is GetEventStoreWithCaching
            // then it will use HttpUtils.RetrieveBlobFromServerCacheOrUri
            // which gets from cache if it can, else fetches uri and loads cache

            var is_html_renderer = args.HasValue("html_renderer", true);
            var bare_events = args.HasValue("bare_events", true);
            var is_view = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(view);

            if (is_html_renderer)
                MaybeBuildTagStructures(es); // transitional until new generation of objects is fully established
                if (bare_events)
                    count = 0;

            if (args.HasValue("advance_to_an_hour_ago", true) && ! bare_events)

            view = MaybeAddHubTagToView(view, args);

            var original_count = es.events.Count();
            es.events = Filter(view, count, from, to, source, es, args); // apply all filters

            if (is_view)
                if (es.days_and_counts != null)  // this check needed only until new generation of objects is established
                    es.PopulateDaysAndCounts();  // mainly for html renderer but could be useful to  non-html renderers as well

            return es;
        private List<string> GetDayAnchors(ZonelessEventStore es, string view)
            if (es == null)  // if no eventstore passed in (e.g., for testing)
                es = this.es_getter(this.cache);


            var filtered_events = ViewFilter(view, es.events);

            var day_anchors = new List<string>();

            foreach (ZonelessEvent evt in filtered_events)
                string datekey = Utils.DateKeyFromDateTime(evt.dtstart);
                if (!day_anchors.Exists(d => d == datekey))
            return day_anchors;