private void RenderTexture(GLControl glControl1, NUT nut) { if (nut == null) { return; } glControl1.MakeCurrent(); GL.Viewport(glControl1.ClientRectangle); GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit); GL.ClearColor(Color.White); GL.Enable(EnableCap.Texture2D); GL.Enable(EnableCap.Blend); GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha); GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Modelview); GL.LoadIdentity(); GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Projection); foreach (NUT.NUD_Texture tex in nut.textures) { RenderTools.DrawTexturedQuad(nut.draw[], tex.width, tex.height, true, true, true, true, false, true); } glControl1.SwapBuffers(); }
private void importBack(string filename) { if (dontModify) { return; } NutTexture tex = textureFromFile[filename]; try { DDS dds = new DDS(new FileData(filename)); NutTexture ntex = dds.ToNutTexture(); tex.Height = ntex.Height; tex.Width = ntex.Width; tex.pixelInternalFormat = ntex.pixelInternalFormat; tex.surfaces = ntex.surfaces; tex.pixelFormat = ntex.pixelFormat; //GL.DeleteTexture(NUT.glTexByHashId[tex.HASHID]); currentNut.glTexByHashId.Remove(tex.HashId); currentNut.glTexByHashId.Add(tex.HashId, NUT.CreateTexture2D(tex)); FillForm(); textureListBox.SelectedItem = tex; glControl1.Invalidate(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Could not be open for editing"); } }
public static void Setup() { cubeTex = LoadCubeMap(); defaultTex = NUT.loadImage(Smash_Forge.Resources.Resources.DefaultTexture); GL.GenVertexArrays(1, out cubeVAO); GL.GenBuffers(1, out cubeVBO); }
private void RenderTexture(GLControl glControl1, NUT nut) { if (nut == null) { return; } glControl1.MakeCurrent(); GL.Viewport(glControl1.ClientRectangle); GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit); GL.ClearColor(Color.Black); GL.Enable(EnableCap.Texture2D); GL.Enable(EnableCap.Blend); GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactor.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactor.OneMinusSrcAlpha); GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Modelview); GL.LoadIdentity(); GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Projection); foreach (NutTexture tex in nut.Nodes) { ScreenDrawing.DrawTexturedQuad(nut.glTexByHashId[tex.HashId].Id, tex.Width, tex.Height, screenVao, true, true, true, true, true); } glControl1.SwapBuffers(); }
private void newNUTToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { NUT n = new NUT(); Runtime.TextureContainers.Add(n); FillForm(); }
public void Set(NUT n) { this.nut = n; if (n.Nodes.Count == 0) { return; } int hash = ((NUT_Texture)n.Nodes[0]).HASHID; int type = hash >> 24; int chr = (hash >> 16) & 0xFF; int slot = (hash >> 8) & 0xFF; Console.WriteLine(hash.ToString("x")); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> p in types) { if (p.Value == type) { typeCB.SelectedItem = p.Key; break; } } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> p in characters) { if (p.Value == chr) { characterCB.SelectedItem = p.Key; break; } } slotUD.Value = slot; }
private void importBack(string filename) { if (dontModify) { return; } NUT.NUD_Texture tex = textureFromFile[filename]; try { DDS dds = new DDS(new FileData(filename)); NUT.NUD_Texture ntex = dds.toNUT_Texture(); tex.height = ntex.height; tex.width = ntex.width; tex.type = ntex.type; tex.mipmaps = ntex.mipmaps; tex.utype = ntex.utype; GL.DeleteTexture(selected.draw[]); selected.draw.Remove(; selected.draw.Add(, NUT.loadImage(tex)); FillForm(); listBox1.SelectedItem = selected; listBox2.SelectedItem = tex; RenderTexture(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Could not be open for editing"); } }
private void replaceToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var ofd = new OpenFileDialog()) { ofd.Filter = "Direct Draw Surface (.dds)|*.dds|" + "All files(*.*)|*.*"; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (ofd.FileName.EndsWith(".dds") && selected != null) { NUT.NUD_Texture tex = (NUT.NUD_Texture)(listBox2.SelectedItem); DDS dds = new DDS(new FileData(ofd.FileName)); NUT.NUD_Texture ntex = dds.toNUT_Texture(); tex.height = ntex.height; tex.width = ntex.width; tex.type = ntex.type; tex.mipmaps = ntex.mipmaps; tex.utype = ntex.utype; GL.DeleteTexture(selected.draw[]); selected.draw.Remove(; selected.draw.Add(, NUT.loadImage(tex)); FillForm(); listBox1.SelectedItem = selected; } } } }
private NUT ReplaceTexture(NUT.NUD_Texture tex, int width, int height, NUT nut) { if (tex.width == width && tex.height == height) { = 0x280052B7; if (nut != null && nut.textures.Count > 0) { = nut.textures[0].id; nut.Destroy(); } if (nut == null) { nut = new NUT(); } nut.textures.Clear(); nut.draw.Clear(); nut.textures.Add(tex); nut.draw.Add(, NUT.loadImage(tex)); } else { MessageBox.Show("Dimensions must be " + width + "x" + height); } return(nut); }
public void ReadParameters(FileData f, int count) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { BCH_TextureParameter p = new BCH_TextureParameter() { Value = f.readInt() }; p.ParseParameter(f.readInt()); Nodes.Add(p); if (p.Id == BCH_TextureParameter.Parameter.texUnit0Size) { Width = p.GetHalf1(); Height = p.GetHalf2(); } if (p.Id == BCH_TextureParameter.Parameter.texUnit0Type) { type = p.Value; } if (p.Id == BCH_TextureParameter.Parameter.texUnit0Address) { data = f.getSection(p.Value, f.size() - p.Value); } } if (Width > 0 && Height > 0) { texture = _3DS.DecodeImage(data, Width, Height, (_3DS.Tex_Formats)type); display = NUT.loadImage(texture); } }
public void Set(NUT n) { this.nut = n; int hash = n.textures[0].id; int type = hash >> 24; int chr = (hash >> 16) & 0xFF; int slot = (hash >> 8) & 0xFF; Console.WriteLine(hash.ToString("x")); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> p in types) { if (p.Value == type) { typeCB.SelectedItem = p.Key; break; } } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> p in characters) { if (p.Value == chr) { characterCB.SelectedItem = p.Key; break; } } slotUD.Value = slot; }
// I'm completely totally serious public static NUD Create(VBN vbn) { NUD nud = new NUD(); NUD.Mesh head = new NUD.Mesh(); nud.mesh.Add(head); head.Text = "Skapon"; NUT nut = new NUT(); NUT.NUD_Texture tex = new DDS(new FileData("Skapon//")).toNUT_Texture(); nut.textures.Add(tex); Random random = new Random(); int randomNumber = random.Next(0, 0xFFFFFF); = 0x40000000 + randomNumber; nut.draw.Add(, NUT.loadImage(tex)); head.polygons.Add(setToBone(scale(readPoly(File.ReadAllText("Skapon//head.obj")), 1, 1, 1), vbn.bones[vbn.boneIndex("HeadN")], vbn)); head.polygons.Add(setToBone(scale(readPoly(File.ReadAllText("Skapon//body.obj")), 1, 1, 1), vbn.bones[vbn.boneIndex("BustN")], vbn)); head.polygons.Add(setToBone(scale(readPoly(File.ReadAllText("Skapon//hand.obj")), 1, 1, 1), vbn.bones[vbn.boneIndex("RHandN")], vbn)); head.polygons.Add(setToBone(scale(readPoly(File.ReadAllText("Skapon//hand.obj")), -1, -1, 1), vbn.bones[vbn.boneIndex("LHandN")], vbn)); head.polygons.Add(setToBone(scale(readPoly(File.ReadAllText("Skapon//foot.obj")), 1, 1, 1), vbn.bones[vbn.boneIndex("RFootJ")], vbn)); head.polygons.Add(setToBone(scale(readPoly(File.ReadAllText("Skapon//foot.obj")), -1, -1, -1), vbn.bones[vbn.boneIndex("LFootJ")], vbn)); foreach (NUD.Polygon p in head.polygons) { p.materials[0].textures[0].hash =; } return(nud); }
public static void ShowGtxMipmapWarning(NUT nut) { if (nut.ContainsGtxTextures()) { MessageBox.Show("Mipmaps will not be exported correctly for some textures.", "GTX textures detected"); } }
private NUT ReplaceTexture(NutTexture tex, int width, int height, NUT nut) { if (tex.Width == width && tex.Height == height) { tex.HASHID = 0x280052B7; if (nut != null && nut.Nodes.Count > 0) { tex.HASHID = ((NutTexture)nut.Nodes[0]).HASHID; nut.Destroy(); } if (nut == null) { nut = new NUT(); } nut.Nodes.Clear(); nut.glTexByHashId.Clear(); nut.Nodes.Add(tex); nut.glTexByHashId.Add(tex.HASHID, NUT.CreateGlTexture(tex)); } else { MessageBox.Show("Dimensions must be " + width + "x" + height); } return(nut); }
private void importToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (selected != null) { using (var ofd = new OpenFileDialog()) { ofd.Filter = "Supported Formats|*.dds;*.png|" + "Direct Draw Surface (.dds)|*.dds|" + "Portable Networks Graphic (.png)|*.png|" + "All files(*.*)|*.*"; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { int texId; bool isTex = int.TryParse(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ofd.FileName), NumberStyles.HexNumber, new CultureInfo("en-US"), out texId); if (isTex) { foreach (NUT.NUD_Texture te in selected.textures) { if (texId == { isTex = false; } } } NUT.NUD_Texture tex = null; if (ofd.FileName.EndsWith(".dds") && selected != null) { DDS dds = new DDS(new FileData(ofd.FileName)); tex = dds.toNUT_Texture(); } if (ofd.FileName.EndsWith(".png") && selected != null) { tex = fromPNG(ofd.FileName, 1); } if (tex != null) { if (isTex) { = texId; } else { = 0x40FFFF00 | (selected.textures.Count); } selected.textures.Add(tex); selected.draw.Add(, NUT.loadImage(tex)); FillForm(); listBox1.SelectedItem = selected; } } } } }
public UIPreview(NUT chr_00, NUT chr_11, NUT chr_13, NUT stock_90) { InitializeComponent(); this.chr_00 = chr_00; this.chr_11 = chr_11; this.chr_13 = chr_13; this.stock_90 = stock_90; }
public NUTEditor(string filePath) : this() { NUT nut = new NUT(filePath); FilePath = filePath; Edited = false; SelectNUT(nut); }
private void SelectNUT(NUT n) { selected = n; listBox2.Items.Clear(); foreach (NUT.NUD_Texture tex in n.textures) { listBox2.Items.Add(tex); } }
public void OpenNut(string pathNUT) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pathNUT)) { return; } NUT = new NUT(pathNUT); Runtime.TextureContainers.Add(NUT); Runtime.glTexturesNeedRefreshing = true; }
private void RegenerateAllMipMaps_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (NutTexture texture in currentNut.Nodes) { NUT.RegenerateMipmapsFromTexture2D(texture); } // Refresh the textures. currentNut.RefreshGlTexturesByHashId(); glControl1.Invalidate(); }
/* * This method is for clearing all the GL stuff * Don't want wasted buffers :> * */ public void Destroy() { if (NUD != null) { NUD.Destroy(); } if (NUT != null) { NUT.Destroy(); } }
// I'm completely totally serious public static NUD Create(VBN vbn) { Dictionary <string, string> files = new Dictionary <string, string>(); ZipArchive zip = ZipFile.OpenRead("lib\\"); Random random = new Random(); int randomNumber = random.Next(0, 0xFFFFFF); NUT nut = new NUT(); foreach (ZipArchiveEntry e in zip.Entries) { byte[] b; using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(e.Open())) { b = br.ReadBytes((int)e.Length); } var stream = new StreamReader(new MemoryStream(b)); string s = stream.ReadToEnd(); files.Add(e.Name, s); if (e.Name.EndsWith(".dds")) { NutTexture tex = new DDS(new FileData(b)).ToNutTexture(); nut.Nodes.Add(tex); tex.HashId = 0x40000000 + randomNumber; nut.glTexByHashId.Add(tex.HashId, NUT.CreateTexture2D(tex)); } } NUD nud = new NUD(); NUD.Mesh head = new NUD.Mesh(); nud.Nodes.Add(head); head.Text = "Skapon"; head.Nodes.Add(setToBone(scale(readPoly(files["head.obj"]), 1, 1, 1), vbn.bones[vbn.boneIndex("HeadN")], vbn)); head.Nodes.Add(setToBone(scale(readPoly(files["body.obj"]), 1, 1, 1), vbn.bones[vbn.boneIndex("BustN")], vbn)); head.Nodes.Add(setToBone(scale(readPoly(files["hand.obj"]), 1, 1, 1), vbn.bones[vbn.boneIndex("RHandN")], vbn)); head.Nodes.Add(setToBone(scale(readPoly(files["hand.obj"]), -1, -1, 1), vbn.bones[vbn.boneIndex("LHandN")], vbn)); head.Nodes.Add(setToBone(scale(readPoly(files["foot.obj"]), 1, 1, 1), vbn.bones[vbn.boneIndex("RFootJ")], vbn)); head.Nodes.Add(setToBone(scale(readPoly(files["foot.obj"]), -1, -1, -1), vbn.bones[vbn.boneIndex("LFootJ")], vbn)); foreach (NUD.Polygon p in head.Nodes) { p.materials[0].textures[0].hash = 0x40000000 + randomNumber; } nud.UpdateRenderMeshes(); return(nud); }
public ModelContainer() { ImageKey = "folder"; SelectedImageKey = "folder"; nud = new NUD(); nut = new NUT(); mta = new MTA(); MOI = new MOI(); jtb = new JTB(); XMB = new XMBFile(); Checked = true; Refresh(); }
private void replaceToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var ofd = new OpenFileDialog()) { NUT.NUD_Texture tex = (NUT.NUD_Texture)(listBox2.SelectedItem); if (tex.type == PixelInternalFormat.Rgba) { ofd.Filter = "Portable Networks Graphic (.png)|*.png|" + "All files(*.*)|*.*"; } else { ofd.Filter = "Direct Draw Surface (.dds)|*.dds|" + "All files(*.*)|*.*"; } if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { NUT.NUD_Texture ntex = null; if (ofd.FileName.EndsWith(".dds") && selected != null) { DDS dds = new DDS(new FileData(ofd.FileName)); ntex = dds.toNUT_Texture(); } if (ofd.FileName.EndsWith(".png") && selected != null) { ntex = fromPNG(ofd.FileName, 1); } tex.height = ntex.height; tex.width = ntex.width; tex.type = ntex.type; tex.mipmaps = ntex.mipmaps; tex.utype = ntex.utype; if (ntex == null) { return; } GL.DeleteTexture(selected.draw[]); selected.draw.Remove(; selected.draw.Add(, NUT.loadImage(tex)); FillForm(); listBox1.SelectedItem = selected; } } }
private void chr_13_renderer_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop)) { string[] files = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop); foreach (string filePath in files) { if (filePath.ToLower().EndsWith(".dds")) { DDS dds = new DDS(new FileData(filePath)); if (sender == chr_13_renderer) { chr_13 = ReplaceTexture(dds.ToNutTexture(), 416, 416, chr_13); if (chr_13_loc != null) { chr_13.Save(chr_13_loc); } } if (sender == chr_00_renderer) { chr_00 = ReplaceTexture(dds.ToNutTexture(), 128, 128, chr_00); if (chr_00_loc != null) { chr_00.Save(chr_00_loc); } } if (sender == chr_11_renderer) { chr_11 = ReplaceTexture(dds.ToNutTexture(), 384, 384, chr_13); if (chr_11_loc != null) { chr_11.Save(chr_11_loc); } } } if (filePath.ToLower().EndsWith(".png")) { if (sender == stock_90_renderer) { stock_90 = ReplaceTexture(NUTEditor.fromPNG(filePath, 0), 64, 64, chr_13); if (stock_90_loc != null) { stock_90.Save(stock_90_loc); } } } } ((GLControl)sender).Invalidate(); } }
private void replaceToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (currentNut == null || textureListBox.SelectedItem == null) { return; } using (var ofd = new OpenFileDialog()) { NutTexture texture = (NutTexture)(textureListBox.SelectedItem); ofd.Filter = "Supported Formats|*.dds;*.png|" + "DirectDraw Surface (.dds)|*.dds|" + "Portable Network Graphics (.png)|*.png|" + "All files(*.*)|*.*"; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { NutTexture newTexture = null; string extension = Path.GetExtension(ofd.FileName).ToLowerInvariant(); if (extension == ".dds") { DDS dds = new DDS(new FileData(ofd.FileName)); newTexture = dds.ToNutTexture(); } else if (extension == ".png") { newTexture = fromPNG(ofd.FileName, 1); } else { return; } texture.Height = newTexture.Height; texture.Width = newTexture.Width; texture.pixelInternalFormat = newTexture.pixelInternalFormat; texture.surfaces = newTexture.surfaces; texture.pixelFormat = newTexture.pixelFormat; Edited = true; //GL.DeleteTexture(NUT.glTexByHashId[texture.HASHID]); currentNut.glTexByHashId.Remove(texture.HashId); currentNut.glTexByHashId.Add(texture.HashId, NUT.CreateTexture2D(texture)); FillForm(); } } }
public static void PromptUserToConfirmMipRegenIfGtx(NUT nut) { if (nut.ContainsGtxTextures()) { MessageBox.Show("Mipmaps will not be exported correctly for some textures.", "GTX textures detected"); // TODO: Doesn't work properly in game. //DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Mipmaps will not be exported correctly for some textures. " + // "Would you like to regenerate all mipmaps? Note: this will modify the existing textures.", // "GTX textures detected", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); //if (result == DialogResult.Yes) //{ // foreach (NutTexture texture in nut.Nodes) // { // NUT.RegenerateMipmapsFromTexture2D(texture); // } //} } }
private void mipLevelTrackBar_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e) { NutTexture tex = ((NutTexture)textureListBox.SelectedItem); if (tex.surfaces.Count == 6) { // Create a new texture for the selected surface at the first mip level. currentMipLevel = 0; SetCurrentCubeMapFaceLabel(mipLevelTrackBar.Value); textureToRender = NUT.CreateTexture2D(tex, mipLevelTrackBar.Value); } else { // Regular texture. currentMipLevel = mipLevelTrackBar.Value; } glControl1.Invalidate(); }
public UIPreview(NUT chr_00, NUT chr_11, NUT chr_13, NUT stock_90) { InitializeComponent(); if (chr_00 == null) { chr_00 = new NUT(); } if (chr_11 == null) { chr_11 = new NUT(); } if (chr_13 == null) { chr_13 = new NUT(); } if (stock_90 == null) { stock_90 = new NUT(); } this.chr_00 = chr_00; this.chr_11 = chr_11; this.chr_13 = chr_13; this.stock_90 = stock_90; ContextMenu cm = new ContextMenu(); MenuItem snapShot = new MenuItem("Begin Snapshot"); snapShot.Click += SnapShotMode; cm.MenuItems.Add(snapShot); MenuItem snapShot2 = new MenuItem("Snapshot"); snapShot2.Click += LetsDance; cm.MenuItems.Add(snapShot2); chr_00_renderer.ContextMenu = cm; chr_11_renderer.ContextMenu = cm; chr_13_renderer.ContextMenu = cm; stock_90_renderer.AllowDrop = true; chr_00_renderer.AllowDrop = true; chr_11_renderer.AllowDrop = true; chr_13_renderer.AllowDrop = true; //stock_90_renderer.ContextMenu = cm; }
private void importToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var ofd = new OpenFileDialog()) { ofd.Filter = "Direct Draw Surface (.dds)|*.dds|" + "All files(*.*)|*.*"; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (ofd.FileName.EndsWith(".dds") && selected != null) { DDS dds = new DDS(new FileData(ofd.FileName)); NUT.NUD_Texture tex = dds.toNUT_Texture(); = 0x40FFFF00 | (selected.textures.Count); selected.textures.Add(tex); selected.draw.Add(, NUT.loadImage(tex)); FillForm(); listBox1.SelectedItem = selected; } } } }