public static void HandleChatMessage(Bot bot, ChatClientMultiMessage message) { if (message.content.StartsWith(".move")) { message.BlockNetworkSend();// do not send this message to the server var splits = message.content.Split(' '); if (splits.Length != 2) { bot.Character.SendMessage("syntax : .move [Right/Left/Top/Bottom/Any]"); return; } MapNeighbour neighbour; try { neighbour = (MapNeighbour)Enum.Parse(typeof(MapNeighbour), splits[1]); } catch (Exception) { bot.Character.SendMessage("syntax : .move [Right/Left/Top/Bottom/Any]"); return; } if (bot.Character.ChangeMap(neighbour) == MapNeighbour.None) { bot.Character.SendMessage(string.Format("Cannot move to {0} !", neighbour)); } } }
public void HandlePartyMemberRemoveMessage(Bot bot, PartyMemberRemoveMessage message) { if (Party == null) return; Party = Party.Where(member => != message.leavingPlayerId).ToList(); if (message.leavingPlayerId == PartyLeaderId) PartyLeaderId = null; }
public static void HandleMapMessage(Bot bot, MapComplementaryInformationsDataMessage message) { if (!AllowSeeker) return; GroupMonster[] groups = bot.Character.Map.Actors.OfType<GroupMonster>().ToArray(); var alreadySignaled = new List<string>(); foreach (GroupMonster @group in groups) { string monster = SeekedInGroup(@group, bot); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(monster)) { if (!alreadySignaled.Contains(monster)) { alreadySignaled.Add(monster); bot.Character.SendMessage(String.Format("Le monstre <b>'{0}'</b> a été trouvé sur cette carte.", monster), System.Drawing.Color.Green); } } string archi = SeekedArchiMonsterInGroup(@group, bot); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(archi)) { bot.Character.SendMessage(String.Format("L'archimonstre <b>'{0}'</b> a été trouvé sur cette carte.", archi), System.Drawing.Color.Red); } } }
public static void HandleGameMapMovementCancelMessage(Bot bot, GameMapMovementCancelMessage message) { if (!AllowComparer) return; bot.SendToClient(new DebugHighlightCellsMessage(Color.Violet.ToArgb(), new short[] { message.cellId })); }
internal static void HandleListCommand(string[] parameters, Bot bot) { if (MonsterSeeker.SeekedMonsters.Count > 0) bot.ChatManager.PrintMessageToClient(String.Format("Les monstres suivants sont recherchés :\n{0}", MonsterSeeker.SeekedMonsters.Aggregate((a, b) => a + ", " + b)), System.Drawing.Color.DarkSlateGray); else bot.ChatManager.PrintMessageToClient("Aucun monstre n'est recherché.", System.Drawing.Color.DarkSlateGray); }
public void HandlePartyJoinMessage(Bot bot, PartyJoinMessage message) { Party = new List<PartyMemberInformations>(); foreach (PartyMemberInformations member in message.members) Party.Add(member); PartyId = message.partyId; PartyLeaderId = message.partyLeaderId; }
private static string SeekedInGroup(GroupMonster group, Bot bot) { if (group == null) return null; string[] monsters = group.Monsters.Where(entry => IsSeeking(entry.Name.ToLowerInvariant())).Select(entry => entry.Name).ToArray(); if (monsters.Length == 0) return null; return monsters.FirstOrDefault(); }
private static string SeekedArchiMonsterInGroup(GroupMonster group, Bot bot) { if (group == null) return null; if (!SeekArchiMonster) return null; string[] monsters = group.Monsters.Where(entry => entry.IsArchMonster).Select(entry => entry.Name).ToArray(); if (monsters.Length == 0) return null; return monsters.Aggregate((a,b) => a + ", " + b); }
public static void HandleChatMessage(Bot bot, ChatClientMultiMessage message) { // if the client sends ".hello" in the chat if (message.content == ".hello") { message.BlockNetworkSend();// do not send this message to the server bot.Character.SendMessage(string.Format("Hello {0} you are on sub area {1}", bot.Character.Name, bot.Character.Map.SubArea.Name)); } }
public static void HandleAuthenticationTicketMessage(Bot bot, AuthenticationTicketMessage message) { if (m_languageFound) return; Languages lang; if (!m_langsShortcuts.TryGetValue(message.lang, out lang)) return; Host.ChangeLanguage(lang); m_languageFound = true; }
public AutoFight(Bot bot) { m_bot = bot; bot.Character.FightJoined += OnFightJoined; bot.Character.FightLeft += OnFightLeft; bot.Character.MapJoined += OnMapJoined; if (bot.Character.IsFighting()) OnFightJoined(bot.Character, bot.Character.Fight); else if (bot.Character.Map != null) OnMapJoined(bot.Character, bot.Character.Map); }
internal static void HandleSeekCommand(string[] parameters, Bot bot) { if (parameters.Length != 1) { bot.ChatManager.PrintMessageToClient("Invalid use. Use help command for more informations.", System.Drawing.Color.Firebrick); return; } if (MonsterSeeker.AddMonster(parameters[0].ToLowerInvariant())) bot.ChatManager.PrintMessageToClient(String.Format("Le monstre '{0}' est désormais recherché.", parameters[0]), System.Drawing.Color.Green); else bot.ChatManager.PrintMessageToClient(String.Format("Le monstre '{0}' est déjà recherché.", parameters[0]), System.Drawing.Color.DarkSlateGray); }
public static void HandleGameMapMovementRequestMessage(Bot bot, GameMapMovementRequestMessage message) { bot.SendToClient(new DebugClearHighlightCellsMessage()); var clientPath = Path.BuildFromClientCompressedPath(bot.Character.Map, message.keyMovements); var pathfinder = new Pathfinder(bot.Character.Map.CellInformationProvider, bot.Character.Map); var botPath = pathfinder.FindPath(bot.Character.Position.Cell, clientPath.End, true); // if you see red cells it means the pathfinder is wrong and don't get the same path as the client bot.SendToClient(new DebugHighlightCellsMessage(Color.Red.ToArgb(), botPath.Cells.Select(entry => entry.Id).ToArray())); bot.SendToClient(new DebugHighlightCellsMessage(Color.Blue.ToArgb(), clientPath.Cells.Select(entry => entry.Id).ToArray())); }
public void HandleChatClientMultiMessage(Bot bot, ChatClientMultiMessage message) { if (message.content == ".test") { bot.Character.OpenPopup("Yes Man !"); message.BlockNetworkSend(); } else if (message.content == ".nop") { bot.RemoveHandler(this); message.BlockNetworkSend(); } }
public static void HandleCharacterSelectedSuccessMessage(Bot bot, CharacterSelectedSuccessMessage message) { if (!SettingsFile.Contains(AccountPlaceHolder) || !SettingsFile.Contains(CharacterPlaceHolder)) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Configurable entry 'SettingsFile' must contains {0} and {1} to differentiate bot settings", AccountPlaceHolder, CharacterPlaceHolder)); } var settingsPath = SettingsFile.Replace(AccountPlaceHolder, bot.ClientInformations.Login). Replace(CharacterPlaceHolder, bot.Character.Name); bot.LoadSettings(settingsPath); }
static void SetFrame(Bot bot, Mode mode) { if (bot.HasFrame<FFight>()) { bot.Character.SendInformation("Set existing FFight to {0} mode", mode); bot.GetFrame<FFight>().Mode = mode; } else if (bot.AddFrame(new FFight(bot, mode))) bot.Character.SendInformation("Experimental AI fight started in {0} mode", mode); else bot.Character.SendInformation("Failed to start a new FFight frame !"); }
public static void HandleGameContextCreateMessage(Bot bot, GameContextCreateMessage message) { if (!m_messageSent) { var settings = bot.Settings.GetEntry<Settings>(); bot.Character.SendMessage(settings.WelcomeMessage); if (settings.WelcomeMessage.EndsWith("!")) settings.WelcomeMessage = settings.WelcomeMessage.Remove(settings.WelcomeMessage.Length - 1, 1); else settings.WelcomeMessage += "!"; m_messageSent = true; } }
public static void HandleChatMessage(Bot bot, ChatClientMultiMessage message) { if (message.content.StartsWith(".send")) { message.BlockNetworkSend(); var detector = bot.GetFrame<WindowDetector>(); if (detector == null) { bot.Character.SendMessage("Frame WindowDetector not found"); return; } var splits = message.content.Split(' '); if (splits.Length != 3) { bot.Character.SendMessage("syntax : .send [System.Windows.Forms.Keys] [delay]"); return; } Keys key; try { key = (Keys)Enum.Parse(typeof(Keys), splits[1]); } catch (Exception) { bot.Character.SendMessage("syntax : .send [System.Windows.Forms.Keys] [delay]"); return; } int delay; if (!int.TryParse(splits[2], out delay)) { bot.Character.SendMessage("syntax : .send [System.Windows.Forms.Keys] [delay]"); return; } bot.CallDelayed(delay, () => detector.SendKey(key)); } }
public static void HandleChatMessage(Bot bot, ChatClientMultiMessage message) { if (m_bot == null) { m_bot = bot; CreateTchatCommand("Help", "help", OnHelpCommand); } if (message.content[0] == m_charCommand) message.BlockNetworkSend(); else return; string[] parts = message.content.Substring(1).Split(' '); string commandName = parts[0].ToLowerInvariant(); List<string> parameters = new List<string>(parts.Length - 1); for (int i = 1; i < parts.Length; i++) { if (parts[i].StartsWith("\"")) { string paramInQuote = parts[i].Substring(1); i++; while (!parts[i].EndsWith("\"")) { paramInQuote += " " + parts[i]; i++; } paramInQuote += " " + parts[i].Substring(0, parts[i].Length - 1); parameters.Add(paramInQuote); } else parameters.Add(parts[i]); } if (m_commands.Count(entry => entry.CommandName == commandName) == 1) m_commands.Where(entry => entry.CommandName == commandName).First().Action(parameters.ToArray(), bot); else bot.Character.SendMessage(String.Format("The tchat command <b>{0}</b> doesn't exist.", commandName), System.Drawing.Color.Red); }
private static void HandleAuthenticationTicketMessage(Bot bot, AuthenticationTicketMessage message) { // theorically not received message.BlockNetworkSend(); }
private void HandleSelectedServerDataMessage(Bot bot, SelectedServerDataMessage message) { m_tickets.Add(message.ticket, Tuple.Create((BotMITM)bot, new SelectedServerDataMessage(message.serverId, message.address, message.port, message.canCreateNewCharacter, message.ticket))); message.address = m_configuration.FakeWorldHost; message.port = (ushort) m_configuration.FakeWorldPort; ( (BotMITM)bot ).ExpectedDisconnection = true; logger.Debug("Client redirected to {0}:{1}", message.address, message.port); }
private void HandleProtocolRequired(Bot bot, ProtocolRequired message) { if (bot.ConnectionType == ClientConnectionType.GameConnection) message.BlockNetworkSend(); }
private void HandleHelloGameMessage(Bot bot, HelloGameMessage message) { message.BlockNetworkSend(); bot.SendToServer(new AuthenticationTicketMessage("fr", bot.ClientInformations.ConnectionTicket)); }
public void HandleGameFightEndMessage(Bot bot, GameFightEndMessage message) { CloseWindow(); }
public static void HandleChatMessage(Bot bot, ChatClientMultiMessage message) { if (message.content == ".help") { message.BlockNetworkSend();// do not send this message to the server bot.Character.SendInformation(".dump spells"); bot.Character.SendInformation(".dump all"); bot.Character.SendInformation(".FF ? => Show all plugins running"); bot.Character.SendInformation(".FF on or .FF auto => Starts experimental AI fight in automatic mode"); bot.Character.SendInformation(".FF fol => Put the experimental AI fight in follower mode"); bot.Character.SendInformation(".FF gat => Put the experimental AI fight in gathering mode (not implemented yet)"); bot.Character.SendInformation(".FF off or .FF man => Disable experimental AI fight (manual mode)"); bot.Character.SendInformation(".FF stats => gives some stats"); bot.Character.SendInformation(".FF all => Starts experimental AI fight on all Bots"); bot.Character.SendInformation(".FF /all => Stops experimental AI fight on all Bots"); bot.Character.SendInformation("message <Level> => Filters the messages received from the bot to the Dofus client. <Level> is a bit field (4 bits, so values range from 0 to 7)"); } else if (message.content == ".dump all") { message.BlockNetworkSend();// do not send this message to the server XmlDumper.DumpAll(); } else if (message.content == ".dump spells") { message.BlockNetworkSend();// do not send this message to the server XmlDumper.SpellsDumper("_Spells.xml"); } if (message.content.StartsWith(".FF")) { message.BlockNetworkSend();// do not send this message to the server if (message.content == ".FF ?") { int BotNo = 0; int FrameNo = 0; foreach (Bot subBot in BotManager.Instance.Bots) { BotNo++; foreach (IFrame frame in subBot.Frames) { FrameNo++; bot.Character.SendInformation("Bot {0} ({3}) Frame {1} : {2}", BotNo, FrameNo, frame.GetType().Name, subBot.Character); } } } else if (message.content == ".FF all") { bot.Character.SendInformation("Experimental AI fight started for all played characters (set to follower mode for non-leaders of parties)"); foreach (Bot subBot in BotManager.Instance.Bots) { if (subBot.AddFrame(new FFight(subBot))) { subBot.Character.SendInformation("Experimental AI fight started"); bot.Character.SendInformation("FF started for {0}", bot.Character); } else { subBot.Character.SendInformation("Can't start FF"); bot.Character.SendInformation("Can't start FF for {0}", bot.Character); } } } else if (message.content == ".FF /all") { bot.Character.SendInformation("Experimental AI fight stopped for all played characters (set to manual mode)"); foreach (Bot subBot in BotManager.Instance.Bots) { if (subBot.RemoveFrame<FFight>()) { subBot.Character.SendInformation("Experimental AI fight stopped"); bot.Character.SendInformation("FF stopped for {0}", bot.Character); } else { subBot.Character.SendInformation("Failed to stop Experimental AI fight. Probably not running ?"); bot.Character.SendInformation("Can't stop FF for {0}", bot.Character); } } } else if (message.content.StartsWith(".FF fol", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) SetFrame(bot, Mode.Follower); else if (message.content.StartsWith(".FF gat", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) SetFrame(bot, Mode.Ressources); else if (message.content.StartsWith(".FF auto", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || message.content.StartsWith(".FF on", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) SetFrame(bot, Mode.AutomaticFight); else if (message.content.StartsWith(".FF man", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || message.content.StartsWith(".FF off", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) SetFrame(bot, Mode.Manual); else if (message.content == ".FF stats") { if (!bot.HasFrame<FFight>()) { bot.Character.SendInformation("Experimental AI fight is NOT running"); } else { FFight fightBot = bot.GetFrame<FFight>(); bot.Character.SendInformation("Experimental AI fight IS running in mode {0}", fightBot.Mode); fightBot.Dump(); } } } PlayedCharacter PC = bot.Character; if (message.content == "?") { message.BlockNetworkSend();// do not send this message to the server PC.SendInformation(String.Format("Position : NF{0} - F{1}", PC.Cell, PC.Fighter != null ? PC.Fighter.Cell.ToString() : "N/A")); /*PC.ResetCellsHighlight(); if (PC.Fighter != null) { PC.HighlightCells(PC.Fight.BlueTeam.FightersAlive.Select(fighter => fighter.Cell), Color.Blue); PC.HighlightCells(PC.Fight.RedTeam.FightersAlive.Select(fighter => fighter.Cell), Color.Red); PC.HighlightCell(PC.Fighter.Cell, Color.Pink); } else PC.HighlightCell(PC.Cell, Color.Pink);*/ } if (message.content.StartsWith("message")) { message.BlockNetworkSend();// do not send this message to the server string sdbgLevel = message.content.Replace("message", "").Trim(); PlayedCharacter.MessageLevel dbgLevel = PC.InformationLevel; if (PlayedCharacter.MessageLevel.TryParse(sdbgLevel, out dbgLevel)) { PC.SendMessage(String.Format("MessageLevel was {0}, it is now {1}", PC.InformationLevel, dbgLevel)); PC.InformationLevel = dbgLevel; } else PC.SendMessage(String.Format("MessageLevel is {0}", PC.InformationLevel)); } }
public static void OnCharacterSelectedSuccessMessage(Bot bot, CharacterSelectedSuccessMessage message) { if (bot.Dispatcher is NetworkMessageDispatcher) bot.AddHandler(new WindowDetector(bot)); }
private static void OnBotAdded(BotManager sender, Bot bot) { bot.RegisterHandler(new WelcomeMessage()); }
public static void HandleCharacterSelectedSuccessMessage(Bot bot, CharacterSelectedSuccessMessage message) { bot.Character.StartMoving += OnStartMoving; }
internal static void OnHelpCommand(string[] parameters, Bot bot) { foreach (string line in GetHelpCommands()) bot.Character.SendMessage(line, System.Drawing.Color.MidnightBlue); }
public static void OnBotRemoved(BotManager botManager, Bot bot) { bot.SaveSettings(); }