public void Run() { do { UserIO.SplashScreen(); Player player1 = new Player(); Player player2 = new Player(); UserIO.setUpPlayer(player1); UserIO.destroyerPlacement(player1); UserIO.submarinePlacement(player1); UserIO.cruiserPlacement(player1); UserIO.battleshipPlacement(player1); UserIO.carrierPlacement(player1); UserIO.setUpPlayer(player2); UserIO.destroyerPlacement(player2); UserIO.submarinePlacement(player2); UserIO.cruiserPlacement(player2); UserIO.battleshipPlacement(player2); UserIO.carrierPlacement(player2); UserIO.twoPlayerGame(player1, player2); bool play = false; do { string playAgain = ""; Console.WriteLine("Would you like to play again? (1 = Yes, 2 = No)"); playAgain = Console.ReadLine(); if (playAgain == "2") { Console.WriteLine("Thanks for playing!"); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit"); Console.ReadLine(); Environment.Exit(0); } else if (playAgain == "1") { Console.Clear(); play = true; } } while (play == false); } while (true); }