/// <summary> /// 增加一条数据 /// </summary> public int Add(BCW.Model.Text model) { int id = dal.Add(model); try { int usid = model.UsID; string username = new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(usid); string Notes = "发表帖子"; new BCW.Draw.draw().AddjfbyTz(usid, username, Notes);//点值抽奖 } catch { } return(id); }
/// <summary> /// 增加一条派币帖 /// </summary> public int AddPricesLimit(BCW.Model.Text model) { int id = dal.AddPricesLimit(model); try { string xmlPath = "/Controls/winners.xml"; string TextForUbb = (ub.GetSub("TextForUbb", xmlPath)); //设置内线提示的文字 string WinnersStatus = (ub.GetSub("WinnersStatus", xmlPath)); //状态1维护2测试0正常 string WinnersOpenOrClose = (ub.GetSub("WinnersOpenOrClose", xmlPath)); //0|停止放送机会|1|开启放送机会 string WinnersOpenChoose = (ub.GetSub("WinnersOpenChoose", xmlPath)); //1全社区2社区3仅游戏 string WinnersGuessOpen = (ub.GetSub("WinnersGuessOpen", xmlPath)); //1发内线2不发内线 int usid = (model.UsID); string username = model.UsName; string Notes = "帖子币"; int ID = new BCW.BLL.Action().GetMaxId(); int isHit = new BCW.winners.winners().CheckActionForAll(0, 0, usid, username, Notes, ID); if (isHit == 1) { if (WinnersGuessOpen == "1") { new BCW.BLL.Guest().Add(0, usid, username, TextForUbb);//发内线到该ID } } } catch { } try { int usid = model.UsID; string username = new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(usid); string Notes = "发表帖子"; new BCW.Draw.draw().AddjfbyTz(usid, username, Notes);//点值抽奖 } catch { } return(id); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { threadId = Utils.ParseInt(Utils.GetRequest("threadId", "get", 1, @"^\d*$", "")); tbText = new BCW.BLL.Text().GetText(threadId); }
/// <summary> /// 上传文件页面 /// </summary> private void UploadPage(int forumid, int bid) { string ac = Utils.ToSChinese(Utils.GetRequest("ac", "post", 1, "", "")); int meid = new BCW.User.Users().GetUsId(); if (meid == 0) { Utils.Login(); } if (ac != "发表文本") { BCW.User.Users.ShowVerifyRole("f", meid); //非验证会员提示 new BCW.User.Limits().CheckUserLimit(BCW.User.Limits.enumRole.Role_Upfile, meid); //会员上传权限 } //论坛限制性 BCW.Model.Forum Forummodel = new BCW.BLL.Forum().GetForum(forumid); //圈子限制性 BCW.Model.Group modelgr = null; if (Forummodel.GroupId > 0) { modelgr = new BCW.BLL.Group().GetGroupMe(Forummodel.GroupId); if (modelgr == null) { Utils.Error("不存在的" + ub.GetSub("GroupName", "/Controls/group.xml") + "", ""); } else if (DT.FormatDate(modelgr.ExTime, 0) != "1990-01-01 00:00:00" && modelgr.ExTime < DateTime.Now) { Utils.Error("" + ub.GetSub("GroupName", "/Controls/group.xml") + "已过期", ""); } if (modelgr.ForumStatus == 2) { Utils.Error("" + ub.GetSub("GroupName", "/Controls/group.xml") + "论坛已关闭", ""); } if (modelgr.ForumStatus == 1) { if (meid == 0) { Utils.Login(); } string GroupId = new BCW.BLL.User().GetGroupId(meid); if (GroupId.IndexOf("#" + Forummodel.GroupId + "#") == -1 && IsCTID(meid) == false) { Utils.Error("非成员不能访问" + ub.GetSub("GroupName", "/Controls/group.xml") + "论坛!<br /><a href=\"" + Utils.getUrl("/bbs/group.aspx?act=addin&id=" + Forummodel.GroupId + "&backurl=" + Utils.PostPage(1) + "") + "\">加入本" + ub.GetSub("GroupName", "/Controls/group.xml") + "</a>", ""); } } } BCW.User.Users.ShowForumLimit(meid, Forummodel.Gradelt, Forummodel.Visitlt, Forummodel.VisitId, Forummodel.IsPc); if (ac == "续传" || bid == 0)//发帖 { //是否刷屏 string appName = "LIGHT_THREAD"; int Expir = Convert.ToInt32(ub.GetSub("BbsThreadExpir", xmlPath2)); BCW.User.Users.IsFresh(appName, Expir); BCW.User.Users.ShowVerifyRole("a", meid); //非验证会员提示 new BCW.User.Limits().CheckUserLimit(BCW.User.Limits.enumRole.Role_Text, meid); //会员本身权限 new BCW.User.FLimits().CheckUserFLimit(BCW.User.FLimits.enumRole.Role_Text, meid, forumid); //版块内权限 BCW.User.Users.ShowAddThread(meid, Forummodel.Postlt); } else//回帖 { //是否刷屏 string appName = "LIGHT_REPLY"; int Expir = Convert.ToInt32(ub.GetSub("BbsReplyExpir", xmlPath2)); BCW.User.Users.IsFresh(appName, Expir); BCW.User.Users.ShowVerifyRole("b", meid); //非验证会员提示 new BCW.User.Limits().CheckUserLimit(BCW.User.Limits.enumRole.Role_Reply, meid); //会员本身权限 new BCW.User.FLimits().CheckUserFLimit(BCW.User.FLimits.enumRole.Role_Reply, meid, forumid); //版块内权限 BCW.User.Users.ShowAddReply(meid, Forummodel.Replylt); } int kk = 0; int reid = 0; int ptype = 5;//标识为附件帖子 if (ac == "续传") { //上传文件 SaveFiles(meid, forumid, bid, reid, out kk); string strOut = string.Empty; if (kk < 0) { if (kk == -999) { kk = 0; } strOut = "部分文件超出今天上传数量导致上传失败,"; kk = Math.Abs(kk); } //更新帖子文件数 new BCW.BLL.Text().UpdateFileNum(bid, kk); new BCW.BLL.Text().UpdateTypes(bid, ptype); //记录日志 string strLog = "[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + meid + "]" + new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(meid) + "[/url]对主题[url=/bbs/topic.aspx?forumid=" + forumid + "&bid=" + bid + "]《" + new BCW.BLL.Text().GetTitle(bid) + "》[/url]追加" + kk + "个文件!"; new BCW.BLL.Forumlog().Add(7, forumid, bid, strLog); Utils.Success("追加文件", "追加" + kk + "个文件成功," + strOut + "正在返回..", ReplaceWap(Utils.getUrl("topic.aspx?forumid=" + forumid + "&bid=" + bid + "")), "2"); } else { string mename = new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(meid); string Title = string.Empty; string Content = string.Empty; if (bid == 0) { Title = Utils.GetRequest("Title", "post", 2, @"^[\s\S]{" + ub.GetSub("BbsThreadMin", xmlPath2) + "," + ub.GetSub("BbsThreadMax", xmlPath2) + "}$", "标题限" + ub.GetSub("BbsThreadMin", xmlPath2) + "-" + ub.GetSub("BbsThreadMax", xmlPath2) + "字"); Title = Title.Replace(char.ConvertFromUtf32(10), "").Replace(char.ConvertFromUtf32(13), ""); Content = Utils.GetRequest("Content", "post", 2, @"^[\s\S]{" + ub.GetSub("BbsContentMin", xmlPath2) + "," + ub.GetSub("BbsContentMax", xmlPath2) + "}$", "请输入" + ub.GetSub("BbsContentMin", xmlPath2) + "-" + ub.GetSub("BbsContentMax", xmlPath2) + "字的内容"); } else { Content = Utils.GetRequest("Content", "post", 2, @"^[\s\S]{1," + ub.GetSub("BbsReplyMax", xmlPath2) + "}$", "请输入不超" + ub.GetSub("BbsReplyMax", xmlPath2) + "字的回帖内容"); } if (bid == 0) { int ThreadNum = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("BbsThreadNum", xmlPath)); if (ThreadNum > 0) { int ToDayCount = new BCW.BLL.Forumstat().GetCount(meid, 1);//今天发布帖子数 if (ToDayCount >= ThreadNum) { Utils.Error("系统限每天每ID限发帖子" + ThreadNum + "帖", ""); } } int Price = 0; int Prices = 0; int HideType = 0; int IsSeen = 0; string PayCi = string.Empty; BCW.Model.Text addmodel = new BCW.Model.Text(); addmodel.ForumId = forumid; addmodel.Types = ptype; addmodel.Title = Title; addmodel.Content = Content; addmodel.HideContent = ""; addmodel.UsID = meid; addmodel.UsName = mename; addmodel.Price = Price; addmodel.Prices = Prices; addmodel.HideType = HideType; addmodel.PayCi = PayCi; addmodel.IsSeen = IsSeen; addmodel.AddTime = DateTime.Now; addmodel.ReTime = DateTime.Now; bid = new BCW.BLL.Text().Add(addmodel); //上传文件 SaveFiles(meid, forumid, bid, reid, out kk); string strOut = string.Empty; if (kk < 0) { if (kk == -999) { kk = 0; } strOut = "部分文件超出今天上传数量导致上传失败,"; kk = Math.Abs(kk); } //更新帖子文件数 new BCW.BLL.Text().UpdateFileNum(bid, kk); //论坛统计 BCW.User.Users.UpdateForumStat(1, meid, mename, forumid); int GroupId = new BCW.BLL.Forum().GetGroupId(forumid); //动态记录 if (GroupId == 0) { new BCW.BLL.Action().Add(-1, 0, meid, mename, "在" + Forummodel.Title + "发表了文件帖子[URL=/bbs/topic.aspx?forumid=" + forumid + "&bid=" + bid + "]" + Title + "[/URL]"); } else { new BCW.BLL.Action().Add(-2, 0, meid, mename, "在圈坛-" + Forummodel.Title + "发表了文件帖子[URL=/bbs/topic.aspx?forumid=" + forumid + "&bid=" + bid + "]" + Title + "[/URL]"); } //积分操作/论坛统计/圈子论坛不进行任何奖励 if (GroupId == 0) { new BCW.User.Cent().UpdateCent2(BCW.User.Cent.enumRole.Cent_Text, meid, true); } else { if (!Utils.GetDomain().Contains("th")) { new BCW.User.Cent().UpdateCent2(BCW.User.Cent.enumRole.Cent_Text, meid, false); } } if (kk == 0) { new BCW.BLL.Text().UpdateTypes(bid, 0);//去掉附件帖标识 } #region 这里开始修改提醒ID 发内线 string remind = ub.GetSub("remindid" + forumid, "/Controls/bbs.xml"); //获取XML的值 if (remind != "") //如果有提醒ID { string[] IDS = remind.Split('#'); for (int i = 0; i < IDS.Length; i++) { if (GroupId != 0) { new BCW.BLL.Guest().Add(0, int.Parse(IDS[i]), new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(int.Parse(IDS[i])), "请注意!用户[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + meid + "]" + mename + "(" + meid + ")[/url]在圈坛-" + Forummodel.Title + "发表了[URL=/bbs/topic.aspx?forumid=" + forumid + "&bid=" + bid + "]" + Title + "[/URL]的帖子"); } else { new BCW.BLL.Guest().Add(0, int.Parse(IDS[i]), new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(int.Parse(IDS[i])), "请注意!用户[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + meid + "]" + mename + "(" + meid + ")[/url]在" + Forummodel.Title + "发表了[URL=/bbs/topic.aspx?forumid=" + forumid + "&bid=" + bid + "]" + Title + "[/URL]的帖子"); } } } #endregion Utils.Success("上传文件", "上传" + kk + "个文件成功," + strOut + "正在返回..", ReplaceWap(Utils.getPage("forum.aspx?forumid=" + forumid + "")), "2"); } else { int ReplyNum = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("BbsReplyNum", xmlPath)); if (ReplyNum > 0) { int ToDayCount = new BCW.BLL.Forumstat().GetCount(meid, 2);//今天发布回帖数 if (ToDayCount >= ReplyNum) { Utils.Error("系统限每天每ID限回帖" + ReplyNum + "次", ""); } } int Floor = new BCW.BLL.Reply().GetFloor(bid); //派币帖 string CentText = string.Empty; string PbCent = string.Empty; int iTypes = new BCW.BLL.Text().GetTypes(bid); if (iTypes == 3) { BCW.Model.Text p = new BCW.BLL.Text().GetPriceModel(bid); if (p.Prices - p.Pricel > 0) { string bzText = string.Empty; if (p.BzType == 0) { bzText = ub.Get("SiteBz"); } else { bzText = ub.Get("SiteBz2"); } long zPrice = 0; if (p.Price2 > 0) { zPrice = Convert.ToInt64(new Random().Next(p.Price, (p.Price2 + 1)));//随机得到奖币值 } else { zPrice = Convert.ToInt64(p.Price); } long GetPrice = 0; if (p.Prices - p.Pricel < zPrice) { GetPrice = p.Prices - p.Pricel; } else { GetPrice = zPrice; } if (p.PayCi == "0") { if (("#" + p.ReplyID + "#").IndexOf("#" + meid + "#") == -1) { if (p.BzType == 0) { new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(meid, mename, GetPrice, "派币帖回帖获得"); } else { new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiMoney(meid, mename, GetPrice, "派币帖回帖获得"); } //更新已派 new BCW.BLL.Text().UpdatePricel(bid, GetPrice); CentText = "" + GetPrice + "" + bzText + ""; PbCent = "楼主派" + GetPrice + "" + bzText + ""; } } else { if (("#" + p.PayCi + "#").IndexOf("#" + Utils.Right(Floor.ToString(), 1) + "#") != -1) { if (p.BzType == 0) { new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(meid, mename, GetPrice, "派币帖回帖获得"); } else { new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiMoney(meid, mename, GetPrice, "派币帖回帖获得"); } //更新已派 new BCW.BLL.Text().UpdatePricel(bid, GetPrice); CentText = "" + GetPrice + "" + bzText + ""; PbCent = "踩中楼层" + Utils.Right(Floor.ToString(), 1) + "尾,楼主派" + GetPrice + "" + bzText + ""; } } } } BCW.Model.Reply model = new BCW.Model.Reply(); model.Floor = Floor; model.ForumId = forumid; model.Bid = bid; model.UsID = meid; model.UsName = mename; model.Content = Content; model.FileNum = 0; model.ReplyId = 0; model.AddTime = DateTime.Now; model.CentText = CentText; reid = new BCW.BLL.Reply().Add(model); //更新回复ID string sPayID = new BCW.BLL.Text().GetReplyID(bid); if (("#" + sPayID + "#").IndexOf("#" + meid + "#") == -1) { string ReplyID = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sPayID)) { ReplyID = meid.ToString(); } else { ReplyID = sPayID + "#" + meid; } new BCW.BLL.Text().UpdateReplyID(bid, ReplyID); } //更新回复数 new BCW.BLL.Text().UpdateReplyNum(bid, 1); //上传文件 SaveFiles(meid, forumid, bid, reid, out kk); string strOut = string.Empty; if (kk < 0) { if (kk == -999) { kk = 0; } strOut = "部分文件超出今天上传数量导致上传失败!"; kk = Math.Abs(kk); } //更新回复文件数 new BCW.BLL.Reply().UpdateFileNum(reid, kk); //论坛统计 BCW.User.Users.UpdateForumStat(2, meid, mename, forumid); int GroupId = new BCW.BLL.Forum().GetGroupId(forumid); //动态记录 if (GroupId == 0) { new BCW.BLL.Action().Add(-1, 0, meid, mename, "在" + Forummodel.Title + "回复帖子[URL=/bbs/topic.aspx?forumid=" + forumid + "&bid=" + bid + "]" + new BCW.BLL.Text().GetTitle(bid) + "[/URL]"); } else { new BCW.BLL.Action().Add(-2, 0, meid, mename, "在圈坛-" + Forummodel.Title + "回复帖子[URL=/bbs/topic.aspx?forumid=" + forumid + "&bid=" + bid + "]" + new BCW.BLL.Text().GetTitle(bid) + "[/URL]"); } //积分操作/论坛统计/圈子论坛不进行任何奖励 if (GroupId == 0) { new BCW.User.Cent().UpdateCent2(BCW.User.Cent.enumRole.Cent_Reply, meid, true); } else { if (!Utils.GetDomain().Contains("th")) { new BCW.User.Cent().UpdateCent2(BCW.User.Cent.enumRole.Cent_Reply, meid, false); } } Utils.Success("文件回帖", "回复" + kk + "个文件成功!" + strOut + "" + PbCent + "<br /><a href=\"" + ReplaceWap(Utils.getUrl("topic.aspx?forumid=" + forumid + "&bid=" + bid + "")) + "\">返回主题</a><br /><a href=\"" + ReplaceWap(Utils.getUrl("reply.aspx?forumid=" + forumid + "&bid=" + bid + "")) + "\">回复列表</a>", ReplaceWap(Utils.getUrl("reply.aspx?forumid=" + forumid + "&bid=" + bid + "")), "2"); } } }
private void ReloadPage() { string Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); string str = new BCW.Service.GetNews().GetNewsXML(Date); //builder.Append(str); string[] Temp = Regex.Split(str, @"\],\["); for (int i = 1; i < Temp.Length; i++) { string Title = ""; string strUrl = ""; DateTime AddTime = DateTime.Now; int nid = 0; string[] temp = Regex.Split(Temp[i], ",\""); nid = Convert.ToInt32(temp[0]); Title = temp[1].Replace("\"", ""); strUrl = temp[2].Replace("\"", ""); AddTime = Convert.ToDateTime("" + DateTime.Now.Year + "/" + temp[3].Replace("\"", "").Replace("]", "")); //1,"遭中俄反对 美防长称未确定在东亚何地部署萨德","http://news.sohu.com/20150411/n411104811.shtml","04/11 01:13" //builder.Append("" + nid + "<br />"); //builder.Append("" + Title + "<br />"); //builder.Append("" + strUrl + "<br />"); //builder.Append("" + AddTime + "<br />"); //国内0 //国际1 //社会2 //国际财经3 //军事4 //体育5 //娱乐6 //文化7 //汽车8 int Types = Convert.ToInt32(ub.GetSub("NewsTypes", xmlPath));//导入文章栏目还是帖子 //ID对应文章分类ID int NodeId = 0; //发布的ID(导入帖子时用到) int meid = 0; NodeId = Convert.ToInt32(ub.GetSub("NewsID" + nid + "", xmlPath)); if (Types == 1) { meid = Convert.ToInt32(ub.GetSub("NewsIDb" + nid + "", xmlPath)); } if (!strUrl.Contains("http://pic.") && strUrl.Contains(".shtml")) { //抓取N分钟内的News int min = 1440; if (AddTime > DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-min)) { //if (Types == 0) //{ // if (!new BCW.BLL.Detail().Exists(Title)) // { // BCW.Model.Detail model = new BCW.Model.Detail(); // model.Title = Title; // model.KeyWord = Out.CreateKeyWord(Title, 2); // model.Model = ""; // model.IsAd = true; // model.Types = 11; // model.NodeId = NodeId; // model.Content = strUrl; // model.TarText = ""; // model.LanText = ""; // model.SafeText = ""; // model.LyText = ""; // model.UpText = ""; // model.IsVisa = 0; // model.AddTime = AddTime; // model.Readcount = 0; // model.Recount = 0; // model.Cent = 0; // model.BzType = 0; // model.Hidden = 0; // model.UsID = -1;//采集的标识 // new BCW.BLL.Detail().Add(model); // } //} //else //{ string mename = new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(meid); DataSet ds = new BCW.BLL.Text().GetList("ID", "ForumId=" + NodeId + " and UsID=" + meid + " and Title='" + Title + "'"); if (ds == null || ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { int Price = 0; int Prices = 0; int IsSeen = 0; string PayCi = string.Empty; BCW.Model.Text addmodel = new BCW.Model.Text(); addmodel.ForumId = NodeId; addmodel.Types = 0; addmodel.Title = Title; addmodel.Content = strUrl; addmodel.HideContent = ""; addmodel.UsID = meid; addmodel.UsName = mename; addmodel.Price = Price; addmodel.Prices = Prices; addmodel.BzType = 0; addmodel.HideType = 9; //采集的标识 addmodel.PayCi = PayCi; addmodel.IsSeen = IsSeen; addmodel.AddTime = DateTime.Now; addmodel.ReTime = DateTime.Now; new BCW.BLL.Text().Add(addmodel); } //} } } } Master.Title = "采集新闻列表"; Master.Refresh = 60; Master.Gourl = Utils.getUrl("go.aspx"); builder.Append("采集完成,间隔60秒再次自动启动..."); }
/// <summary> /// 陈志基 20160816 /// 修改保存属性改变触发事件 /// </summary> private void EditSavePage() { int id = int.Parse(Utils.GetRequest("id", "post", 2, @"^[1-9]\d*$", "帖子ID错误")); string Title = Utils.GetRequest("Title", "post", 2, @"^[^\^]{1,50}$", "标题限1-50字"); string Content = Utils.GetRequest("Content", "post", 2, @"^[^\^]{1,50000}$", "请输入不超50000的内容"); int LabelId = int.Parse(Utils.GetRequest("LabelId", "post", 2, @"^[0-9]\d*$", "类型选择错误")); int UsID = int.Parse(Utils.GetRequest("UsID", "post", 2, @"^[1-9]\d*$", "用户ID错误")); string UsName = Utils.GetRequest("UsName", "post", 2, @"^[^\^]{1,50}$", "昵称不超50字"); int ReadNum = int.Parse(Utils.GetRequest("ReadNum", "post", 2, @"^[0-9]\d*$", "阅读数填写错误")); int IsGood = int.Parse(Utils.GetRequest("IsGood", "post", 2, @"^[0-1]$", "精华选择错误")); string GoodSmallIcon = Utils.GetRequest("GoodSmallIcon", "post", 1, "", ""); int IsRecom = int.Parse(Utils.GetRequest("IsRecom", "post", 2, @"^[0-1]$", "推荐选择错误")); int IsTop = int.Parse(Utils.GetRequest("IsTop", "post", 2, @"^-1|0|1|2$", "置顶选择错误")); int IsLock = int.Parse(Utils.GetRequest("IsLock", "post", 2, @"^[0-1]$", "锁定选择错误")); int IsOver = int.Parse(Utils.GetRequest("IsOver", "post", 2, @"^[0-1]$", "结束选择错误")); int IsDel = int.Parse(Utils.GetRequest("IsDel", "post", 2, @"^[0-1]$", "删除选择错误")); DateTime ReTime = Utils.ParseTime(Utils.GetRequest("ReTime", "post", 2, DT.RegexTime, "回帖时间填写出错")); int ForumID = int.Parse(Utils.GetRequest("ForumID", "post", 2, @"^[1-9]\d*$", "推荐选择错误")); if (!new BCW.BLL.Text().Exists(id)) { Utils.Error("不存在的帖子记录", ""); } if (!new BCW.BLL.User().Exists(UsID)) { Utils.Error("不存在的用户ID", ""); } BCW.Model.Text model2 = new BCW.BLL.Text().GetText(id); if (model2.IsDel != IsDel)//触发事件 { if (IsDel == 1) { new BCW.BLL.Forumstat().Update2(1, UsID, model2.ForumId, model2.AddTime);//更新统计表发帖 } else { new BCW.BLL.Forumstat().Update3(1, UsID, model2.ForumId, model2.AddTime);//更新统计表发帖 } } BCW.Model.Text model = new BCW.Model.Text(); model.ID = id; model.Title = Title; model.Content = Content; model.LabelId = LabelId; model.UsID = UsID; model.UsName = UsName; model.ReadNum = ReadNum; model.IsGood = IsGood; model.GoodSmallIcon = GoodSmallIcon; model.IsRecom = IsRecom; model.IsTop = IsTop; model.IsLock = IsLock; model.IsOver = IsOver; model.IsDel = IsDel; model.ReTime = ReTime; model.ForumId = ForumID; new BCW.BLL.Text().Update2(model); if (!ForumID.Equals(model2.ForumId))//触发事件 { //去掉精华和推荐再转移 if (model2.IsGood == 1) { new BCW.BLL.Text().UpdateIsGood(id, 0); } if (model2.IsRecom == 1) { new BCW.BLL.Text().UpdateIsRecom(id, 0); } //重新进行原论坛回复统计 DataSet ds = new BCW.BLL.Reply().GetList("ID,AddTime,UsID,IsDel,UsName", "forumid=" + model2.ForumId + " and bid=" + id + ""); { if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { if (int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["IsDel"].ToString()) == 0)//如果回帖没有删除 { //减少对旧论坛回帖用户的回帖统计 new BCW.BLL.Forumstat().Update2(2, int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UsID"].ToString()), model2.ForumId, DateTime.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["AddTime"].ToString())); //增加对新论坛回帖用户的回帖统计 new BCW.BLL.Forumstat().Update3(2, int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UsID"].ToString()), ForumID, DateTime.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["AddTime"].ToString())); // BCW.User.Users.UpdateForumStat(2, int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UsID"].ToString()), ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UsName"].ToString(), ForumID); } //更新回帖中的论坛ID new BCW.BLL.Reply().UpdateForumID(int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ID"].ToString()), ForumID); // new BCW.BLL.Forumstat().Update2(2, model.UsID, forumid, DateTime.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["AddTime"].ToString())); // BCW.User.Users.UpdateForumStat(2, model.UsID, model.UsName, newid); // new BCW.BLL.Reply().UpdateForumID(int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ID"].ToString()), newid); } } } //转移的原论坛帖子统计 new BCW.BLL.Forumstat().Update2(1, model2.UsID, model2.ForumId, model2.AddTime); //转移的新论坛帖子统计 // BCW.User.Users.UpdateForumStat(1, model2.UsID, model2.UsName, ForumID); new BCW.BLL.Forumstat().Update3(1, model.UsID, ForumID, model.AddTime); } Utils.Success("编辑帖子", "编辑帖子成功..", Utils.getUrl("thread.aspx?act=edit&id=" + id + "&backurl=" + Utils.getPage(0) + ""), "1"); }
/// <summary> /// 更新一条数据 /// </summary> public void Update2(BCW.Model.Text model) { dal.Update2(model); }
private void SavePage(int forumid, int bid, int id) { int meid = new BCW.User.Users().GetUsId(); if (meid == 0) { Utils.Login(); } string GsDemoID = ub.GetSub("BbsGsDemoID", xmlPath); if (GsDemoID != "") { if (!("#" + GsDemoID + "#").Contains("#" + meid + "#")) { Utils.Error("此功能内测中,您的ID不在内测ID里", ""); } } DateTime GsStopTime = Utils.ParseTime(ub.GetSub("BbsGsStopTime", xmlPath)); int GsqiNum = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("BbsGsqiNum", xmlPath)); if (GsqiNum == 0) { Utils.Error("本期尚未设置", ""); } if (GsStopTime < DateTime.Now) { Utils.Error("本期第" + GsqiNum + "期已截止发表,截止时间" + GsStopTime + "", ""); } if (id > 0) { BCW.Model.Forumvote model = new BCW.BLL.Forumvote().GetForumvote(id); if (model == null) { Utils.Error("不存在的记录", ""); } if (model.UsID != meid) { Utils.Error("不存在的记录", ""); } } else { BCW.Model.Text modelT = new BCW.BLL.Text().GetText(bid); if (modelT == null) { Utils.Error("不存在的记录", ""); } if (modelT.UsID != meid) { Utils.Error("不存在的记录", ""); } if (GsqiNum == modelT.Gqinum) { Utils.Error("本期已参赛过了", ""); } } if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForumGSIDS(forumid) == true) { string Choose = ""; Choose = Utils.GetRequest("Choose", "post", 2, @"^[^\,]{1,50}(?:\,[^\,]{1,50}){0,500}$", "参赛内容选择出错"); int cNum = Utils.GetStringNum(Choose, ","); if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum113(forumid) == true) { if (cNum != 5) { Utils.Error("请选择6个生肖", ""); } } else if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum114(forumid) == true) { if (Choose.Contains("单") || Choose.Contains("双")) { if (cNum != 3) { Utils.Error("选择半波参赛时,请选择4个半波", ""); } } else { if (cNum != 1) { Utils.Error("选择波色参赛时,请选择2个波色", ""); } } } else if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum116(forumid) == true) { if (cNum != 0) { Utils.Error("请选择1个生肖", ""); } } if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum117(forumid) == true) { if (cNum != 4) { Utils.Error("请选择5个数字", ""); } } if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum119(forumid) == true) { if (cNum != 4) { Utils.Error("请选择5个尾数", ""); } } if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum115(forumid) == true || new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum121(forumid) == true || new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum122(forumid) == true) { if (cNum != 0) { Utils.Error("参数选择错误", ""); } } string mename = new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(meid); if (id > 0) { string Title = Utils.GetRequest("Title", "post", 2, @"^[\s\S]{1," + ub.GetSub("BbsThreadMax", xmlPath) + "}$", "标题限1-50字"); string Content = Utils.GetRequest("Content", "post", 2, @"^[\s\S]{1," + ub.GetSub("BbsContentMax", xmlPath) + "}$", "请输入不超" + ub.GetSub("BbsContentMax", xmlPath) + "字的内容"); BCW.Model.Text model2 = new BCW.Model.Text(); model2.ID = bid; model2.Title = Title; model2.Content = Content; new BCW.BLL.Text().Update(model2); new BCW.BLL.Forumvote().UpdateNotes(id, Choose); //记录日志 string strLog = "[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + meid + "]" + mename + "[/url]修改了参赛内容!主题[url=/bbs/topic.aspx?forumid=" + forumid + "&bid=" + bid + "]《" + new BCW.BLL.Text().GetTitle(bid) + "》[/url]"; new BCW.BLL.Forumlog().Add(7, forumid, bid, strLog); } else { BCW.Model.Forumvote f = new BCW.Model.Forumvote(); f.Types = 0; f.ForumID = forumid; f.BID = bid; f.Notes = Choose; f.state = 0; f.qiNum = GsqiNum; f.IsWin = 0; f.AddTime = DateTime.Now; f.UsID = meid; f.UsName = mename; new BCW.BLL.Forumvote().Add(f); //更新期数进主题记录并加历史次数 new BCW.BLL.Text().UpdateGqinum(bid, GsqiNum); } Utils.Success("参赛", "操作成功,正在进入参赛帖...", Utils.getUrl("topic.aspx?forumid=" + forumid + "&bid=" + bid + ""), "2"); } }