internal MASComponentTextLabel(ConfigNode config, InternalProp prop, MASFlightComputer comp) : base(config, prop, comp) { string transform = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("transform", ref transform)) { throw new ArgumentException("Missing 'transform' in TEXT_LABEL " + name); } string fontName = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("font", ref fontName)) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid or missing 'font' in TEXT_LABEL " + name); } string styleStr = string.Empty; FontStyle style = FontStyle.Normal; if (config.TryGetValue("style", ref styleStr)) { style = MdVTextMesh.FontStyle(styleStr); } string text = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("text", ref text)) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid or missing 'text' in TEXT_LABEL " + name); } if (!config.TryGetValue("fontSize", ref fontSize)) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid or missing 'fontSize' in TEXT_LABEL " + name); } Vector2 transformOffset =; if (!config.TryGetValue("transformOffset", ref transformOffset)) { transformOffset =; } Transform textObjTransform = prop.FindModelTransform(transform); Vector3 localScale = prop.transform.localScale; Transform offsetTransform = new GameObject().transform; = Utility.ComposeObjectName(this.GetType().Name, name, prop.propID); offsetTransform.gameObject.layer = textObjTransform.gameObject.layer; offsetTransform.SetParent(textObjTransform, false); offsetTransform.Translate(transformOffset.x * localScale.x, transformOffset.y * localScale.y, 0.0f); textObj = offsetTransform.gameObject.AddComponent <MdVTextMesh>(); Font font = MASLoader.GetFont(fontName.Trim()); if (font == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Unable to load font " + fontName + " in TEXT_LABEL " + name); } float lineSpacing = 1.0f; if (!config.TryGetValue("lineSpacing", ref lineSpacing)) { lineSpacing = 1.0f; } float sizeScalar = 32.0f / (float)font.fontSize; textObj.SetFont(font, font.fontSize, fontSize * 0.00005f * sizeScalar); textObj.SetLineSpacing(lineSpacing); textObj.fontStyle = style; string passiveColorStr = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("passiveColor", ref passiveColorStr)) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid or missing 'passiveColor' in TEXT_LABEL " + name); } else { Color32 namedColor; if (comp.TryGetNamedColor(passiveColorStr, out namedColor)) { passiveColor = namedColor; } else { string[] startColors = Utility.SplitVariableList(passiveColorStr); if (startColors.Length < 3 || startColors.Length > 4) { throw new ArgumentException("passiveColor does not contain 3 or 4 values in TEXT_LABEL " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[0], (double newValue) => { passiveColor.r = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); if (blend) { UpdateBlendColor(); } else { UpdateBooleanColor(); } }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[1], (double newValue) => { passiveColor.g = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); if (blend) { UpdateBlendColor(); } else { UpdateBooleanColor(); } }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[2], (double newValue) => { passiveColor.b = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); if (blend) { UpdateBlendColor(); } else { UpdateBooleanColor(); } }); if (startColors.Length == 4) { variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[3], (double newValue) => { passiveColor.a = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); if (blend) { UpdateBlendColor(); } else { UpdateBooleanColor(); } }); } } } // Final validations bool usesMulticolor = false; string activeColorStr = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("activeColor", ref activeColorStr)) { usesMulticolor = true; Color32 namedColor; if (comp.TryGetNamedColor(activeColorStr, out namedColor)) { activeColor = namedColor; } else { string[] startColors = Utility.SplitVariableList(activeColorStr); if (startColors.Length < 3 || startColors.Length > 4) { throw new ArgumentException("activeColor does not contain 3 or 4 values in TEXT_LABEL " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[0], (double newValue) => { activeColor.r = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); if (blend) { UpdateBlendColor(); } else { UpdateBooleanColor(); } }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[1], (double newValue) => { activeColor.g = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); if (blend) { UpdateBlendColor(); } else { UpdateBooleanColor(); } }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[2], (double newValue) => { activeColor.b = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); if (blend) { UpdateBlendColor(); } else { UpdateBooleanColor(); } }); if (startColors.Length == 4) { variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[3], (double newValue) => { activeColor.a = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); if (blend) { UpdateBlendColor(); } else { UpdateBooleanColor(); } }); } } } string anchor = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("anchor", ref anchor)) { anchor = string.Empty; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(anchor)) { if (anchor == TextAnchor.LowerCenter.ToString()) { textObj.anchor = TextAnchor.LowerCenter; } else if (anchor == TextAnchor.LowerLeft.ToString()) { textObj.anchor = TextAnchor.LowerLeft; } else if (anchor == TextAnchor.LowerRight.ToString()) { textObj.anchor = TextAnchor.LowerRight; } else if (anchor == TextAnchor.MiddleCenter.ToString()) { textObj.anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; } else if (anchor == TextAnchor.MiddleLeft.ToString()) { textObj.anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; } else if (anchor == TextAnchor.MiddleRight.ToString()) { textObj.anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleRight; } else if (anchor == TextAnchor.UpperCenter.ToString()) { textObj.anchor = TextAnchor.UpperCenter; } else if (anchor == TextAnchor.UpperLeft.ToString()) { textObj.anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; } else if (anchor == TextAnchor.UpperRight.ToString()) { textObj.anchor = TextAnchor.UpperRight; } else { Utility.LogError(this, "Unrecognized anchor '{0}' in config for {1} ({2})", anchor, prop.propID, prop.propName); } } string alignment = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("alignment", ref alignment)) { alignment = string.Empty; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(alignment)) { if (alignment == TextAlignment.Center.ToString()) { textObj.alignment = TextAlignment.Center; } else if (alignment == TextAlignment.Left.ToString()) { textObj.alignment = TextAlignment.Left; } else if (alignment == TextAlignment.Right.ToString()) { textObj.alignment = TextAlignment.Right; } else { Utility.LogError(this, "Unrecognized alignment '{0}' in config for {1} ({2})", alignment, prop.propID, prop.propName); } } string emissive = string.Empty; config.TryGetValue("emissive", ref emissive); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(emissive)) { if (usesMulticolor) { emissiveMode =; } else { emissiveMode = EmissiveMode.always; } } else if (emissive.ToLower() == EmissiveMode.always.ToString()) { emissiveMode = EmissiveMode.always; } else if (emissive.ToLower() == EmissiveMode.never.ToString()) { emissiveMode = EmissiveMode.never; } else if (emissive.ToLower() == { emissiveMode =; } else if (emissive.ToLower() == EmissiveMode.passive.ToString()) { emissiveMode = EmissiveMode.passive; } else if (emissive.ToLower() == EmissiveMode.flash.ToString()) { emissiveMode = EmissiveMode.flash; } else { Utility.LogError(this, "Unrecognized emissive mode '{0}' in config for {1} ({2})", emissive, prop.propID, prop.propName); emissiveMode = EmissiveMode.always; } string variableName = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("variable", ref variableName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(variableName)) { if (usesMulticolor) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid or missing 'variable' in TEXT_LABEL " + name); } } else if (!usesMulticolor) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid or missing 'activeColor' in TEXT_LABEL " + name); } config.TryGetValue("blend", ref blend); if (emissiveMode == EmissiveMode.flash) { if (blend == false && config.TryGetValue("flashRate", ref flashRate) && flashRate > 0.0f) { this.comp = comp; comp.RegisterFlashCallback(flashRate, FlashToggle); } else { emissiveMode =; } } bool immutable = false; if (!config.TryGetValue("oneshot", ref immutable)) { immutable = false; } textObj.SetColor(passiveColor); textObj.SetText(text, immutable, false, comp, prop); UpdateShader(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(variableName)) { variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(variableName, VariableCallback); } }
internal MASComponentColorShift(ConfigNode config, InternalProp prop, MASFlightComputer comp) : base(config, prop, comp) { string transform = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("transform", ref transform)) { throw new ArgumentException("Missing 'transform' in COLOR_SHIFT " + name); } string[] transforms = transform.Split(','); string colorName = "_EmissiveColor"; config.TryGetValue("colorName", ref colorName); colorIndex = Shader.PropertyToID(colorName.Trim()); localMaterial = new Material[transforms.Length]; for (int i = transforms.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { try { Transform t = prop.FindModelTransform(transforms[i].Trim()); Renderer r = t.GetComponent <Renderer>(); localMaterial[i] = r.material; } catch (Exception e) { Utility.LogError(this, "Can't find transform {0} in COLOR_SHIFT {1}", transforms[i].Trim(), name); throw e; } } // activeColor, passiveColor string passiveColorStr = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("passiveColor", ref passiveColorStr)) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid or missing 'passiveColor' in COLOR_SHIFT " + name); } string variableName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("variable", ref variableName)) { variableName = variableName.Trim(); } blend = false; config.TryGetValue("blend", ref blend); if (blend == false && config.TryGetValue("flashRate", ref flashRate) && flashRate > 0.0f) { useFlash = true; comp.RegisterFlashCallback(flashRate, FlashToggle); } Color32 namedColor; if (comp.TryGetNamedColor(passiveColorStr, out namedColor)) { passiveColor = namedColor; } else { string[] startColors = Utility.SplitVariableList(passiveColorStr); if (startColors.Length < 3 || startColors.Length > 4) { throw new ArgumentException("passiveColor does not contain 3 or 4 values in COLOR_SHIFT " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[0], (double newValue) => { passiveColor.r = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); if (blend) { UpdateBlendColor(); } else { UpdateBooleanColor(); } }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[1], (double newValue) => { passiveColor.g = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); if (blend) { UpdateBlendColor(); } else { UpdateBooleanColor(); } }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[2], (double newValue) => { passiveColor.b = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); if (blend) { UpdateBlendColor(); } else { UpdateBooleanColor(); } }); if (startColors.Length == 4) { variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[3], (double newValue) => { passiveColor.a = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); if (blend) { UpdateBlendColor(); } else { UpdateBooleanColor(); } }); } } // Final validations if (blend || useFlash || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(variableName)) { string activeColorStr = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(variableName)) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid or missing 'variable' in COLOR_SHIFT " + name); } else if (config.TryGetValue("activeColor", ref activeColorStr)) { if (comp.TryGetNamedColor(activeColorStr, out namedColor)) { activeColor = namedColor; } else { string[] startColors = Utility.SplitVariableList(activeColorStr); if (startColors.Length < 3 || startColors.Length > 4) { throw new ArgumentException("activeColor does not contain 3 or 4 values in COLOR_SHIFT " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[0], (double newValue) => { activeColor.r = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); if (blend) { UpdateBlendColor(); } else { UpdateBooleanColor(); } }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[1], (double newValue) => { activeColor.g = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); if (blend) { UpdateBlendColor(); } else { UpdateBooleanColor(); } }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[2], (double newValue) => { activeColor.b = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); if (blend) { UpdateBlendColor(); } else { UpdateBooleanColor(); } }); if (startColors.Length == 4) { variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[3], (double newValue) => { activeColor.a = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); if (blend) { UpdateBlendColor(); } else { UpdateBooleanColor(); } }); } } } else { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid or missing 'activeColor' in COLOR_SHIFT " + name); } } // Make everything a known value before the callback fires. for (int i = localMaterial.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { localMaterial[i].SetColor(colorIndex, passiveColor); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(variableName)) { variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(variableName, VariableCallback); } }