        public void FixedUpdate()
            if (comp != null)
                // This module could be called before MASFlightComputer is initialized,
                // so we need to wait for comp.isInitialized before creating our actions.
                // This does create a race condition, but I'd be surprised if someone could
                // get the menu open and clicked within about 1 FixedUpdate.
                if (!initialized && comp.initialized)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(activateAction))
                        onActivate = comp.GetAction(activateAction, null);

                        if (onActivate == null)
                            Utility.LogError(this, "Failed to initialize action '{1}' for {0}", menuName, activateAction);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deactivateAction))
                        onDeactivate = comp.GetAction(deactivateAction, null);

                        if (onDeactivate == null)
                            Utility.LogError(this, "Failed to initialize action '{1}' for {0}", menuName, deactivateAction);
                    initialized = true;

                if (lastState != actionState)
                    if (actionState && onActivate != null)
                    else if (onDeactivate != null)

                    lastState = actionState;

                    menuName = (lastState) ? deactivateText : activateText;
        internal MASComponentTriggerEvent(ConfigNode config, InternalProp prop, MASFlightComputer comp)
            : base(config, prop, comp)
            string variableName = string.Empty;

            if (!config.TryGetValue("variable", ref variableName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(variableName))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid or missing 'variable' in TRIGGER_EVENT " + name);
            variableName = variableName.Trim();

            if (!config.TryGetValue("autoRepeat", ref autoRepeat))
                autoRepeat = false;

            string triggerEventName = string.Empty;

            config.TryGetValue("event", ref triggerEventName);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(triggerEventName))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid or missing 'event' in TRIGGER_EVENT " + name);

            triggerEvent = comp.GetAction(triggerEventName, prop);
            if (triggerEvent == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unable to create event '" + triggerEventName + "' in TRIGGER_EVENT " + name);

            triggerEventName = string.Empty;
            if (config.TryGetValue("exitEvent", ref triggerEventName))
                exitEvent = comp.GetAction(triggerEventName, prop);
                if (exitEvent == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unable to create event '" + triggerEventName + "' in TRIGGER_EVENT " + name);

            this.comp        = comp;
            callbackVariable = comp.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(variableName, prop, VariableCallback);
 /// <summary>
 /// Call the startupScript, if it exists.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="comp">The MASFlightComputer for this prop.</param>
 /// <returns>true if a script exists, false otherwise.</returns>
 internal bool RunStartupScript(MASFlightComputer comp)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(startupScript))
         Action startup = comp.GetAction(startupScript, internalProp);
        /// <summary>
        /// Startup, initialize, configure, etc.
        /// </summary>
        public void Start()
            if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight)
                    MASFlightComputer comp = MASFlightComputer.Instance(internalProp.part);
                    if (comp == null)
                        throw new ArgumentNullException("Failed to find MASFlightComputer initializing MASMonitor");
                    variableRegistrar = new VariableRegistrar(comp, internalProp);

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(screenTransform))
                        throw new ArgumentException("Missing 'transform' in MASMonitor");

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(layer))
                        throw new ArgumentException("Missing 'layer' in MASMonitor");

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(font))
                        throw new ArgumentException("Missing 'font' in MASMonitor");

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textColor))
                        throw new ArgumentException("Missing 'textColor' in MASMonitor");
                        textColor_ = Utility.ParseColor32(textColor, comp);

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(backgroundColor))
                        throw new ArgumentException("Missing 'backgroundColor' in MASMonitor");
                        backgroundColor_ = Utility.ParseColor32(backgroundColor, comp);

                    if (screenSize.x <= 0.0f || screenSize.y <= 0.0f)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Invalid 'screenSize' in MASMonitor");

                    if (fontSize.x <= 0.0f || fontSize.y <= 0.0f)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Invalid 'fontSize' in MASMonitor");

                    screenWidth  = (int)screenSize.x;
                    screenHeight = (int)screenSize.y;

                    screenSpace       = new GameObject();
                    screenSpace.name  = Utility.ComposeObjectName(internalProp.propName, this.GetType().Name, screenSpace.GetInstanceID());
                    screenSpace.layer = drawingLayer;
                    screenSpace.transform.position = Vector3.zero;

                    screen = new RenderTexture(screenWidth, screenHeight, 24, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);
                    if (screen == null)
                        throw new ArgumentNullException("Failed to find create " + screenWidth + " x " + screenHeight + " render texture initializing MASMonitor");
                    if (!screen.IsCreated())

                    Camera.onPreCull    += EnablePage;
                    Camera.onPostRender += DisablePage;

                    screenCamera                      = screenSpace.AddComponent <Camera>();
                    screenCamera.enabled              = true; // Enable = "auto-draw"
                    screenCamera.orthographic         = true;
                    screenCamera.aspect               = screenSize.x / screenSize.y;
                    screenCamera.eventMask            = 0;
                    screenCamera.farClipPlane         = 1.0f + depthDelta;
                    screenCamera.nearClipPlane        = depthDelta;
                    screenCamera.orthographicSize     = screenSize.y * 0.5f;
                    screenCamera.cullingMask          = 1 << drawingLayer;
                    screenCamera.transparencySortMode = TransparencySortMode.Orthographic;
                    screenCamera.transform.position   = Vector3.zero;
                    screenCamera.transform.LookAt(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, maxDepth), Vector3.up);
                    screenCamera.backgroundColor = backgroundColor_;
                    screenCamera.clearFlags      = CameraClearFlags.SolidColor;
                    screenCamera.targetTexture   = screen;

                    Transform screenTransformLoc = internalProp.FindModelTransform(screenTransform);
                    if (screenTransformLoc == null)
                        throw new ArgumentNullException("Failed to find screenTransform \"" + screenTransform + "\" initializing MASMonitor");
                    Material screenMat = screenTransformLoc.GetComponent <Renderer>().material;
                    string[] layers    = layer.Split();
                    for (int i = layers.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                        screenMat.SetTexture(layers[i].Trim(), screen);

                    defaultFont = MASLoader.GetFont(font.Trim());

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(style))
                        defaultStyle = MdVTextMesh.FontStyle(style.Trim());

                    ConfigNode moduleConfig = Utility.GetPropModuleConfigNode(internalProp.propName, ClassName);
                    if (moduleConfig == null)
                        throw new ArgumentNullException("No ConfigNode found for MASMonitor in " + internalProp.propName + "!");

                    // If an initialization script was supplied, call it.
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(startupScript))
                        Action startup = comp.GetAction(startupScript, internalProp);

                    string[] pages    = moduleConfig.GetValues("page");
                    int      numPages = pages.Length;
                    for (int i = 0; i < numPages; ++i)
                        pages[i] = pages[i].Trim();
                        ConfigNode pageConfig = Utility.GetPageConfigNode(pages[i]);
                        if (pageConfig == null)
                            throw new ArgumentException("No ConfigNode found for page " + pages[i] + " in MASMonitor in " + internalProp.propName + "!");

                        // Parse the page node
                        MASPage newPage = new MASPage(pageConfig, internalProp, comp, this, screenSpace.transform);
                        if (i == 0)
                            // Select the default page as the current page
                            currentPage = newPage;


                        page.Add(pages[i], newPage);
                        //Utility.LogMessage(this, "Page = {0}", pages[i]);
                    //HackWalkTransforms(screenSpace.transform, 0);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(monitorID))
                        string variableName = "fc.GetPersistent(\"" + monitorID.Trim() + "\")";
                        pageSelector = variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(variableName, PageChanged, false);
                        // See if we have a saved page to restore.
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageSelector.AsString()) && page.ContainsKey(pageSelector.AsString()))
                            currentPage = page[pageSelector.AsString()];
                        comp.RegisterMonitor(monitorID, internalProp, this);
                    initialized = true;
                    Utility.LogMessage(this, "Configuration complete in prop #{0} ({1}) with {2} pages", internalProp.propID, internalProp.propName, numPages);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Utility.ComplainLoudly("MASMonitor configuration failed.");
                    Utility.LogError(this, "Failed to configure prop #{0} ({1})", internalProp.propID, internalProp.propName);
                    Utility.LogError(this, e.ToString());
        internal MASComponentColliderEvent(ConfigNode config, InternalProp internalProp, MASFlightComputer comp)
            : base(config, internalProp, comp)
            string collider = string.Empty;

            if (!config.TryGetValue("collider", ref collider))
                throw new ArgumentException("Missing 'collider' in COLLIDER_EVENT " + name);

            string clickEvent = string.Empty, releaseEvent = string.Empty, dragEventX = string.Empty, dragEventY = string.Empty;

            config.TryGetValue("onClick", ref clickEvent);
            config.TryGetValue("onRelease", ref releaseEvent);
            config.TryGetValue("onDragX", ref dragEventX);
            config.TryGetValue("onDragY", ref dragEventY);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(clickEvent) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(releaseEvent) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(dragEventX) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(dragEventY))
                throw new ArgumentException("None of 'onClick', 'onRelease', 'onDragX', nor 'onDragY' found in COLLIDER_EVENT " + name);

            Transform tr = internalProp.FindModelTransform(collider.Trim());

            if (tr == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find transform '" + collider + "' in prop for COLLIDER_EVENT " + name);

            float autoRepeat = 0.0f;

            if (!config.TryGetValue("autoRepeat", ref autoRepeat))
                autoRepeat = 0.0f;

            float volume = -1.0f;

            if (config.TryGetValue("volume", ref volume))
                volume = Mathf.Clamp01(volume);
                volume = -1.0f;

            string sound = string.Empty;

            if (!config.TryGetValue("sound", ref sound) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(sound))
                sound = string.Empty;

            AudioClip clip = null;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sound) == (volume >= 0.0f))
                throw new ArgumentException("Only one of 'sound' or 'volume' found in COLLIDER_EVENT " + name);

            if (volume >= 0.0f)
                //Try Load audio
                clip = GameDatabase.Instance.GetAudioClip(sound);
                if (clip == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unable to load 'sound' " + sound + " in COLLIDER_EVENT " + name);

            buttonObject            = tr.gameObject.AddComponent <ButtonObject>();
            buttonObject.parent     = this;
            buttonObject.autoRepeat = (autoRepeat > 0.0f);
            buttonObject.repeatRate = autoRepeat;

            string variableName = string.Empty;

            if (config.TryGetValue("variable", ref variableName))
                variableName = variableName.Trim();

                buttonObject.colliderEnabled = false;
                comp.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(variableName, internalProp, VariableCallback);

            if (clip != null)
                AudioSource audioSource = tr.gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>();
                audioSource.clip = clip;
                audioSource.volume       = GameSettings.SHIP_VOLUME * volume;
                audioSource.rolloffMode  = AudioRolloffMode.Logarithmic;
                audioSource.maxDistance  = 8.0f;
                audioSource.minDistance  = 2.0f;
                audioSource.dopplerLevel = 0.0f;
                audioSource.panStereo    = 0.0f;
                audioSource.playOnAwake  = false;
                audioSource.loop         = false;
                audioSource.pitch        = 1.0f;
                buttonObject.audioSource = audioSource;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(clickEvent))
                buttonObject.onClick = comp.GetAction(clickEvent, internalProp);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(releaseEvent))
                buttonObject.onRelease = comp.GetAction(releaseEvent, internalProp);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dragEventX))
                buttonObject.onDragX = comp.GetDragAction(dragEventX, name, internalProp);
                if (buttonObject.onDragX != null)
                    buttonObject.drag = true;
                    float dragSensitivity = 1.0f;
                    if (!config.TryGetValue("dragSensitivity", ref dragSensitivity))
                        dragSensitivity = 1.0f;
                    buttonObject.normalizationScalar = 0.01f * dragSensitivity;
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unable to create 'onDragX' event for COLLIDER_EVENT " + name);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dragEventY))
                buttonObject.onDragY = comp.GetDragAction(dragEventY, name, internalProp);
                if (buttonObject.onDragY != null)
                    buttonObject.drag = true;
                    float dragSensitivity = 1.0f;
                    if (!config.TryGetValue("dragSensitivity", ref dragSensitivity))
                        dragSensitivity = 1.0f;
                    buttonObject.normalizationScalar = 0.01f * dragSensitivity;
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unable to create 'onDragY' event for COLLIDER_EVENT " + name);
            if (buttonObject.onDragX != null && buttonObject.onDragY != null)
                config.TryGetValue("singleAxisDrag", ref buttonObject.singleAxisDrag);
        internal MASPage(ConfigNode config, InternalProp prop, MASFlightComputer comp, MASMonitor monitor, Transform rootTransform)
            if (!config.TryGetValue("name", ref name))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid or missing 'name' in MASPage");
            variableRegistrar = new VariableRegistrar(comp, prop);

            string[] softkeys    = config.GetValues("softkey");
            int      numSoftkeys = softkeys.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < numSoftkeys; ++i)
                string[] pair = Utility.SplitVariableList(softkeys[i]);
                if (pair.Length == 2)
                    int id;
                    if (int.TryParse(pair[0], out id))
                        Action action = comp.GetAction(pair[1], prop);
                        if (action != null)
                            softkeyAction[id] = action;

            ConfigNode[] hitboxes    = config.GetNodes("hitbox");
            int          numHitboxes = hitboxes.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < numHitboxes; ++i)
                HitBox hb = InitHitBox(i, hitboxes[i], prop, comp);
                if (hb != null)

            string entryMethod = string.Empty;

            if (config.TryGetValue("onEntry", ref entryMethod))
                onEntry = comp.GetAction(entryMethod, prop);
            string exitMethod = string.Empty;

            if (config.TryGetValue("onExit", ref exitMethod))
                onExit = comp.GetAction(exitMethod, prop);

            pageRoot                  = new GameObject();
            pageRoot.name             = Utility.ComposeObjectName(this.GetType().Name, name, prop.propID);
            pageRoot.layer            = rootTransform.gameObject.layer;
            pageRoot.transform.parent = rootTransform;
            pageRoot.transform.Translate(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

            float depth = 0.0f;

            ConfigNode[] components    = config.GetNodes();
            int          numComponents = components.Length;

            if (Array.Exists(components, x => x.name == "SUB_PAGE"))
                // Need to collate
                List <ConfigNode> newComponents = new List <ConfigNode>();

                for (int i = 0; i < numComponents; ++i)
                    ConfigNode node = components[i];
                    if (node.name == "SUB_PAGE")
                        newComponents.AddRange(ResolveSubPage(node, monitor.fontSize));

                components    = newComponents.ToArray();
                numComponents = components.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < numComponents; ++i)
                    var pageComponent = CreatePageComponent(components[i], prop, comp, monitor, pageRoot.transform, depth);
                    if (pageComponent != null)
                        depth -= MASMonitor.depthDelta;
                catch (Exception e)
                    string componentName = string.Empty;
                    if (!components[i].TryGetValue("name", ref componentName))
                        componentName = "anonymous";

                    string error = string.Format("Error configuring MASPage " + name + " " + config.name + " " + componentName + ":");
                    Utility.LogError(this, error);
                    Utility.LogError(this, "{0}", e.ToString());

            if (numComponents > 256)
                Utility.LogWarning(this, "{0} elements were used in MASPage {1}. This may exceed the number of supported elements.", numComponents, name);
        /// <summary>
        /// Configure this module and its children.
        /// </summary>
        public void Start()
            if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor)

                MASFlightComputer comp = MASFlightComputer.Instance(internalProp.part);
                if (comp == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("Unable to find MASFlightComputer in part - please check part configs");

                ConfigNode moduleConfig = Utility.GetPropModuleConfigNode(internalProp.propName, ClassName);
                if (moduleConfig == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("No ConfigNode found!");

                int          nodeCount   = 0;
                ConfigNode[] actionNodes = moduleConfig.GetNodes();
                for (int i = 0; i < actionNodes.Length; ++i)
                        IMASSubComponent action = CreateAction(actionNodes[i], internalProp, comp);
                        if (action != null)
                    catch (Exception e)
                        string componentName = string.Empty;
                        if (!actionNodes[i].TryGetValue("name", ref componentName))
                            componentName = "anonymous";

                        string message = string.Format("Error configuring prop #{0} ({1})", internalProp.propID, internalProp.propName);
                        Utility.LogError(this, message);
                        Utility.LogError(this, "Error in " + actionNodes[i].name + " " + componentName + ":");
                        Utility.LogError(this, "{0}", e.ToString());

                // If an initialization script was supplied, call it.
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(startupScript))
                    Action startup = comp.GetAction(startupScript, internalProp);

                Utility.LogMessage(this, "Configuration complete in prop #{0} ({1}): {2} nodes created", internalProp.propID, internalProp.propName, nodeCount);
            catch (Exception e)
                string message = string.Format("Failed to configure prop #{0} ({1})", internalProp.propID, internalProp.propName);
                Utility.LogError(this, message);
                Utility.LogError(this, e.ToString());
        internal MASPageMenu(ConfigNode config, InternalProp prop, MASFlightComputer comp, MASMonitor monitor, Transform pageRoot, float depth)
            : base(config, prop, comp)
            this.prop = prop;
            this.comp = comp;

            if (!config.TryGetValue("maxLines", ref maxLines))
                maxLines = int.MaxValue;
            if (maxLines < 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("'maxLines' must be greater than zero in MENU " + name);

            int itemPositionShift = 0;

            if (!config.TryGetValue("itemPositionShift", ref itemPositionShift))
                itemPositionShift = 0;

            if (!config.TryGetValue("cursorPersistentName", ref cursorPersistentName))
                throw new ArgumentException("Missing 'cursorPersistentName' in MENU " + name);

            config.TryGetValue("upSoftkey", ref upSoftkey);
            config.TryGetValue("downSoftkey", ref downSoftkey);
            config.TryGetValue("enterSoftkey", ref enterSoftkey);
            config.TryGetValue("homeSoftkey", ref homeSoftkey);
            config.TryGetValue("endSoftkey", ref endSoftkey);

            string localFonts = string.Empty;

            if (!config.TryGetValue("font", ref localFonts))
                localFonts = string.Empty;

            string styleStr = string.Empty;

            style = FontStyle.Normal;
            if (config.TryGetValue("style", ref styleStr))
                style = MdVTextMesh.FontStyle(styleStr);
                style = monitor.defaultStyle;

            fontSize = Vector2.zero;
            if (!config.TryGetValue("fontSize", ref fontSize) || fontSize.x < 0.0f || fontSize.y < 0.0f)
                fontSize = monitor.fontSize;

            charAdvance = fontSize.x * itemPositionShift;
            lineAdvance = fontSize.y;

            defaultColor = monitor.textColor_;

            Color32 cursorColor;
            string  cursorColorStr = string.Empty;

            if (!config.TryGetValue("cursorColor", ref cursorColorStr) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(cursorColorStr))
                cursorColor = monitor.textColor_;
                cursorColor = Utility.ParseColor32(cursorColorStr, comp);

            // Set up our text.
            textOrigin = pageRoot.position + new Vector3(monitor.screenSize.x * -0.5f, monitor.screenSize.y * 0.5f, depth);

            rootObject                    = new GameObject();
            rootObject.name               = Utility.ComposeObjectName(pageRoot.gameObject.name, this.GetType().Name, name, (int)(-depth / MASMonitor.depthDelta));
            rootObject.layer              = pageRoot.gameObject.layer;
            rootObject.transform.parent   = pageRoot;
            rootObject.transform.position = textOrigin;

            string positionString = string.Empty;

            if (config.TryGetValue("position", ref positionString))
                string[] positions = Utility.SplitVariableList(positionString);
                if (positions.Length != 2)
                    throw new ArgumentException("position does not contain 2 values in MENU " + name);

                variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(positions[0], (double newValue) =>
                    position.x = (float)newValue * monitor.fontSize.x;
                    rootObject.transform.position = textOrigin + new Vector3(position.x, -position.y, 0.0f);
                    updateMenu = true;

                variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(positions[1], (double newValue) =>
                    position.y = (float)newValue * monitor.fontSize.y;
                    rootObject.transform.position = textOrigin + new Vector3(position.x, -position.y, 0.0f);
                    updateMenu = true;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(localFonts))
                font = monitor.defaultFont;
                font = MASLoader.GetFont(localFonts.Trim());

            cursorObject                    = new GameObject();
            cursorObject.name               = rootObject.name + "_cursor";
            cursorObject.layer              = rootObject.layer;
            cursorObject.transform.parent   = rootObject.transform;
            cursorObject.transform.position = textOrigin;

            cursorText          = cursorObject.AddComponent <MdVTextMesh>();
            cursorText.material = new Material(MASLoader.shaders["MOARdV/TextMonitor"]);
            cursorText.SetFont(font, fontSize);
            cursorText.material.SetFloat(Shader.PropertyToID("_EmissiveFactor"), 1.0f);
            cursorText.fontStyle = style;

            string cursorPrompt = string.Empty;

            config.TryGetValue("cursor", ref cursorPrompt);
            // text, immutable, preserveWhitespace, comp, prop
            cursorText.SetText(cursorPrompt, false, true, comp, prop);

            string itemCountStr = string.Empty;

            config.TryGetValue("itemCount", ref itemCountStr);

            List <MenuItem> itemNodes = new List <MenuItem>();

            ConfigNode[] menuItemConfigNodes = config.GetNodes("ITEM");
            foreach (ConfigNode itemNode in menuItemConfigNodes)
                    MenuItem cpt = new MenuItem(itemNode, rootObject, font, fontSize, style, defaultColor, comp, prop, variableRegistrar, itemNodes.Count);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Utility.LogError(this, "Exception creating ITEM in MENU " + name);
                    Utility.LogError(this, e.ToString());
            if (itemNodes.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("No valid ITEM nodes in MENU " + name);
            menuItems = itemNodes.ToArray();
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemCountStr))
                numMenuItems = menuItems.Length;

                softkeyUpAction   = comp.GetAction(string.Format("fc.AddPersistentWrapped(\"{0}\", -1, 0, {1})", cursorPersistentName, numMenuItems), prop);
                softkeyDownAction = comp.GetAction(string.Format("fc.AddPersistentWrapped(\"{0}\", 1, 0, {1})", cursorPersistentName, numMenuItems), prop);
                softkeyEndAction  = comp.GetAction(string.Format("fc.SetPersistent(\"{0}\", {1})", cursorPersistentName, numMenuItems - 1), prop);
            else if (itemNodes.Count > 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("Only one valid ITEM node may be used in dynamic MENU " + name);
                dynamicMenuTemplate = menuItemConfigNodes[0].CreateCopy();

            variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(string.Format("fc.GetPersistentAsNumber(\"{0}\")", cursorPersistentName), CursorMovedCallback);
            softkeyHomeAction = comp.GetAction(string.Format("fc.SetPersistent(\"{0}\", 0)", cursorPersistentName), prop);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemCountStr))
                variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(itemCountStr, MenuCountCallback);

            string masterVariableName = string.Empty;

            if (config.TryGetValue("variable", ref masterVariableName))

                variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(masterVariableName, VariableCallback);
                currentState = true;

            internal MenuItem(ConfigNode itemNode, GameObject rootObject, Font font, Vector2 fontSize, FontStyle style, Color32 defaultColor, MASFlightComputer comp, InternalProp prop, VariableRegistrar variableRegistrar, int itemId)
                string itemIdStr = itemId.ToString();

                if (!itemNode.TryGetValue("name", ref name))
                    name = "anonymous";

                string selectEventStr = string.Empty;

                if (itemNode.TryGetValue("selectEvent", ref selectEventStr))
                    selectEventStr = selectEventStr.Replace("%ITEMID%", itemIdStr);
                    selectEvent    = comp.GetAction(selectEventStr, prop);

                enabled = true;

                string activeColorStr = string.Empty;

                if (!itemNode.TryGetValue("activeColor", ref activeColorStr) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(activeColorStr))
                    activeColor = defaultColor;
                    activeColor = Utility.ParseColor32(activeColorStr, comp);

                string activeTextStr = string.Empty;

                if (!itemNode.TryGetValue("activeText", ref activeTextStr))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Missing 'activeText' in ITEM " + name);
                activeTextStr = activeTextStr.Replace("%ITEMID%", itemIdStr);

                activeObject                    = new GameObject();
                activeObject.name               = rootObject.name + "_activeitem_" + name;
                activeObject.layer              = rootObject.layer;
                activeObject.transform.parent   = rootObject.transform;
                activeObject.transform.position = rootObject.transform.position;

                activeText          = activeObject.AddComponent <MdVTextMesh>();
                activeText.material = new Material(MASLoader.shaders["MOARdV/TextMonitor"]);
                activeText.SetFont(font, fontSize);
                activeText.material.SetFloat(Shader.PropertyToID("_EmissiveFactor"), 1.0f);
                activeText.fontStyle = style;
                activeText.SetText(activeTextStr, false, true, comp, prop);

                string passiveColorStr = string.Empty;

                if (!itemNode.TryGetValue("passiveColor", ref passiveColorStr) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(passiveColorStr))
                    passiveColor = activeColor;
                    passiveColor = Utility.ParseColor32(passiveColorStr, comp);

                string passiveTextStr = string.Empty;

                if (!itemNode.TryGetValue("passiveText", ref passiveTextStr))
                    passiveObject = activeObject;
                    passiveText   = activeText;
                    passiveTextStr = passiveTextStr.Replace("%ITEMID%", itemIdStr);

                    passiveObject                    = new GameObject();
                    passiveObject.name               = rootObject.name + "_passiveitem_" + name;
                    passiveObject.layer              = rootObject.layer;
                    passiveObject.transform.parent   = rootObject.transform;
                    passiveObject.transform.position = rootObject.transform.position;

                    passiveText          = passiveObject.AddComponent <MdVTextMesh>();
                    passiveText.material = new Material(MASLoader.shaders["MOARdV/TextMonitor"]);
                    passiveText.SetFont(font, fontSize);
                    passiveText.material.SetFloat(Shader.PropertyToID("_EmissiveFactor"), 1.0f);
                    passiveText.fontStyle = style;
                    passiveText.SetText(passiveTextStr, false, true, comp, prop);

                string activeVariableStr = string.Empty;

                if (itemNode.TryGetValue("activeVariable", ref activeVariableStr))
                    active            = false;
                    activeVariableStr = activeVariableStr.Replace("%ITEMID%", itemIdStr);
                    variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(activeVariableStr, (double newValue) => active = (newValue > 0.0));
                    active = true;

                string enabledVariableStr = string.Empty;

                if (itemNode.TryGetValue("enabledVariable", ref enabledVariableStr))
                    usesDisabled       = true;
                    enabled            = false;
                    enabledVariableStr = enabledVariableStr.Replace("%ITEMID%", itemIdStr);
                    variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(enabledVariableStr, (double newValue) => enabled = (newValue > 0.0));

                    string disabledTextStr = string.Empty;
                    if (!itemNode.TryGetValue("disabledText", ref disabledTextStr))
                        throw new ArgumentException("Missing 'disabledText' in ITEM " + name);
                    disabledTextStr = disabledTextStr.Replace("%ITEMID%", itemIdStr);

                    Color32 disabledColor;
                    string  disabledColorStr = string.Empty;
                    if (!itemNode.TryGetValue("disabledColor", ref disabledColorStr) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(disabledColorStr))
                        disabledColor = defaultColor;
                        disabledColor = Utility.ParseColor32(disabledColorStr, comp);

                    disabledObject                    = new GameObject();
                    disabledObject.name               = rootObject.name + "_disableditem_" + name;
                    disabledObject.layer              = rootObject.layer;
                    disabledObject.transform.parent   = rootObject.transform;
                    disabledObject.transform.position = rootObject.transform.position;

                    disabledText          = disabledObject.AddComponent <MdVTextMesh>();
                    disabledText.material = new Material(MASLoader.shaders["MOARdV/TextMonitor"]);
                    disabledText.SetFont(font, fontSize);
                    disabledText.material.SetFloat(Shader.PropertyToID("_EmissiveFactor"), 1.0f);
                    disabledText.fontStyle = style;
                    disabledText.SetText(disabledTextStr, false, true, comp, prop);
                    enabled      = true;
                    usesDisabled = false;
        internal MASPage(ConfigNode config, InternalProp prop, MASFlightComputer comp, MASMonitor monitor, Transform rootTransform)
            if (!config.TryGetValue("name", ref name))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid or missing 'name' in MASPage");

            string[] softkeys    = config.GetValues("softkey");
            int      numSoftkeys = softkeys.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < numSoftkeys; ++i)
                string[] pair = Utility.SplitVariableList(softkeys[i]);
                if (pair.Length == 2)
                    int id;
                    if (int.TryParse(pair[0], out id))
                        Action action = comp.GetAction(pair[1], prop);
                        if (action != null)
                            softkeyAction[id] = action;

            string entryMethod = string.Empty;

            if (config.TryGetValue("onEntry", ref entryMethod))
                onEntry = comp.GetAction(entryMethod, prop);
            string exitMethod = string.Empty;

            if (config.TryGetValue("onExit", ref exitMethod))
                onExit = comp.GetAction(exitMethod, prop);

            pageRoot                  = new GameObject();
            pageRoot.name             = Utility.ComposeObjectName(this.GetType().Name, name, prop.propID);
            pageRoot.layer            = rootTransform.gameObject.layer;
            pageRoot.transform.parent = rootTransform;
            pageRoot.transform.Translate(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

            float depth = 0.0f;

            ConfigNode[] components    = config.GetNodes();
            int          numComponents = components.Length;

            if (Array.Exists(components, x => x.name == "SUB_PAGE"))
                // Need to collate
                List <ConfigNode> newComponents = new List <ConfigNode>();

                for (int i = 0; i < numComponents; ++i)
                    ConfigNode node = components[i];
                    if (node.name == "SUB_PAGE")
                        string subPageName = string.Empty;
                        // Test for 'name'
                        if (!node.TryGetValue("name", ref subPageName))
                            throw new ArgumentException("No 'name' field in SUB_PAGE found in MASPage " + name);

                        // Test for 'variable'
                        string variableString = string.Empty;

                        bool editVariable = (node.TryGetValue("variable", ref variableString));

                        // Test for 'position'
                        bool     editPosition   = false;
                        string[] position       = new string[0];
                        string   positionString = string.Empty;
                        if (node.TryGetValue("position", ref positionString))
                            position = Utility.SplitVariableList(positionString);
                            if (position.Length != 2)
                                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid number of entries in 'position' for SUB_PAGE '" + subPageName + "' in MASPage " + name);
                            editPosition = true;

                        // Find the sub page.
                        List <ConfigNode> subPageNodes;
                        if (!MASLoader.subPages.TryGetValue(subPageName, out subPageNodes))
                            throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find MAS_SUB_PAGE '" + subPageName + "' for SUB_PAGE found in MASPage " + name);

                        if (editVariable || editPosition)
                            for (int subPageNodeIdx = 0; subPageNodeIdx < subPageNodes.Count; ++subPageNodeIdx)
                                ConfigNode subNode     = subPageNodes[subPageNodeIdx].CreateCopy();
                                string     subNodeName = string.Empty;
                                if (!subNode.TryGetValue("name", ref subNodeName))
                                    subNodeName = "anonymous";

                                if (editVariable)
                                    string currentVariable = string.Empty;
                                    if (subNode.TryGetValue("variable", ref currentVariable))
                                        subNode.SetValue("variable", string.Format("({0}) and ({1})", variableString, currentVariable));
                                        subNode.SetValue("variable", variableString, true);

                                if (editPosition)
                                    string currentPositionString = string.Empty;
                                    if (subNode.TryGetValue("position", ref currentPositionString))
                                        string[] currentPosition = Utility.SplitVariableList(currentPositionString);
                                        if (currentPosition.Length != 2)
                                            throw new ArgumentException("Invalid number of values in 'position' for node '" + subNodeName + "' in MAS_SUB_PAGE " + subPageName);

                                        if (IsTextNode(subNode))
                                            subNode.SetValue("position", string.Format("{4} * ({0}) + ({1}), {5} * ({2}) + ({3})",
                                                                                       position[0], currentPosition[0], position[1], currentPosition[1],
                                                                                       1.0f / monitor.fontSize.x, 1.0f / monitor.fontSize.y));
                                            subNode.SetValue("position", string.Format("({0}) + ({1}), ({2}) + ({3})",
                                                                                       position[0], currentPosition[0], position[1], currentPosition[1]));
                                        if (IsTextNode(subNode))
                                            subNode.SetValue("position", string.Format("{2} * {0}, {3} * {1}",
                                                                                       position[0], position[1],
                                                                                       1.0f / monitor.fontSize.x, 1.0f / monitor.fontSize.y), true);
                                            subNode.SetValue("position", string.Format("{0}, {1}", position[0], position[1]), true);

                            // Simple and fast case: no edits required.

                components    = newComponents.ToArray();
                numComponents = components.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < numComponents; ++i)
                    var pageComponent = CreatePageComponent(components[i], prop, comp, monitor, pageRoot.transform, depth);
                    if (pageComponent != null)
                        depth -= MASMonitor.depthDelta;
                catch (Exception e)
                    string componentName = string.Empty;
                    if (!components[i].TryGetValue("name", ref componentName))
                        componentName = "anonymous";

                    string error = string.Format("Error configuring MASPage " + name + " " + config.name + " " + componentName + ":");
                    Utility.LogError(this, error);
                    Utility.LogError(this, "{0}", e.ToString());

            if (numComponents > 256)
                Utility.LogWarning(this, "{0} elements were used in MASPage {1}. This may exceed the number of supported elements.", numComponents, name);