// Use this for initialization void Start() { if (instance == null) { instance = this; } isWalking = false; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { DontDestroyOnLoad (this); if(S != null){ GameObject.Destroy(this); } S = this; playNames = new string[2]; playCol = new Color[2]; playCol [0] = new Color (0,0,0); playCol [1] = new Color (0,0,0); ///////load from player preffs //"lastOneName" playNames[0]=PlayerPrefs.GetString("lastOneName",""); //"lastOneCol R , G , B" playCol[0]=new Color(PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("lastOneColR",0),PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("lastOneColG",0),PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("lastOneColB",0)); //"wasHumanLast" checks to see if that last player two was a human or not 0 for human 1 for computer if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("wasHumanLast", 0) == 0) { //"lastTwoName" playNames [1] = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("lastTwoName", ""); //"lastTwoCol R , G , B" playCol [1] = new Color (PlayerPrefs.GetFloat ("lastTwoColR",1), PlayerPrefs.GetFloat ("lastTwoColG",1), PlayerPrefs.GetFloat ("lastTwoColB",1)); }else{ //"lastCompLevel" switch(PlayerPrefs.GetInt("lastCompLevel",1)){ case 1: compLevel= isPlayer.easy; break; case 2: compLevel= isPlayer.med; break; case 3: compLevel= isPlayer.dif; break; } } /////// }