public void Read(WorldPacket data) { FactionGroup = data.ReadInt32(); Locale = data.ReadInt32(); RequesterVirtualRealmAddress = data.ReadUInt32(); }
public AuctionSellItem(WorldPacket packet) : base(packet) { }
public bool Update(uint diff, PacketFilter updater) { // Update Timeout timer. UpdateTimeOutTime(diff); // Before we process anything: // If necessary, kick the player from the character select screen if (IsConnectionIdle()) { m_Socket[(int)ConnectionType.Realm].CloseSocket(); } WorldPacket firstDelayedPacket = null; uint processedPackets = 0; long currentTime = Time.UnixTime; WorldPacket packet; //Check for any packets they was not recived yet. while (m_Socket[(int)ConnectionType.Realm] != null && !_recvQueue.IsEmpty && (_recvQueue.TryPeek(out packet, updater) && packet != firstDelayedPacket) && _recvQueue.TryDequeue(out packet)) { try { var handler = PacketManager.GetHandler((ClientOpcodes)packet.GetOpcode()); switch (handler.sessionStatus) { case SessionStatus.Loggedin: if (!_player) { if (!m_playerRecentlyLogout) { if (firstDelayedPacket == null) { firstDelayedPacket = packet; } QueuePacket(packet); Log.outDebug(LogFilter.Network, "Re-enqueueing packet with opcode {0} with with status OpcodeStatus.Loggedin. Player is currently not in world yet.", (ClientOpcodes)packet.GetOpcode()); } break; } else if (_player.IsInWorld && AntiDOS.EvaluateOpcode(packet, currentTime)) { handler.Invoke(this, packet); } break; case SessionStatus.LoggedinOrRecentlyLogout: if (!_player && !m_playerRecentlyLogout && !m_playerLogout) { LogUnexpectedOpcode(packet, handler.sessionStatus, "the player has not logged in yet and not recently logout"); } else if (AntiDOS.EvaluateOpcode(packet, currentTime)) { handler.Invoke(this, packet); } break; case SessionStatus.Transfer: if (!_player) { LogUnexpectedOpcode(packet, handler.sessionStatus, "the player has not logged in yet"); } else if (_player.IsInWorld) { LogUnexpectedOpcode(packet, handler.sessionStatus, "the player is still in world"); } else if (AntiDOS.EvaluateOpcode(packet, currentTime)) { handler.Invoke(this, packet); } break; case SessionStatus.Authed: // prevent cheating with skip queue wait if (m_inQueue) { LogUnexpectedOpcode(packet, handler.sessionStatus, "the player not pass queue yet"); break; } if ((ClientOpcodes)packet.GetOpcode() == ClientOpcodes.EnumCharacters) { m_playerRecentlyLogout = false; } if (AntiDOS.EvaluateOpcode(packet, currentTime)) { handler.Invoke(this, packet); } break; default: Log.outError(LogFilter.Network, "Received not handled opcode {0} from {1}", (ClientOpcodes)packet.GetOpcode(), GetPlayerInfo()); break; } } catch (InternalBufferOverflowException ex) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Network, "InternalBufferOverflowException: {0} while parsing {1} from {2}.", ex.Message, (ClientOpcodes)packet.GetOpcode(), GetPlayerInfo()); } catch (EndOfStreamException) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Network, "WorldSession:Update EndOfStreamException occured while parsing a packet (opcode: {0}) from client {1}, accountid={2}. Skipped packet.", (ClientOpcodes)packet.GetOpcode(), GetRemoteAddress(), GetAccountId()); } processedPackets++; if (processedPackets > 100) { break; } } if (m_Socket[(int)ConnectionType.Realm] != null && m_Socket[(int)ConnectionType.Realm].IsOpen() && _warden != null) { _warden.Update(); } ProcessQueryCallbacks(); if (updater.ProcessUnsafe()) { long currTime = Time.UnixTime; // If necessary, log the player out if (ShouldLogOut(currTime) && m_playerLoading.IsEmpty()) { LogoutPlayer(true); } if (m_Socket[(int)ConnectionType.Realm] != null && GetPlayer() && _warden != null) { _warden.Update(); } //- Cleanup socket if need if ((m_Socket[(int)ConnectionType.Realm] != null && !m_Socket[(int)ConnectionType.Realm].IsOpen()) || (m_Socket[(int)ConnectionType.Instance] != null && !m_Socket[(int)ConnectionType.Instance].IsOpen())) { expireTime -= expireTime > diff ? diff : expireTime; if (expireTime < diff || forceExit || !GetPlayer()) { if (m_Socket[(int)ConnectionType.Realm] != null) { m_Socket[(int)ConnectionType.Realm].CloseSocket(); m_Socket[(int)ConnectionType.Realm] = null; } if (m_Socket[(int)ConnectionType.Instance] != null) { m_Socket[(int)ConnectionType.Instance].CloseSocket(); m_Socket[(int)ConnectionType.Instance] = null; } } } if (m_Socket[(int)ConnectionType.Realm] == null) { return(false); //Will remove this session from the world session map } } return(true); }
public AuctionHelloRequest(WorldPacket packet) : base(packet) { }
public void Write(WorldPacket data) { data.WriteInt32(AuctionItemID); data.WriteUInt64(BidAmount); Item.Write(data); }
public AuctionPlaceBid(WorldPacket packet) : base(packet) { }
public AuctionReplicateItems(WorldPacket packet) : base(packet) { }
public CalendarEventRSVP(WorldPacket packet) : base(packet) { }
public CalendarGetNumPending(WorldPacket packet) : base(packet) { }
public CalendarGetCalendar(WorldPacket packet) : base(packet) { }
public CalendarEventInvite(WorldPacket packet) : base(packet) { }
public CalendarCopyEvent(WorldPacket packet) : base(packet) { }
public CalendarRemoveEvent(WorldPacket packet) : base(packet) { }
public void getPackets() { //GD.Print("Get Packets"); //GD.Print(wrapped_client.GetAvailablePacketCount()); if (connected && client.GetAvailableBytes() > 0) { //byte[] packet_data = wrapped_client.GetPacket(); //UInt32 packetLength = BitConverter.ToUInt32(packet_data, 0); //short packetId = BitConverter.ToInt16(packet_data, 4); UInt32 packetLength = (UInt32)client.GetU32(); short packetId = (short)client.Get16(); var packetData = client.GetData((int)packetLength - 2); //var data = new List<byte>(packet_data).GetRange(6, packet_data.Length -6).ToArray(); //GD.Print(BitConverter.ToString( (byte[]) packetData[1])); var data = (byte[])packetData[1]; var packet = Packets.Packets.decode(packetId, data); if (GetParent().GetNodeOrNull("GUI") != null) { var gui = (Control)GetParent().GetNodeOrNull("GUI"); gui.Call("recordPacket", packetLength + 4); } GD.Print(String.Format("Received packet {0}, ID: {1} Length: {2}",, packetId, packetLength)); if (packet is ReadyPacket) { ReadyPacket parsed_packet = (ReadyPacket)packet; if (parsed_packet.code == 0) { string token = (string)GetParent().GetNode("Discord Integration").Call("getToken"); var loginPacket = new LoginPacket(token); GD.Print("Sending login"); sendPacket(loginPacket); } else if (parsed_packet.code == 1) { var requestWorldPacket = new RequestWorldPacket(); sendPacket(requestWorldPacket); if (!joined) { var loadingRes = GD.Load <PackedScene>("res://scenes/world.tscn"); var node = loadingRes.Instance(); node.SetName("WorldScene"); var loadingGuiRes = GD.Load <PackedScene>("res://scenes/gui.tscn"); var gui = (Control)loadingGuiRes.Instance(); gui.SetName("GUI"); GetParent().Call("setState", 2); GetParent().AddChild(node); //GetParent().AddChild(gui); GetParent().AddChild(gui); //node.AddChild(gui); GetParent().GetNode("GameLoader").Free(); //var playerSpriteScene = (PackedScene) node.Call("getSprite", "rowan"); //var playerSprite = (AnimatedSprite) playerSpriteScene.Instance(); //playerSprite.SetName("PlayerSprite"); //node.GetNode("World/Player").AddChild(playerSprite); //playerSprite.Position = ((KinematicBody2D) node.GetNode("Player")).Position; //playerSprite.Visible = true; //GD.Print(playerSprite); joined = true; } } } else if (packet is PongPacket) { PongPacket parsed_packet = (PongPacket)packet; GD.Print("Got pong of " + parsed_packet.message); } else if (packet is LoginResultPacket) { LoginResultPacket parsed_packet = (LoginResultPacket)packet; GD.Print("Login Result: " + parsed_packet.responseCode.ToString() + " Name: " + parsed_packet.userId); var joinGamePacket = new JoinGamePacket(); sendPacket(joinGamePacket); } else if (packet is WorldPacket) { WorldPacket parsed_packet = (WorldPacket)packet; //GD.Print(parsed_packet.debug); GetParent().GetNode("WorldScene").Call("loadWorld", new object[] { parsed_packet.worldData, parsed_packet.bumpData, parsed_packet.height, parsed_packet.width }); } else if (packet is PlayerPositionPacket) { PlayerPositionPacket parsed_packet = (PlayerPositionPacket)packet; GetParent().GetNode("WorldScene/World/Player").Call("move", new object[] { parsed_packet.x, parsed_packet.y }); } else if (packet is ChatPacket) { ChatPacket parsed_packet = (ChatPacket)packet; GetNode("../GUI/Chat").Call("AddMessage", + ": " + parsed_packet.msg); } else if (packet is EntityPacket) { EntityPacket parsed_packet = (EntityPacket)packet; GD.Print("Got entity '", parsed_packet.sprite, "' at ", parsed_packet.x, ",", parsed_packet.y, " ID: ", parsed_packet.uuid); GetNode("../WorldScene").Call("addEntity", parsed_packet.x, parsed_packet.y, parsed_packet.type, parsed_packet.facing, parsed_packet.interactable, parsed_packet.sprite, parsed_packet.uuid, parsed_packet.type != 2); } else if (packet is EntityMovePacket) { EntityMovePacket parsed_packet = (EntityMovePacket)packet; GD.Print("Got entity moving to ", parsed_packet.x, ",", parsed_packet.y, " ID: ", parsed_packet.uuid); GetNode("../WorldScene").Call("moveEntity", parsed_packet.uuid, parsed_packet.x, parsed_packet.y, parsed_packet.facing); } else if (packet is InvalidateCachePacket) { InvalidateCachePacket parsed_packet = (InvalidateCachePacket)packet; GD.Print(parsed_packet.uuid, " Invalidated."); GetNode("../WorldScene").Call("hideEntity", parsed_packet.uuid); } else if (packet is DialoguePacket) { DialoguePacket parsed_packet = (DialoguePacket)packet; GD.Print("Got dialogue \"", parsed_packet.text, "\""); Window window = (Window)GetNode("../GUI/Window"); window.OpenDialoguePanel(); DialoguePanel dialoguePanel = window.OpenDialoguePanel(); //(DialoguePanel) GetNode("../GUI/Window/DialoguePanel"); dialoguePanel.SetDialogue(parsed_packet.text,, parsed_packet.sprite, parsed_packet.substitutions, parsed_packet.optionViews); } else if (packet is CloseDialoguePacket) { CloseDialoguePacket parsed_packet = (CloseDialoguePacket)packet; DialoguePanel dialoguePanel = (DialoguePanel)GetNode("../GUI/Window/DialoguePanel"); dialoguePanel.CloseDialogue(parsed_packet.guid); //dialoguePanel.SetDialogue(parsed_packet.text,, parsed_packet.sprite, parsed_packet.substitutions, parsed_packet.optionViews); } else if (packet is PlayerDataPacket) { PlayerDataPacket parsed_packet = (PlayerDataPacket)packet; var player = (Player)GetNode("../WorldScene/World/Player"); player.SetUuid(parsed_packet.guid); if (player.GetNodeOrNull("PlayerSprite") != null) { player.GetNodeOrNull("PlayerSprite").Free(); } var playerSpriteScene = (PackedScene)GetNode("../WorldScene").Call("getSprite", parsed_packet.sprite); var playerSprite = (AnimatedSprite)playerSpriteScene.Instance(); playerSprite.SetName("PlayerSprite"); player.AddChild(playerSprite); } else if (packet is InventoryPacket) { InventoryPacket parsed_packet = (InventoryPacket)packet; var player = (Player)GetNode("../WorldScene/World/Player"); if (player.guid == parsed_packet.inventory.guid) { player.inventory = parsed_packet.inventory; foreach (Item item in player.inventory.items) { GD.Print("Item: ", item.GetName(), " \"", item.GetDescription(), "\""); } } } else if (packet is AddItemPacket) { AddItemPacket parsed_packet = (AddItemPacket)packet; var player = (Player)GetNode("../WorldScene/World/Player"); if (player.guid == parsed_packet.guid) { //TODO: Make use of indices. player.inventory.AddItem(parsed_packet.item, true); } } else if (packet is ModifyItemPacket) { ModifyItemPacket parsed_packet = (ModifyItemPacket)packet; var player = (Player)GetNode("../WorldScene/World/Player"); if (player.guid == parsed_packet.guid) { //TODO: Make use of indices. player.inventory.UpdateItem(parsed_packet.item, parsed_packet.index); } } } else { var testPacket = new Packets.PingPacket("Hello There!"); //sendPacket(testPacket); } }
public CalendarComplain(WorldPacket packet) : base(packet) { }
public CalendarCommunityFilter(WorldPacket packet) : base(packet) { }
public CalendarUpdateEvent(WorldPacket packet) : base(packet) { }
public CalendarEventSignUp(WorldPacket packet) : base(packet) { }
public AuctionRemoveItem(WorldPacket packet) : base(packet) { }
public CalendarRemoveInvite(WorldPacket packet) : base(packet) { }
public AuctionListPendingSales(WorldPacket packet) : base(packet) { }
public CalendarEventStatus(WorldPacket packet) : base(packet) { }
public AuctionListItems(WorldPacket packet) : base(packet) { }
public SetSavedInstanceExtend(WorldPacket packet) : base(packet) { }
public void Write(WorldPacket data) { data.WriteInt32(AuctionItemID); data.WritePackedGuid(Bidder); Item.Write(data); }
public CalendarEventModeratorStatus(WorldPacket packet) : base(packet) { }
//todo fix me public bool EvaluateOpcode(WorldPacket packet, long time) { uint maxPacketCounterAllowed = 0;// GetMaxPacketCounterAllowed(p.GetOpcode()); // Return true if there no limit for the opcode if (maxPacketCounterAllowed == 0) { return(true); } if (!_PacketThrottlingMap.ContainsKey(packet.GetOpcode())) { _PacketThrottlingMap[packet.GetOpcode()] = new PacketCounter(); } PacketCounter packetCounter = _PacketThrottlingMap[packet.GetOpcode()]; if (packetCounter.lastReceiveTime != time) { packetCounter.lastReceiveTime = time; packetCounter.amountCounter = 0; } // Check if player is flooding some packets if (++packetCounter.amountCounter <= maxPacketCounterAllowed) { return(true); } Log.outWarn(LogFilter.Network, "AntiDOS: Account {0}, IP: {1}, Ping: {2}, Character: {3}, flooding packet (opc: {4} (0x{4}), count: {5})", Session.GetAccountId(), Session.GetRemoteAddress(), Session.GetLatency(), Session.GetPlayerName(), packet.GetOpcode(), packetCounter.amountCounter); switch (_policy) { case Policy.Log: return(true); case Policy.Kick: Log.outInfo(LogFilter.Network, "AntiDOS: Player kicked!"); return(false); case Policy.Ban: BanMode bm = (BanMode)WorldConfig.GetIntValue(WorldCfg.PacketSpoofBanmode); uint duration = WorldConfig.GetUIntValue(WorldCfg.PacketSpoofBanduration); // in seconds string nameOrIp = ""; switch (bm) { case BanMode.Character: // not supported, ban account case BanMode.Account: Global.AccountMgr.GetName(Session.GetAccountId(), out nameOrIp); break; case BanMode.IP: nameOrIp = Session.GetRemoteAddress(); break; } Global.WorldMgr.BanAccount(bm, nameOrIp, duration, "DOS (Packet Flooding/Spoofing", "Server: AutoDOS"); Log.outInfo(LogFilter.Network, "AntiDOS: Player automatically banned for {0} seconds.", duration); return(false); } return(true); }
public CalendarAddEvent(WorldPacket packet) : base(packet) { }
public void QueuePacket(WorldPacket packet) { _recvQueue.Enqueue(packet); }
public WhoRequestPkt(WorldPacket packet) : base(packet) { }