void Learn() { if (learnPanel == null || !learnPanel.isActive) { return; } learnPanel.Begin(); learnPanel.BackButton(homePanel, WindowPanel.SlideDiretion.Right); if (MenuButton(new Vector2(25, 40), videoIcon, "Video Tutorials", "Watch a series of Youtube videos to get started.")) { Application.OpenURL("https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkZqalQdFIQ4S-UGPWCZTTZXiE5MebrVo"); } if (MenuButton(new Vector2(25, 100), pdfIcon, "User Manual", "Read a thorough documentation of the whole package.")) { Application.OpenURL("http://dreamteck.io/page/dreamteck_splines/user_manual.pdf"); } if (MenuButton(new Vector2(25, 160), pdfIcon, "API Reference", "A documentation of the programmers' part of the package.")) { Application.OpenURL("http://dreamteck.io/page/dreamteck_splines/api_reference.pdf"); } Repaint(); learnPanel.End(); }
void Support() { if (supportPanel == null || !supportPanel.isActive) { return; } supportPanel.Begin(); supportPanel.BackButton(homePanel, WindowPanel.SlideDiretion.Right); GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(25, 65, 400, 300)); if (mailSent) { GUILayout.Label("Message sent. A contact web page should have opened notifying that the message has been sent. If that hasn't happened, please write a message directly to [email protected].", wrapText); if (GUILayout.Button("New Message")) { mailSent = false; } } else if (mailError != "") { GUILayout.Label(mailError); if (GUILayout.Button("OK")) { mailError = ""; } } else { email = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Your E-mail:", email); senderName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Your name:", senderName); subject = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Subject:", subject); GUILayout.Label("Message:"); message = GUILayout.TextArea(message, GUILayout.MinHeight(60)); GUILayout.Label("The message is limited to 200 characters. If you want to send a longer message, contact us directly. Left: " + (200 - message.Length), wrapText); if (message.Length > 200) { message = message.Substring(0, 200); } EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Send", GUILayout.Height(35), GUILayout.Width(50))) { SendMail(); } GUILayout.Label("Sending to:"); GUILayout.TextField("*****@*****.**", GUILayout.Height(25)); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); if (GUILayout.Button("Dreamteck Website", GUILayout.Height(35))) { Application.OpenURL("http://dreamteck.io"); } GUILayout.EndArea(); Repaint(); supportPanel.End(); }
void ChangeLog() { if (changeLogPanel == null || !changeLogPanel.isActive) { return; } changeLogPanel.Begin(); changeLogPanel.BackButton(homePanel, WindowPanel.SlideDiretion.Right); scroll = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scroll, GUILayout.Width(maxSize.x), GUILayout.MaxHeight(400)); GUILayout.Label("VERSION 1.0.8 WARNING", warningText, GUILayout.Width(maxSize.x - 30), GUILayout.Height(30)); string text = "The SplineProjector comopnent has been upgraded and inherited from a new base class called the SplineTracer. Due to this, the motion settings of all the spline projector components in your scenes might get reverted. Look up all of your SplineProjector components and in the Transform section, make sure that position and rotation is applied if your SplineProjectors don't work after the update."; EditorGUILayout.LabelField(text, wrapText, GUILayout.Width(maxSize.x - 30)); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(changelogText, wrapText, GUILayout.Width(maxSize.x - 30)); GUILayout.EndScrollView(); Repaint(); changeLogPanel.End(); }
void ChangeLog() { if (!changeLogPanel.isActive) { return; } changeLogPanel.Begin(); changeLogPanel.BackButton(homePanel, WindowPanel.SlideDiretion.Right); scroll = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scroll, GUILayout.Width(maxSize.x), GUILayout.MaxHeight(400)); //GUILayout.Label("VERSION " + PluginInfo.version + " WARNING", warningText, GUILayout.Width(maxSize.x - 30), GUILayout.Height(30)); string text = " In version 1.0.6 the whole editor has been re-written in order to improve performance and add flexibility for future expansions. Two major features have been added - the Symmetry editor and the Spline Merge editor. More can be read about them in the user manual."; EditorGUILayout.LabelField(text, wrapText, GUILayout.Width(maxSize.x - 30)); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(changelogText, wrapText, GUILayout.Width(maxSize.x - 30)); GUILayout.EndScrollView(); Repaint(); changeLogPanel.End(); }
void Home() { if (homePanel == null || !homePanel.isActive) { return; } homePanel.Begin(); if (MenuButton(new Vector2(25, 25), changelogIcon, "What's new?", "See all new features, importand changes and bugfixes in " + PluginInfo.version)) { homePanel.OpenPanel(changeLogPanel, WindowPanel.SlideDiretion.Left); } if (MenuButton(new Vector2(25, 85), learnIcon, "Get Started", "Learn how to use Dreamteck Splines in a matter of minutes.")) { homePanel.OpenPanel(learnPanel, WindowPanel.SlideDiretion.Left); } if (MenuButton(new Vector2(25, 145), supportIcon, "Support", "Got a problem or a feature request? Our support is here to help!")) { homePanel.OpenPanel(supportPanel, WindowPanel.SlideDiretion.Left); } if (MenuButton(new Vector2(25, 240), rateIcon, "Rate", "If you like Dreamteck Splines, please consider rating it on the Asset Store")) { Application.OpenURL("http://u3d.as/sLk"); } GUI.Label(new Rect(25, 320, 400, 80), "This window will not show automatically again. If you need it, you can always open it by going to Window->Dreamteck->Splines->Plugin Info", wrapText); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(350, 360, 70, 35), "Close")) { Close(); } Repaint(); homePanel.End(); }