private void StyleDrawer_ImageChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { _style.Images[_style.Selected] = StyleDrawer.Content; _style.GeneratePreview(_windW, _windH); WindowPanel.Invalidate(); IsDirty = true; }
public void Initialize() { _panels = new List<PanelBase>(); Root = GameObject.Find("UI Root").GetComponent<UIRoot>(); Root.manualHeight = Screen.height; Root.manualWidth = Screen.width; UICamera = Root.transform.Find("UICamera").GetComponent<Camera>(); BarkPanel = UICamera.transform.Find("BarkPanel").GetComponent<BarkPanel>(); BarkPanel.Initialize(); HUDPanel = UICamera.transform.Find("HUDPanel").GetComponent<HUDPanel>(); HUDPanel.Initialize(); WindowPanel = UICamera.transform.Find("WindowPanel").GetComponent<WindowPanel>(); WindowPanel.Initialize(); DialoguePanel = UICamera.transform.Find("DialoguePanel").GetComponent<DialoguePanel>(); DialoguePanel.Initialize(); _panels.Add(DialoguePanel); _panels.Add(WindowPanel); _panels.Add(HUDPanel); _panels.Add(BarkPanel); UIStateMachine = new UIStateMachine(); UIStateMachine.Initialize(); }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //new { WindowPanel.Controls.Add(new New(connector)); WindowPanel.Visible = true; WindowPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; WindowPanel.BringToFront(); }
public ReinforcementDetailWindow() { Window = new System_Color_Window(); Window.offset = new Vector2(8, 8); Window.width = 136; Window.height = 80; var text = new TextSprite(); text.SetFont(Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "White"); MapSprite = new MapSpriteUINode("", text, 48); MapSprite.loc = new Vector2(0, 0); Level = new TextSprite(); Level.loc = new Vector2(88, 0); Level.SetFont(Config.UI_FONT + "L", Global.Content, "Blue", Config.UI_FONT); Level.SetTextFontColor(0, "Yellow"); Level.SetTextFontColor(2, "Blue"); Identifier = new TextSprite(Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "White", new Vector2(0, 16)); Build = new TextSprite(Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "Blue", new Vector2(88, 16)); Mission = new TextSprite(Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "White", new Vector2(0, 32)); Inventory = new Unit_Info_Inventory(); Inventory.loc = new Vector2(0, 48); }
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //show phisical { WindowPanel.Controls.Add(new PhysicalExamination(idpat, IDVis, 2)); WindowPanel.Visible = true; WindowPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; WindowPanel.BringToFront(); }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //show labo { WindowPanel.Controls.Add(new LabolatoryExaminantion(idpat, IDVis, 2)); WindowPanel.Visible = true; WindowPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; WindowPanel.BringToFront(); }
private void button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { WindowPanel.Controls.Add(new HistoryLaboratoryExamination(idpat)); WindowPanel.Visible = true; WindowPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; WindowPanel.BringToFront(); }
public void OpenPanel(WindowPanel backButtonPanel, SlideDiretion dir = SlideDiretion.Left) { slideDirection = dir; SetState(false, true); backButtonPanel.slideDirection = dir; backButtonPanel.SetState(true, true); }
public override void Initialize() { _windowPanel = GameManager.Inst.UIManager.WindowPanel; BackpackGrid.Initialize(this); RebuildInventory(); Hide(); }
public void init() { minSize = maxSize = new Vector2(450, 500); #if UNITY_5_0 title = "Dreamteck Splines " + PluginInfo.version; #else titleContent = new GUIContent("Dreamteck Splines " + PluginInfo.version); #endif float x = position.x; if (x < 50) { x = 50; } else if (x > Screen.width - 500) { x = Screen.width - 500; } float y = position.y; if (y < 50) { x = 50; } else if (y > Screen.height - 550) { x = Screen.height - 550; } position = new Rect(x, y, 500, 550); changeLogPanel = new WindowPanel(); supportPanel = new WindowPanel(); homePanel = new WindowPanel(); learnPanel = new WindowPanel(); changeLogPanel.size = supportPanel.size = homePanel.size = learnPanel.size = new Vector2(maxSize.x, maxSize.y - 82); changeLogPanel.slideDuration = supportPanel.slideDuration = homePanel.slideDuration = learnPanel.slideDuration = 0.25f; homePanel.SetState(true, false); header = ImageDB.GetImage("plugin_header.png", "Splines/Editor/Icons"); changelogIcon = ImageDB.GetImage("changelog.png", "Splines/Editor/Icons"); learnIcon = ImageDB.GetImage("get_started.png", "Splines/Editor/Icons"); supportIcon = ImageDB.GetImage("support.png", "Splines/Editor/Icons"); rateIcon = ImageDB.GetImage("rate.png", "Splines/Editor/Icons"); pdfIcon = ImageDB.GetImage("pdf.png", "Splines/Editor/Icons"); videoIcon = ImageDB.GetImage("video_tutorials.png", "Splines/Editor/Icons"); string path = ResourceUtility.FindFolder(Application.dataPath, "Dreamteck/Splines/Editor"); if (Directory.Exists(path)) { if (File.Exists(path + "/changelog.txt")) { string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(path + "/changelog.txt"); changelogText = ""; for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { changelogText += lines[i] + "\r\n"; } } } windowInitialized = true; }
public void BackButton(WindowPanel backButtonPanel, SlideDiretion dir = SlideDiretion.Left) { if (GUILayout.Button("◄", GUILayout.Width(60), GUILayout.Height(35))) { slideDirection = dir; SetState(false, true); backButtonPanel.slideDirection = dir; backButtonPanel.SetState(true, true); } }
public override void Initialize () { _windowPanel = GameManager.Inst.UIManager.WindowPanel; BackpackGrid.Initialize(); RebuildInventory(); Hide(); }
public void OpenWindowMenu() { if (WindowPanel.activeInHierarchy) { WindowPanel.SetActive(false); } else { WindowPanel.SetActive(true); } }
public Popup(string str, int time, int width) { Window = new System_Color_Window(); Window.width = width; Window.height = 32; Text = new TextSprite(); Text.loc = new Vector2(8, 8); Text.SetFont(Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "White"); Text.text = str; Timer_Max = time; Width = width; loc = new Vector2((Config.WINDOW_WIDTH - width) / 2, 80); }
private void Edit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Selected != 0) { WindowPanel.Controls.Add(new Edit(connector, Selected)); WindowPanel.Visible = true; WindowPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; WindowPanel.BringToFront(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Wybierz użytkownika", "Błąd"); } }
private void Show_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Mainlist.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { WindowPanel.Controls.Add(new Show(Selected)); WindowPanel.Visible = true; WindowPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; WindowPanel.BringToFront(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Zaznacz wartość", "Błąd"); } }
public void Init(LevelGenerator gen, int index) { generator = gen; levelIndex = index; white = new Texture2D(1, 1); white.SetPixel(0, 0, Color.white); settingsPanel = new WindowPanel(200, 9000f, "Level Settings", this, SettingsUI); sequenceEditor = new SegmentSequenceEditor(generator, generator.levels[levelIndex].sequenceCollection, position); sequenceEditor.onWillChange -= RecordUndo; sequenceEditor.onChanged -= OnChanged; sequenceEditor.onApplySequences -= OnApplySequences; sequenceEditor.onWillChange += RecordUndo; sequenceEditor.onChanged += OnChanged; sequenceEditor.onApplySequences += OnApplySequences; titleContent = new GUIContent("Level Window - " + generator.levels[levelIndex].title); }
void OnGUI() { if (generator == null) { Close(); return; } if (sequenceEditor == null) { Init(generator, levelIndex); return; } EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); if (levelIndex >= generator.levels.Length) { Close(); return; } if (generator.levels[levelIndex].remoteSequence) { minSize = new Vector2(210, 300); maxSize = new Vector2(210, 9000); } else { minSize = new Vector2(600, 600); maxSize = new Vector2(9000, 9000); sequenceEditor.viewRect = new Rect(5, 5, position.width - 208, position.height - 20); sequenceEditor.windowPosition = new Vector2(position.x, position.y); sequenceEditor.sequences = generator.levels[levelIndex].sequenceCollection.sequences; sequenceEditor.DrawEditor(); generator.levels[levelIndex].sequenceCollection.sequences = sequenceEditor.sequences; } WindowPanel.Reset(); WindowPanel.DrawPanel(settingsPanel); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { if (!Application.isPlaying) { UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.MarkSceneDirty(UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.GetActiveScene()); } } }
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//show { if (listView1.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { ListViewItem item = listView1.SelectedItems[0]; var res = SQLRec.GetPatientsList(item.SubItems[0].Text.TrimEnd(), item.SubItems[1].Text.TrimEnd(), item.SubItems[2].Text.TrimEnd()); foreach (var x in res) { WindowPanel.Controls.Add(new VisitViewercs(x.Id_Patient, connector)); WindowPanel.Visible = true; WindowPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; WindowPanel.BringToFront(); } } }
private void ZoomOutItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ZoomInItem.Enabled = ZoomInButton.Enabled = true; if (_style.Zoom > 1) { _style.Zoom--; if (_style.Zoom == 1) { ZoomOutItem.Enabled = ZoomOutButton.Enabled = false; } } WindowPanel.Width = _windW * _style.Zoom; WindowPanel.Height = _windH * _style.Zoom; ZoomLabel.Text = $"Zoom: {_style.Zoom}"; CenterInContainer(); WindowPanel.Refresh(); }
internal static Rect DrawPanel(WindowPanel panel) { Rect drawRect = new Rect(panel.window.position.width - panel.width - 5f, currentY, panel.width, panel.height); Color prevColor = GUI.backgroundColor; GUI.backgroundColor = DreamteckEditorGUI.lightColor; GUI.Box(drawRect, panel.title, defaultBoxStyle); currentY += drawRect.height; drawRect.y += 22; drawRect.height -= 22; drawRect.x += 5; drawRect.width -= 10; GUILayout.BeginArea(drawRect); panel.uiFunction(); GUILayout.EndArea(); GUI.backgroundColor = prevColor; return(drawRect); }
public override void OnApplyTemplate() { base.OnApplyTemplate(); Player = GetTemplateChild("PART_Player") as RealtimePlayer; if (Player != null) { Player.PlayHelper = new VideoPlayHelper(); } _ptzController = GetTemplateChild("PART_PtzController") as PtzController; if (_ptzController != null) { _ptzController.PtzControl += PtzController_PtzControl; } _winPanel = GetTemplateChild("PART_TopmostPanel") as WindowPanel; if (_winPanel != null) { ContainerWindow = _winPanel.ContainerWindow; } TagContainer = GetTemplateChild("PART_TagContainer") as TagContainer; if (TagContainer != null) { TagContainer.MouseRightButtonUp += TagContainer_MouseRightButtonUp; TagContainer.TagPreviewMouseLeftButtonDown += TagContainer_TagPreviewMouseLeftButtonDown; TagContainer.TagPreviewMouseLeftButtonUp += TagContainer_TagPreviewMouseLeftButtonUp; TagContainer.TagPreviewMouseMove += TagContainer_TagPreviewMouseMove; TagContainer.TagClick += TagContainer_TagClick; TagContainer.TagLocationChanged += TagContainer_TagLocationChanged; } _gridTitle = GetTemplateChild("PART_Title") as Grid; if (_gridTitle != null) { _gridTitle.MouseLeftButtonDown += GridTitle_MouseLeftButtonDown; } _btnClose = GetTemplateChild("PART_Close") as Button; if (_btnClose != null) { _btnClose.Click += BtnClose_Click; } }
private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {//pokaż if (listView1.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { ListViewItem item = listView1.SelectedItems[0]; { WindowPanel.Controls.Add(new Registration.Show(Int32.Parse(item.Text), connector)); WindowPanel.Visible = true; WindowPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; WindowPanel.BringToFront(); } listView1.SelectedItems.Clear(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Wybierz wizytę"); } }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (listView1.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { ListViewItem item = listView1.SelectedItems[0]; WindowPanel.Controls.Add(new Edit(myrole, Int16.Parse(item.SubItems[0].Text.TrimEnd()), connector)); WindowPanel.Visible = true; WindowPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; WindowPanel.BringToFront(); //ListViewItem item = listView1.SelectedItems[0]; //Panel P = new Panel(); //P.Controls.Clear(); //this.Hide(); //this.Parent.Controls.Add(new Edit(myrole,Int16.Parse(item.SubItems[0].Text.TrimEnd()))); } else { MessageBox.Show("Nie wybrano badania"); } }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//visit registarion { if (listView1.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { ListViewItem item = listView1.SelectedItems[0]; var res = SQLRec.GetPatientsList(item.SubItems[0].Text.TrimEnd(), item.SubItems[1].Text.TrimEnd(), item.SubItems[2].Text.TrimEnd()); foreach (var x in res) { WindowPanel.Controls.Add(new VisitRegistration(x.Id_Patient, connector, whoami)); WindowPanel.Visible = true; WindowPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; WindowPanel.BringToFront(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Nie wybrano pacjenta"); } }
public void init() { minSize = maxSize = new Vector2(450, 500); #if UNITY_5_0 title = "Dreamteck Splines " + PluginInfo.version; #else titleContent = new GUIContent("Dreamteck Splines " + PluginInfo.version); #endif position = new Rect(Screen.width / 2f - 200, Screen.height / 2f - 200, 450, 500); changeLogPanel = new WindowPanel(); supportPanel = new WindowPanel(); homePanel = new WindowPanel(); learnPanel = new WindowPanel(); changeLogPanel.size = supportPanel.size = homePanel.size = learnPanel.size = new Vector2(maxSize.x, maxSize.y - 82); changeLogPanel.slideDuration = supportPanel.slideDuration = homePanel.slideDuration = learnPanel.slideDuration = 0.25f; homePanel.SetState(true, false); header = SplineEditorGUI.LoadTexture("plugin_header.png"); changelogIcon = SplineEditorGUI.LoadTexture("changelog.png"); learnIcon = SplineEditorGUI.LoadTexture("get_started.png"); supportIcon = SplineEditorGUI.LoadTexture("support.png"); rateIcon = SplineEditorGUI.LoadTexture("rate.png"); pdfIcon = SplineEditorGUI.LoadTexture("pdf.png"); videoIcon = SplineEditorGUI.LoadTexture("video_tutorials.png"); string path = Application.dataPath + "/Dreamteck/Splines/Editor/"; if (Directory.Exists(path)) { if (File.Exists(path + "changelog.txt")) { string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(path + "changelog.txt"); changelogText = ""; for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { changelogText += lines[i] + "\r\n"; } } } }
public WindowReadyUnits() { Window = new System_Color_Window(); Window.offset = new Vector2(8, 8); Window.width = this.Width; Window.height = 32; Label = new TextSprite( Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "Yellow", new Vector2(0, 0), "Ready Units"); string count_color = Global.game_map.ready_movable_units ? "Blue" : "Grey"; int ready_units = Global.game_map.active_team .Select(x => Global.game_map.units[x]) .Count(x => x.ready); Count = new RightAdjustedText( Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, count_color, new Vector2(this.Width - 16, 0), ready_units.ToString()); }
protected virtual void InitializeSprites() { // Black Screen Black_Screen = new Sprite(); Black_Screen.texture = Global.Content.Load <Texture2D>( @"Graphics\White_Square"); Black_Screen.dest_rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, Config.WINDOW_WIDTH, Config.WINDOW_HEIGHT); Black_Screen.tint = new Color(0, 0, 0, 255); // Background Background = new Menu_Background(); Background.texture = Global.Content.Load <Texture2D>( @"Graphics\Pictures\Preparation_Background"); (Background as Menu_Background).vel = new Vector2(0, -1 / 3f); (Background as Menu_Background).tile = new Vector2(1, 2); Background.stereoscopic = Config.MAPMENU_BG_DEPTH; // Unit Window SetUnitWindow(); UnitWindow.stereoscopic = Config.PREPITEM_BATTALION_DEPTH; UnitWindow.IndexChanged += UnitWindow_IndexChanged; // Choose Unit Window ChooseUnitWindow = new WindowPanel(Global.Content.Load <Texture2D>( @"Graphics\Windowskins\Preparations_Item_Options_Window")); ChooseUnitWindow.loc = new Vector2(Config.WINDOW_WIDTH - 120, Config.WINDOW_HEIGHT - 80); ChooseUnitWindow.width = 80; ChooseUnitWindow.height = 40; ChooseUnitWindow.stereoscopic = Config.PREPITEM_WINDOW_DEPTH; ChooseUnitLabel = new TextSprite(); ChooseUnitLabel.loc = new Vector2(12, 4); ChooseUnitLabel.SetFont(Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "White"); SetLabel("Choose unit"); ChooseUnitLabel.stereoscopic = Config.PREPITEM_WINDOW_DEPTH; RefreshInputHelp(); refresh(); }
protected void set_window(bool battle_scene) { if (battle_scene) { texture = Global.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Graphics/Windowskins/Combat_Popup"); } else { if (Global.game_system.preparations && !Global.game_system.Preparation_Events_Ready) { Window = new WindowPanel(Global.Content.Load <Texture2D>( @"Graphics/Windowskins/Preparations_Item_Options_Window")); Window.width = Width - 8; Window.height = 24; Window.offset = new Vector2(-4, -4); } else { Window = new System_Color_Window(); Window.width = Width; Window.height = 32; } } }
public override void Load() { base.Load(); minSize = maxSize = new Vector2(450, 550); SetTitle("Dreamteck Splines " + PluginInfo.version, "Dreamteck Splines"); panels = new WindowPanel[6]; panels[0] = new WindowPanel("Home", true, 0.25f); panels[1] = new WindowPanel("Changelog", false, panels[0], 0.25f); panels[2] = new WindowPanel("Learn", false, panels[0], 0.25f); panels[3] = new WindowPanel("Support", false, panels[0], 0.25f); panels[4] = new WindowPanel("Examples", false, panels[2], 0.25f); panels[5] = new WindowPanel("Playmaker", false, panels[0], 0.25f); panels[0].elements.Add(new WindowPanel.Space(400, 10)); panels[0].elements.Add(new WindowPanel.Thumbnail("Utilities/Editor/Images", "changelog.png", "What's new?", "See all new features, important changes and bugfixes in " + PluginInfo.version, new ActionLink(panels[1], panels[0]))); panels[0].elements.Add(new WindowPanel.Thumbnail("Utilities/Editor/Images", "get_started.png", "Get Started", "Learn how to use Dreamteck Splines in a matter of minutes", new ActionLink(panels[2], panels[0]))); panels[0].elements.Add(new WindowPanel.Thumbnail("Utilities/Editor/Images", "support.png", "Support", "Got a problem or a feature request? Our support is here to help!", new ActionLink(panels[3], panels[0]))); panels[0].elements.Add(new WindowPanel.Thumbnail("Utilities/Editor/Images", "playmaker.png", "Playmaker Actions", "Install Playmaker actions for Dreamteck Splines", new ActionLink(panels[5], panels[0]))); panels[0].elements.Add(new WindowPanel.Space(400, 20)); panels[0].elements.Add(new WindowPanel.Thumbnail("Utilities/Editor/Images", "rate.png", "Rate", "If you like Dreamteck Splines, please consider rating it on the Asset Store", new ActionLink(""))); panels[0].elements.Add(new WindowPanel.Thumbnail("Splines/Editor/Icons", "forever.png", "Forever", "Creating endless runners has never been easier. Forever is here to change the game!", new ActionLink(""))); panels[0].elements.Add(new WindowPanel.Space(400, 10)); panels[0].elements.Add(new WindowPanel.Label("This window will not appear again automatically. To open it manually go to Help/Dreamteck/About Dreamteck Splines", wrapText, new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f), 400, 100)); string path = ResourceUtility.FindFolder(Application.dataPath, "Dreamteck/Splines/Editor"); string changelogText = "Changelog file not found."; if (Directory.Exists(path)) { if (File.Exists(path + "/changelog.txt")) { string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(path + "/changelog.txt"); changelogText = ""; for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { changelogText += lines[i] + "\r\n"; } } } panels[1].elements.Add(new WindowPanel.Space(400, 10)); panels[1].elements.Add(new WindowPanel.ScrollText(400, 400, changelogText)); panels[2].elements.Add(new WindowPanel.Space(400, 10)); panels[2].elements.Add(new WindowPanel.Thumbnail("Utilities/Editor/Images", "youtube.png", "Video Tutorials", "Watch a series of Youtube videos to get started.", new ActionLink(""))); panels[2].elements.Add(new WindowPanel.Thumbnail("Utilities/Editor/Images", "pdf.png", "User Manual", "Read a thorough documentation of the whole package along with a list of API methods.", new ActionLink(""))); panels[2].elements.Add(new WindowPanel.Thumbnail("Utilities/Editor/Images", "pdf.png", "API Reference", "A description of the classes, methods and properties inside the Dreamteck Splines API", new ActionLink(""))); panels[2].elements.Add(new WindowPanel.Thumbnail("Utilities/Editor/Images", "examples.png", "Examples", "Install example scenes", new ActionLink(panels[4], panels[2]))); panels[3].elements.Add(new WindowPanel.Space(400, 10)); panels[3].elements.Add(new WindowPanel.Thumbnail("Utilities/Editor/Images", "discord.png", "Discord Server", "Join our Discord community and chat with other developers and the team.", new ActionLink(""))); panels[3].elements.Add(new WindowPanel.Button(400, 30, "Contact Support", new ActionLink(""))); panels[4].elements.Add(new WindowPanel.Space(400, 10)); bool packagExists = false; string dir = ResourceUtility.FindFolder(Application.dataPath, "Dreamteck/Splines/"); if (Directory.Exists(dir)) { if (File.Exists(dir + "/Examples.unitypackage")) { packagExists = true; } } if (packagExists) { panels[4].elements.Add(new WindowPanel.Button(400, 30, "Install Examples", new ActionLink(InstallExamples))); } else { panels[4].elements.Add(new WindowPanel.Label("Examples package not found", null, Color.white)); } panels[5].elements.Add(new WindowPanel.Space(400, 10)); packagExists = false; dir = ResourceUtility.FindFolder(Application.dataPath, "Dreamteck/Splines/"); if (Directory.Exists(dir)) { if (File.Exists(dir + "/PlaymakerActions.unitypackage")) { packagExists = true; } } if (packagExists) { panels[5].elements.Add(new WindowPanel.Button(400, 30, "Install Actions", new ActionLink(InstallPlaymaker))); } else { panels[5].elements.Add(new WindowPanel.Label("Playmaker actions not found", null, Color.white)); } }
public WindowPanel(string title, bool o, WindowPanel backPanel, float slideDur = 1f) { slideDuration = slideDur; SetState(o, false); back = backPanel; }
public ActionLink(WindowPanel target, WindowPanel current) { currentPanel = current; targetPanel = target; }