public void ChangeLevel() { WinPanel.SetActive(false); startPanel.SetActive(true); level++; levelText.text = level.ToString(); life++; SceneManager.LoadScene("Level"); }
public void PlayButton() { WinPanel.SetActive(false); mainMenuPanel.SetActive(false); // when clicked on play button, then main menu panel should be deactivated gameMenuPanel.SetActive(true); // and game menu panel should set activated to true LevelManager.instance.GameStarted(); }
public void SwithUIPanels(GameObject panel) { StartGamePanel.SetActive(false); GamePanel.SetActive(false); WinPanel.SetActive(false); LosePanel.SetActive(false); panel.SetActive(true); }
public void WinLose() { if (counter.count > counter.allCount / 2) { WinPanel.SetActive(true); } else { LosePanel.SetActive(true); } }
void Update() { if (grid.extras.transform.childCount <= 0 && start) { start = false; WinPanel.SetActive(true); audioSource.clip = win; audioSource.Play(); Invoke("ChangeLevel", 2); } }
public void MainMenu() { WinPanel.SetActive(false); LoosePanel.SetActive(false); StartPanel.SetActive(true); FireScript.GameOver = false; // GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Cycle").SetActive(false); Destroy(GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Cycle")); Destroy(GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Swim")); Destroy(GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Shoot")); Destroy(GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Weight")); }
private void Update() { GameObject[] Obs = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("ObsO"); GameObject[] Ocircle = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Ocircle"); if (Obs.Length == 0 && Ocircle.Length == 5) { Debug.Log("You WIn"); WinPanel.SetActive(true); } if (FireScript.GameOver) { LoosePanel.SetActive(true); } }
public void NewGame() { WinPanel.SetActive(false); foreach (Transform obj in DiscardPile) { Destroy(obj.gameObject); } Destroy(ShowCard.GetChild(0).gameObject); myDeck = tempDeck; Shuffle(); discardDeck.Clear(); round = 1; RoundStart(); }
public void Starbutton() { starHolder.SetActive(true); s1.color =; s2.color =; s3.color =; fakeBall.SetActive(false); inMenu = false; lose = false; win = false; WinPanel.SetActive(false); losePanel.SetActive(false); respawnManager.currentBall = 5; respawnManager.scoreMultipler = 1; respawnManager.score = 0; respawnManager.basketCount = 0; respawnManager.respawn1 = true; startPanel.SetActive(false); }
void attack_RPC(string lastTouchSensor, string touchTargetSensor) { GameObject lastTouch = GameObject.Find(lastTouchSensor).GetComponent <SensorControl>().getCollisionObj(); GameObject touchTarget = GameObject.Find(touchTargetSensor).GetComponent <SensorControl>().getCollisionObj(); preSensor = lastTouchSensor; nowSensor = touchTargetSensor; lastTouch.transform.position = touchTarget.transform.position; lastMovedPosition = setMovePosition(touchTarget); moveSound(lastTouch); Destroy(touchTarget); if (nowTurn.Equals("Han")) { nowTurn = "Cho"; } else { nowTurn = "Han"; } if ("Han_King(Clone)") ||"Cho_King(Clone)")) { if (, 3).Equals(myTag)) // 패배 { aud.PlayOneShot(loseSound); LosePanel.SetActive(true); PlayingSound.SetActive(false); JangGoonSound.SetActive(false); } else // 승리 { aud.PlayOneShot(winSound); WinPanel.SetActive(true); PlayingSound.SetActive(false); JangGoonSound.SetActive(false); } } else { StartCoroutine("JangGoonCheck"); } }
// Update is called once per frame void FixedUpdate() { if (lose) { starHolder.SetActive(false); losePanel.SetActive(true); if (respawnManager.basketCount == 1 || respawnManager.basketCount == 0) { starpanel1.SetActive(true); starpanel2.SetActive(false); } if (respawnManager.basketCount == 2) { starpanel1.SetActive(false); starpanel2.SetActive(true); } loScore.text = "Score = " + respawnManager.score.ToString(); } if (win) { starHolder.SetActive(false); WinPanel.SetActive(true); wiScore.text = "Score = " + respawnManager.score.ToString(); } if (respawnManager.basketCount == 1) { s1.color = Color.white; } if (respawnManager.basketCount == 2) { s2.color = Color.white; } if (respawnManager.basketCount == 3) { s3.color = Color.white; } }
public void Win() //win panel { gameMenuPanel.SetActive(false); WinPanel.SetActive(true); GameManager.singleton.gameStatus = GameStatus.FAILED; }
void FixedUpdate() { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && nowTurn.Equals(myTag)) { touchTarget = GetClickedObject(); if (!touchTarget.tag.Equals("Field")) { removeAllEnemyObjs(); if (lastMeObj != null) { removeObj(lastMeObj); } if (lastMovedPosition != null) { removeObj(lastMovedPosition); } } if (touchTarget.tag.Equals("Han") || touchTarget.tag.Equals("Cho")) // 말 선택시 { if (isChoosing && !touchTarget.tag.Equals(myTag)) // 말 선택 중 다른 팀 선택 했을때 { if (touchTarget.GetComponent <MalScript>().getSensorObj().GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled) { view.RPC("attack_RPC", PhotonTargets.All, lastTouch.GetComponent <MalScript>().getSensorObj().name, touchTarget.GetComponent <MalScript>().getSensorObj().name); offAllSensors(); isChoosing = false; } } else if (touchTarget.tag.Equals(myTag)) // 자기 팀을 선택 하면 { offAllSensors(); lastMeObj = setMeObj(touchTarget); lastTouch = touchTarget; if (publicVariable.getIsModeling()) { touchVoice(; } searchPath.searchPath(touchTarget.GetComponent <MalScript>().getSensorObj().name,; isChoosing = true; } } else if (touchTarget.tag.Equals("Sensor")) // 센서 선택시 { if (isChoosing && touchTarget.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled) // 말 선택 중 이동가능한 센서 선택시 { preSensor = lastTouch.GetComponent <MalScript>().getSensorObj().name; view.RPC("move_RPC", PhotonTargets.All, preSensor,; isChoosing = false; offAllSensors(); } } } if (!publicVariable.getIsPlayer()) // 상대나가면 승리 { aud.PlayOneShot(winSound); WinPanel.SetActive(true); PlayingSound.SetActive(false); JangGoonSound.SetActive(false); } }
private void CheckSolution(string myChoice) { if (round == 1) { PullCard(); Card thisCard = ShowCard.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Card>(); if (myChoice == thisCard.color.ToLower()) { round++; } else { Lose = true; } } else if (round == 2) { PullCard(); Card thisCard = ShowCard.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Card>(); Card prevCard = DiscardPile.GetChild(DiscardPile.childCount - 1).GetComponent <Card>(); string answer = (thisCard.number > prevCard.number) ? "high" : "low"; if (myChoice == answer) { round++; } else { Lose = true; } } else if (round == 3) { PullCard(); Card thisCard = ShowCard.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Card>(); Card HighCard = (DiscardPile.GetChild(DiscardPile.childCount - 1).GetComponent <Card>().number > DiscardPile.GetChild(DiscardPile.childCount - 2).GetComponent <Card>().number) ? DiscardPile.GetChild(DiscardPile.childCount - 1).GetComponent <Card>() : DiscardPile.GetChild(DiscardPile.childCount - 2).GetComponent <Card>(); Card LowCard = (DiscardPile.GetChild(DiscardPile.childCount - 1).GetComponent <Card>() == HighCard) ? DiscardPile.GetChild(DiscardPile.childCount - 2).GetComponent <Card>() : DiscardPile.GetChild(DiscardPile.childCount - 1).GetComponent <Card>(); string answer = (thisCard.number <= HighCard.number && thisCard.number >= LowCard.number) ? "inbetween" : "outside"; if (myChoice == answer) { round++; } else { Lose = true; } } else if (round == 4) { PullCard(); Card thisCard = ShowCard.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Card>(); if (myChoice == thisCard.Suit.ToLower()) { WinPanel.SetActive(true); } else { Lose = true; } } Wait(5f); if (round <= 4) { RoundStart(); } }
public void win() { Time.timeScale = 0; WinPanel.SetActive(true); }
/// <summary> /// 0.2秒执行一回合 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> IEnumerator Turn() { var AnotherGameObj = GameObject.Find("Player1").GetComponent <TileHero>(); var TargetGameObj = GameObject.Find("Player0").GetComponent <TileHero>(); AnotherGameObj.ChangeCode("require 'script'"); while (turnnum < MaxTurn) { TextTurn.text = turnnum.ToString(); turnnum++; TargetGameObj.OnTurn(); TextBlue.text = GetScore(TileCtrl.EPlayer.Player0).ToString(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.2f)); AnotherGameObj.OnTurn(); TextRed.text = GetScore(TileCtrl.EPlayer.Player1).ToString(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.2f)); foreach (var tl in Map) { if (tl.Value.Player != TileCtrl.EPlayer.No) { continue; } int countA = 0; int countB = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { TileCtrl t; if (Map.TryGetValue(tl.Value.pos + dir[i], out t)) { if (t.Player == TileCtrl.EPlayer.Player0) { countA++; } if (t.Player == TileCtrl.EPlayer.Player1) { countB++; } } } if (countA == 4) { tl.Value.Player = TileCtrl.EPlayer.Player0; tl.Value.BuildingLevel = 3; tl.Value.Type = TileCtrl.EType.Building; } else if (countB == 4) { tl.Value.Player = TileCtrl.EPlayer.Player1; tl.Value.BuildingLevel = 3; tl.Value.Type = TileCtrl.EType.Building; } } } if (GetScore(TargetGameObj.Player) > GetScore(AnotherGameObj.Player)) { WinPanel.SetActive(true); } else { FailedPanel.SetActive(true); } }