IEnumerator Start()
        // Let's construct our entity
        Box box = new Box();

        box.dimension = new Vector3(2f, 1.5f, 3f);

        Product product1 = new Product();        = "Cheese";
        product1.description = "Cheese made by a firefighter from Boston, Texas.";
        product1.price       = 9.99f;

        Product product2 = new Product();        = "Ham";
        product2.description = "Ham from Tokyo, Argentina.";
        product2.price       = 69.69f;

        Product product3 = new Product();        = "Bread";
        product3.description = "Bread gently cooked by your mother.";
        product3.price       = 13.31f;

        // Serialize the entity into a JSON string
        string output = Serializer.Serialize <Box>(box);

        Debug.Log("Compressed Json:\n" + output);

        string prettyOutput = Serializer.Serialize <Box>(box, true);

        Debug.Log("Pretty Json:\n" + prettyOutput);

        // Now we deserialize the JSON string to construct the entity
        Box deserializedBox = Serializer.Deserialize <Box>(output);

        // or Box deserializedBox = output.Deserialize<Box>();

        Debug.Log(string.Format("Box with {0} product(s) and dimension {1}.", deserializedBox.quantity, deserializedBox.dimension));

        // We can also deserialize a JSON string directly from a WWW object
        WWW www = new WWW("");

        yield return(www);

        Box wwwBox = www.Deserialize <Box>();

        Debug.Log(string.Format("Box with {0} product(s) and dimension {1}.", wwwBox.quantity, wwwBox.dimension));
	IEnumerator Start () {

        // Let's construct our entity
        Box box = new Box();
        box.dimension = new Vector3(2f, 1.5f, 3f);

        Product product1 = new Product(); = "Cheese";
        product1.description = "Cheese made by a firefighter from Boston, Texas.";
        product1.price = 9.99f;

        Product product2 = new Product(); = "Ham";
        product2.description = "Ham from Tokyo, Argentina.";
        product2.price = 69.69f;

        Product product3 = new Product(); = "Bread";
        product3.description = "Bread gently cooked by your mother.";
        product3.price = 13.31f;

        // Serialize the entity into a JSON string
        string output = Serializer.Serialize<Box>(box);
        Debug.Log("Compressed Json:\n" + output);

        string prettyOutput = Serializer.Serialize<Box>(box, true);
        Debug.Log("Pretty Json:\n" + prettyOutput);

        // Now we deserialize the JSON string to construct the entity
        Box deserializedBox = Serializer.Deserialize<Box>(output);
        // or Box deserializedBox = output.Deserialize<Box>();

        Debug.Log(string.Format("Box with {0} product(s) and dimension {1}.", deserializedBox.quantity, deserializedBox.dimension));

        // We can also deserialize a JSON string directly from a WWW object
        WWW www = new WWW("");
        yield return www;
        Box wwwBox = www.Deserialize<Box>();

        Debug.Log(string.Format("Box with {0} product(s) and dimension {1}.", wwwBox.quantity, wwwBox.dimension));