internal ScriptFunction Construct(Object[] args, VsaEngine engine) { StringBuilder func_string = new StringBuilder("function anonymous("); for (int i = 0, n = args.Length - 2; i < n; i++) { func_string.Append(Convert.ToString(args[i])); func_string.Append(", "); } if (args.Length > 1) { func_string.Append(Convert.ToString(args[args.Length - 2])); } func_string.Append(") {\n"); if (args.Length > 0) { func_string.Append(Convert.ToString(args[args.Length - 1])); } func_string.Append("\n}"); Context context = new Context(new DocumentContext("anonymous", engine), func_string.ToString()); JSParser p = new JSParser(context); engine.PushScriptObject(((IActivationObject)engine.ScriptObjectStackTop()).GetGlobalScope()); try{ return((ScriptFunction)p.ParseFunctionExpression().PartiallyEvaluate().Evaluate()); }finally{ engine.PopScriptObject(); } }
// Perform a call on this object. internal override Object Call (VsaEngine engine, Object thisob, Object[] args) { // Create a new scope object and initialize the parameters. ScriptObject scope; if (thisob is JSObject) { scope = new FunctionScope ((JSObject)thisob, defn.fparams, thisob, args); } else { scope = new FunctionScope (declaringScope, defn.fparams, thisob, args); } // Push the scope onto the stack. engine.PushScriptObjectChecked(scope); // Call the function and pop the scope afterwards. Object result = Empty.Value; try { if (defn.body != null) { defn.body.Eval(engine); } } catch (ReturnJumpOut r) { return(r.value); } finally { engine.PopScriptObject(); } // Return the function result to the caller. return(result); }
private static Object DoEvaluate(Object source, VsaEngine engine, bool isUnsafe) { if (engine.doFast) { engine.PushScriptObject(new BlockScope(engine.ScriptObjectStackTop())); } try{ Context context = new Context(new DocumentContext("eval code", engine), ((IConvertible)source).ToString()); JSParser p = new JSParser(context); if (!isUnsafe) { new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.Execution).PermitOnly(); } return(((Completion)p.ParseEvalBody().PartiallyEvaluate().Evaluate()).value); }finally{ if (engine.doFast) { engine.PopScriptObject(); } } }
public static Object JScriptEvaluate(Object source, VsaEngine engine) { if (Convert.GetTypeCode(source) != TypeCode.String) { return(source); } if (engine.doFast) { engine.PushScriptObject(new BlockScope(engine.ScriptObjectStackTop())); } try{ Context context = new Context(new DocumentContext("eval code", engine), ((IConvertible)source).ToString()); JSParser p = new JSParser(context); return(((Completion)p.ParseEvalBody().PartiallyEvaluate().Evaluate()).value); }finally{ if (engine.doFast) { engine.PopScriptObject(); } } }
public override bool Eval(object context) { VsaEngine engine = Engine; // // Following is equivalent to calling eval in JScript, // with the value of the context variable established at the // global scope in order for it to be available to the // expression source. // _contextField.SetValue(_scope, context); try { With.JScriptWith(context, engine); return(Convert.ToBoolean(Microsoft.JScript.Eval.JScriptEvaluate(_expression, engine))); } finally { engine.PopScriptObject(/* with */); } }
private static object DoEvaluate(object source, VsaEngine engine, bool isUnsafe) { object obj2; if (engine.doFast) { engine.PushScriptObject(new BlockScope(engine.ScriptObjectStackTop())); } try { Context context = new Context(new DocumentContext("eval code", engine), ((IConvertible)source).ToString()); JSParser parser = new JSParser(context); obj2 = ((Completion)parser.ParseEvalBody().PartiallyEvaluate().Evaluate()).value; } finally { if (engine.doFast) { engine.PopScriptObject(); } } return(obj2); }
internal ScriptFunction Construct(object[] args, VsaEngine engine) { ScriptFunction function; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("function anonymous("); int index = 0; int num2 = args.Length - 2; while (index < num2) { builder.Append(Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToString(args[index])); builder.Append(", "); index++; } if (args.Length > 1) { builder.Append(Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToString(args[args.Length - 2])); } builder.Append(") {\n"); if (args.Length > 0) { builder.Append(Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToString(args[args.Length - 1])); } builder.Append("\n}"); Context context = new Context(new DocumentContext("anonymous", engine), builder.ToString()); JSParser parser = new JSParser(context); engine.PushScriptObject(((IActivationObject)engine.ScriptObjectStackTop()).GetGlobalScope()); try { function = (ScriptFunction)parser.ParseFunctionExpression().PartiallyEvaluate().Evaluate(); } finally { engine.PopScriptObject(); } return(function); }
public Object CreateInstance(params Object [] args) { Type t = this.GetType(); // Built-in constructor? if (t != typeof(FunctionObject)) { MethodInfo method = t.GetMethod("CreateInstance"); return(method.Invoke(this, new object [] { args })); } Type prototype = SemanticAnalyser.map_to_prototype(this.prototype); MemberInfo [] members = prototype.GetMember("constructor"); PropertyInfo field = members [0] as PropertyInfo; ScriptFunction ctr = field.GetValue(prototype, null) as ScriptFunction; if (ctr == null) { Console.WriteLine("No constructor for {0}", this); } ScriptObject new_obj = ctr.CreateInstance(args) as ScriptObject; new_obj._proto = this.prototype; vsa_engine.PushScriptObject(new_obj); Invoke(new_obj, args); // // NOTE: I think the result of calling an user function as a constructor // should not be the return value of the user function. I think it should // always be the newly constructed object. // // TODO: This has yet to be verified. // return(vsa_engine.PopScriptObject()); }
// Evaluate a JScript expression in the context of a specific engine. public static Object JScriptEvaluate(Object source, VsaEngine engine) { Object value = null; // Bail out if we weren't supplied a string. if (!(source is String)) { return(source); } // Parse the "eval" statement. Context context = new Context((String)source); context.codebase = new CodeBase("eval code", null); JSParser parser = new JSParser(context); JNode node = parser.ParseSource(true); // Push a scope for use during evaluation. engine.PushScriptObject (new BlockScope(engine.ScriptObjectStackTop(), new JSObject(null, engine))); // Evaluate the statement. try { value = node.Eval(engine); if (value == Empty.Value) { value = null; } } catch (JScriptException e) { // Attach the context information to low-level exceptions. if (e.context == null) { e.context = context; } throw; } catch (BreakJumpOut brk) { // "break" used incorrectly. throw new JScriptException(JSError.BadBreak, brk.context); } catch (ContinueJumpOut cont) { // "continue" used incorrectly. throw new JScriptException(JSError.BadContinue, cont.context); } catch (ReturnJumpOut ret) { // "return" used incorrectly. throw new JScriptException(JSError.BadReturn, ret.context); } finally { // Pop the script scope. engine.PopScriptObject(); } // Return the result of the evaluation to the caller. return(value); }