public string getPostData(string ExpectNo, string EncodingMsg, string ruleid, string guid) { VsaEngine Engine = VsaEngine.CreateEngine(); string txt = GlobalClass.LoadTextFile("getPostData.js", string.Format("jscript\\{0}\\", gc.ForWeb)); CSharpCodeProvider cc = new CSharpCodeProvider(); // icc = cc.CreateCompiler(); string allscript = string.Format("{0}getPostData('{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}');", txt, ExpectNo, EncodingMsg, ruleid, guid); try { object value = Eval.JScriptEvaluate(allscript, Engine); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); JavaScriptSerializer json = new JavaScriptSerializer(); json.Serialize(value, sb); return(sb.ToString()); //return DetailStringClass.ToJson(value); } catch (Exception ce) { return(null); } finally { Engine = null; } }
// Test the "parseInt" function inside an evaluation. public void TestGlobalEvalParseInt() { VsaEngine engine; IVsaCodeItem item; // Create a new engine instance. engine = VsaEngine.CreateEngine(); // Compile an empty script. item = (IVsaCodeItem)(engine.Items.CreateItem ("script1", VsaItemType.Code, VsaItemFlag.None)); item.SourceText = ""; Assert("Compile", engine.Compile()); engine.Run(); // Evaluate a "parseInt" call within the engine context. AssertEquals("EvalParseInt (1)", 123.0, (double)(Eval.JScriptEvaluate ("parseInt(\"123\", 0)", engine)), 0.0001); AssertEquals("EvalParseInt (2)", 123.0, (double)(Eval.JScriptEvaluate ("parseInt(\"123\")", engine)), 0.0001); // Close the engine. engine.Close(); }
public bool EvaluateConditionWithCharacter(Context context) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(data); List <string> valuesToReplace = new List <string>(); int startingPosition = 0; int positionOfVariable; while ((positionOfVariable = data.IndexOf(StaticData.VariableSeparator, startingPosition)) != -1) { startingPosition = ParseUtilites.GetEndOfVariableAtPosition(data, positionOfVariable + 1); valuesToReplace.Add(data.Substring(positionOfVariable + 1, startingPosition - positionOfVariable)); } foreach (var val in valuesToReplace.Where(context.Contains)) { string replaceTo; object value = context.GetValue(val); double res; if (double.TryParse(value.ToString(), out res)) { replaceTo = res.ToString(); } else { replaceTo = '"' + value.ToString() + '"'; } builder.Replace(StaticData.VariableSeparator + val, replaceTo); } string condition = builder.ToString(); var engine = VsaEngine.CreateEngine(); var result = Eval.JScriptEvaluate(condition, engine); return(bool.Parse(result.ToString())); }
static void Main(string[] args) { object value = Eval.JScriptEvaluate("1+2-(3*5)", VsaEngine.CreateEngine()); Console.Write(value); Console.ReadLine(); }
public static object InvokeMethodInfo(MethodInfo m, object[] arguments, bool construct, object thisob, VsaEngine engine) { if (engine == null) { engine = VsaEngine.CreateEngine(); } return(LateBinding.CallOneOfTheMembers(new MemberInfo[] { m }, arguments, construct, thisob, JSBinder.ob, null, null, engine)); }
/// <summary> /// 计算字符串算式,并返回结果 /// </summary> /// <param name="算式">如:(356+258)*3/0.3%2</param> /// <returns>计算结果</returns> public static double 计算字符串算式(string 算式) { var ve = VsaEngine.CreateEngine(); //获取计算结果 ret object ret = Microsoft.JScript.Eval.JScriptEvaluate(算式, ve); //返回结果 return(Convert.ToDouble(ret)); }
public static object CallMethod(string name, object thisob, object[] arguments, VsaEngine engine) { if (engine == null) { engine = VsaEngine.CreateEngine(); } LateBinding binding = new LateBinding(name, thisob, true); return(binding.Call(arguments, false, false, engine)); }
public static object CallConstructor(string typename, object[] arguments, VsaEngine engine) { if (engine == null) { engine = VsaEngine.CreateEngine(); } object type = GetType(typename); return(LateBinding.CallValue(null, type, arguments, true, false, engine)); }
public static object CallStaticMethod(string name, string typename, object[] arguments, VsaEngine engine) { if (engine == null) { engine = VsaEngine.CreateEngine(); } object type = GetType(typename); LateBinding binding = new LateBinding(name, type, true); return(binding.Call(arguments, false, false, engine)); }
public static object EvalJScript(string JScript) { object Result = null; try { Result = Microsoft.JScript.Eval.JScriptEvaluate(JScript, VsaEngine.CreateEngine()); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ex.Message); } return(Result); }
private static decimal EvaluateNumericExpression(string istrExpresion) { VsaEngine engine = VsaEngine.CreateEngine(); try { object resultado = Eval.JScriptEvaluate(istrExpresion, engine); return(System.Convert.ToDecimal(resultado)); } catch { return(0); } engine.Close(); }
public string getUrl(string guid) { try { string txt = GlobalClass.LoadTextFile("getUrl.js", string.Format("jscript\\{0}\\", gc.ForWeb)); string allscript = string.Format("{0};getUrl('{1}');", txt, guid); VsaEngine Engine = VsaEngine.CreateEngine(); object value = Eval.JScriptEvaluate(allscript, Engine); return(value?.ToString()); } catch (Exception ce) { return(null); } }
public static ArrayObject EvalJScript(string JScript) { VsaEngine Engine = VsaEngine.CreateEngine(); ArrayObject Result = null; try { Result = Microsoft.JScript.Eval.JScriptEvaluate(JScript, Engine) as ArrayObject; } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } return(Result); }
private string EvalExpression(string expression) { VsaEngine engine = VsaEngine.CreateEngine(); try { object o = Eval.JScriptEvaluate(expression, engine); return(System.Convert.ToDouble(o).ToString()); } catch { return("No se puede evaluar la expresión"); } engine.Close(); }
public static object GetDefaultIndexedPropertyValue(object thisob, object[] arguments, VsaEngine engine, string[] namedParameters) { if (engine == null) { engine = VsaEngine.CreateEngine(); } object[] target = null; int num = (arguments == null) ? 0 : arguments.Length; if (((namedParameters != null) && (namedParameters.Length > 0)) && ((namedParameters[0] == "this") && (num > 0))) { target = new object[num - 1]; ArrayObject.Copy(arguments, 1, target, 0, num - 1); } else { target = arguments; } LateBinding binding = new LateBinding(null, thisob, true); return(binding.Call(target, false, false, engine)); }
private object Execute() { string code = _htmled.Text; string sOutput; object result = null; try { VsaEngine engine1 = VsaEngine.CreateEngine(); result = Eval.JScriptEvaluate(code, true, engine1).ToString(); sOutput = "<html><body><pre>" + result.ToString() + "</pre></body></html>"; } catch (Exception ex) { sOutput = "<html><body><pre style=\"background-color: silver; color: red;\">" + ex.ToString() + "</pre></body></html>"; } _htmlvw.Html = sOutput; return(result); }
// Test engine creation. public void TestEngineCreate() { VsaEngine engine; VsaEngine engine2; // Create a new engine instance. engine = VsaEngine.CreateEngine(); AssertNotNull("Create (1)", engine); AssertEquals("Create (2)", engine, Globals.contextEngine); // Try to create another (returns same instance). engine2 = VsaEngine.CreateEngine(); AssertEquals("Create (3)", engine, engine2); // Close the engine. engine.Close(); AssertNull("Create (4)", Globals.contextEngine); // Create a new engine, which should be different this time. engine = VsaEngine.CreateEngine(); Assert("Create (5)", engine2 != engine); AssertNotNull("Create (6)", engine); engine.Close(); }
public static string RunJavascript(string scriptText) { VsaEngine engine = VsaEngine.CreateEngine(); return(Eval.JScriptEvaluate(scriptText, engine).ToString()); }
// Main entry point for the application. public static int Main(String[] args) { #if CONFIG_EXTENDED_NUMERICS && CONFIG_REFLECTION StreamReader reader = null; int len; VsaEngine engine; IVsaCodeItem item; StringCollection scripts = new StringCollection(); // Create an engine instance and add the script to it. engine = VsaEngine.CreateEngine(); engine.SetOption("print", true); // get command-line arguments int i = 0; String arg = args.Length == 0 ? null : args[0]; while (arg != null) { String next = null; if (arg.StartsWith("-") && !arg.StartsWith("--") && arg.Length > 2) { next = "-" + arg.Substring(2, arg.Length - 2); arg = arg.Substring(0, 2); } switch (arg) { case "-h": case "--help": Usage(); return(0); case "-v": case "--version": Version(); return(0); default: // matches both short and long options. (-/--) if (arg.StartsWith("-")) { #if !CONFIG_SMALL_CONSOLE Console.Error.WriteLine #else Console.WriteLine #endif ("jsrun: unkown option `{0}'", arg); return(1); } // not an option - assumes script path else { // To prevent a relative and a absolute pathname to same file! FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(arg); if (!fi.Exists) { #if !CONFIG_SMALL_CONSOLE Console.Error.WriteLine #else Console.WriteLine #endif ("jsrun: {0}: No such file or directory", arg); return(1); } // Cannot load same script source twice! if (scripts.Contains(fi.FullName)) { #if !CONFIG_SMALL_CONSOLE Console.Error.WriteLine #else Console.WriteLine #endif ("jsrun: {0}: use of duplicate sources illegal.", fi.FullName); } else { scripts.Add(fi.FullName); } // Load script file try { reader = new StreamReader(arg); } catch (Exception e) { #if !CONFIG_SMALL_CONSOLE Console.Error.WriteLine #else Console.WriteLine #endif ("jsrun: ({0}): {1}", e.GetType(), e.Message); } // Load the script into memory as a string. StringBuilder scriptBuilder = new StringBuilder(); char[] scriptBuffer = new char [512]; while ((len = reader.Read(scriptBuffer, 0, 512)) > 0) { scriptBuilder.Append(scriptBuffer, 0, len); } reader.Close(); item = (IVsaCodeItem)(engine.Items.CreateItem (String.Concat("script", engine.Items.Count + 1), VsaItemType.Code, VsaItemFlag.None)); item.SourceText = scriptBuilder.ToString(); item.SetOption("codebase", arg); } break; } // switch(arg) if (next != null) { arg = next; } else if (i + 1 >= args.Length) { arg = null; } else { i = i + 1; arg = args[i]; } } // for each in args // We need at least one item. if (engine.Items.Count == 0) { Usage(); return(1); } // Compile and run the script. if (!engine.Compile()) { #if !CONFIG_SMALL_CONSOLE Console.Error.WriteLine #else Console.WriteLine #endif ("jsrun: Could not compile script"); return(1); } engine.Run(); // Shut down the engine and exit. engine.Close(); return(0); #else // Use error output and exit status in case any // script/program is depending on output. #if !CONFIG_SMALL_CONSOLE Console.Error.WriteLine #else Console.WriteLine #endif ("JScript is not available in this configuration " + "because the library does\n" + "not have sufficient features to support JScript."); return(1); #endif }
private decimal TinhBieuThucDonGian(string bieuthuc) { VsaEngine vsaEngine = VsaEngine.CreateEngine(); return(decimal.Parse(Eval.JScriptEvaluate(bieuthuc, vsaEngine).ToString())); }
// Test the global object properties. public void TestEngineGlobals() { // Create a new engine instance. VsaEngine engine = VsaEngine.CreateEngine(); // Get the global object. LenientGlobalObject global = engine.LenientGlobalObject; AssertNotNull("Globals (1)", global); // Check that the "Object" and "Function" objects // appear to be of the right form. Object objectConstructor = global.Object; AssertNotNull("Globals (2)", objectConstructor); Assert("Globals (3)", objectConstructor is ObjectConstructor); Object functionConstructor = global.Function; AssertNotNull("Globals (4)", functionConstructor); Assert("Globals (5)", functionConstructor is FunctionConstructor); // Check the type information. AssertSame("Type (1)", typeof(Boolean), global.boolean); AssertSame("Type (2)", typeof(Byte), global.@byte); AssertSame("Type (3)", typeof(SByte), global.@sbyte); AssertSame("Type (4)", typeof(Char), global.@char); AssertSame("Type (5)", typeof(Int16), global.@short); AssertSame("Type (6)", typeof(UInt16), global.@ushort); AssertSame("Type (7)", typeof(Int32), global.@int); AssertSame("Type (8)", typeof(UInt32), global.@uint); AssertSame("Type (9)", typeof(Int64), global.@long); AssertSame("Type (10)", typeof(UInt64), global.@ulong); AssertSame("Type (11)", typeof(Single), global.@float); AssertSame("Type (12)", typeof(Double), global.@double); AssertSame("Type (13)", typeof(Decimal), global.@decimal); AssertSame("Type (14)", typeof(Void), global.@void); // Check the global functions. CheckScriptFunction("CollectGarbage", global.CollectGarbage, 0); CheckScriptFunction("decodeURI", global.decodeURI, 1); CheckScriptFunction("decodeURIComponent", global.decodeURIComponent, 1); CheckScriptFunction("encodeURI", global.encodeURI, 1); CheckScriptFunction("encodeURIComponent", global.encodeURIComponent, 1); CheckScriptFunction("escape", global.escape, 1); CheckScriptFunction("eval", global.eval, 1); CheckScriptFunction("isFinite", global.isFinite, 1); CheckScriptFunction("isNaN", global.isNaN, 1); CheckScriptFunction("parseFloat", global.parseFloat, 1); CheckScriptFunction("parseInt", global.parseInt, 2); CheckScriptFunction("ScriptEngine", global.ScriptEngine, 0); CheckScriptFunction("ScriptEngineBuildVersion", global.ScriptEngineBuildVersion, 0); CheckScriptFunction("ScriptEngineMajorVersion", global.ScriptEngineMajorVersion, 0); CheckScriptFunction("ScriptEngineMinorVersion", global.ScriptEngineMinorVersion, 0); CheckScriptFunction("unescape", global.unescape, 1); // Check the global values. Assert("Value (1)", Double.IsPositiveInfinity((double)(global.Infinity))); Assert("Value (2)", Double.IsNaN((double)(global.NaN))); AssertNull("Value (3)", global.undefined); // Close the engine and exit. engine.Close(); }
public ActionResult AddDebt(string summ, int group_id, string count, string comment) { var t = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <result>(count); var div = t.array.Count(); Decimal Sum = 0; try { Sum = System.Convert.ToDecimal(Eval.JScriptEvaluate(summ, VsaEngine.CreateEngine())); } catch (Exception) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Error", new { error = "Введено неверное выражение" })); } if (Sum > 0) { Decimal debt = Sum / div; foreach (var id in t.array) { var user = db.users.Where((x) => ==; VDolgah.debt first = null; if ((first = user.debts1.Where((x) => x.column == (Session["user"] as VDolgah.user).id).FirstOrDefault()) != null) { first.value += debt; addLog(debt, group_id, comment,; } else if ((first = user.debts.Where((x) => x.row == (Session["user"] as VDolgah.user).id).FirstOrDefault()) != null) { first.value -= debt; if (first.value == 0) { db.debts.Remove(first); } if (first.value < 0) { debt tmp = new VDolgah.debt(); tmp.row = first.column; tmp.column = first.row; tmp.value = -first.value; db.debts.Add(tmp); addLog(debt, group_id, comment, tmp.row); db.debts.Remove(first); } else { addLog(debt, group_id, comment,; } } else if ( != (Session["user"] as VDolgah.user).id) { var d = new debt(); d.row =; d.column = (Session["user"] as VDolgah.user).id; d.value = debt; db.debts.Add(d); addLog(debt, group_id, comment,; } } db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { group_id = group_id })); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Error", new { error = "Введен долг, который равен 0 или отрицательный" })); } }