/// <summary>
        /// This method adjust the extra interpolation duration in case we are lagging or too advanced.
        /// The idea is that we replay the message at the correct time that is GameTimeWhenMessageWasSent+InterpolationOffset
        /// In order to adjust we increase or decrease the interpolation duration so next packet matches the time more perfectly
        /// </summary>
        public void AdjustExtraInterpolationTimes()
            TimeDifference = TimeSyncSystem.UniversalTime - GameTimeStamp - VesselCommon.PositionAndFlightStateMessageOffsetSec(PingSec);

            if (WarpSystem.Singleton.CurrentlyWarping || SubspaceId == -1)
                //This is the case when the message was received while warping or we are warping.

                /* We are warping:
                 * While WE warp if we receive a message that is from before our time, we want to skip it as fast as possible!
                 * If the packet is in the future then we must interpolate towards it
                 * Player was warping:
                 * The message was received when HE was warping. We don't know his final subspace time BUT if the message was sent
                 * in a time BEFORE ours, we can skip it as fast as possible.
                 * If the packet is in the future then we must interpolate towards it
                 * Bear in mind that even if the interpolation against the future packet is long because he is in the future,
                 * when we stop warping this method will be called
                 * Also, we don't remove messages if we are close to the min recommended value

                if (TimeDifference > 0)
                    //This means that we are behind and we must consume the message fast
                    CurrentFrame = float.MaxValue;
                    ExtraInterpolationTime = GetInterpolationFixFactor();
                //This is the easiest case, the message comes from the same or a past subspace

                //IN past or same subspaces we want to be SettingsSystem.CurrentSettings.InterpolationOffset seconds BEHIND the player position
                if (WarpSystem.Singleton.SubspaceIsInThePast(SubspaceId))
                    /* The subspace is in the past so REMOVE the difference to normalize it
                     * Example: P1 subspace is +7 seconds. Your subspace is + 30 seconds
                     * Packet TimeDifference will be 23 seconds but in reality it should be 0
                     * So, we remove the time difference between subspaces (30 - 7 = 23)
                     * And now the TimeDifference - 23 = 0
                    var timeToAdd = Math.Abs(WarpSystem.Singleton.GetTimeDifferenceWithGivenSubspace(SubspaceId));
                    TimeDifference -= timeToAdd;

                ExtraInterpolationTime = (TimeDifference > 0 ? -1 : 1) * GetInterpolationFixFactor();
 private static bool PositionUpdateIsTooOld(VesselPositionUpdate update)
     return(update.GameTimeStamp < TimeSyncSystem.UniversalTime - VesselCommon.PositionAndFlightStateMessageOffsetSec(update.PingMs));