private Vector3d GetDescendingNode(Orbit targetOrbit, Orbit originOrbit) { return(Vector3d.Cross(originOrbit.GetOrbitNormal(), targetOrbit.GetOrbitNormal())); }
public Quaternion attitudeGetReferenceRotation(AttitudeReference reference) { Vector3 fwd, up; Quaternion rotRef = Quaternion.identity; if ( == null && (reference == AttitudeReference.TARGET || reference == AttitudeReference.TARGET_ORIENTATION || reference == AttitudeReference.RELATIVE_VELOCITY)) { attitudeDeactivate(); return(rotRef); } if ((reference == AttitudeReference.MANEUVER_NODE) && (vessel.patchedConicSolver.maneuverNodes.Count == 0)) { attitudeDeactivate(); return(rotRef); } switch (reference) { case AttitudeReference.ORBIT: rotRef = Quaternion.LookRotation(vesselState.orbitalVelocity.normalized, vesselState.up); break; case AttitudeReference.ORBIT_HORIZONTAL: rotRef = Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3d.Exclude(vesselState.up, vesselState.orbitalVelocity.normalized), vesselState.up); break; case AttitudeReference.SURFACE_NORTH: rotRef = vesselState.rotationSurface; break; case AttitudeReference.SURFACE_VELOCITY: rotRef = Quaternion.LookRotation(vesselState.surfaceVelocity.normalized, vesselState.up); break; case AttitudeReference.TARGET: fwd = ( - vessel.GetTransform().position).normalized; up = Vector3d.Cross(fwd, vesselState.normalPlus); Vector3.OrthoNormalize(ref fwd, ref up); rotRef = Quaternion.LookRotation(fwd, up); break; case AttitudeReference.RELATIVE_VELOCITY: fwd =; up = Vector3d.Cross(fwd, vesselState.normalPlus); Vector3.OrthoNormalize(ref fwd, ref up); rotRef = Quaternion.LookRotation(fwd, up); break; case AttitudeReference.TARGET_ORIENTATION: Transform targetTransform =; if ( { rotRef = Quaternion.LookRotation(targetTransform.forward, targetTransform.up); } else { rotRef = Quaternion.LookRotation(targetTransform.up, targetTransform.right); } break; case AttitudeReference.MANEUVER_NODE: fwd = vessel.patchedConicSolver.maneuverNodes[0].GetBurnVector(orbit); up = Vector3d.Cross(fwd, vesselState.normalPlus); Vector3.OrthoNormalize(ref fwd, ref up); rotRef = Quaternion.LookRotation(fwd, up); break; case AttitudeReference.SUN: Orbit baseOrbit = vessel.mainBody == Planetarium.fetch.Sun ? vessel.orbit : orbit.TopParentOrbit(); up = vesselState.CoM - Planetarium.fetch.Sun.transform.position; fwd = Vector3d.Cross(-baseOrbit.GetOrbitNormal().Reorder(132).normalized, up); rotRef = Quaternion.LookRotation(fwd, up); break; case AttitudeReference.SURFACE_HORIZONTAL: rotRef = Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3d.Exclude(vesselState.up, vesselState.surfaceVelocity.normalized), vesselState.up); break; } return(rotRef); }
static ManeuverParameters ComputeEjectionManeuver(Vector3d exit_velocity, Orbit initial_orbit, double UT_0) { double GM = initial_orbit.referenceBody.gravParameter; double C3 = exit_velocity.sqrMagnitude; double sma = -GM / C3; double Rpe = initial_orbit.semiMajorAxis; double ecc = 1 - Rpe / sma; double theta = Math.Acos(-1 / ecc); Vector3d intersect_1; Vector3d intersect_2; // intersect_1 is the optimal position on the orbit assuming the orbit is circular and the sphere of influence is infinite IntersectConePlane(exit_velocity, theta, initial_orbit.h, out intersect_1, out intersect_2); Vector3d eccvec = initial_orbit.GetEccVector(); double true_anomaly = AngleAboutAxis(eccvec, intersect_1, initial_orbit.h); // GetMeanAnomalyAtTrueAnomaly expects degrees and returns radians double mean_anomaly = initial_orbit.GetMeanAnomalyAtTrueAnomaly(true_anomaly * 180 / Math.PI); double delta_mean_anomaly = MuUtils.ClampRadiansPi(mean_anomaly - initial_orbit.MeanAnomalyAtUT(UT_0)); double UT = UT_0 + delta_mean_anomaly / initial_orbit.MeanMotion(); Vector3d V_0 = initial_orbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(UT); Vector3d pos = initial_orbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(UT); double final_vel = Math.Sqrt(C3 + 2 * GM / pos.magnitude); Vector3d x = pos.normalized; Vector3d z = Vector3d.Cross(x, exit_velocity).normalized; Vector3d y = Vector3d.Cross(z, x); theta = Math.PI / 2; double dtheta = 0.001; Orbit sample = new Orbit(); double theta_err = Double.MaxValue; for (int iteration = 0; iteration < 50; ++iteration) { Vector3d V_1 = final_vel * (Math.Cos(theta) * x + Math.Sin(theta) * y); sample.UpdateFromStateVectors(pos, V_1, initial_orbit.referenceBody, UT); theta_err = AngleAboutAxis(exit_velocity, sample.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(OrbitExtensions.NextTimeOfRadius(sample, UT, sample.referenceBody.sphereOfInfluence)), z); if (double.IsNaN(theta_err)) { return(null); } if (Math.Abs(theta_err) <= Math.PI / 1800) { return(new ManeuverParameters((V_1 - V_0).xzy, UT)); } V_1 = final_vel * (Math.Cos(theta + dtheta) * x + Math.Sin(theta + dtheta) * y); sample.UpdateFromStateVectors(pos, V_1, initial_orbit.referenceBody, UT); double theta_err_2 = AngleAboutAxis(exit_velocity, sample.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(OrbitExtensions.NextTimeOfRadius(sample, UT, sample.referenceBody.sphereOfInfluence)), z); V_1 = final_vel * (Math.Cos(theta - dtheta) * x + Math.Sin(theta - dtheta) * y); sample.UpdateFromStateVectors(pos, V_1, initial_orbit.referenceBody, UT); double theta_err_3 = AngleAboutAxis(exit_velocity, sample.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(OrbitExtensions.NextTimeOfRadius(sample, UT, sample.referenceBody.sphereOfInfluence)), z); double derr = MuUtils.ClampRadiansPi(theta_err_2 - theta_err_3) / (2 * dtheta); theta = MuUtils.ClampRadiansTwoPi(theta - theta_err / derr); // if theta > pi, replace with 2pi - theta, the function ejection_angle=f(theta) is symmetrc wrt theta=pi if (theta > Math.PI) { theta = 2 * Math.PI - theta; } } return(null); }
public void Generate() { int s = GridSize + 1; double scale = size / GridSize; double invSize = 1.0 / size; Vector3d p1, p2, p3, tmp, tan; double n; Vector3d offset = new Vector3d(GridSize * .5, 0, GridSize * .5); vertices = new Vector3[s * s]; normals = new Vector3[s * s]; tangents = new Vector4[s * s]; texcoord0 = new Vector4[s * s]; weights = new Color[s * s]; Vector3d?[,] vertexCache = new Vector3d?[s, s]; double?[,] noiseCache = new double?[s, s]; bool outwardNormals = type != SurfaceType.Ground; hasVisibleVertices = false; System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); int j = 0; // surface mesh for (int x = 0; x < s; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < s; z++) { // get normalized cube space vertex (vertices -.5 to .5) if (vertexCache[x, z].HasValue) { p1 = vertexCache[x, z].Value; n = noiseCache[x, z].Value; } else { p1 = Vector3d.Normalize(cubePos + rotation * (scale * (new Vector3d(x, 0, z) - offset))); p1 = p1 * GetHeight(p1, out n, ref hasVisibleVertices) - meshPos; vertexCache[x, z] = p1; noiseCache[x, z] = n; } if (z + 1 < s && vertexCache[x, z + 1].HasValue) { p2 = vertexCache[x, z + 1].Value; } else { p2 = Vector3d.Normalize(cubePos + rotation * (scale * (new Vector3d(x, 0, z + 1) - offset))); p2 = p2 * GetHeight(p2, out n, ref hasVisibleVertices) - meshPos; if (z + 1 < s) { vertexCache[x, z + 1] = p2; noiseCache[x, z + 1] = n; } } if (x + 1 < s && vertexCache[x + 1, z].HasValue) { p3 = vertexCache[x + 1, z].Value; } else { p3 = Vector3d.Normalize(cubePos + rotation * (scale * (new Vector3d(x + 1, 0, z) - offset))); p3 = p3 * GetHeight(p3, out n, ref hasVisibleVertices) - meshPos; if (x + 1 < s) { vertexCache[x + 1, z] = p3; noiseCache[x + 1, z] = n; } } tmp = (p1 + meshPos).normalized; tan = Vector3d.Cross(planet.rotation * Vector3d.up, tmp).normalized; vertices[j] = (Vector3)(p1 * invSize); normals[j] = outwardNormals ? (Vector3)tmp : Vector3.Cross((Vector3)Vector3d.Normalize(p2 - p1), (Vector3)Vector3d.Normalize(p3 - p1)); texcoord0[j] = new Vector4((float)tmp.x, (float)tmp.y, (float)tmp.z, (float)size); tangents[j] = (Vector3)tan; weights[j] = planet.heightWeightGradient.Evaluate((float)n); j++; } } sw.Stop(); lock (sfctimes) sfctimes.Add(sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds); sw.Reset(); // grass, trees, surface objects if (type == SurfaceType.Ground) { // trees if (planet.hasTrees && vertexResolution >= planet.treeVertexResolution && vertexResolution * .5 < planet.treeVertexResolution) { sw.Start(); trees = new TreeInstance[1]; System.Random rand = new System.Random(planet.seed ^ (meshPos.GetHashCode())); GameObject tree = planet.treePrefabs[0]; bool q = false; double h; float x, z; List <Matrix4x4> m = new List <Matrix4x4>(); for (int i = 0; i < .01 * (size * size); i++) { x = (float)rand.NextDouble() * GridSize; z = (float)rand.NextDouble() * GridSize; p1 = (cubePos + rotation * (scale * (new Vector3d(x, 0, z) - offset))); p1 = p1.normalized; h = GetHeight(p1, out n, ref q); if (h > planet.radius + planet.waterHeight) { p2 = p1; p1 = p1 * h - meshPos; m.Add(Matrix4x4.TRS( (Vector3)p1, Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, (Vector3)p2), )); } } TreeInstance t = new TreeInstance() { instances = m.ToArray(), tmpinstances = new Matrix4x4[m.Count], prefab = tree }; trees[0] = t; sw.Stop(); lock (treetimes) treetimes.Add(sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds); sw.Reset(); } // grass // TODO: grass generation is atrociously slow if (planet.hasGrass && vertexResolution >= planet.grassVertexResolution && vertexResolution * .5 < planet.grassVertexResolution) { sw.Start(); System.Random rand = new System.Random(~(planet.seed ^ (meshPos.GetHashCode()))); int count = (int)(planet.grassDensity * size * size); List <int> ginds = new List <int>(count); gverts = new List <Vector3>(count); gnorms = new List <Vector3>(count); guvs = new List <Vector4>(count); double h2 = (planet.radius + planet.waterHeight) * (planet.radius + planet.waterHeight); float x, z, xr, zr; Vector3d pos; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { x = (float)(rand.NextDouble() * GridSize); z = (float)(rand.NextDouble() * GridSize); xr = x - (int)x; zr = z - (int)z; // interpolate height from mesh pos = (Vector3d)bilinear( vertices[(int)x * s + (int)z], vertices[(int)x * s + (int)z + 1], vertices[(int)(x + 1) * s + (int)z], vertices[(int)(x + 1) * s + (int)z + 1], xr, zr) * size; double h = ((pos + meshPos).magnitude - planet.radius) / planet.terrainHeight; if (planet.heightWeightGradient.Evaluate((float)h).g > .5f) { gverts.Add((Vector3)pos); gnorms.Add(bilinear( normals[(int)x * s + (int)z], normals[(int)x * s + (int)z + 1], normals[(int)(x + 1) * s + (int)z], normals[(int)(x + 1) * s + (int)z + 1], xr, zr).normalized); guvs.Add(new Vector4((float)rand.NextDouble(), (float)rand.NextDouble(), 1f, (float)rand.NextDouble())); ginds.Add(gverts.Count - 1); } } grassindices = ginds.ToArray(); sw.Stop(); lock (grasstimes) grasstimes.Add(sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds); sw.Reset(); } } generated = true; }
/// <summary> /// Builds the piston joint. /// </summary> /// <returns>The piston joint.</returns> /// <param name="simulationObjs">Simulation objects.</param> public override List <JacobianConstraint> BuildJacobian() { var pistonConstraints = new List <JacobianConstraint> (); IShape simulationObjectA = ShapeA; IShape simulationObjectB = ShapeB; #region Init Linear Vector3d sliderAxis = GetSliderAxis(); Vector3d t1 = GeometryUtils.GetPerpendicularVector(sliderAxis).Normalize(); Vector3d t2 = sliderAxis.Cross(t1).Normalize(); Vector3d r1 = simulationObjectA.RotationMatrix * StartErrorAxis1; Vector3d r2 = simulationObjectB.RotationMatrix * StartErrorAxis2; Vector3d p1 = simulationObjectA.Position + r1; Vector3d p2 = simulationObjectB.Position + r2; Vector3d linearError = p2 - p1; #endregion Vector3d angularError = sliderAxis.Cross( (simulationObjectB.RotationMatrix * PistonAxis)); #region Jacobian Constraint double errorReduction = ErrorReductionParam; double springCoefficient = SpringCoefficient; #region Base Constraints ConstraintType constraintType = ConstraintType.Joint; if (SpringCoefficient > 0) { constraintType = ConstraintType.SoftJoint; } //DOF 1 double angularLimit = errorReduction * t1.Dot(angularError); pistonConstraints.Add( JacobianCommon.GetDOF( t1, -1.0 * t1, simulationObjectA, simulationObjectB, 0.0, angularLimit, springCoefficient, 0.0, constraintType)); //DOF 2 angularLimit = errorReduction * t2.Dot(angularError); pistonConstraints.Add( JacobianCommon.GetDOF( t2, -1.0 * t2, simulationObjectA, simulationObjectB, 0.0, angularLimit, springCoefficient, 0.0, constraintType)); //DOF 3 double constraintLimit = errorReduction * t1.Dot(linearError); pistonConstraints.Add(JacobianCommon.GetDOF( t1, -1.0 * t1, r1.Cross(t1), -1.0 * r2.Cross(t1), simulationObjectA, simulationObjectB, 0.0, constraintLimit, springCoefficient, 0.0, constraintType)); //DOF 4 constraintLimit = errorReduction * Vector3d.Dot(t2, linearError); pistonConstraints.Add(JacobianCommon.GetDOF( t2, -1.0 * t2, r1.Cross(t2), -1.0 * r2.Cross(t2), simulationObjectA, simulationObjectB, 0.0, constraintLimit, springCoefficient, 0.0, constraintType)); #endregion #region Limit Constraints pistonConstraints.AddRange(GetLinearLimit( simulationObjectA, simulationObjectB, sliderAxis, r1, r2, errorReduction)); pistonConstraints.AddRange(GetAnguarLimit( simulationObjectA, simulationObjectB, sliderAxis, errorReduction)); #endregion #region Motor Constraint pistonConstraints.AddRange(GetMotorConstraint( simulationObjectA, simulationObjectB, sliderAxis)); #endregion #endregion return(pistonConstraints); }
// Residual torque for given force application point. public Vector3d TorqueAt(Vector3d origin) { return(totalZeroOriginTorque - Vector3d.Cross(origin, totalForce)); }
public void AddGlyphPoints(List <PositionTexture> pointList, Vector2d size, Rectangle position, Rectangle uv) { PositionTexture[] points = new PositionTexture[6]; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { points[i] = new PositionTexture(); } Vector3d left = Vector3d.Cross(center, up); Vector3d right = Vector3d.Cross(up, center); left.Normalize(); right.Normalize(); up.Normalize(); Vector3d upTan = Vector3d.Cross(center, right); upTan.Normalize(); if (alignment == Alignment.Center) { left.Multiply(width - position.Left * 2); right.Multiply(width - ((width * 2) - position.Right * 2)); } else if (alignment == Alignment.Left) { left.Multiply(-position.Left * 2); right.Multiply(position.Right * 2); } Vector3d top = upTan.Copy(); Vector3d bottom = Vector3d.SubtractVectors(Vector3d.Empty, upTan); top.Multiply(height - position.Top * 2); bottom.Multiply(height - ((height * 2) - position.Bottom * 2)); Vector3d ul = center.Copy(); ul.Add(top); if (sky) { ul.Add(left); } else { ul.Subtract(left); } Vector3d ur = center.Copy(); ur.Add(top); if (sky) { ur.Add(right); } else { ur.Subtract(right); } Vector3d ll = center.Copy(); if (sky) { ll.Add(left); } else { ll.Subtract(left); } ll.Add(bottom); Vector3d lr = center.Copy(); if (sky) { lr.Add(right); } else { lr.Subtract(right); } lr.Add(bottom); points[0].Position = ul.Copy(); points[0].Tu = uv.Left; points[0].Tv = uv.Top; // points[0].Color = Color; points[2].Tu = uv.Left; points[2].Tv = uv.Bottom; points[2].Position = ll.Copy(); // points[2].Color = Color; points[1].Tu = uv.Right; points[1].Tv = uv.Top; points[1].Position = ur.Copy(); // points[1].Color = Color; points[3].Tu = uv.Right; points[3].Tv = uv.Bottom; points[3].Position = lr.Copy(); // points[3].Color = Color; points[5].Tu = uv.Right; points[5].Tv = uv.Top; points[5].Position = ur.Copy(); // points[5].Color = Color; points[4].Tu = uv.Left; points[4].Tv = uv.Bottom; points[4].Position = ll.Copy(); // points[4].Color = Color; if (Rotation != 0 || Tilt != 0 || Bank != 0) { if (!matInit) { Matrix3d lookAt = Matrix3d.LookAtLH(center, new Vector3d(), up); Matrix3d lookAtInv = lookAt.Clone(); lookAtInv.Invert(); rtbMat = Matrix3d.MultiplyMatrix(Matrix3d.MultiplyMatrix(Matrix3d.MultiplyMatrix(Matrix3d.MultiplyMatrix(lookAt, Matrix3d.RotationZ(-Rotation / 180 * Math.PI)), Matrix3d.RotationX(-Tilt / 180 * Math.PI)), Matrix3d.RotationY(-Bank / 180 * Math.PI)), lookAtInv); //todo make this true after debug matInit = true; } for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { points[i].Position = Vector3d.TransformCoordinate(points[i].Position, rtbMat); } } foreach (PositionTexture pnt in points) { pointList.Add(pnt); } }
protected override void WindowGUI(int windowID) { if (btNormal == null) { btNormal = new GUIStyle(; btNormal.normal.textColor = btNormal.focused.textColor = Color.white; btNormal.hover.textColor = = Color.yellow; btNormal.onNormal.textColor = btNormal.onFocused.textColor = btNormal.onHover.textColor = btNormal.onActive.textColor =; btNormal.padding = new RectOffset(8, 8, 8, 8); btActive = new GUIStyle(btNormal); = btActive.onActive; btActive.normal = btActive.onNormal; btActive.onFocused = btActive.focused; btActive.hover = btActive.onHover; } GUILayout.BeginVertical(); if (autopilot != null) { if (autopilot.enabled) { if (GUILayout.Button("Disengage autopilot")) { autopilot.users.Remove(this); } } else { if (GUILayout.Button("Engage autopilot")) { autopilot.users.Add(this); } } if (ascentPathIdx == ascentType.PVG) { if (GUILayout.Button("Reset Guidance (DO NOT PRESS)")) { core.guidance.Reset(); } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); // EditorStyles.toolbar); if (GUILayout.Button("TARG", autopilot.showTargeting ? btActive : btNormal, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true))) { autopilot.showTargeting = !autopilot.showTargeting; } if (GUILayout.Button("GUID", autopilot.showGuidanceSettings ? btActive : btNormal, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true))) { autopilot.showGuidanceSettings = !autopilot.showGuidanceSettings; } if (GUILayout.Button("OPTS", autopilot.showSettings ? btActive : btNormal, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true))) { autopilot.showSettings = !autopilot.showSettings; } if (GUILayout.Button("STATUS", autopilot.showStatus ? btActive : btNormal, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true))) { autopilot.showStatus = !autopilot.showStatus; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } else if (ascentPathIdx == ascentType.GRAVITYTURN) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); // EditorStyles.toolbar); if (GUILayout.Button("TARG", autopilot.showTargeting ? btActive : btNormal, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true))) { autopilot.showTargeting = !autopilot.showTargeting; } if (GUILayout.Button("GUID", autopilot.showGuidanceSettings ? btActive : btNormal, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true))) { autopilot.showGuidanceSettings = !autopilot.showGuidanceSettings; } if (GUILayout.Button("OPTS", autopilot.showSettings ? btActive : btNormal, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true))) { autopilot.showSettings = !autopilot.showSettings; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } else if (ascentPathIdx == ascentType.CLASSIC) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); // EditorStyles.toolbar); if (GUILayout.Button("TARG", autopilot.showTargeting ? btActive : btNormal, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true))) { autopilot.showTargeting = !autopilot.showTargeting; } if (GUILayout.Button("OPTS", autopilot.showSettings ? btActive : btNormal, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true))) { autopilot.showSettings = !autopilot.showSettings; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } if (autopilot.showTargeting) { if (ascentPathIdx == ascentType.PVG) { GuiUtils.SimpleTextBox("Target Periapsis", autopilot.desiredOrbitAltitude, "km"); GuiUtils.SimpleTextBox("Target Apoapsis:", pvgascent.desiredApoapsis, "km"); if (pvgascent.desiredApoapsis >= 0 && pvgascent.desiredApoapsis < autopilot.desiredOrbitAltitude) { GUIStyle s = new GUIStyle(; s.normal.textColor = Color.yellow; GUILayout.Label("Ap < Pe: circularizing orbit", s); } if (pvgascent.desiredApoapsis < 0) { GUIStyle s = new GUIStyle(; s.normal.textColor = XKCDColors.Orange; GUILayout.Label("Hyperbolic target orbit (neg Ap)", s); } } else { GuiUtils.SimpleTextBox("Orbit altitude", autopilot.desiredOrbitAltitude, "km"); } GUIStyle si = new GUIStyle(; if (Math.Abs(desiredInclination) < Math.Abs(vesselState.latitude) - 2.001) { si.onHover.textColor = si.onNormal.textColor = si.normal.textColor = XKCDColors.Orange; } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Orbit inc.", si, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); desiredInclination.text = GUILayout.TextField(desiredInclination.text, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true), GUILayout.Width(100)); GUILayout.Label("º", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); if (GUILayout.Button("Current")) { desiredInclination.val = vesselState.latitude; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (Math.Abs(desiredInclination) < Math.Abs(vesselState.latitude) - 2.001) { GUILayout.Label(String.Format("inc {0:F1}º below current latitude", Math.Abs(vesselState.latitude) - Math.Abs(desiredInclination)), si); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); autopilot.desiredInclination = desiredInclination; } if (autopilot.showGuidanceSettings) { if (ascentPathIdx == ascentType.GRAVITYTURN) { GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GuiUtils.SimpleTextBox("Turn start altitude:", gtascent.turnStartAltitude, "km"); GuiUtils.SimpleTextBox("Turn start velocity:", gtascent.turnStartVelocity, "m/s"); GuiUtils.SimpleTextBox("Turn start pitch:", gtascent.turnStartPitch, "deg"); GuiUtils.SimpleTextBox("Intermediate altitude:", gtascent.intermediateAltitude, "km"); GuiUtils.SimpleTextBox("Hold AP Time:", gtascent.holdAPTime, "s"); GUILayout.EndVertical(); } else if (ascentPathIdx == ascentType.PVG) { GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GuiUtils.SimpleTextBox("Booster Pitch start:", pvgascent.pitchStartVelocity, "m/s"); GuiUtils.SimpleTextBox("Booster Pitch rate:", pvgascent.pitchRate, "°/s"); GuiUtils.SimpleTextBox("Guidance Interval:", core.guidance.pvgInterval, "s"); if (core.guidance.pvgInterval < 1 || core.guidance.pvgInterval > 30) { GUIStyle s = new GUIStyle(; s.normal.textColor = Color.yellow; GUILayout.Label("Guidance intervals are limited to between 1s and 30s", s); } GuiUtils.SimpleTextBox("Qα limit", autopilot.limitQa, "Pa-rad"); if (autopilot.limitQa < 100 || autopilot.limitQa > 4000) { GUIStyle s = new GUIStyle(; s.normal.textColor = Color.yellow; if (autopilot.limitQa < 100) { GUILayout.Label("Qα limit cannot be set to lower than 100 Pa-rad", s); } else if (autopilot.limitQa > 10000) { GUILayout.Label("Qα limit cannot be set to higher than 10000 Pa-rad", s); } else { GUILayout.Label("Qα limit is recommended to be 1000 to 4000 Pa-rad", s); } } pvgascent.omitCoast = GUILayout.Toggle(pvgascent.omitCoast, "Omit Coast"); GUILayout.EndVertical(); } } autopilot.limitQaEnabled = (ascentPathIdx == ascentType.PVG); // this is mandatory for PVG if (autopilot.showSettings) { ToggleAscentNavballGuidanceInfoItem(); if (ascentPathIdx != ascentType.PVG) { core.thrust.LimitToPreventOverheatsInfoItem(); //core.thrust.LimitToTerminalVelocityInfoItem(); core.thrust.LimitToMaxDynamicPressureInfoItem(); core.thrust.LimitAccelerationInfoItem(); core.thrust.LimitThrottleInfoItem(); core.thrust.LimiterMinThrottleInfoItem(); core.thrust.LimitElectricInfoItem(); } else { core.thrust.LimitToPreventOverheatsInfoItem(); //core.thrust.LimitToTerminalVelocityInfoItem(); core.thrust.LimitToMaxDynamicPressureInfoItem(); //core.thrust.LimitAccelerationInfoItem(); //core.thrust.LimitThrottleInfoItem(); core.thrust.LimiterMinThrottleInfoItem(); //core.thrust.LimitElectricInfoItem(); GUILayout.Label("FIXME: g-limiter is down for maintenance"); core.thrust.limitAcceleration = false; core.thrust.limitThrottle = false; core.thrust.limitToTerminalVelocity = false; core.thrust.electricThrottle = false; } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); autopilot.forceRoll = GUILayout.Toggle(autopilot.forceRoll, "Force Roll"); if (autopilot.forceRoll) { GuiUtils.SimpleTextBox("climb", autopilot.verticalRoll, "º", 30f); GuiUtils.SimpleTextBox("turn", autopilot.turnRoll, "º", 30f); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (ascentPathIdx != ascentType.PVG) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUIStyle s = new GUIStyle(; if (autopilot.limitingAoA) { s.onHover.textColor = s.onNormal.textColor =; } autopilot.limitAoA = GUILayout.Toggle(autopilot.limitAoA, "Limit AoA to", s, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); autopilot.maxAoA.text = GUILayout.TextField(autopilot.maxAoA.text, GUILayout.Width(30)); GUILayout.Label("º (" + autopilot.currentMaxAoA.ToString("F1") + "°)", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(25); if (autopilot.limitAoA) { GUIStyle sl = new GUIStyle(; if (autopilot.limitingAoA && vesselState.dynamicPressure < autopilot.aoALimitFadeoutPressure) { sl.normal.textColor = sl.hover.textColor =; } GuiUtils.SimpleTextBox("Dynamic Pressure Fadeout", autopilot.aoALimitFadeoutPressure, "Pa", 50, sl); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); autopilot.limitQaEnabled = false; // this is only for PVG } if (ascentPathIdx == ascentType.CLASSIC) { // corrective steering only applies to Classic GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); autopilot.correctiveSteering = GUILayout.Toggle(autopilot.correctiveSteering, "Corrective steering", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); if (autopilot.correctiveSteering) { GUILayout.Label("Gain", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); autopilot.correctiveSteeringGain.text = GUILayout.TextField(autopilot.correctiveSteeringGain.text, GUILayout.Width(40)); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } autopilot.autostage = GUILayout.Toggle(autopilot.autostage, "Autostage"); if (autopilot.autostage) { core.staging.AutostageSettingsInfoItem(); } autopilot.autodeploySolarPanels = GUILayout.Toggle(autopilot.autodeploySolarPanels, "Auto-deploy solar panels"); autopilot.autoDeployAntennas = GUILayout.Toggle(autopilot.autoDeployAntennas, "Auto-deploy antennas"); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); core.node.autowarp = GUILayout.Toggle(core.node.autowarp, "Auto-warp"); if (ascentPathIdx != ascentType.PVG) { autopilot.skipCircularization = GUILayout.Toggle(autopilot.skipCircularization, "Skip Circularization"); } else { // skipCircularization is always true for Optimizer autopilot.skipCircularization = true; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } if (autopilot.showStatus) { if (ascentPathIdx == ascentType.PVG) { if (core.guidance.solution != null) { for (int i = core.guidance.solution.num_segments; i > 0; i--) { GUILayout.Label(String.Format("{0}: {1}", i, core.guidance.solution.ArcString(vesselState.time, i - 1))); } } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label(String.Format("vgo: {0:F1}", core.guidance.vgo), GUILayout.Width(100)); GUILayout.Label(String.Format("heading: {0:F1}", core.guidance.heading), GUILayout.Width(100)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label(String.Format("tgo: {0:F3}", core.guidance.tgo), GUILayout.Width(100)); GUILayout.Label(String.Format("pitch: {0:F1}", core.guidance.pitch), GUILayout.Width(100)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUIStyle si = new GUIStyle(; if (core.guidance.isStable()) { si.onHover.textColor = si.onNormal.textColor = si.normal.textColor = XKCDColors.Green; } else if (core.guidance.isInitializing() || core.guidance.status == PVGStatus.FINISHED) { si.onHover.textColor = si.onNormal.textColor = si.normal.textColor = XKCDColors.Orange; } else { si.onHover.textColor = si.onNormal.textColor = si.normal.textColor = XKCDColors.Red; } GUILayout.Label("Guidance Status: " + core.guidance.status, si); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("converges: " + core.guidance.successful_converges, GUILayout.Width(100)); GUILayout.Label("status: " + core.guidance.last_lm_status, GUILayout.Width(100)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("n: " + core.guidance.last_lm_iteration_count + "(" + core.guidance.max_lm_iteration_count + ")", GUILayout.Width(100)); GUILayout.Label("staleness: " + GuiUtils.TimeToDHMS(core.guidance.staleness)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label(String.Format("znorm: {0:G5}", core.guidance.last_znorm)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (core.guidance.last_failure_cause != null) { GUIStyle s = new GUIStyle(; s.normal.textColor =; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("LAST FAILURE: " + core.guidance.last_failure_cause, s); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } if (vessel.situation != Vessel.Situations.LANDED && vessel.situation != Vessel.Situations.PRELAUNCH && vessel.situation != Vessel.Situations.SPLASHED) { double m0 = atmoStats[vessel.currentStage].startMass; double thrust = atmoStats[vessel.currentStage].startThrust; if (Math.Abs(vesselState.mass - m0) / m0 > 0.01) { GUIStyle s = new GUIStyle(; s.normal.textColor = Color.yellow; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label(String.Format("MASS IS OFF BY {0:F1}%", (vesselState.mass - m0) / m0 * 100.0), s); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } if (Math.Abs(vesselState.thrustCurrent - thrust) / thrust > 0.01) { GUIStyle s = new GUIStyle(; s.normal.textColor = Color.yellow; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label(String.Format("THRUST IS OFF BY {0:F1}%", (vesselState.thrustCurrent - thrust) / thrust * 100.0), s); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } } } if (vessel.LandedOrSplashed) { if ( { if (core.node.autowarp) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Launch countdown:", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); autopilot.warpCountDown.text = GUILayout.TextField(autopilot.warpCountDown.text, GUILayout.Width(60)); GUILayout.Label("s", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } if (!launchingToPlane && !launchingToRendezvous && !launchingToInterplanetary) { // disable plane/rendezvous/interplanetary for now if (ascentPathIdx != ascentType.PVG) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Launch to rendezvous:", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false))) { launchingToRendezvous = true; autopilot.StartCountdown(vesselState.time + LaunchTiming.TimeToPhaseAngle(autopilot.launchPhaseAngle, mainBody, vesselState.longitude,; } autopilot.launchPhaseAngle.text = GUILayout.TextField(autopilot.launchPhaseAngle.text, GUILayout.Width(60)); GUILayout.Label("º", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Launch into plane of target", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false))) { launchingToPlane = true; autopilot.StartCountdown(vesselState.time + LaunchTiming.TimeToPlane(autopilot.launchLANDifference, mainBody, vesselState.latitude, vesselState.longitude,; } autopilot.launchLANDifference.text = GUILayout.TextField( autopilot.launchLANDifference.text, GUILayout.Width(60)); GUILayout.Label("º", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if ( == orbit.referenceBody.referenceBody) { if (GUILayout.Button("Launch at interplanetary window")) { launchingToInterplanetary = true; //compute the desired launch date OrbitalManeuverCalculator.DeltaVAndTimeForHohmannTransfer(mainBody.orbit,, vesselState.time, out interplanetaryWindowUT); double desiredOrbitPeriod = 2 * Math.PI * Math.Sqrt( Math.Pow(mainBody.Radius + autopilot.desiredOrbitAltitude, 3) / mainBody.gravParameter); //launch just before the window, but don't try to launch in the past interplanetaryWindowUT -= 3 * desiredOrbitPeriod; interplanetaryWindowUT = Math.Max(vesselState.time + autopilot.warpCountDown, interplanetaryWindowUT); autopilot.StartCountdown(interplanetaryWindowUT); } } } } else { launchingToInterplanetary = launchingToPlane = launchingToRendezvous = false; GUILayout.Label("Select a target for a timed launch."); } if (launchingToInterplanetary || launchingToPlane || launchingToRendezvous) { string message = ""; if (launchingToInterplanetary) { message = "Launching at interplanetary window"; } else if (launchingToPlane) { desiredInclination = MuUtils.Clamp(, Math.Abs(vesselState.latitude), 180 - Math.Abs(vesselState.latitude)); desiredInclination *= Math.Sign(Vector3d.Dot(, Vector3d.Cross(vesselState.CoM - mainBody.position, mainBody.transform.up))); message = "Launching to target plane"; } else if (launchingToRendezvous) { message = "Launching to rendezvous"; } if (autopilot.tMinus > 3 * vesselState.deltaT) { message += ": T-" + GuiUtils.TimeToDHMS(autopilot.tMinus, 1); } GUILayout.Label(message); if (GUILayout.Button("Abort")) { launchingToInterplanetary = launchingToPlane = launchingToRendezvous = autopilot.timedLaunch = false; } } } if (autopilot.enabled) { GUILayout.Label("Autopilot status: " + autopilot.status); } } if (!vessel.patchedConicsUnlocked() && ascentPathIdx != ascentType.PVG) { GUILayout.Label("Warning: MechJeb is unable to circularize without an upgraded Tracking Station."); } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); autopilot.ascentPathIdxPublic = (ascentType)GuiUtils.ComboBox.Box((int)autopilot.ascentPathIdxPublic, autopilot.ascentPathList, this); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (autopilot.ascentMenu != null) { autopilot.ascentMenu.enabled = GUILayout.Toggle(autopilot.ascentMenu.enabled, "Edit ascent path"); } GUILayout.EndVertical(); base.WindowGUI(windowID); }
public static void BoxAndBox(CollisionBox one, CollisionBox two, CollisionData data) { // Make sure we have contacts if (data.NoMoreContacts()) { return; } //if (!IntersectionTests.BoxAndBox(one, two)) return; // Find the vector between the two centres Vector3d toCentre = two.GetAxis(3) - one.GetAxis(3); // We start assuming there is no contact double pen = double.MaxValue; int best = 0xffffff; // Now we check each axes, returning if it gives us // a separating axis, and keeping track of the axis with // the smallest penetration otherwise. if (!TryAxis(one, two, one.GetAxis(0), toCentre, 0, ref pen, ref best)) { return; } if (!TryAxis(one, two, one.GetAxis(1), toCentre, 1, ref pen, ref best)) { return; } if (!TryAxis(one, two, one.GetAxis(2), toCentre, 2, ref pen, ref best)) { return; } if (!TryAxis(one, two, two.GetAxis(0), toCentre, 3, ref pen, ref best)) { return; } if (!TryAxis(one, two, two.GetAxis(1), toCentre, 4, ref pen, ref best)) { return; } if (!TryAxis(one, two, two.GetAxis(2), toCentre, 5, ref pen, ref best)) { return; } // Store the best axis-major, in case we run into almost // parallel edge collisions later int bestSingleAxis = best; if (!TryAxis(one, two, Vector3d.Cross(one.GetAxis(0), two.GetAxis(0)), toCentre, 6, ref pen, ref best)) { return; } if (!TryAxis(one, two, Vector3d.Cross(one.GetAxis(0), two.GetAxis(1)), toCentre, 7, ref pen, ref best)) { return; } if (!TryAxis(one, two, Vector3d.Cross(one.GetAxis(0), two.GetAxis(2)), toCentre, 8, ref pen, ref best)) { return; } if (!TryAxis(one, two, Vector3d.Cross(one.GetAxis(1), two.GetAxis(0)), toCentre, 9, ref pen, ref best)) { return; } if (!TryAxis(one, two, Vector3d.Cross(one.GetAxis(1), two.GetAxis(1)), toCentre, 10, ref pen, ref best)) { return; } if (!TryAxis(one, two, Vector3d.Cross(one.GetAxis(1), two.GetAxis(2)), toCentre, 11, ref pen, ref best)) { return; } if (!TryAxis(one, two, Vector3d.Cross(one.GetAxis(2), two.GetAxis(0)), toCentre, 12, ref pen, ref best)) { return; } if (!TryAxis(one, two, Vector3d.Cross(one.GetAxis(2), two.GetAxis(1)), toCentre, 13, ref pen, ref best)) { return; } if (!TryAxis(one, two, Vector3d.Cross(one.GetAxis(2), two.GetAxis(2)), toCentre, 14, ref pen, ref best)) { return; } // Make sure we've got a result. if (best == 0xffffff) { throw new Exception("best == 0xffffff"); } // We now know there's a collision, and we know which // of the axes gave the smallest penetration. We now // can deal with it in different ways depending on // the case. if (best < 3) { // We've got a vertex of box two on a face of box one. FillPointFaceBoxBox(one, two, toCentre, data, best, pen); } else if (best < 6) { // We've got a vertex of box one on a face of box two. // We use the same algorithm as above, but swap around // one and two (and therefore also the vector between their // centres). FillPointFaceBoxBox(two, one, toCentre * -1.0, data, best - 3, pen); } else { // We've got an edge-edge contact. Find out which axes best -= 6; int oneAxisIndex = best / 3; int twoAxisIndex = best % 3; Vector3d oneAxis = one.GetAxis(oneAxisIndex); Vector3d twoAxis = two.GetAxis(twoAxisIndex); Vector3d axis = Vector3d.Cross(oneAxis, twoAxis); axis.Normalize(); // The axis should point from box one to box two. if (Vector3d.Dot(axis, toCentre) > 0) { axis *= -1.0; } // We have the axes, but not the edges: each axis has 4 edges parallel // to it, we need to find which of the 4 for each object. We do // that by finding the point in the centre of the edge. We know // its component in the direction of the box's collision axis is zero // (its a mid-point) and we determine which of the extremes in each // of the other axes is closest. Vector3d ptOnOneEdge = one.HalfSize; Vector3d ptOnTwoEdge = two.HalfSize; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (i == oneAxisIndex) { ptOnOneEdge[i] = 0; } else if (Vector3d.Dot(one.GetAxis(i), axis) > 0) { ptOnOneEdge[i] = -ptOnOneEdge[i]; } if (i == twoAxisIndex) { ptOnTwoEdge[i] = 0; } else if (Vector3d.Dot(two.GetAxis(i), axis) < 0) { ptOnTwoEdge[i] = -ptOnTwoEdge[i]; } } // Move them into world coordinates (they are already oriented // correctly, since they have been derived from the axes). ptOnOneEdge = one.Transform * ptOnOneEdge; ptOnTwoEdge = two.Transform * ptOnTwoEdge; // So we have a point and a direction for the colliding edges. // We need to find out point of closest approach of the two // line-segments. Vector3d vertex = ContactPoint( ptOnOneEdge, oneAxis, one.HalfSize[oneAxisIndex], ptOnTwoEdge, twoAxis, two.HalfSize[twoAxisIndex], bestSingleAxis > 2 ); // We can fill the contact. var contact = data.GetContact(); contact.Penetration = pen; contact.ContactNormal = axis; contact.ContactPoint = vertex; contact.SetBodyData(one.Body, two.Body, data.Friction, data.Restitution); } }
public void Update(double elapsedTime, EntityManager entityManager) { var delta = (elapsedTime - _lastUpdate) * 5; var forward = _camera.Target - _camera.Position; forward.Normalize(); var up = _camera.Up; up.Normalize(); var right = Vector3d.Cross(forward, up); right.Normalize(); if (_keyboardInputProcessor.IsButtonDown(Key.W)) { var result = Vector3d.Multiply(new Vector3d(forward.X, 0, forward.Z), delta); _camera.Target += result; _camera.Position += result; } if (_keyboardInputProcessor.IsButtonDown(Key.S)) { var result = Vector3d.Multiply(new Vector3d(-forward.X, 0, -forward.Z), delta); _camera.Target += result; _camera.Position += result; } if (_keyboardInputProcessor.IsButtonDown(Key.D)) { var result = Vector3d.Multiply(new Vector3d(right.X, 0, right.Z), delta); _camera.Target += result; _camera.Position += result; } if (_keyboardInputProcessor.IsButtonDown(Key.A)) { var result = Vector3d.Multiply(new Vector3d(-right.X, 0, -right.Z), delta); _camera.Target += result; _camera.Position += result; } if (_keyboardInputProcessor.IsButtonDown(Key.E)) { var rotation = Matrix4d.Rotate(new Vector3d(0, 1, 0), -delta * 0.2); _camera.Position = _camera.Target + Vector3d.Transform(_camera.Position - _camera.Target, rotation); } if (_keyboardInputProcessor.IsButtonDown(Key.Q)) { var rotation = Matrix4d.Rotate(new Vector3d(0, 1, 0), delta * 0.2); _camera.Position = _camera.Target + Vector3d.Transform(_camera.Position - _camera.Target, rotation); } if (_keyboardInputProcessor.IsButtonDown(Key.LShift)) { _camera.Position += Vector3d.Multiply(new Vector3d(0, 1, 0), delta); } if (_keyboardInputProcessor.IsButtonDown(Key.LControl)) { _camera.Position += Vector3d.Multiply(new Vector3d(0, 1, 0), -delta); } _lastUpdate = elapsedTime; }
public Vector3d PointVelocity(Vector3d point) { return(Vector3d.Cross(Physic.AngularVelocity, point) + Physic.Velocity); }
bool AvoideVessel(VesselWrapper vsl, Vector3d dir, float dist, Vector3d dV, float r2, Bounds exhaust2, Transform refT2, out Vector3d maneuver, float threshold = -1) { maneuver =; //filter vessels on non-collision courses var dVn = dV.normalized; var cosA = Mathf.Clamp(Vector3.Dot(dir, dVn), -1, 1); var collision_dist = threshold.Equals(0)? 2 * dist - vsl.Geometry.DistToBounds(vsl.Physics.wCoM + dir * dist) - Mathf.Sqrt(exhaust2.SqrDistance(refT2.InverseTransformPoint(vsl.Physics.wCoM))) : Mathf.Max(vsl.Geometry.R, dist - vsl.Geometry.DistToBounds(vsl.Physics.wCoM + dir * dist)) + Mathf.Max(r2, dist - Mathf.Sqrt(exhaust2.SqrDistance(refT2.InverseTransformPoint(vsl.Physics.wCoM)))); // vsl.Log("R {}, R2 {}; r {}, r2 {}", vsl.Geometry.R, r2, // dist-vsl.DistToBounds(vsl.wCoM+dir*dist), // dist-Mathf.Sqrt(exhaust2.SqrDistance(refT2.InverseTransformPoint(vsl.wCoM))));//debug // Utils.Log("{}: cosA: {}, threshold {}", vsl.vessel.vesselName, cosA, threshold);//debug if (cosA <= 0) { goto check_distance; } if (threshold < 0) { threshold = C.MinDistance; } var sinA = Mathf.Sqrt(1 - cosA * cosA); var min_separation = dist * sinA; var sep_threshold = collision_dist + threshold; // Utils.Log("{}: min_sep > sep_thresh: {} > {}, threshold {}", // vsl.vessel.vesselName, min_separation, sep_threshold, threshold);//debug if (min_separation > sep_threshold) { goto check_distance; } //calculate time to collision var vDist = 0f; var alpha = Mathf.Acos(cosA); var dVm = dV.magnitude; if (sinA <= 0) { vDist = dist - sep_threshold; } else if (dist > sep_threshold) { vDist = sep_threshold * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Asin(min_separation / sep_threshold) - alpha) / sinA; } var vTime = Utils.ClampL(vDist, 0.1f) / dVm; // Utils.Log("{}: vTime > SafeTime: {} > {}", // vsl.vessel.vesselName, vTime, CPS.SafeTime/Utils.Clamp(Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(vsl.wMaxAngularA, dVn)), 0.01f, 1f));//debug if (vTime > SafeTime(vsl, dVn)) { goto check_distance; } //calculate maneuver Vector3d side; if (cosA < 0.9) { side = (dVn * cosA - dir).normalized; } else if (Math.Abs(Vector3d.Dot(dVn, vsl.Physics.Up)) < 0.9) { side = Vector3d.Cross(dVn, vsl.Physics.Up).normalized; } else { side = Vector3d.Cross(dVn, vsl.OnPlanetParams.Fwd).normalized; } // if(dist > sep_threshold) // { // var beta = Mathf.Asin(sep_threshold/dist)-alpha; // maneuver = (Mathf.Sin(beta)*side + dVn*(Mathf.Cos(beta)-1)).normalized; // } // else maneuver = side; maneuver += vsl.Physics.Up * Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Dot(dir, vsl.Physics.Up)) * (min_separation / sep_threshold - 1); maneuver *= (sep_threshold - min_separation) / Math.Sqrt(vTime); // maneuver = (-vsl.Up*Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Dot(dir, vsl.Up))*(1-min_separation/sep_threshold) + // (dVn*cosA-dir).normalized).normalized * (sep_threshold-min_separation) / vTime; // vsl.Log("\ndist {}\ndV {}\nmaneuver: {}\n" + // "vTime {}, vDist {}, min sep {}, sep_thresh {}", // dir*dist, dV, maneuver, vTime, vDist, min_separation, sep_threshold);//debug #if DEBUG Collided |= dist < collision_dist; #endif //if distance is not safe, correct course anyway check_distance: var collision = !maneuver.IsZero(); dist -= collision_dist; if (dist < threshold) { var dist_to_safe = Utils.ClampH(dist - threshold, -0.01f); var dc = dir * dist_to_safe; if (vsl.HorizontalSpeed.NeededVector.sqrMagnitude > C.LatAvoidMinVelSqr) { var lat_avoid = Vector3d.Cross(vsl.Physics.Up, vsl.HorizontalSpeed.NeededVector.normalized); dc = Vector3d.Dot(dc, lat_avoid) >= 0? lat_avoid * dist_to_safe : lat_avoid * -dist_to_safe; } if (dc.sqrMagnitude > 0.25) { maneuver += dc / C.SafeTime * 2; } // vsl.Log("adding safe distance correction: {}", dc/CPS.SafeTime*2);//debug } // #if DEBUG // Dir = dir*dist; // DeltaV = dV; // Maneuver = maneuver; // #endif return(collision); }
public InputManager(KeyboardDevice keyboard) { _config = new CameraConfig(new Vector3d(10, 0, 0), new Vector3d(-1, 0, 0), new Vector3d(0, 1, 0), 1, 0, 1); _keyboard = keyboard; _bindings = new Dictionary <Key, Action <float> > { { Key.W, dt => _config.Position += _config.Lookat * dt * _config.MoveSpeed }, { Key.S, dt => _config.Position -= _config.Lookat * dt * _config.MoveSpeed }, { Key.A, dt => _config.Position += Vector3d.Cross(_config.Up, _config.Lookat) * dt * _config.MoveSpeed }, { Key.D, dt => _config.Position -= Vector3d.Cross(_config.Up, _config.Lookat) * dt * _config.MoveSpeed }, { Key.ShiftLeft, dt => _config.Position += _config.Up * dt * _config.MoveSpeed }, { Key.Space, dt => _config.Position -= _config.Up * dt * _config.MoveSpeed }, { Key.Q, dt => _config.Up = Vector3d.Transform(_config.Up, Matrix4d.CreateFromAxisAngle(_config.Lookat, TurnSpeed * dt)) }, { Key.E, dt => _config.Up = Vector3d.Transform(_config.Up, Matrix4d.CreateFromAxisAngle(_config.Lookat, -TurnSpeed * dt)) }, { Key.Left, dt => _config.Lookat = Vector3d.Transform(_config.Lookat, Matrix4d.CreateFromAxisAngle(_config.Up, TurnSpeed * dt * _config.Fov)) }, { Key.Right, dt => _config.Lookat = Vector3d.Transform(_config.Lookat, Matrix4d.CreateFromAxisAngle(_config.Up, -TurnSpeed * dt * _config.Fov)) }, { Key.Up, dt => _config.Lookat = Vector3d.Transform(_config.Lookat, Matrix4d.CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3d.Cross(_config.Up, _config.Lookat), TurnSpeed * dt * _config.Fov)) }, { Key.Down, dt => _config.Lookat = Vector3d.Transform(_config.Lookat, Matrix4d.CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3d.Cross(_config.Up, _config.Lookat), -TurnSpeed * dt * _config.Fov)) }, { Key.R, dt => _config.MoveSpeed *= 1 + dt }, { Key.F, dt => _config.MoveSpeed *= 1 - dt }, { Key.N, dt => _config.Fov *= 1 + dt }, { Key.M, dt => _config.Fov *= 1 - dt } }; _keyboard.KeyDown += KeyboardOnKeyDown; }
/// <summary> /// Main control function /// </summary> /// <param name="desired_vel">Desired velocity direction in surface reference frame.</param> /// <param name="desired_acceleration">Desired acceleration.</param> public void ApplyControl(FlightCtrlState state, Vector3d desired_vel, Vector3d desired_acceleration) { Vector3d planet2ves = vessel.ReferenceTransform.position - vessel.mainBody.position; Vector3d planet2vesNorm = planet2ves.normalized; Vector3d shift_acc =; // centrifugal acceleration to stay on desired altitude //Vector3d level_acc = -planet2vesNorm * (imodel.surface_v - Vector3d.Project(imodel.surface_v, planet2vesNorm)).sqrMagnitude / planet2ves.magnitude; // Rotation vector Vector3d desired_turn_acc_dir = Vector3d.Cross( Vector3d.Cross(imodel.surface_v, desired_vel).normalized, imodel.surface_v).normalized; angular_error = Vector3d.Angle(imodel.surface_v.normalized, desired_vel) * dgr2rad; max_lift_acc = Math.Max(0.01, max_lift_acceleration(PITCH)); max_sideslip_acc = Math.Max(0.001, max_lift_acceleration(YAW)); // let's find this craft's maximum acceleration toward desired_turn_acc_dir without stalling // it can be solved from simple quadratic equation Vector3d max_turn_acc = non_stall_turn_acceleration(desired_turn_acc_dir, max_lift_acc); max_turn_acc = strength * max_turn_acc * ((vessel == FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel && FlightInputHandler.fetch.precisionMode) ? 0.4 : 1.0); // now let's take roll speed and relaxation into account double max_angular_v = max_turn_acc.magnitude / imodel.surface_v_magnitude; double t1 = max_roll_v / roll_acc_factor; double t2 = (90.0 * dgr2rad - t1 * max_roll_v) / max_roll_v; double stop_time_roll = roll_stop_k * (2.0 * t1 + t2); if (double.IsNaN(stop_time_roll) || double.IsInfinity(stop_time_roll)) { stop_time_roll = 2.0; } if (stop_time_roll <= 0.0) { stop_time_roll = 0.5; } // now let's generate desired acceleration if (angular_error / max_angular_v > stop_time_roll) { // we're far away from relaxation, let's simply produce maximum acceleration shift_acc = max_turn_acc; } else { // we're relaxing now, quadratic descend is good approximation { double tk = (angular_error / max_angular_v) / stop_time_roll; if (Math.Abs(angular_error) < relaxation_margin) { tk *= Mathf.Lerp(1.0f, angle_relaxation_k, (float)(1.0f - Math.Abs(angular_error) / relaxation_margin)); } shift_acc = max_turn_acc * tk; } } //if (angular_error > 0.2 || Vector3d.Dot(desired_acceleration, shift_acc) < -0.1) // target_acc = shift_acc; //else target_acc = desired_acceleration + shift_acc; //current_acc = imodel.sum_acc; // we need aoa moderation for AoA controllers to work pitch_c.moderate_aoa = true; yaw_c.moderate_aoa = true; Vector3d neutral_acc = -imodel.gravity_acc - imodel.noninert_acc; Vector3d target_lift_acc = target_acc + neutral_acc; Vector3d target_normal_lift_acc = target_lift_acc - Vector3d.Project(target_lift_acc, imodel.surface_v); // prevent rolling on small errors if (angular_error < 2e-2 && target_normal_lift_acc.magnitude < neutral_acc.magnitude * 0.3) { target_lift_acc = Vector3d.Project(target_lift_acc, neutral_acc); target_normal_lift_acc = target_lift_acc - Vector3d.Project(target_lift_acc, imodel.surface_v); } Vector3d desired_right_direction = Vector3d.Cross(target_normal_lift_acc, vessel.ReferenceTransform.up).normalized; // let's apply roll to maintain desired_right_direction Vector3 right_vector = imodel.virtualRotation * Vector3.right; double new_roll_error = Math.Sign(Vector3d.Dot(right_vector, target_normal_lift_acc)) * Math.Acos(Math.Min(Math.Max(Vector3d.Dot(desired_right_direction, right_vector), -1.0), 1.0)); // rolling to pitch up is not always as efficient as pitching down double spine_to_zenith = Vector3d.Dot(desired_right_direction, Vector3d.Cross(imodel.surface_v, imodel.gravity_acc)); if (target_normal_lift_acc.magnitude < max_neg_g * 9.81 || !allow_spine_down || vessel.heightFromTerrain < min_rollover_alt) { if (Math.Abs(new_roll_error) > 90.0 * dgr2rad && spine_to_zenith < 0.0) { new_roll_error = new_roll_error - 180.0 * dgr2rad * Math.Sign(new_roll_error); } } // filter it if ((Math.Abs(new_roll_error) < roll_error_filter_margin * dgr2rad) && (Math.Abs(roll_error) < roll_error_filter_margin * dgr2rad)) { roll_error = Common.simple_filter(new_roll_error, roll_error, roll_error_filter_k); } else { roll_error = new_roll_error; } // generate desired roll angular_v roll_c.user_controlled = false; roll_c.ApplyControl(state, get_desired_roll_v(roll_error)); // now let's apply pitch and yaw AoA controls // pitch AoA desired_pitch_lift = 0.0; if (Math.Abs(roll_error) < 30.0 * dgr2rad || Math.Abs(roll_error - 180.0) < 30.0 * dgr2rad) { desired_pitch_lift = Vector3.Dot(imodel.pitch_tangent, target_normal_lift_acc); } else { desired_pitch_lift = Vector3.Dot(imodel.pitch_tangent, neutral_acc); } desired_pitch_acc = desired_pitch_lift + imodel.pitch_gravity_acc + imodel.pitch_noninert_acc; desired_pitch_v = desired_pitch_acc / imodel.surface_v_magnitude; // let's find equilibrium AoA for desired lift desired_aoa = get_desired_aoa(imodel.pitch_rot_model_gen, desired_pitch_v, 0.0); if (float.IsNaN(desired_aoa) || float.IsInfinity(desired_aoa)) { desired_aoa = 0.0f; } aoa_c.user_controlled = false; aoa_c.ApplyControl(state, desired_aoa, 0.0f); // yaw sideslip //if (Math.Abs(roll_angle) > 3.0 * dgr2rad) //{ // desired_yaw_lift = 0.0; // desired_sideslip = 0.0f; //} //else //{ desired_yaw_lift = 0.0; // Vector3.Dot(imodel.yaw_tangent, normal_lift_acc); desired_yaw_acc = desired_yaw_lift + imodel.yaw_gravity_acc + imodel.yaw_noninert_acc; desired_yaw_v = desired_yaw_acc / imodel.surface_v_magnitude; // let's find equilibrium sideslip for desired lift //if (Math.Abs(desired_yaw_lift) < 0.01f) desired_sideslip = (float)Common.simple_filter(get_desired_aoa(imodel.yaw_rot_model_gen, desired_yaw_v, 0.0), desired_sideslip, sideslip_filter_k); if (float.IsNaN(desired_sideslip) || float.IsInfinity(desired_sideslip) || Math.Abs(desired_sideslip) < 0.001f) { desired_sideslip = 0.0f; } desired_sideslip = 0.0f; //} //desired_sideslip = 0.0f; side_c.user_controlled = false; side_c.ApplyControl(state, desired_sideslip, 0.0f); }
private void RenderUpcomingEvents() { string vessel_guid =; double current_time = plugin_.CurrentTime(); bool should_clear_guidance = true; for (int i = 0; i < burn_editors_.Count; ++i) { NavigationManoeuvre manoeuvre = plugin_.FlightPlanGetManoeuvre(vessel_guid, i); if (manoeuvre.final_time > current_time) { if (manoeuvre.burn.initial_time > current_time) { UnityEngine.GUILayout.TextArea("Upcoming manœuvre: #" + (i + 1)); UnityEngine.GUILayout.Label( "Ignition " + FormatTimeSpan(TimeSpan.FromSeconds( current_time - manoeuvre.burn.initial_time))); } else { UnityEngine.GUILayout.TextArea("Ongoing manœuvre: #" + (i + 1)); UnityEngine.GUILayout.Label( "Cutoff " + FormatTimeSpan(TimeSpan.FromSeconds( current_time - manoeuvre.final_time))); } show_guidance_ = UnityEngine.GUILayout.Toggle(show_guidance_, "Show on navball"); if (show_guidance_ && !double.IsNaN(manoeuvre.inertial_direction.x + manoeuvre.inertial_direction.y + manoeuvre.inertial_direction.z)) { if (guidance_node_ == null) { guidance_node_ = vessel_.patchedConicSolver.AddManeuverNode( manoeuvre.burn.initial_time); } Vector3d stock_velocity_at_node_time = vessel_.orbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT( manoeuvre.burn.initial_time).xzy; Vector3d stock_displacement_from_parent_at_node_time = vessel_.orbit.getRelativePositionAtUT( manoeuvre.burn.initial_time).xzy; UnityEngine.Quaternion stock_frenet_frame_to_world = UnityEngine.Quaternion.LookRotation( stock_velocity_at_node_time, Vector3d.Cross(stock_velocity_at_node_time, stock_displacement_from_parent_at_node_time)); guidance_node_.OnGizmoUpdated( ((Vector3d)manoeuvre.burn.delta_v).magnitude * (Vector3d)(stock_frenet_frame_to_world.Inverse() * (Vector3d)manoeuvre.inertial_direction), manoeuvre.burn.initial_time); should_clear_guidance = false; } break; } } if (should_clear_guidance && guidance_node_ != null) { vessel_.patchedConicSolver.RemoveManeuverNode(guidance_node_); guidance_node_ = null; } }
public void GetClCdCmSteady( InstantConditionSimInput input, out InstantConditionSimOutput output, bool clear, bool reset_stall = false ) { output = new InstantConditionSimOutput(); double area = 0; double MAC = 0; double b_2 = 0; Vector3d forward = Vector3.forward; Vector3d up = Vector3.up; Vector3d right = Vector3.right; Vector3d CoM =; if (EditorDriver.editorFacility == EditorFacility.VAB) { forward = Vector3.up; up = -Vector3.forward; } double mass = 0; List <Part> partsList = EditorLogic.SortedShipList; foreach (Part p in partsList) { if (FARAeroUtil.IsNonphysical(p)) { continue; } double partMass = p.mass; if (p.Resources.Count > 0) { partMass += p.GetResourceMass(); } // If you want to use GetModuleMass, you need to start from p.partInfo.mass, not p.mass CoM += partMass * (Vector3d)p.transform.TransformPoint(p.CoMOffset); mass += partMass; } CoM /= mass; // Rodhern: The original reference directions (velocity, liftVector, sideways) did not form an orthonormal // basis. That in turn produced some counterintuitive calculation results, such as coupled yaw and pitch // derivatives. A more thorough discussion of the topic can be found on the KSP forums: // // The reference directions have been replaced by new ones that are orthonormal by construction. // In dkavolis branch Vector3.Cross() and Vector3d.Normalize() are used explicitly. There is no apparent // benefit to this other than possibly improved readability. double sinAlpha = Math.Sin(input.alpha * Math.PI / 180); double cosAlpha = Math.Sqrt(Math.Max(1 - sinAlpha * sinAlpha, 0)); double sinBeta = Math.Sin(input.beta * Math.PI / 180); double cosBeta = Math.Sqrt(Math.Max(1 - sinBeta * sinBeta, 0)); double sinPhi = Math.Sin(input.phi * Math.PI / 180); double cosPhi = Math.Sqrt(Math.Max(1 - sinPhi * sinPhi, 0)); double alphaDot = input.alphaDot * Math.PI / 180; double betaDot = input.betaDot * Math.PI / 180; double phiDot = input.phiDot * Math.PI / 180; Vector3d velocity = forward * cosAlpha * cosBeta; velocity += right * (sinPhi * sinAlpha * cosBeta + cosPhi * sinBeta); velocity += -up * (cosPhi * sinAlpha * cosBeta - sinPhi * sinBeta); velocity.Normalize(); Vector3d liftDown = -forward * sinAlpha; liftDown += right * sinPhi * cosAlpha; liftDown += -up * cosPhi * cosAlpha; liftDown.Normalize(); Vector3d sideways = Vector3.Cross(velocity, liftDown); sideways.Normalize(); Vector3d angVel = forward * (phiDot - sinAlpha * betaDot); angVel += right * (cosPhi * alphaDot + cosAlpha * sinPhi * betaDot); angVel += up * (sinPhi * alphaDot - cosAlpha * cosPhi * betaDot); foreach (FARWingAerodynamicModel w in _wingAerodynamicModel) { if (!(w && w.part)) { continue; } w.ComputeForceEditor(velocity, input.machNumber, 2); if (clear) { w.EditorClClear(reset_stall); } Vector3d relPos = w.GetAerodynamicCenter() - CoM; Vector3d vel = velocity + Vector3d.Cross(angVel, relPos); if (w is FARControllableSurface controllableSurface) { controllableSurface.SetControlStateEditor(CoM, vel, (float)input.pitchValue, 0, 0, input.flaps, input.spoilers); } else if (w.isShielded) { continue; } Vector3d force = w.ComputeForceEditor(vel.normalized, input.machNumber, 2) * 1000; output.Cl += -Vector3d.Dot(force, liftDown); output.Cy += Vector3d.Dot(force, sideways); output.Cd += -Vector3d.Dot(force, velocity); Vector3d moment = -Vector3d.Cross(relPos, force); output.Cm += Vector3d.Dot(moment, sideways); output.Cn += Vector3d.Dot(moment, liftDown); output.C_roll += Vector3d.Dot(moment, velocity); area += w.S; MAC += w.GetMAC() * w.S; b_2 += w.Getb_2() * w.S; } var center = new FARCenterQuery(); foreach (FARAeroSection aeroSection in _currentAeroSections) { aeroSection.PredictionCalculateAeroForces(2, (float)input.machNumber, 10000, 0, 0.005f, velocity.normalized, center); } Vector3d centerForce = center.force * 1000; output.Cl += -Vector3d.Dot(centerForce, liftDown); output.Cy += Vector3d.Dot(centerForce, sideways); output.Cd += -Vector3d.Dot(centerForce, velocity); Vector3d centerMoment = -center.TorqueAt(CoM) * 1000; output.Cm += Vector3d.Dot(centerMoment, sideways); output.Cn += Vector3d.Dot(centerMoment, liftDown); output.C_roll += Vector3d.Dot(centerMoment, velocity); if (area.NearlyEqual(0)) { area = _maxCrossSectionFromBody; b_2 = 1; MAC = _bodyLength; } double recipArea = 1 / area; MAC *= recipArea; b_2 *= recipArea; output.Cl *= recipArea; output.Cd *= recipArea; output.Cm *= recipArea / MAC; output.Cy *= recipArea; output.Cn *= recipArea / b_2; output.C_roll *= recipArea / b_2; }
// Feed an force to the accumulator. public void AddForce(Vector3d applicationPoint, Vector3d force) { totalForce += force; totalZeroOriginTorque += Vector3d.Cross(applicationPoint, force); avgApplicationPoint.Add(applicationPoint, force.magnitude); }
// Show exit orbital predictions private void ShowExitOrbit(Vessel nearObject, Vessel farObject) { // Recenter map, save previous state. wasInMapView = MapView.MapIsEnabled; if (!MapView.MapIsEnabled) { MapView.EnterMapView(); } //log.Debug("Finding target."); MapObject farTarget = FindVesselBody(farObject); if (farTarget != null) { MapView.MapCamera.SetTarget(farTarget); } Vector3 mapCamPos = ScaledSpace.ScaledToLocalSpace(MapView.MapCamera.transform.position); Vector3 farTarPos = ScaledSpace.ScaledToLocalSpace(farTarget.transform.position); float dirScalar = Vector3.Distance(mapCamPos, farTarPos); //log.Debug("Initializing, camera distance is " + dirScalar); // Initialize projection stuff. if (!IsPatchedConicsAvailable) { HideExitOrbit(); return; } predictionsDrawn = true; //log.Debug("Beginning orbital projection."); Vector3d exitTraj = ESLDBeacon.GetJumpVelOffset(nearObject, farObject); if (predictionGameObject != null) { Destroy(predictionGameObject); } predictionGameObject = new GameObject("OrbitRendererGameObject"); predictionOrbitDriver = predictionGameObject.AddComponent <OrbitDriver>(); predictionOrbitDriver.orbit.referenceBody = farObject.mainBody; predictionOrbitDriver.orbit = new Orbit(); predictionOrbitDriver.referenceBody = farObject.mainBody; predictionOrbitDriver.upperCamVsSmaRatio = 999999; // Took forever to figure this out - this sets at what zoom level the orbit appears. Was causing it not to appear at small bodies. predictionOrbitDriver.lowerCamVsSmaRatio = 0.0001f; predictionOrbitDriver.orbit.UpdateFromStateVectors(farObject.orbit.pos, exitTraj, farObject.mainBody, Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()); predictionOrbitDriver.orbit.Init(); Vector3d p = predictionOrbitDriver.orbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()); Vector3d v = predictionOrbitDriver.orbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()); predictionOrbitDriver.orbit.h = Vector3d.Cross(p, v); predictionOrbitDriver.updateMode = OrbitDriver.UpdateMode.TRACK_Phys; predictionOrbitDriver.orbitColor =; //log.Debug("Displaying orbital projection."); predictionOrbitRenderer = predictionGameObject.AddComponent <OrbitRenderer>(); predictionOrbitRenderer.SetColor(; predictionOrbitRenderer.vessel = this.vessel; predictionOrbitDriver.vessel = this.vessel; predictionOrbitRenderer.upperCamVsSmaRatio = 999999; predictionOrbitRenderer.lowerCamVsSmaRatio = 0.0001f; predictionOrbitRenderer.celestialBody = farObject.mainBody; predictionOrbitRenderer.driver = predictionOrbitDriver; predictionOrbitDriver.Renderer = predictionOrbitRenderer; if (true) { // This draws the full Patched Conics prediction. predictionPatchedConicSolver = predictionGameObject.AddComponent <PatchedConicSolver>(); predictionPatchedConicRenderer = predictionGameObject.AddComponent <PatchedConicRenderer>(); predictionOrbitRenderer.drawIcons = OrbitRendererBase.DrawIcons.NONE; predictionOrbitRenderer.drawMode = OrbitRendererBase.DrawMode.OFF; } else { // This draws just the first patch, similar to a Level 1 tracking station. predictionOrbitRenderer.driver.drawOrbit = true; predictionOrbitRenderer.drawIcons = OrbitRenderer.DrawIcons.OBJ_PE_AP; predictionOrbitRenderer.drawMode = OrbitRenderer.DrawMode.REDRAW_AND_RECALCULATE; predictionOrbitRenderer.enabled = true; } this.StartCoroutine(NullOrbitDriverVessels()); // Splash some color on it. // Directional indicator. /* * float baseWidth = 20.0f; * double baseStart = 10; * double baseEnd = 50; * oDirObj = new GameObject("Indicator"); * oDirObj.layer = 10; // Map layer! * oDirection = oDirObj.AddComponent<LineRenderer>(); * oDirection.useWorldSpace = false; * oOrigin = null; * foreach (Transform sstr in ScaledSpace.Instance.scaledSpaceTransforms) * { * if ( == * { * oOrigin = sstr; * log.debug("Found origin: " +; * break; * } * } * oDirection.transform.parent = oOrigin; * oDirection.transform.position = ScaledSpace.LocalToScaledSpace(far.transform.position); * oDirection.material = new Material(Shader.Find("Particles/Additive")); * oDirection.SetColors(Color.clear,; * if (dirScalar / 325000 > baseWidth) baseWidth = dirScalar / 325000f; * oDirection.SetWidth(baseWidth, 0.01f); * log.debug("Base Width set to " + baseWidth); * oDirection.SetVertexCount(2); * if (dirScalar / 650000 > baseStart) baseStart = dirScalar / 650000; * if (dirScalar / 130000 > baseEnd) baseEnd = dirScalar / 130000; * log.debug("Base Start set to " + baseStart); * log.debug("Base End set to " + baseEnd); * oDirection.SetPosition(0, + exitTraj.xzy.normalized * baseStart); * oDirection.SetPosition(1, exitTraj.xzy.normalized * baseEnd); * oDirection.enabled = true; */ }
// fixed-time maximal energy from private void flightangle3constraintMAXE(double[] yT, double[] z, bool terminal) { Vector3d rf = new Vector3d(yT[0], yT[1], yT[2]); Vector3d vf = new Vector3d(yT[3], yT[4], yT[5]); Vector3d pvf = new Vector3d(yT[6], yT[7], yT[8]); Vector3d prf = new Vector3d(yT[9], yT[10], yT[11]); Vector3d n = new Vector3d(0, -1, 0); /* angular momentum vectors point south in KSP and we're in xzy coords */ Vector3d hf = Vector3d.Cross(rf, vf); if (!terminal) { z[0] = (rf.sqrMagnitude - rTm * rTm) / 2.0; z[1] = Vector3d.Dot(n, hf) - hf.magnitude * Math.Cos(incT); z[2] = Vector3d.Dot(rf, vf) - rf.magnitude * vf.magnitude * Math.Sin(gammaT); z[3] = Vector3d.Dot(vf, prf) * rf.sqrMagnitude - Vector3d.Dot(rf, pvf) * vf.sqrMagnitude + Vector3d.Dot(rf, vf) * (vf.sqrMagnitude - Vector3d.Dot(rf, prf)); z[4] = Vector3d.Dot(vf, pvf) - vf.sqrMagnitude; z[5] = Vector3d.Dot(hf, prf) * Vector3d.Dot(hf, Vector3d.Cross(rf, n)) + Vector3d.Dot(hf, pvf) * Vector3d.Dot(hf, Vector3d.Cross(vf, n)); } else { z[0] = z[1] = z[2] = z[3] = z[4] = z[5] = 0.0; } }
public void FixedUpdate() { var vessel = GetComponent <Vessel>(); if (vessel != FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel) { Destroy(this); return; } if (TimeWarp.CurrentRateIndex != 0) { TimeWarp.SetRate(0, true); Telemagic.logTM("cancel time warp"); } if (AlreadyTeleported) { if (vessel.LandedOrSplashed) { Destroy(this); } else { var accel = (vessel.srf_velocity + vessel.upAxis) * -0.5; vessel.ChangeWorldVelocity(accel); } } else { //NOT AlreadyTeleported //Still calculating var pqs = Body.pqsController; if (pqs == null) // The sun has no terrain. Everthing else has a PQScontroller. { Destroy(this); return; } var alt = pqs.GetSurfaceHeight(Body.GetRelSurfaceNVector(Latitude, Longitude)) - Body.Radius; var tmpAlt = Body.TerrainAltitude(Latitude, Longitude); double landHeight = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.altitude - FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.pqsAltitude; double finalAltitude = 0.0; var checkAlt = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.altitude; var checkPQSAlt = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.pqsAltitude; double terrainAlt = GetTerrainAltitude(); Telemagic.logTM("-------------------"); Telemagic.logTM($"m1. Body.Radius = {Body.Radius}"); Telemagic.logTM("m2. PQS SurfaceHeight = " + pqs.GetSurfaceHeight(Body.GetRelSurfaceNVector(Latitude, Longitude))); Telemagic.logTM("alt ( m2 - m1 ) = " + alt); Telemagic.logTM("Body.TerrainAltitude = " + tmpAlt); Telemagic.logTM("checkAlt = " + checkAlt); Telemagic.logTM("checkPQSAlt = " + checkPQSAlt); Telemagic.logTM("landheight = " + landHeight); Telemagic.logTM("terrainAlt = " + terrainAlt); Telemagic.logTM("-------------------"); Telemagic.logTM($"Latitude: {Latitude} Longitude: {Longitude}"); Telemagic.logTM("-------------------"); alt = Math.Max(alt, 0d); // HoldVesselUnpack is in display frames, not physics frames Vector3d teleportPosition; if (!teleportedToLandingAlt) { Telemagic.logTM("teleportedToLandingAlt == false"); Telemagic.logTM("interimAltitude: " + InterimAltitude); Telemagic.logTM("Altitude: " + Altitude); if (InterimAltitude > Altitude) { if (Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() - lastUpdate >= 0.5) { InterimAltitude = InterimAltitude / 10; terrainAlt = GetTerrainAltitude(); if (InterimAltitude < terrainAlt) { InterimAltitude = terrainAlt + Altitude; } //InterimAltitude = terrainAlt + Altitude; teleportPosition = Body.GetWorldSurfacePosition(Latitude, Longitude, InterimAltitude) - Body.position; Telemagic.logTM("1. teleportPosition = " + teleportPosition); Telemagic.logTM("1. interimAltitude: " + InterimAltitude); if (lastUpdate != 0) { InterimAltitude = Altitude; } lastUpdate = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime(); } else { Telemagic.logTM("teleportPositionAltitude (no time change):"); teleportPosition = Body.GetWorldSurfacePosition(Latitude, Longitude, alt + InterimAltitude) - Body.position; Telemagic.logTM("2. teleportPosition = " + teleportPosition); Telemagic.logTM("2. alt: " + alt); Telemagic.logTM("2. interimAltitude: " + InterimAltitude); } } else { //InterimAltitude <= Altitude Telemagic.logTM("3. teleportedToLandingAlt sets to true"); landHeight = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.altitude - FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.pqsAltitude; terrainAlt = GetTerrainAltitude(); //trying to find the correct altitude here. if (checkPQSAlt > terrainAlt) { alt = checkPQSAlt; } else { alt = terrainAlt; } if (alt == 0.0) { //now what? } teleportedToLandingAlt = true; //finalAltitude = alt + Altitude; if (alt < 0) { finalAltitude = Altitude; } else if (alt > 0) { finalAltitude = alt + Altitude; } else { finalAltitude = alt + Altitude; } teleportPosition = Body.GetWorldSurfacePosition(Latitude, Longitude, finalAltitude) - Body.position; Telemagic.logTM("3. teleportPosition = " + teleportPosition); Telemagic.logTM($"3. alt = {alt} Altitude = {Altitude} InterimAltitude = {InterimAltitude}"); Telemagic.logTM($"3. TerrainAlt = {terrainAlt} landHeight = {landHeight}"); } } else { Telemagic.logTM("teleportedToLandingAlt == true"); landHeight = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.altitude - FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.pqsAltitude; terrainAlt = GetTerrainAltitude(); Telemagic.logTM($"4. finalAltitude = {finalAltitude}"); //finalAltitude = alt + Altitude; if (alt < 0) { finalAltitude = Altitude; } else if (alt > 0) { finalAltitude = alt + Altitude; } else { finalAltitude = alt + Altitude; } //teleportPosition = Body.GetRelSurfacePosition(Latitude, Longitude, finalAltitude); teleportPosition = Body.GetWorldSurfacePosition(Latitude, Longitude, finalAltitude) - Body.position; Telemagic.logTM("4. teleportPosition = " + teleportPosition); Telemagic.logTM($"4. alt = {alt} Altitude = { Altitude} InterimAltitude = { InterimAltitude}"); Telemagic.logTM($"4. TerrainAlt = {terrainAlt} landHeight = {landHeight}"); Telemagic.logTM("4. finalAltitude = " + finalAltitude); } var teleportVelocity = Vector3d.Cross(Body.angularVelocity, teleportPosition); // convert from world space to orbit space teleportPosition = teleportPosition.xzy; teleportVelocity = teleportVelocity.xzy; Telemagic.logTM("0. teleportPosition(xzy): " + teleportPosition); Telemagic.logTM("0. teleportVelocity(xzy): " + teleportVelocity); Telemagic.logTM("0. Body : " + Body); // counter for the momentary fall when on rails (about one second) teleportVelocity += teleportPosition.normalized * (Body.gravParameter / teleportPosition.sqrMagnitude); Quaternion rotation; if (SetRotation) { // Need to check vessel and find up for the root command pod vessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.SAS, false); //hopefully this disables SAS as it causes unknown results! var from = Vector3d.up; //Sensible default for all vessels if (vessel.displaylandedAt == "Runway" || vessel.vesselType.ToString() == "Plane") { from = vessel.vesselTransform.up; } var to = teleportPosition.xzy.normalized; rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(from, to); } else { var oldUp = vessel.orbit.pos.xzy.normalized; var newUp = teleportPosition.xzy.normalized; rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(oldUp, newUp) * vessel.vesselTransform.rotation; } var orbit = Telemagic.Clone(vessel.orbitDriver.orbit); orbit.UpdateFromStateVectors(teleportPosition, teleportVelocity, Body, Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()); Telemagic.SetOrbit(vessel, orbit); vessel.SetRotation(rotation); if (teleportedToLandingAlt) { AlreadyTeleported = true; Telemagic.logTM(" :FINISHED TELEPORTING:"); } } }
// Compensating torque at different origin. public Vector3d TorqueAt(Vector3d origin) { return(torque - Vector3d.Cross(origin, force)); }
/// <summary> /// Runs a timer. If the refresh time is exceed updates all vessel data and /// triggers a VesselDataInvalidated event. /// </summary> public void UpdateVesselData() { if (FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel != null) { bool vesselChanged = false; if (_activeVessel == null || != { vesselChanged = true; } if (vesselChanged) { _activeVessel = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel; _vData.vesselSync++; if (_vData.vesselSync == 0) { _vData.vesselSync++; } _vesselSync = _vData.vesselSync; } _theTime = Time.unscaledTime; if ((_theTime - _lastUpdate) * 1000 > _refreshrate) { IOResource TempR = new IOResource(); Vessel ActiveVessel = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel; _lastUpdate = _theTime; List <Part> ActiveEngines = new List <Part>(); ActiveEngines = GetListOfActivatedEngines(ActiveVessel); _vData.AP = (float)ActiveVessel.orbit.ApA; _vData.PE = (float)ActiveVessel.orbit.PeA; _vData.SemiMajorAxis = (float)ActiveVessel.orbit.semiMajorAxis; _vData.SemiMinorAxis = (float)ActiveVessel.orbit.semiMinorAxis; _vData.e = (float)ActiveVessel.orbit.eccentricity; = (float)ActiveVessel.orbit.inclination; _vData.VVI = (float)ActiveVessel.verticalSpeed; _vData.G = (float)ActiveVessel.geeForce; _vData.TAp = (int)Math.Round(ActiveVessel.orbit.timeToAp); _vData.TPe = (int)Math.Round(ActiveVessel.orbit.timeToPe); _vData.Density = (float)ActiveVessel.atmDensity; _vData.TrueAnomaly = (float)ActiveVessel.orbit.trueAnomaly; _vData.period = (int)Math.Round(ActiveVessel.orbit.period); double ASL = ActiveVessel.mainBody.GetAltitude(ActiveVessel.CoM); double AGL = (ASL - ActiveVessel.terrainAltitude); if (AGL < ASL) { _vData.RAlt = (float)AGL; } else { _vData.RAlt = (float)ASL; } _vData.Alt = (float)ASL; _vData.Vsurf = (float)ActiveVessel.srfSpeed; _vData.Lat = (float)ActiveVessel.latitude; _vData.Lon = (float)ActiveVessel.longitude; TempR = GetResourceTotal(ActiveVessel, "LiquidFuel"); _vData.LiquidFuelTot = TempR.Max; _vData.LiquidFuel = TempR.Current; _vData.LiquidFuelTotS = (float)ProspectForResourceMax("LiquidFuel", ActiveEngines); _vData.LiquidFuelS = (float)ProspectForResource("LiquidFuel", ActiveEngines); TempR = GetResourceTotal(ActiveVessel, "Oxidizer"); _vData.OxidizerTot = TempR.Max; _vData.Oxidizer = TempR.Current; _vData.OxidizerTotS = (float)ProspectForResourceMax("Oxidizer", ActiveEngines); _vData.OxidizerS = (float)ProspectForResource("Oxidizer", ActiveEngines); TempR = GetResourceTotal(ActiveVessel, "ElectricCharge"); _vData.EChargeTot = TempR.Max; _vData.ECharge = TempR.Current; TempR = GetResourceTotal(ActiveVessel, "MonoPropellant"); _vData.MonoPropTot = TempR.Max; _vData.MonoProp = TempR.Current; TempR = GetResourceTotal(ActiveVessel, "IntakeAir"); _vData.IntakeAirTot = TempR.Max; _vData.IntakeAir = TempR.Current; TempR = GetResourceTotal(ActiveVessel, "SolidFuel"); _vData.SolidFuelTot = TempR.Max; _vData.SolidFuel = TempR.Current; TempR = GetResourceTotal(ActiveVessel, "XenonGas"); _vData.XenonGasTot = TempR.Max; _vData.XenonGas = TempR.Current; _missionTime = ActiveVessel.missionTime; _deltaT = _missionTime - _missionTimeOld; _missionTimeOld = _missionTime; _vData.MissionTime = (UInt32)Math.Round(_missionTime); _vData.deltaTime = (float)_deltaT; _vData.VOrbit = (float)ActiveVessel.orbit.GetVel().magnitude; Vector3d CoM, north, up, east; Quaternion rotationSurface; CoM = ActiveVessel.CoM; up = (CoM - ActiveVessel.mainBody.position).normalized; north = Vector3d.Exclude(up, (ActiveVessel.mainBody.position + ActiveVessel.mainBody.transform.up * (float)ActiveVessel.mainBody.Radius) - CoM).normalized; east = Vector3d.Cross(up, north); rotationSurface = Quaternion.LookRotation(north, up); Vector3d attitude = Quaternion.Inverse(Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0) * Quaternion.Inverse(ActiveVessel.GetTransform().rotation) * rotationSurface).eulerAngles; _vData.Roll = ToScaledUInt((attitude.z > 180) ? (attitude.z - 360.0) : attitude.z); _vData.Pitch = ToScaledUInt((attitude.x > 180) ? (attitude.x - 360.0) : attitude.x); _vData.Heading = ToScaledUInt((attitude.y > 180) ? (attitude.y - 360.0) : attitude.y); Vector3d prograde = new Vector3d(0, 0, 0); switch (FlightGlobals.speedDisplayMode) { case FlightGlobals.SpeedDisplayModes.Surface: prograde = ActiveVessel.srf_velocity.normalized; break; case FlightGlobals.SpeedDisplayModes.Orbit: prograde = ActiveVessel.obt_velocity.normalized; break; case FlightGlobals.SpeedDisplayModes.Target: prograde = FlightGlobals.ship_tgtVelocity; break; } NavHeading zeroHeading; zeroHeading.Pitch = zeroHeading.Heading = 0; NavHeading Prograde = WorldVecToNavHeading(up, north, east, prograde), Target = zeroHeading, Maneuver = zeroHeading; _vData.ProgradeHeading = ToScaledUInt(Prograde.Heading); _vData.ProgradePitch = ToScaledUInt(Prograde.Pitch); if (TargetExists()) { _vData.TargetDist = (float)Vector3.Distance(FlightGlobals.fetch.VesselTarget.GetVessel().transform.position, ActiveVessel.transform.position); _vData.TargetV = (float)FlightGlobals.ship_tgtVelocity.magnitude; Target = WorldVecToNavHeading(up, north, east, ActiveVessel.targetObject.GetTransform().position - ActiveVessel.transform.position); } _vData.TargetHeading = ToScaledUInt(Target.Heading); _vData.TargetPitch = ToScaledUInt(Target.Pitch); _vData.NormalHeading = ToScaledUInt(WorldVecToNavHeading(up, north, east, Vector3d.Cross(ActiveVessel.obt_velocity.normalized, up)).Heading); _vData.MNTime = 0; _vData.MNDeltaV = 0; if (ActiveVessel.patchedConicSolver != null) { if (ActiveVessel.patchedConicSolver.maneuverNodes != null) { if (ActiveVessel.patchedConicSolver.maneuverNodes.Count > 0) { _vData.MNTime = (UInt32)Math.Round(ActiveVessel.patchedConicSolver.maneuverNodes[0].UT - Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()); _vData.MNDeltaV = (float)ActiveVessel.patchedConicSolver.maneuverNodes[0].GetBurnVector(ActiveVessel.patchedConicSolver.maneuverNodes[0].patch).magnitude; //Added JS Maneuver = WorldVecToNavHeading(up, north, east, ActiveVessel.patchedConicSolver.maneuverNodes[0].GetBurnVector(ActiveVessel.patchedConicSolver.maneuverNodes[0].patch)); } } } _vData.ManeuverHeading = ToScaledUInt(Maneuver.Heading); _vData.ManeuverPitch = ToScaledUInt(Maneuver.Pitch); ControlStatus((int)EnumAG.SAS, ActiveVessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.SAS]); ControlStatus((int)EnumAG.RCS, ActiveVessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.RCS]); ControlStatus((int)EnumAG.Light, ActiveVessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.Light]); ControlStatus((int)EnumAG.Gear, ActiveVessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.Gear]); ControlStatus((int)EnumAG.Brakes, ActiveVessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.Brakes]); ControlStatus((int)EnumAG.Abort, ActiveVessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.Abort]); ControlStatus((int)EnumAG.Custom01, ActiveVessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.Custom01]); ControlStatus((int)EnumAG.Custom02, ActiveVessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.Custom02]); ControlStatus((int)EnumAG.Custom03, ActiveVessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.Custom03]); ControlStatus((int)EnumAG.Custom04, ActiveVessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.Custom04]); ControlStatus((int)EnumAG.Custom05, ActiveVessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.Custom05]); ControlStatus((int)EnumAG.Custom06, ActiveVessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.Custom06]); ControlStatus((int)EnumAG.Custom07, ActiveVessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.Custom07]); ControlStatus((int)EnumAG.Custom08, ActiveVessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.Custom08]); ControlStatus((int)EnumAG.Custom09, ActiveVessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.Custom09]); ControlStatus((int)EnumAG.Custom10, ActiveVessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.Custom10]); if (ActiveVessel.orbit.referenceBody != null) { _vData.SOINumber = GetSOINumber(; } _vData.MaxOverHeat = GetMaxOverHeat(ActiveVessel); _vData.MachNumber = (float)ActiveVessel.mach; _vData.IAS = (float)ActiveVessel.indicatedAirSpeed; _vData.CurrentStage = (byte)StageManager.CurrentStage; _vData.TotalStage = (byte)StageManager.StageCount; _vData.NavballSASMode = (byte)(((int)FlightGlobals.speedDisplayMode + 1) << 4); //get navball speed display mode if (ActiveVessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.SAS]) { _vData.NavballSASMode = (byte)(((int)FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.Autopilot.Mode + 1) | _vData.NavballSASMode); } //target distance and velocity stuff _vData.TargetDist = 0; _vData.TargetV = 0; if (TargetExists()) { _vData.TargetDist = (float)Vector3.Distance(FlightGlobals.fetch.VesselTarget.GetVessel().transform.position, ActiveVessel.transform.position); _vData.TargetV = (float)FlightGlobals.ship_tgtVelocity.magnitude; } _vData.NavballSASMode = (byte)(((int)FlightGlobals.speedDisplayMode + 1) << 4); //get navball speed display mode if (ActiveVessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.SAS]) { _vData.NavballSASMode = (byte)(((int)FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.Autopilot.Mode + 1) | _vData.NavballSASMode); } //Notify listeners NotifyInvalidate(_vData); } } }
void update_formation_info() { tVSL = CFG.Target.GetVessel(); if (tVSL == null) { reset_formation(); CanManeuver = false; return; } if (tPN == null || !tPN.Valid) { tTCA = ModuleTCA.EnabledTCA(tVSL); tPN = tTCA != null?tTCA.GetModule <PointNavigator>() : null; } var only_count = false; if (tVSL.srf_velocity.sqrMagnitude < C.FormationSpeedSqr) { reset_formation(); CanManeuver = false; only_count = true; } //update followers var offset = 0f; var can_maneuver = true; all_followers.Clear(); for (int i = 0, num_vessels = FlightGlobals.Vessels.Count; i < num_vessels; i++) { var v = FlightGlobals.Vessels[i]; if (v == null || v.packed || !v.loaded) { continue; } var tca = ModuleTCA.EnabledTCA(v); if (tca != null && (tca.vessel == VSL.vessel || tca.CFG.Nav[Navigation.FollowTarget] && tca.CFG.Target.GetTarget() != null && tca.CFG.Target.GetTarget() == CFG.Target.GetTarget())) { var vPN = tca.GetModule <PointNavigator>(); if (vPN == null) { continue; } all_followers.Add(, vPN); if (offset < vPN.VSL.Geometry.R) { offset = vPN.VSL.Geometry.R; } if ( != { can_maneuver &= !vPN.Maneuvering || (Maneuvering && > 0); } } } if (only_count) { return; } CanManeuver = can_maneuver; var follower_index = all_followers.IndexOfKey(; if (follower_index == 0) { var forward = tVSL == null? : -tVSL.srf_velocity.normalized; var side = Vector3d.Cross(VSL.Physics.Up, forward).normalized; var num_offsets = all_followers.Count + (all_followers.Count % 2); offset *= 2; var target_size = tTCA != null? tTCA.VSL.Geometry.D : Utils.ClampL(Math.Pow(tVSL.totalMass, 1 / 3f), 1); if (offset < target_size) { offset = (float)target_size; } offset *= C.MinDistance; if (Formation == null || Formation.Count != num_offsets || FormationUpdateTimer.TimePassed) { FormationUpdateTimer.Reset(); Formation = new List <FormationNode>(num_offsets); for (int i = 0; i < num_offsets; i++) { Formation.Add(new FormationNode(tVSL, i, forward, side, offset)); } all_followers.ForEach(p => p.Value.UpdateFormation(Formation)); } else { for (int i = 0; i < num_offsets; i++) { Formation[i].Update(forward, side, offset); } } } keep_formation = Formation != null; if (Formation == null || fnode != null) { return; } //compute follower offset var min_d = -1f; var min_off = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Formation.Count; i++) { var node = Formation[i]; if (node.Follower != null) { continue; } var d = node.Distance(VSL.vessel); if (min_d < 0 || min_d > d) { min_d = d; min_off = i; } } Formation[min_off].Follower = VSL.vessel; fnode = Formation[min_off]; }
// Analysis disable once UnusedParameter public bool RenderOrbit(RenderTexture screen, float cameraAspect) { if (!startupComplete) { JUtil.AnnoyUser(this); } // Make sure the parameters fit on the screen. Vector4 displayPosition = orbitDisplayPosition; displayPosition.z = Mathf.Min(screen.width - displayPosition.x, displayPosition.z); displayPosition.w = Mathf.Min(screen.height - displayPosition.y, displayPosition.w); // Here is our pixel budget in each direction: double horizPixelSize = displayPosition.z - iconPixelSize; double vertPixelSize = displayPosition.w - iconPixelSize; // Find a basis for transforming values into the framework of // vessel.orbit. The rendering framework assumes the periapsis // is drawn directly to the right of the mainBody center of mass. // It assumes the orbit's prograde direction is "up" (screen // relative) at the periapsis, providing a counter-clockwise // motion for vessel. // Once we have the basic transform, we will add in scalars // that will ultimately transform an arbitrary point (relative to // the planet's center) into screen space. Matrix4x4 screenTransform = Matrix4x4.identity; double now = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime(); double timeAtPe = vessel.orbit.NextPeriapsisTime(now); // Get the 3 direction vectors, based on Pe being on the right of the screen // OrbitExtensions provides handy utilities to get these. Vector3d right = vessel.orbit.Up(timeAtPe); Vector3d forward = vessel.orbit.SwappedOrbitNormal(); // MOARdV: OrbitExtensions.Horizontal is unstable. I've seen it // become (0, 0, 0) intermittently in flight. Instead, use the // cross product of the other two. // We flip the sign of this vector because we are using an inverted // y coordinate system to keep the icons right-side up. Vector3d up = -Vector3d.Cross(forward, right); //Vector3d up = -vessel.orbit.Horizontal(timeAtPe); screenTransform.SetRow(0, new Vector4d(right.x, right.y, right.z, 0.0)); screenTransform.SetRow(1, new Vector4d(up.x, up.y, up.z, 0.0)); screenTransform.SetRow(2, new Vector4d(forward.x, forward.y, forward.z, 0.0)); // Figure out our bounds. First, make sure the entire planet // fits on the screen. We define the center of the vessel.mainBody // as the origin of our coodinate system. double maxX = vessel.mainBody.Radius; double minX = -maxX; double maxY = maxX; double minY = -maxX; if (vessel.mainBody.atmosphere) { maxX += vessel.mainBody.maxAtmosphereAltitude; minX = -maxX; maxY = maxX; minY = -maxX; } // Now make sure the entire orbit fits on the screen. Vector3 vesselPos; // The PeR, ApR, and semiMinorAxis are all one dimensional, so we // can just apply them directly to these values. maxX = Math.Max(maxX, vessel.orbit.PeR); if (vessel.orbit.eccentricity < 1.0) { minX = Math.Min(minX, -vessel.orbit.ApR); maxY = Math.Max(maxY, vessel.orbit.semiMinorAxis); minY = Math.Min(minY, -vessel.orbit.semiMinorAxis); } else if (vessel.orbit.EndUT > 0.0) { // If we're hyperbolic, let's get the SoI transition vesselPos = screenTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(vessel.orbit.SwappedRelativePositionAtUT(vessel.orbit.EndUT)); maxX = Math.Max(maxX, vesselPos.x); minX = Math.Min(minX, vesselPos.x); maxY = Math.Max(maxY, vesselPos.y); minY = Math.Min(minY, vesselPos.y); } // Make sure the vessel shows up on-screen. Since a hyperbolic // orbit doesn't have a meaningful ApR, we use this as a proxy for // how far we need to extend the bounds to show the vessel. vesselPos = screenTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(vessel.orbit.SwappedRelativePositionAtUT(now)); maxX = Math.Max(maxX, vesselPos.x); minX = Math.Min(minX, vesselPos.x); maxY = Math.Max(maxY, vesselPos.y); minY = Math.Min(minY, vesselPos.y); // Account for a target vessel var targetBody = FlightGlobals.fetch.VesselTarget as CelestialBody; var targetVessel = FlightGlobals.fetch.VesselTarget as Vessel; if (targetVessel != null) { if (targetVessel.mainBody == vessel.mainBody) { double tgtPe = targetVessel.orbit.NextPeriapsisTime(now); vesselPos = screenTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(targetVessel.orbit.SwappedRelativePositionAtUT(tgtPe)); maxX = Math.Max(maxX, vesselPos.x); minX = Math.Min(minX, vesselPos.x); maxY = Math.Max(maxY, vesselPos.y); minY = Math.Min(minY, vesselPos.y); if (targetVessel.orbit.eccentricity < 1.0) { vesselPos = screenTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(targetVessel.orbit.SwappedRelativePositionAtUT(targetVessel.orbit.NextApoapsisTime(now))); maxX = Math.Max(maxX, vesselPos.x); minX = Math.Min(minX, vesselPos.x); maxY = Math.Max(maxY, vesselPos.y); minY = Math.Min(minY, vesselPos.y); } vesselPos = screenTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(targetVessel.orbit.SwappedRelativePositionAtUT(now)); maxX = Math.Max(maxX, vesselPos.x); minX = Math.Min(minX, vesselPos.x); maxY = Math.Max(maxY, vesselPos.y); minY = Math.Min(minY, vesselPos.y); } else { // We only care about tgtVessel if it is in the same SoI. targetVessel = null; } } if (targetBody != null) { // Validate some values up front, so we don't need to test them later. if (targetBody.GetOrbit() == null) { targetBody = null; } else if (targetBody.orbit.referenceBody == vessel.orbit.referenceBody) { // If the target body orbits our current world, let's at // least make sure the body's location is visible. vesselPos = screenTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(targetBody.GetOrbit().SwappedRelativePositionAtUT(now)); maxX = Math.Max(maxX, vesselPos.x); minX = Math.Min(minX, vesselPos.x); maxY = Math.Max(maxY, vesselPos.y); minY = Math.Min(minY, vesselPos.y); } } ManeuverNode node = (vessel.patchedConicSolver.maneuverNodes.Count > 0) ? vessel.patchedConicSolver.maneuverNodes[0] : null; if (node != null) { double nodePe = node.nextPatch.NextPeriapsisTime(now); vesselPos = screenTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(node.nextPatch.SwappedRelativePositionAtUT(nodePe)); maxX = Math.Max(maxX, vesselPos.x); minX = Math.Min(minX, vesselPos.x); maxY = Math.Max(maxY, vesselPos.y); minY = Math.Min(minY, vesselPos.y); if (node.nextPatch.eccentricity < 1.0) { double nodeAp = node.nextPatch.NextApoapsisTime(now); vesselPos = screenTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(node.nextPatch.SwappedRelativePositionAtUT(nodeAp)); maxX = Math.Max(maxX, vesselPos.x); minX = Math.Min(minX, vesselPos.x); maxY = Math.Max(maxY, vesselPos.y); minY = Math.Min(minY, vesselPos.y); } else if (node.nextPatch.EndUT > 0.0) { // If the next patch is hyperbolic, include the endpoint. vesselPos = screenTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(vessel.orbit.SwappedRelativePositionAtUT(node.nextPatch.EndUT)); maxX = Math.Max(maxX, vesselPos.x); minX = Math.Min(minX, vesselPos.x); maxY = Math.Max(maxY, vesselPos.y); minY = Math.Min(minY, vesselPos.y); } } // Add translation. This will ensure that all of the features // under consideration above will be displayed. screenTransform[0, 3] = -0.5f * (float)(maxX + minX); screenTransform[1, 3] = -0.5f * (float)(maxY + minY); double neededWidth = maxX - minX; double neededHeight = maxY - minY; // Pick a scalar that will fit the bounding box we just created. float pixelScalar = (float)Math.Min(horizPixelSize / neededWidth, vertPixelSize / neededHeight); screenTransform = Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(pixelScalar, pixelScalar, pixelScalar)) * screenTransform; GL.Clear(true, true, backgroundColorValue); GL.PushMatrix(); GL.LoadPixelMatrix(-displayPosition.z * 0.5f, displayPosition.z * 0.5f, displayPosition.w * 0.5f, -displayPosition.w * 0.5f); GL.Viewport(new Rect(displayPosition.x, screen.height - displayPosition.y - displayPosition.w, displayPosition.z, displayPosition.w)); lineMaterial.SetPass(0); GL.Begin(GL.LINES); // Draw the planet: Vector3 focusCenter = screenTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); // orbitDriver is null on the sun, so we'll just use white instead. GL.Color((vessel.mainBody.orbitDriver == null) ? new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) : vessel.mainBody.orbitDriver.orbitColor); DrawCircle(focusCenter.x, focusCenter.y, (float)(vessel.mainBody.Radius * pixelScalar), orbitPoints); if (vessel.mainBody.atmosphere) { // Use the atmospheric ambient to color the atmosphere circle. GL.Color(vessel.mainBody.atmosphericAmbientColor); DrawCircle(focusCenter.x, focusCenter.y, (float)((vessel.mainBody.Radius + vessel.mainBody.maxAtmosphereAltitude) * pixelScalar), orbitPoints); } if (targetVessel != null) { GL.Color(iconColorTargetValue); if (!targetVessel.orbit.activePatch && targetVessel.orbit.eccentricity < 1.0 && targetVessel.orbit.referenceBody == vessel.orbit.referenceBody) { // For some reason, activePatch is false for targetVessel. // If we have a stable orbit for the target, use a fallback // rendering method: ReallyDrawOrbit(targetVessel.orbit, vessel.orbit.referenceBody, screenTransform, orbitPoints); } else { DrawOrbit(targetVessel.orbit, vessel.orbit.referenceBody, screenTransform, orbitPoints); } } foreach (CelestialBody moon in vessel.orbit.referenceBody.orbitingBodies) { if (moon != targetBody) { GL.Color(moon.orbitDriver.orbitColor); ReallyDrawOrbit(moon.GetOrbit(), vessel.orbit.referenceBody, screenTransform, orbitPoints); } } if (targetBody != null) { GL.Color(iconColorTargetValue); ReallyDrawOrbit(targetBody.GetOrbit(), vessel.orbit.referenceBody, screenTransform, orbitPoints); } if (node != null) { GL.Color(orbitColorNextNodeValue); DrawOrbit(node.nextPatch, vessel.orbit.referenceBody, screenTransform, orbitPoints); } if (vessel.orbit.nextPatch != null && vessel.orbit.nextPatch.activePatch) { GL.Color(orbitColorNextNodeValue); DrawOrbit(vessel.orbit.nextPatch, vessel.orbit.referenceBody, screenTransform, orbitPoints); } // Draw the vessel orbit GL.Color(orbitColorSelfValue); DrawOrbit(vessel.orbit, vessel.orbit.referenceBody, screenTransform, orbitPoints); // Done drawing lines. GL.End(); // Draw target vessel icons. Vector3 transformedPosition; foreach (CelestialBody moon in vessel.orbit.referenceBody.orbitingBodies) { if (moon != targetBody) { transformedPosition = screenTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(moon.getTruePositionAtUT(now) - vessel.orbit.referenceBody.getTruePositionAtUT(now)); DrawIcon(transformedPosition.x, transformedPosition.y, VesselType.Unknown, moon.orbitDriver.orbitColor, MapIcons.OtherIcon.PLANET); } } if (targetVessel != null || targetBody != null) { var orbit = (targetVessel != null) ? targetVessel.GetOrbit() : targetBody.GetOrbit(); DrawNextPe(orbit, vessel.orbit.referenceBody, now, iconColorTargetValue, screenTransform); DrawNextAp(orbit, vessel.orbit.referenceBody, now, iconColorTargetValue, screenTransform); if (targetBody != null) { transformedPosition = screenTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(targetBody.getTruePositionAtUT(now) - vessel.orbit.referenceBody.getTruePositionAtUT(now)); DrawIcon(transformedPosition.x, transformedPosition.y, VesselType.Unknown, iconColorTargetValue, MapIcons.OtherIcon.PLANET); } else { transformedPosition = screenTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(orbit.SwappedRelativePositionAtUT(now)); DrawIcon(transformedPosition.x, transformedPosition.y, targetVessel.vesselType, iconColorTargetValue); } if (vessel.orbit.AscendingNodeExists(orbit)) { double anTime = vessel.orbit.TimeOfAscendingNode(orbit, now); if (anTime < vessel.orbit.EndUT || (vessel.orbit.patchEndTransition != Orbit.PatchTransitionType.ESCAPE && vessel.orbit.patchEndTransition != Orbit.PatchTransitionType.ENCOUNTER)) { transformedPosition = screenTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(vessel.orbit.SwappedRelativePositionAtUT(anTime)); DrawIcon(transformedPosition.x, transformedPosition.y, VesselType.Unknown, orbitColorSelfValue, MapIcons.OtherIcon.AN); } } if (vessel.orbit.DescendingNodeExists(orbit)) { double dnTime = vessel.orbit.TimeOfDescendingNode(orbit, now); if (dnTime < vessel.orbit.EndUT || (vessel.orbit.patchEndTransition != Orbit.PatchTransitionType.ESCAPE && vessel.orbit.patchEndTransition != Orbit.PatchTransitionType.ENCOUNTER)) { transformedPosition = screenTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(vessel.orbit.SwappedRelativePositionAtUT(dnTime)); DrawIcon(transformedPosition.x, transformedPosition.y, VesselType.Unknown, orbitColorSelfValue, MapIcons.OtherIcon.DN); } } double tClosestApproach; double dClosestApproach = JUtil.GetClosestApproach(vessel.orbit, orbit, out tClosestApproach); Orbit o = GetPatchAtUT(vessel.orbit, tClosestApproach); if (o != null) { Vector3d encounterPosition = o.SwappedRelativePositionAtUT(tClosestApproach) + o.referenceBody.getTruePositionAtUT(tClosestApproach) - vessel.orbit.referenceBody.getTruePositionAtUT(tClosestApproach); transformedPosition = screenTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(encounterPosition); DrawIcon(transformedPosition.x, transformedPosition.y, VesselType.Unknown, iconColorClosestApproachValue, MapIcons.OtherIcon.SHIPATINTERCEPT); } // Unconditionally try to draw the closest approach point on // the target orbit. transformedPosition = screenTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(orbit.SwappedRelativePositionAtUT(tClosestApproach)); DrawIcon(transformedPosition.x, transformedPosition.y, VesselType.Unknown, iconColorClosestApproachValue, MapIcons.OtherIcon.TGTATINTERCEPT); } else { if (vessel.orbit.AscendingNodeEquatorialExists()) { double anTime = vessel.orbit.TimeOfAscendingNodeEquatorial(now); if (anTime < vessel.orbit.EndUT || (vessel.orbit.patchEndTransition != Orbit.PatchTransitionType.ESCAPE && vessel.orbit.patchEndTransition != Orbit.PatchTransitionType.ENCOUNTER)) { transformedPosition = screenTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(vessel.orbit.SwappedRelativePositionAtUT(anTime)); DrawIcon(transformedPosition.x, transformedPosition.y, VesselType.Unknown, orbitColorSelfValue, MapIcons.OtherIcon.AN); } } if (vessel.orbit.DescendingNodeEquatorialExists()) { double dnTime = vessel.orbit.TimeOfDescendingNodeEquatorial(now); if (dnTime < vessel.orbit.EndUT || (vessel.orbit.patchEndTransition != Orbit.PatchTransitionType.ESCAPE && vessel.orbit.patchEndTransition != Orbit.PatchTransitionType.ENCOUNTER)) { transformedPosition = screenTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(vessel.orbit.SwappedRelativePositionAtUT(dnTime)); DrawIcon(transformedPosition.x, transformedPosition.y, VesselType.Unknown, orbitColorSelfValue, MapIcons.OtherIcon.DN); } } } // Draw orbital features DrawNextPe(vessel.orbit, vessel.orbit.referenceBody, now, iconColorPEValue, screenTransform); DrawNextAp(vessel.orbit, vessel.orbit.referenceBody, now, iconColorAPValue, screenTransform); if (vessel.orbit.nextPatch != null && vessel.orbit.nextPatch.activePatch) { transformedPosition = screenTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(vessel.orbit.SwappedRelativePositionAtUT(vessel.orbit.EndUT)); DrawIcon(transformedPosition.x, transformedPosition.y, VesselType.Unknown, orbitColorSelfValue, MapIcons.OtherIcon.EXITSOI); Orbit nextPatch = vessel.orbit.nextPatch.nextPatch; if (nextPatch != null && nextPatch.activePatch) { transformedPosition = screenTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(nextPatch.SwappedRelativePositionAtUT(nextPatch.EndUT) + nextPatch.referenceBody.getTruePositionAtUT(nextPatch.EndUT) - vessel.orbit.referenceBody.getTruePositionAtUT(nextPatch.EndUT)); DrawIcon(transformedPosition.x, transformedPosition.y, VesselType.Unknown, orbitColorNextNodeValue, MapIcons.OtherIcon.EXITSOI); } } if (node != null && node.nextPatch.activePatch) { DrawNextPe(node.nextPatch, vessel.orbit.referenceBody, now, orbitColorNextNodeValue, screenTransform); DrawNextAp(node.nextPatch, vessel.orbit.referenceBody, now, orbitColorNextNodeValue, screenTransform); transformedPosition = screenTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(vessel.orbit.SwappedRelativePositionAtUT(node.UT)); DrawIcon(transformedPosition.x, transformedPosition.y, VesselType.Unknown, orbitColorNextNodeValue, MapIcons.OtherIcon.NODE); } // Draw ownship icon transformedPosition = screenTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(vessel.orbit.SwappedRelativePositionAtUT(now)); DrawIcon(transformedPosition.x, transformedPosition.y, vessel.vesselType, iconColorSelfValue); GL.PopMatrix(); GL.Viewport(new Rect(0, 0, screen.width, screen.height)); return(true); }
public static ManeuverParameters ComputeEjectionManeuver(Vector3d exit_velocity, Orbit initial_orbit, double UT_0) { double GM = initial_orbit.referenceBody.gravParameter; double C3 = exit_velocity.sqrMagnitude; double Mh = initial_orbit.referenceBody.sphereOfInfluence; double Rpe = initial_orbit.semiMajorAxis; double isma = 2 / Mh - C3 / GM; //inverted Semi-major Axis, will work for parabolic orbit double ecc = 1.0 - Rpe * isma; //double vstart = Math.Sqrt(GM * (2 / Rpe - isma)); //{ total start boost} //double slat = Rpe * Rpe * vstart * vstart / GM; //the problem here should be R for circular orbit instead of Rpe double slat = 2 * Rpe - isma * Rpe * Rpe; //but we don't know start point (yet) in elliptic orbit double theta = Math.Acos((slat / Mh - 1) / ecc); /* * //old way infinity hyperbolic: * //problems: it's not necessary hyperbolic (in case of low speed exit_velocity), * //and exit_velocity appears not infinite far from celestial body, but only sphereOfInfluence far * //i.e. Mh in previous statements(theta, isma) is not infinity! * * double sma = -GM / C3; * * double ecc = 1 - Rpe / sma; * double theta = Math.Acos(-1 / ecc); * */ Vector3d intersect_1; Vector3d intersect_2; // intersect_1 is the optimal position on the orbit assuming the orbit is circular and the sphere of influence is infinite IntersectConePlane(exit_velocity, theta, initial_orbit.h, out intersect_1, out intersect_2); Vector3d eccvec = initial_orbit.GetEccVector(); double true_anomaly = AngleAboutAxis(eccvec, intersect_1, initial_orbit.h); // GetMeanAnomalyAtTrueAnomaly expects degrees and returns radians double mean_anomaly = initial_orbit.GetMeanAnomalyAtTrueAnomaly(true_anomaly * UtilMath.Rad2Deg); double delta_mean_anomaly = MuUtils.ClampRadiansPi(mean_anomaly - initial_orbit.MeanAnomalyAtUT(UT_0)); double UT = UT_0 + delta_mean_anomaly / initial_orbit.MeanMotion(); Vector3d V_0 = initial_orbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(UT); Vector3d pos = initial_orbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(UT); double final_vel = Math.Sqrt(C3 + 2 * GM / pos.magnitude); Vector3d x = pos.normalized; Vector3d z = Vector3d.Cross(x, exit_velocity).normalized; Vector3d y = Vector3d.Cross(z, x); theta = Math.PI / 2; double dtheta = 0.001; Orbit sample = new Orbit(); double theta_err = Double.MaxValue; for (int iteration = 0; iteration < 50; ++iteration) { Vector3d V_1 = final_vel * (Math.Cos(theta) * x + Math.Sin(theta) * y); sample.UpdateFromStateVectors(pos, V_1, initial_orbit.referenceBody, UT); theta_err = AngleAboutAxis(exit_velocity, sample.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(OrbitExtensions.NextTimeOfRadius(sample, UT, sample.referenceBody.sphereOfInfluence)), z); if (double.IsNaN(theta_err)) { return(null); } if (Math.Abs(theta_err) <= 0.1 * UtilMath.Deg2Rad) { return(new ManeuverParameters((V_1 - V_0).xzy, UT)); } V_1 = final_vel * (Math.Cos(theta + dtheta) * x + Math.Sin(theta + dtheta) * y); sample.UpdateFromStateVectors(pos, V_1, initial_orbit.referenceBody, UT); double theta_err_2 = AngleAboutAxis(exit_velocity, sample.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(OrbitExtensions.NextTimeOfRadius(sample, UT, sample.referenceBody.sphereOfInfluence)), z); V_1 = final_vel * (Math.Cos(theta - dtheta) * x + Math.Sin(theta - dtheta) * y); sample.UpdateFromStateVectors(pos, V_1, initial_orbit.referenceBody, UT); double theta_err_3 = AngleAboutAxis(exit_velocity, sample.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(OrbitExtensions.NextTimeOfRadius(sample, UT, sample.referenceBody.sphereOfInfluence)), z); double derr = MuUtils.ClampRadiansPi(theta_err_2 - theta_err_3) / (2 * dtheta); theta = MuUtils.ClampRadiansTwoPi(theta - theta_err / derr); // if theta > pi, replace with 2pi - theta, the function ejection_angle=f(theta) is symmetrc wrt theta=pi if (theta > Math.PI) { theta = 2 * Math.PI - theta; } } return(null); }
public void FixedUpdate() { //Debug.Log ("LanderAttachment.FixedUpdate"); var vessel = GetComponent <Vessel>(); if (vessel != FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel) { Destroy(this); return; } if (AlreadyTeleported) { //Debug.Log ("FixedUpdate: AlreadyTeleported"); if (vessel.LandedOrSplashed) { Destroy(this); } else { var accel = (vessel.srf_velocity + vessel.upAxis) * -0.5; vessel.ChangeWorldVelocity(accel); RateLimitedLogger.Log(_accelLogObject, $"(Happening every frame) Soft-lander changed ship velocity this frame by vector {accel.x},{accel.y},{accel.z} (mag {accel.magnitude})"); } } else { //Debug.Log ("FixedUpdate: not AlreadyTeleported"); var pqs = Body.pqsController; if (pqs == null) { Destroy(this); return; } var alt = pqs.GetSurfaceHeight(Body.GetRelSurfaceNVector(Latitude, Longitude)) - Body.Radius; alt = Math.Max(alt, 0); // Underwater! if (TimeWarp.CurrentRateIndex != 0) { TimeWarp.SetRate(0, true); Extensions.Log("Set time warp to index 0"); } // HoldVesselUnpack is in display frames, not physics frames //Debug.Log("alt: " + alt.ToString() + " Altitude: " + Altitude.ToString()); //Debug.Log ("Latitude: " + Latitude.ToString () + " Longitude: " + Longitude.ToString ()); //var teleportPosition = Body.GetRelSurfacePosition(Latitude, Longitude, alt +Altitude); Vector3d teleportPosition; if (!teleportedToLandingAlt) { //Debug.Log("teleportedToLandingAlt == false, intermAltitude: " + intermAltitude.ToString() + " Altitude: " + Altitude.ToString()); if (intermAltitude > Altitude) { if (Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() - lastUpdate >= 0.5) { intermAltitude = intermAltitude / 10; //Debug.Log("Planetarium.GetUniversalTime (): " + Planetarium.GetUniversalTime ().ToString() + " lastUpdate: " + lastUpdate.ToString()); //Debug.Log("intermAltitude: " + intermAltitude.ToString()); teleportPosition = Body.GetRelSurfacePosition(Latitude, Longitude, alt + intermAltitude); if (lastUpdate != 0) { intermAltitude = Altitude; } lastUpdate = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime(); } else { //Debug.Log("teleportPositionAltitude (no time change): alt: " + alt.ToString() + " intermAltitude: " + intermAltitude.ToString()); teleportPosition = Body.GetRelSurfacePosition(Latitude, Longitude, alt + intermAltitude); } } else { //Debug.Log("teleportedToLandingAlt set to true"); teleportedToLandingAlt = true; teleportPosition = Body.GetRelSurfacePosition(Latitude, Longitude, alt + Altitude); } } else { teleportPosition = Body.GetRelSurfacePosition(Latitude, Longitude, alt + Altitude); } var teleportVelocity = Vector3d.Cross(Body.angularVelocity, teleportPosition); //var teleportVelocity = Vector3d.Cross(Vector3d.down, teleportPosition.normalized)* // (Math.Cos(L atitude*(Math.PI/180))*teleportPosition.magnitude* // (Math.PI*2)/(Body.rotationPeriod)); // convert from world space to orbit space teleportPosition = teleportPosition.xzy; teleportVelocity = teleportVelocity.xzy; // counter for the momentary fall when on rails (about one second) teleportVelocity += teleportPosition.normalized * (Body.gravParameter / teleportPosition.sqrMagnitude); Quaternion rotation; if (SetRotation) { var from = Vector3d.up; var to = teleportPosition.xzy.normalized; rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(from, to); } else { var oldUp = vessel.orbit.pos.xzy.normalized; var newUp = teleportPosition.xzy.normalized; rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(oldUp, newUp) * vessel.vesselTransform.rotation; } var orbit = vessel.orbitDriver.orbit.Clone(); orbit.UpdateFromStateVectors(teleportPosition, teleportVelocity, Body, Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()); vessel.SetOrbit(orbit); vessel.SetRotation(rotation); if (teleportedToLandingAlt) { AlreadyTeleported = true; } } }
public override List <JacobianConstraint> BuildJacobian() { var angularConstraints = new List <JacobianConstraint>(); IShape simulationObjectA = ShapeA; IShape simulationObjectB = ShapeB; double errorReduction = ErrorReductionParam; double springCoefficientHingeAxis = SpringCoefficientHingeAxis; double springCoefficientRotationAxis = SpringCoefficientRotationAxis; #region Init Angular Vector3d hingeAxis = GetHingeAxis(); Vector3d rotationAxis = GetRotationAxis(); double k = hingeAxis.Dot(rotationAxis); Vector3d tempPerpendicular = rotationAxis - k * hingeAxis; Vector3d t1 = hingeAxis.Cross(tempPerpendicular).Normalize(); double hingeAngle = GetAngle1( hingeAxis, rotationAxis, HingeAxis, simulationObjectA.RotationStatus, RelativeOrientation1); double twistAngle = GetAngle2( hingeAxis, rotationAxis, RotationAxis, simulationObjectB.RotationStatus, RelativeOrientation2); #endregion #region Jacobian Constraint double angularLimit = errorReduction * hingeAngle; angularConstraints.Add(JacobianCommon.GetDOF( hingeAxis, -1.0 * hingeAxis, simulationObjectA, simulationObjectB, 0.0, angularLimit, springCoefficientHingeAxis, 0.0, ConstraintType.Joint)); angularLimit = errorReduction * twistAngle; angularConstraints.Add(JacobianCommon.GetDOF( rotationAxis, -1.0 * rotationAxis, simulationObjectA, simulationObjectB, 0.0, angularLimit, springCoefficientRotationAxis, 0.0, ConstraintType.Joint)); #endregion return(angularConstraints); }
public void Init(CatOrbiter parent, float soi) { TimingManager.FixedUpdateAdd(TimingManager.TimingStage.Earlyish, DoForces); orbiters.Add(this); rb = gameObject.AddComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); rb.isKinematic = true; if (orbiters.Count == 1) { sun = this; Vector3 spos = new Vector3(Screen.width * 0.5f, Screen.height * 0.5f, -1); transform.position = KSP.UI.UIMainCamera.Camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(spos); Mass = 2E17; pos.x = transform.position.x; pos.y = transform.position.y; } else { Vector2 relativePos = Random.insideUnitCircle; if (relativePos.magnitude < 0.2) { relativePos = relativePos.normalized * 0.3f; } Vector3 spos = UIMainCamera.Camera.WorldToScreenPoint(parent.transform.position) + (Vector3)(relativePos * soi); spos.z = -1; transform.position = UIMainCamera.Camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(spos); pos.x = transform.position.x; pos.y = transform.position.y; //int scaleRange = 10; // //float factor = (1 + (scaleRange - 1) * Random.value); // //scale = parent.scale * factor / scaleRange; scale = parent.scale * 0.6f; transform.localScale *= scale; TrailRenderer trail = gameObject.GetComponent <TrailRenderer>(); trail.colorGradient = new Gradient() { alphaKeys = new GradientAlphaKey[3] { new GradientAlphaKey(1, 0), new GradientAlphaKey(1, 0.7f), new GradientAlphaKey(0, 1) } }; trail.startWidth *= scale; //trail.endWidth *= scale; trail.widthCurve = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(0, trail.startWidth), new Keyframe(0.7f, trail.startWidth), new Keyframe(1, trail.startWidth * 0.9f)); //Mass = factor * 2E16; Mass = parent.Mass * 0.025; Vector2d dist = parent.pos - pos; double circularVel = Math.Sqrt(G * (Mass + parent.Mass) / dist.magnitude); if (parent == sun) { circularVel *= Random.Range(0.9f, 1.1f); }"CatOrbiter {0} {1} {2} {3}", circularVel.ToString("F3"), Mass.ToString("F2"), orbiters[0].Mass.ToString("F2"), dist.magnitude.ToString("F2")); Vector3d normal = (Random.value >= 0.3) ? Vector3d.back : Vector3d.forward; Vector3d vel3d = Vector3d.Cross(dist, normal).normalized *circularVel; vel.x = parent.vel.x + vel3d.x; vel.y = parent.vel.y + vel3d.y; } rb.MovePosition(new Vector2((float)pos.x, (float)pos.y)); }
public void GetClCdCmSteady(InstantConditionSimInput input, out InstantConditionSimOutput output, bool clear, bool reset_stall = false) { output = new InstantConditionSimOutput(); double area = 0; double MAC = 0; double b_2 = 0; Vector3d forward = Vector3.forward; Vector3d up = Vector3.up; Vector3d right = Vector3.right; Vector3d CoM =; double mass = 0; List <Part> partsList = EditorLogic.SortedShipList; for (int i = 0; i < partsList.Count; i++) { Part p = partsList[i]; if (FARAeroUtil.IsNonphysical(p)) { continue; } double partMass = p.mass; if (p.Resources.Count > 0) { partMass += p.GetResourceMass(); } //partMass += p.GetModuleMass(p.mass); // If you want to use GetModuleMass, you need to start from p.partInfo.mass, not p.mass CoM += partMass * (Vector3d)p.transform.TransformPoint(p.CoMOffset); mass += partMass; } CoM /= mass; if (EditorDriver.editorFacility == EditorFacility.VAB) { forward = Vector3.up; up = -Vector3.forward; } double sinAlpha = Math.Sin(input.alpha * Math.PI / 180); double cosAlpha = Math.Sqrt(Math.Max(1 - sinAlpha * sinAlpha, 0)); double sinBeta = Math.Sin(input.beta * Math.PI / 180); double cosBeta = Math.Sqrt(Math.Max(1 - sinBeta * sinBeta, 0)); double sinPhi = Math.Sin(input.phi * Math.PI / 180); double cosPhi = Math.Sqrt(Math.Max(1 - sinPhi * sinPhi, 0)); double alphaDot = input.alphaDot * Math.PI / 180; double betaDot = input.betaDot * Math.PI / 180; double phiDot = input.phiDot * Math.PI / 180; Vector3d AngVel = (phiDot - sinAlpha * betaDot) * forward; AngVel += (cosPhi * alphaDot + cosAlpha * sinPhi * betaDot) * right; AngVel += (sinPhi * alphaDot - cosAlpha * cosPhi * betaDot) * up; Vector3d velocity = forward * cosAlpha * cosBeta; velocity += right * (sinPhi * cosAlpha * cosBeta + cosPhi * sinBeta); velocity += -up * cosPhi * (sinAlpha * cosBeta + sinBeta); velocity.Normalize(); //this is negative wrt the ground Vector3d liftVector = -forward * sinAlpha + right * sinPhi * cosAlpha - up * cosPhi * cosAlpha; Vector3d sideways = Vector3.Cross(velocity, liftVector).normalized; for (int i = 0; i < _wingAerodynamicModel.Count; i++) { FARWingAerodynamicModel w = _wingAerodynamicModel[i]; if (!(w && w.part)) { continue; } w.ComputeForceEditor(velocity.normalized, input.machNumber, 2); if (clear) { w.EditorClClear(reset_stall); } Vector3d relPos = w.GetAerodynamicCenter() - CoM; Vector3d vel = velocity + Vector3d.Cross(AngVel, relPos); if (w is FARControllableSurface) { (w as FARControllableSurface).SetControlStateEditor(CoM, vel, (float)input.pitchValue, 0, 0, input.flaps, input.spoilers); } else if (w.isShielded) { continue; } //w.ComputeForceEditor(velocity, input.machNumber); //do this just to get the AC right Vector3d force = w.ComputeForceEditor(vel.normalized, input.machNumber, 2) * 1000; output.Cl += -Vector3d.Dot(force, liftVector); output.Cy += Vector3d.Dot(force, sideways); output.Cd += -Vector3d.Dot(force, velocity); Vector3d moment = -Vector3d.Cross(relPos, force); output.Cm += Vector3d.Dot(moment, sideways); output.Cn += Vector3d.Dot(moment, liftVector); output.C_roll += Vector3d.Dot(moment, velocity); //w.ComputeClCdEditor(vel.normalized, input.machNumber); /*double tmpCl = w.GetCl() * w.S; * output.Cl += tmpCl * -Vector3d.Dot(w.GetLiftDirection(), liftVector); * output.Cy += tmpCl * -Vector3d.Dot(w.GetLiftDirection(), sideways); * double tmpCd = w.GetCd() * w.S; * output.Cd += tmpCd; * output.Cm += tmpCl * Vector3d.Dot((relPos), velocity) * -Vector3d.Dot(w.GetLiftDirection(), liftVector) + tmpCd * -Vector3d.Dot((relPos), liftVector); * output.Cn += tmpCd * Vector3d.Dot((relPos), sideways) + tmpCl * Vector3d.Dot((relPos), velocity) * -Vector3d.Dot(w.GetLiftDirection(), sideways); * output.C_roll += tmpCl * Vector3d.Dot((relPos), sideways) * -Vector3d.Dot(w.GetLiftDirection(), liftVector);*/ area += w.S; MAC += w.GetMAC() * w.S; b_2 += w.Getb_2() * w.S; } FARCenterQuery center = new FARCenterQuery(); for (int i = 0; i < _currentAeroSections.Count; i++) { _currentAeroSections[i].PredictionCalculateAeroForces(2, (float)input.machNumber, 10000, 0.005f, velocity.normalized, center); } Vector3d centerForce = center.force * 1000; output.Cl += -Vector3d.Dot(centerForce, liftVector); output.Cy += Vector3d.Dot(centerForce, sideways); output.Cd += -Vector3d.Dot(centerForce, velocity); Vector3d centerMoment = -center.TorqueAt(CoM) * 1000; output.Cm += Vector3d.Dot(centerMoment, sideways); output.Cn += Vector3d.Dot(centerMoment, liftVector); output.C_roll += Vector3d.Dot(centerMoment, velocity); /*for (int i = 0; i < FARAeroUtil.CurEditorParts.Count; i++) * { * Part p = FARAeroUtil.CurEditorParts[i]; * if (FARAeroUtil.IsNonphysical(p)) * continue; * * Vector3 part_pos = p.transform.TransformPoint(p.CoMOffset) - CoM; * double partMass = p.mass; * if (p.Resources.Count > 0) * partMass += p.GetResourceMass(); * * double stock_drag = partMass * p.maximum_drag * FlightGlobals.DragMultiplier * 1000; * output.Cd += stock_drag; * output.Cm += stock_drag * -Vector3d.Dot(part_pos, liftVector); * output.Cn += stock_drag * Vector3d.Dot(part_pos, sideways); * }*/ if (area == 0) { area = _maxCrossSectionFromBody; b_2 = 1; MAC = _bodyLength; } double recipArea = 1 / area; MAC *= recipArea; b_2 *= recipArea; output.Cl *= recipArea; output.Cd *= recipArea; output.Cm *= recipArea / MAC; output.Cy *= recipArea; output.Cn *= recipArea / b_2; output.C_roll *= recipArea / b_2; }
/// <summary> /// Builds the slider joint. /// </summary> /// <returns>The slider joint.</returns> /// <param name="simulationObjs">Simulation objects.</param> public override List <JacobianConstraint> BuildJacobian() { var sliderConstraints = new List <JacobianConstraint> (); IShape simulationObjectA = ShapeA; IShape simulationObjectB = ShapeB; #region Init Linear Vector3d sliderAxis = GetSliderAxis(); Vector3d t1 = GeometryUtils.GetPerpendicularVector(sliderAxis).Normalize(); Vector3d t2 = sliderAxis.Cross(t1).Normalize(); Vector3d r1 = simulationObjectA.RotationMatrix * StartErrorAxis1; Vector3d r2 = simulationObjectB.RotationMatrix * StartErrorAxis2; Vector3d p1 = simulationObjectA.Position + r1; Vector3d p2 = simulationObjectB.Position + r2; Vector3d linearError = p2 - p1; #endregion #region Init Angular Vector3d angularError = JacobianCommon.GetFixedAngularError( simulationObjectA, simulationObjectB, RelativeOrientation); #endregion #region Jacobian Constraint double errorReduction = ErrorReductionParam; double springCoefficient = SpringCoefficient; #region Base Constraints ConstraintType constraintType = ConstraintType.Joint; if (SpringCoefficient > 0) { constraintType = ConstraintType.SoftJoint; } double constraintLimit = errorReduction * 2.0 * angularError.x; //DOF 1 sliderConstraints.Add(JacobianCommon.GetDOF( xVecNeg, xVec, simulationObjectA, simulationObjectB, 0.0, constraintLimit, springCoefficient, 0.0, constraintType)); //DOF 2 constraintLimit = errorReduction * 2.0 * angularError.y; sliderConstraints.Add(JacobianCommon.GetDOF( yVecNeg, yVec, simulationObjectA, simulationObjectB, 0.0, constraintLimit, springCoefficient, 0.0, constraintType)); //DOF 3 constraintLimit = errorReduction * 2.0 * angularError.z; sliderConstraints.Add(JacobianCommon.GetDOF( zVecNeg, zVec, simulationObjectA, simulationObjectB, 0.0, constraintLimit, springCoefficient, 0.0, constraintType)); //DOF 4 constraintLimit = errorReduction * t1.Dot(linearError); sliderConstraints.Add(JacobianCommon.GetDOF( t1, -1.0 * t1, r1.Cross(t1), -1.0 * r2.Cross(t1), simulationObjectA, simulationObjectB, 0.0, constraintLimit, springCoefficient, 0.0, constraintType)); //DOF 5 constraintLimit = errorReduction * t2.Dot(linearError); sliderConstraints.Add(JacobianCommon.GetDOF( t2, -1.0 * t2, r1.Cross(t2), -1.0 * r2.Cross(t2), simulationObjectA, simulationObjectB, 0.0, constraintLimit, springCoefficient, 0.0, constraintType)); #endregion #region Limit Constraints // Limit extraction if (LinearLimitMin.HasValue && LinearLimitMax.HasValue) { sliderConstraints.Add( JacobianCommon.GetLinearLimit( simulationObjectA, simulationObjectB, sliderAxis, r1, r2, errorReduction, 0.0, LinearLimitMin.Value, LinearLimitMax.Value)); } #endregion #region Motor Constraint if (ForceLimit.HasValue && SpeedValue.HasValue) { sliderConstraints.Add(JacobianCommon.GetDOF( sliderAxis, -1.0 * sliderAxis, new Vector3d(), new Vector3d(), simulationObjectA, simulationObjectB, SpeedValue.Value, 0.0, 0.0, ForceLimit.Value, ConstraintType.JointMotor)); } #endregion #endregion return(sliderConstraints); }