public static Userstories SearchUserById(Userstories p, EmpDBContext db)

            Userstories z = (db.userstories.Where(e => e.userstoryid == p.userstoryid)).First();

        public static void CreateNewUserstories(Userstories userstory)
            EmpDBContext db = new EmpDBContext();

        // GET: api/UserStory/5
        public Userstories Get(int id)
            Userstories story = new Userstories();

            story.userstoryid = id;
        // DELETE: api/UserStory/5
        public void Delete(int id)
            Userstories user = new Userstories();

            user.userstoryid = id;
        public static void CreateStory(Userstories story)
            ProjectEntiryDbcontext db = new ProjectEntiryDbcontext();

        public static void DeleteStory(Userstories story)
            ProjectEntiryDbcontext db = new ProjectEntiryDbcontext();
            Userstories            u  = UserStoriesRepository.SearchStory(story, db);

        // GET: api/Userstories/5
        public Userstories Get(int id)
            EmpDBContext db = new EmpDBContext();
            Userstories  pr = new Userstories();

            pr.userstoryid = id;
            return(UserstoryRepo.SearchUserById(pr, db));
        public static void Edit(Userstories user)
            ProjectEntiryDbcontext db = new ProjectEntiryDbcontext();
            Userstories            u  = SearchStory(user, db);

            u.projectid = user.projectid;
            u.story     = user.story;
        public static void EditUserstories(Userstories e)
            EmpDBContext db  = new EmpDBContext();
            Userstories  usr = SearchUserById(e, db);

            usr.story = e.story;
            usr.proid = e.proid;

        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            //Creates a UdpClient for reading incoming data.
            UdpClient udpServer = new UdpClient(7065);

            //Creates an IPEndPoint to record the IP Address and port number of the sender.
            //IPAddress ip = IPAddress.Parse("");
            IPEndPoint RemoteIpEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 7065);

            //IPEndPoint object will allow us to read datagrams sent from another source.

                // Blocks until a message is received on this socket from a remote host (a client).
                Console.WriteLine("Server is listening");

                Byte[] receiveBytes = udpServer.Receive(ref RemoteIpEndPoint);
                //Server is now activated");

                string   receivedData = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(receiveBytes);
                string[] data         = receivedData.Split(' ');
                //string text = data[1] + data[2];

                //Console.WriteLine("Received from: " + clientName.ToString() + " " + text.ToString());
                Userstories recData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Userstories>(receivedData);
                Console.WriteLine($"{recData.Id}  {recData.Title} temp is {recData.Description}");

                Console.WriteLine("This message was sent from " +
                                  RemoteIpEndPoint.Address.ToString() +
                                  " on their port number " +
                await Post <Userstories, Userstories>("", recData);
            catch (Exception e)
 // PUT: api/UserStory/5
 public void Put(int id, Userstories story)
     story.userstoryid = id;
 // POST: api/UserStory
 public void Post(Userstories story)
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // Userstories userstories = new Userstories();
            // AcceptanceCriterias criteria = new AcceptanceCriterias();
            //create clone
            var co = new CloneOptions();

            co.CredentialsProvider = (_url, _user, _cred) => new UsernamePasswordCredentials {
                Username = USERNAME, Password = PASSWORD
            Repository.Clone("", "C:/Users/admin/Documents/GitHub/UserStoriesFeature");

            using (var repo = new Repository(@"C:/Users/admin/Documents/GitHub/UserStoriesFeature"))
                var           db = new ReqSpecContextContext();
                DirectoryInfo ParentDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory);
                foreach (var u in db.Userstories)
                    if (u.RootId == null && u.ParentId == null)
                        if (u.HasChildren == true)
                            var FolderName = u.Title.Replace(" ", "_");
                            var Folder     = Directory.CreateDirectory(
                                Path.Combine(ParentDirectory.FullName, FolderName));

                            string title    = u.Title.Replace(" ", "");
                            string fullpath = Path.Combine(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, title + ".Feature");
                            var    tag      = (from t in db.Tags
                                               join us in db.UserstoryTags on t.Id equals us.TagId
                                               where us.UserstoryId == u.Id
                                               select t.Title).SingleOrDefault();
                            var scenario = (from ac in db.AcceptanceCriterias
                                            join us in db.Userstories on ac.UserstoryId equals us.Id
                                            where ac.UserstoryId == u.Id
                                            select ac.Title).SingleOrDefault();
                            var GWT = (from ac in db.AcceptanceCriterias
                                       join us in db.Userstories on ac.UserstoryId equals us.Id
                                       where ac.UserstoryId == u.Id
                                       select ac.Gwt).SingleOrDefault();

                            var contents = "Feature:" + u.Title + "\n" + u.Description +
                                           "\n" + "@" + tag + "\n" + "Scenario:" + scenario + "\n" + "\t" + GWT;

                            File.WriteAllText(fullpath, contents);
                            repo.Index.Add(title + ".Feature");
                            Commands.Stage(repo, fullpath);
                            string title    = u.Title.Replace(" ", "");
                            string fullpath = Path.Combine(ParentDirectory.FullName, title + ".Feature");
                            var    tag      = (from t in db.Tags
                                               join us in db.UserstoryTags on t.Id equals us.TagId
                                               where us.UserstoryId == u.Id
                                               select t.Title).SingleOrDefault();
                            var scenario = (from ac in db.AcceptanceCriterias
                                            join us in db.Userstories on ac.UserstoryId equals us.Id
                                            where ac.UserstoryId == u.Id
                                            select ac.Title).SingleOrDefault();
                            var GWT = (from ac in db.AcceptanceCriterias
                                       join us in db.Userstories on ac.UserstoryId equals us.Id
                                       where ac.UserstoryId == u.Id
                                       select ac.Gwt).SingleOrDefault();

                            var content = "Feature:" + u.Title + "\n" + u.Description +
                                          "\n" + "@" + tag + "\n" + "Scenario:" + scenario + "\n" + "\t" + GWT;

                            File.WriteAllText(fullpath, content);
                            repo.Index.Add(title + ".Feature");
                            Commands.Stage(repo, fullpath);
                    if (u.ParentId != null)
                        if (u.HasChildren == true)
                            string        Filename  = u.Title.Replace(" ", "");
                            var           title     = (from s in db.Userstories where s.Id == u.ParentId select s.Title).Single();
                            List <string> folders   = ParentDirectory.GetDirectories(title.Replace(" ", "_"), SearchOption.AllDirectories).Select(p => p.FullName).ToList();
                            string        Fullpath  = folders.Single();
                            string        newpath   = Path.Combine(Fullpath, Filename + ".Feature");
                            int           fileIndex = repo.Info.WorkingDirectory.Count();
                            string        file      = newpath.Remove(0, fileIndex);
                            var           tag       = (from t in db.Tags
                                                       join us in db.UserstoryTags on t.Id equals us.TagId
                                                       where us.UserstoryId == u.Id
                                                       select t.Title).SingleOrDefault();
                            var scenario = (from ac in db.AcceptanceCriterias
                                            join us in db.Userstories on ac.UserstoryId equals us.Id
                                            where ac.UserstoryId == u.Id
                                            select ac.Title).SingleOrDefault();
                            var GWT = (from ac in db.AcceptanceCriterias
                                       join us in db.Userstories on ac.UserstoryId equals us.Id
                                       where ac.UserstoryId == u.Id
                                       select ac.Gwt).SingleOrDefault();

                            var content = "Feature:" + u.Title + "\n" + u.Description +
                                          "\n" + "@" + tag + "\n" + "Scenario:" + scenario + "\n" + "\t" + GWT;
                            File.WriteAllText(newpath, content);
                            Commands.Stage(repo, newpath);
                    void CreateFolder()
                        List <Userstories> list = new List <Userstories>();

                        string        connectionString = "Server=(localdb)\\mssqllocaldb;Database=ReqSpecContext;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true";
                        SqlConnection con     = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
                        SqlCommand    command = new SqlCommand("SELECT Id,HasChildren,ParentId,Title FROM UserStories");

                        command.Connection = con;
                        SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();

                        while (reader.Read())
                            Userstories us = new Userstories();
                            us.Id          = (int)reader["Id"];
                            us.HasChildren = (bool)reader["HasChildren"];

                            if (reader["ParentId"] == DBNull.Value)
                                us.ParentId = 0;
                                us.ParentId = (int)reader["ParentId"];
                            us.Title = (string)reader["Title"];

                        foreach (var item in list)
                            if (item.ParentId == u.ParentId)
                                var           FolderName = item.Title.Replace(" ", "_");
                                var           title      = list.Where(x => x.Id == item.ParentId).Select(p => p.Title).Single();
                                List <string> folders    = ParentDirectory.GetDirectories(title.Replace(" ", "_"), SearchOption.AllDirectories).Select(p => p.FullName).ToList();
                                string        Fullpath   = folders.Single();
                                var           folder     = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(Fullpath, FolderName));

                                string file     = u.Title.Replace(" ", "");
                                string filepath = Path.Combine(Fullpath, title + ".Feature");
                                var    tag      = (from t in db.Tags
                                                   join us in db.UserstoryTags on t.Id equals us.TagId
                                                   where us.UserstoryId == u.Id
                                                   select t.Title).Single();
                                var scenario = (from ac in db.AcceptanceCriterias
                                                join us in db.Userstories on ac.UserstoryId equals us.Id
                                                where ac.UserstoryId == u.Id
                                                select ac.Title).Single();
                                var GWT = (from ac in db.AcceptanceCriterias
                                           join us in db.Userstories on ac.UserstoryId equals us.Id
                                           where ac.UserstoryId == u.Id
                                           select ac.Gwt).Single();

                                var content = "Feature:" + u.Title + "\n" + u.Description +
                                              "\n" + "@" + tag + "\n" + "Scenario:" + scenario + "\n" + "\t" + GWT;

                                File.WriteAllText(filepath, content);
                                repo.Index.Add(title + ".Feature");
                                Commands.Stage(repo, filepath);
                void PushAndCommit()
                    Signature author    = new Signature("Yashashree-Salunke", USERNAME, DateTime.Now);
                    Signature committer = author;
                    Commit    commit    = repo.Commit("Feature is added", author, committer); // Commit to the repository

                    PushOptions options = new PushOptions();

                    options.CredentialsProvider = new CredentialsHandler(
                        (url, usernameFromUrl, types) =>
                        new UsernamePasswordCredentials()
                        Username = USERNAME,
                        Password = PASSWORD
                    repo.Network.Push(repo.Branches["master"], options);
        public static Userstories SearchStory(Userstories story)
            ProjectEntiryDbcontext db = new ProjectEntiryDbcontext();

            return((db.Userstories.Select(s => s).Where(s => s.userstoryid == story.userstoryid)).First());
 // PUT: api/Userstories/5
 public void Put(int id, Userstories value)
     value.userstoryid = id;
 // POST: api/Userstories
 public void Post(Userstories usr)