private void Update() { // Check if the correct input was registered, if the narrative is not null, and if the tutorial panel is not open // (to prevent the narrative from continuing at the same time as the tutorial panel is closed). if ((Input.GetButtonDown(pCon.controls.interact) || Controls.IsRight || Input.GetButtonDown(pCon.controls.jump)) && N != null && !tutorialController.isOpen && Time.timeScale == 1) { if (isTyping) { if (typeCoroutine != null) { typingSource.Stop(); AM.PlayConsistentOneShot(quickTypeSound, quickTypeVolume); StopCoroutine(typeCoroutine); } isTyping = false; activeSpeakerUI.Dialogue = line.text; } else { AM.PlayConsistentOneShot(continueSound, continueVolume); AdvanceNarrative(); } } if (Input.GetButtonDown(pCon.controls.ability_1) && N != null && Time.timeScale == 1) { if (tutorialController.isOpen) { tutorialController.HideTutorial(); } EndResetNarrativeController(); } }
private void CloseTutorial() { CrossPlatformInputManager.SwitchActiveInputMethod(SettingsManager.touchControlsEnabled ? CrossPlatformInputManager.ActiveInputMethod.Touch : CrossPlatformInputManager.ActiveInputMethod.Hardware); if (proceedToGame) { //MenuPhase = MenuPhase.Main; GameController.current.LoadGame(true); //PlayButtonClicked(); } else { _tutorialController.HideTutorial(); _anim.SetTrigger("CloseTutorial"); MenuPhase = MenuState.Settings; } }