static TKMKHuffmanTreeNode NewNewSetUp5BitBuffers(uint val, byte[] data) // 80040BC0/0417C0
            TKMKHuffmanTreeNode newTree = new TKMKHuffmanTreeNode();

            newTree.Value = (int)val;
            //uint startingVal = val;

            NewGetNextChannelCommand(data, 0, out v0); //Grabs the buffer set up information

            if (v0 != 0)
                TKMKHuffmanTreeNode left = NewNewSetUp5BitBuffers(val, data);
                //buffer80_u16[startingVal] = (ushort)v0;
                TKMKHuffmanTreeNode right = NewNewSetUp5BitBuffers(val, data);
                //bufferFE_u16[startingVal] = (ushort)v0;
                //v0 = (int)startingVal;
                newTree.Left  = left;
                newTree.Right = right;

            s0 = 0;
            s1 = 5;
                NewGetNextChannelCommand(data, 0, out v0);
                s0  = s0 * 2 + v0; //basically bitshifts s0 to the left and adds v0, aka it's loading 5 bytes straight from the 0th some_ptr
                s1 -= 1;
            } while (s1 != 0);

            newTree.Value = s0;
        // inputs: t1
        // outputs: s4
        //Only called when creating new rgba value. follows the maze of the color buffers to return the correct value
        static void NewNewRetrieve5BitValue(byte[] data) // 80040C54/041854
            TKMKHuffmanTreeNode currentNode = treeHead;

            //s4 = t1;
            while (currentNode.Value >= 0x20 && !currentNode.IsEndNode)
                v1 = 0;
                NewGetNextChannelCommand(data, v1, out v0);
                if (v0 == 0)
                    //s4 = buffer80_u16[s4];
                    currentNode = currentNode.Left;
                    //s4 = bufferFE_u16[s4];
                    currentNode = currentNode.Right;
            s4 = currentNode.Value;
        // 80040BC0/0417C0
        static TKMKHuffmanTreeNode NewNewSetUp5BitBuffers(uint val, byte[] data)
            TKMKHuffmanTreeNode newTree = new TKMKHuffmanTreeNode();
            newTree.Value = (int)val;
            //uint startingVal = val;

            NewGetNextChannelCommand(data, 0, out v0); //Grabs the buffer set up information

            if (v0 != 0)
                TKMKHuffmanTreeNode left = NewNewSetUp5BitBuffers(val, data);
                //buffer80_u16[startingVal] = (ushort)v0;
                TKMKHuffmanTreeNode right = NewNewSetUp5BitBuffers(val, data);
                //bufferFE_u16[startingVal] = (ushort)v0;
                //v0 = (int)startingVal;
                newTree.Left = left;
                newTree.Right = right;
                return newTree;

            s0 = 0;
            s1 = 5;
                NewGetNextChannelCommand(data, 0, out v0);
                s0 = s0 * 2 + v0; //basically bitshifts s0 to the left and adds v0, aka it's loading 5 bytes straight from the 0th some_ptr
                s1 -= 1;
            } while (s1 != 0);

            newTree.Value = s0;
            return newTree;
        // a0[in]: pointer to TKMK00 data
        // a1[out]: pointer to output (1 byte per pixel)
        // a2[out]: pointer to output (RGBA16, 2 bytes per pixel)
        // a3[in]: RGBA color to set alpha to 0, values observed: 0x01, 0xBE
        public static void tkmk00decode(byte[] data, int tkmkOffset, out byte[] singleByteOutput, out byte[] doubleByteOutput, uint alphaFlagParam)  // 800405D0/0411D0

            uint   offset;
            uint   test_bits;
            int    width, height;
            int    col, row;
            int    pixels;
            int    alpha;
            uint   i;
            ushort rgba0;
            ushort rgba1;
            byte   red0, red1, green0, green1, blue0, blue1;

            width              = ByteHelper.ReadUShort(data, tkmkOffset + 0x8); // read_u16_be(&tkmkOffset[0x8]);
            height             = ByteHelper.ReadUShort(data, tkmkOffset + 0xA); //read_u16_be(&tkmkOffset[0xA]);
            alpha              = (int)alphaFlagParam;
            channelCommandMode = data[tkmkOffset + 0x6];
            for (int iii = 0; iii < 0x8; iii++) //Convert the channel command mode to bools
                channelCommandRepeatMode[iii] = (((channelCommandMode >> iii) & 0x1) != 0);

            pixels = width * height;
            for (int iCount = 0; iCount < rgba_buf.Length; iCount++)
                rgba_buf[iCount] = 0xFF;
            doubleByteOutput = new byte[2 * pixels];
            singleByteOutput = new byte[pixels];
            int doubleByteIndex = 0;
            int singleByteIndex = 0;

            for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                offset = ByteHelper.ReadUInt(data, tkmkOffset + 0xC + (int)i * 4); //read_u32_be(&tkmkOffset[0xC + i*4]);
                if (0 == (channelCommandMode & (0x1 << (int)i)))
                    offset -= 4;
                channelPtrs[i] = tkmkOffset + (int)offset;

            Array.Clear(channelCommandRemainingBits, 0, channelCommandRemainingBits.Length);

            //masterCommandOffset = 0x0; // no idea, used in proc_80040A60
            masterCommandBuffer        = ByteHelper.ReadInt(data, tkmkOffset + 0x2C); // read_u32_be(&tkmkOffset[0x2C]); // used in proc_80040A60
            masterCommandRemainingBits = 0x20;
            masterCommandPtr           = tkmkOffset + 0x2C;                           //ByteHelper.ReadInt(data, tkmkOffset + 0x30);//&tkmkOffset[0x30];
            uint val = 0x20;

            //SetUp5BitBuffers((uint)some_u32s.Length - 4, ref val, data); // recursive, init buffers???
            //treeHead = new TKMKHuffmanTreeNode();
            //treeHead.Value = 0x20;
            treeHead = NewNewSetUp5BitBuffers(val, data); // recursive, init buffers???

            t1 = v0;
            t7 = 0; //the last used rgba color
            StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("process.txt");

            for (row = 0; row != height; row++)
                for (col = 0; col != width; col++)
                    t9 = ByteHelper.ReadUShort(doubleByteOutput, doubleByteIndex);// ????????? read_u16_be(doubleByteOutput);
                    //read the existing color of the byte

                    if (t9 == 0) //Not set yet
                        v1 = singleByteOutput[singleByteIndex];
                        //Test to make sure that the curent color is not the alpha value with the incorrect alpha channel value
                        s3 = t9 & 0xFFFE; //All the color but the alpha channel
                        t7 = t9;
                        if (alpha != s3)
                            goto goto_AdvanceToNextPixel;
                        //if alpha IS s3, then write it out
                        ByteHelper.WriteUShort((ushort)s3, doubleByteOutput, doubleByteIndex);// write_u16_be(doubleByteOutput, s3);
                        t7 = s3;
                        goto goto_AdvanceToNextPixel;
                    v1 += 1;
                    NewGetNextChannelCommand(data, v1, out v0);                                //Determine here if we use the previous color or a different one

                    if (v0 == 0)                                                               //use last color here
                        ByteHelper.WriteUShort((ushort)t7, doubleByteOutput, doubleByteIndex); //write_u16_be(doubleByteOutput, t7);
                        writer.WriteLine("Previous color");
                        goto goto_AdvanceToNextPixel;

                    v1 = 1;
                    NewReadNextCommand(data, v1, out v0); //Check for creating new or re-using old RGBA value

                    if (v0 != 0)
                    {                                  //Create new rgba value
                        NewNewRetrieve5BitValue(data); //Read red component

                        s0 = s4;                       //store red component into s0
                        NewNewRetrieve5BitValue(data); //Read green component

                        s1 = s4;                       //store green component into s0
                        NewNewRetrieve5BitValue(data); //Read blue component and store into s0

                        rgba0 = 0;                     //pixel above this one
                        rgba1 = 0;                     //pixel before this one
                        if (row != 0)
                            rgba0 = ByteHelper.ReadUShort(doubleByteOutput, doubleByteIndex - (width * 2)); // read_u16_be(doubleByteOutput - (width * 2));
                            rgba1 = ByteHelper.ReadUShort(doubleByteOutput, doubleByteIndex - 2);           //read_u16_be(doubleByteOutput - 2);
                            if (col != 0)
                                rgba1 = ByteHelper.ReadUShort(doubleByteOutput, doubleByteIndex - 2);//read_u16_be(doubleByteOutput - 2);

                        green0 = (byte)((rgba0 & 0x7C0) >> 6);
                        green1 = (byte)((rgba1 & 0x7C0) >> 6);
                        t8     = (green0 + green1) / 2;
                        t9     = s0;
                        //proc_80040C94(); //Get the red component
                        ColorCombine(t8, ref t9);
                        s0 = t9;

                        v1   = t9 - t8;
                        red0 = (byte)((rgba0 & 0xF800) >> 11);
                        red1 = (byte)((rgba1 & 0xF800) >> 11);
                        t8   = v1 + (red0 + red1) / 2;
                        if (t8 >= 0x20)
                            t8 = 0x1F;
                        else if (t8 < 0)
                            t8 = 0;
                        t9 = s1;
                        //proc_80040C94(); //Get the green component
                        ColorCombine(t8, ref t9);
                        s1 = t9;

                        blue0 = (byte)((rgba0 & 0x3E) >> 1);
                        blue1 = (byte)((rgba1 & 0x3E) >> 1);
                        t8    = v1 + (blue0 + blue1) / 2;
                        if (t8 >= 0x20)
                            t8 = 0x1F;
                        else if (t8 < 0)
                            t8 = 0;
                        t9 = s4;
                        //proc_80040C94(); //Get the blue component
                        ColorCombine(t8, ref t9);

                        t7 = (s1 << 11) | (s0 << 6) | (t9 << 1); //Combine the color components into the ushort
                        if (t7 != alpha)
                            t7 |= 0x1;

                        // insert new value by shifting others to right
                        for (i = (uint)rgba_buf.Length - 1; i > 0; i--)
                            rgba_buf[i] = rgba_buf[i - 1];
                        rgba_buf[0] = (ushort)t7;
                    { //Use existing rgba value
                        v1 = 6;
                        NewReadNextCommand(data, v1, out v0); //Read in the index of the rgba in the rgba buffer to use
                        t7 = rgba_buf[v0];
                        if (v0 != 0)
                            for (i = (uint)v0; i > 0; i--)
                                rgba_buf[i] = rgba_buf[i - 1];
                            rgba_buf[0] = (ushort)t7;

                    //Write the RGBA to the doubleByteIndex location
                    ByteHelper.WriteUShort((ushort)t7, doubleByteOutput, doubleByteIndex); //write_u16_be(doubleByteOutput, t7);

                    test_bits = 0;                                                         //stores flags marking the existence of pixels around the current pixel
                    if (col != 0)
                        test_bits |= 0x01;
                    if (col < (width - 1))
                        test_bits |= 0x02;
                    if (col < (width - 2))
                        test_bits |= 0x04;
                    if (row < (height - 1))
                        test_bits |= 0x08;
                    if (row < (height - 2))
                        test_bits |= 0x10;

                    if (0x2 == (test_bits & 0x2)) //if a pixel exists to the right 1
                        singleByteOutput[singleByteIndex + 1]++;
                    if (0x4 == (test_bits & 0x4)) //if a pixel exists to the right 2
                        singleByteOutput[singleByteIndex + 2]++;
                    if (0x9 == (test_bits & 0x9)) //if a pixel exists below 1 and to the left 1
                        singleByteOutput[singleByteIndex + width - 1]++;
                    if (0x8 == (test_bits & 0x8)) //if a pixel exists below 1
                        singleByteOutput[singleByteIndex + width]++;
                    if (0xA == (test_bits & 0xA)) //if a pixel exists below 1 and right 1
                        singleByteOutput[singleByteIndex + width + 1]++;
                    if (0x10 == (test_bits & 0x10)) //if a pixel exists 2 below this one
                        singleByteOutput[singleByteIndex + 2 * width]++;

                    v1 = 1;
                    NewReadNextCommand(data, v1, out v0); //Check if we need to preload this color onto rows below this one

                    if (v0 != 0)
                        int outOffset = 0;
                        s0 = width * 2; //Length of a row in bytes
                        s3 = t7 | 0x1;  //Previous RGBA, with alpha forced on

                            v1 = 2;
                            NewReadNextCommand(data, v1, out v0); //0 - advanced move, 1 - back one, 2 - no lateral move, 3 - forward one
                            if (v0 == 0)
                                v1 = 1;
                                NewReadNextCommand(data, v1, out v0); //0 - stop advanced move, 1 - continue

                                if (v0 == 0)
                                    v1 = 1;
                                    NewReadNextCommand(data, v1, out v0); //0 - move back 2, 1 - move forward 2
                                    outOffset += 4;
                                    if (v0 == 0)
                                        outOffset -= 8;
                            else if (v0 == 1)
                                outOffset -= 2;
                            else if (v0 == 3)
                                outOffset += 2;
                            outOffset += s0;                                                                   //Move down a row
                            ByteHelper.WriteUShort((ushort)s3, doubleByteOutput, doubleByteIndex + outOffset); //write_u16_be(out, s3);
                        } while (true);
goto_AdvanceToNextPixel:         //Advance the pointers one forward
                    singleByteIndex += 1;
                    doubleByteIndex += 2;
        // 800405D0/0411D0
        // a0[in]: pointer to TKMK00 data
        // a1[out]: pointer to output (1 byte per pixel)
        // a2[out]: pointer to output (RGBA16, 2 bytes per pixel)
        // a3[in]: RGBA color to set alpha to 0, values observed: 0x01, 0xBE
        public static void tkmk00decode(byte[] data, int tkmkOffset, out byte[] singleByteOutput, out byte[] doubleByteOutput, uint alphaFlagParam)

               uint offset;
               uint test_bits;
               int width, height;
               int col, row;
               int pixels;
               int alpha;
               uint i;
               ushort rgba0;
               ushort rgba1;
               byte red0, red1, green0, green1, blue0, blue1;

               width = ByteHelper.ReadUShort(data, tkmkOffset + 0x8);// read_u16_be(&tkmkOffset[0x8]);
               height = ByteHelper.ReadUShort(data, tkmkOffset + 0xA);//read_u16_be(&tkmkOffset[0xA]);
               alpha = (int)alphaFlagParam;
               channelCommandMode = data[tkmkOffset+0x6];
               for (int iii = 0; iii < 0x8; iii++) //Convert the channel command mode to bools
               channelCommandRepeatMode[iii] = (((channelCommandMode >> iii) & 0x1) != 0);

               pixels = width * height;
               for(int iCount = 0; iCount < rgba_buf.Length; iCount++)
               rgba_buf[iCount] = 0xFF;
            doubleByteOutput = new byte[2 * pixels];
            singleByteOutput = new byte[pixels];
            int doubleByteIndex = 0;
            int singleByteIndex = 0;

               for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
               offset = ByteHelper.ReadUInt(data, tkmkOffset + 0xC + (int)i * 4); //read_u32_be(&tkmkOffset[0xC + i*4]);
               if (0 == (channelCommandMode & (0x1 << (int)i)))
                   offset -= 4;
               channelPtrs[i] = tkmkOffset + (int)offset;

            Array.Clear(channelCommandRemainingBits, 0, channelCommandRemainingBits.Length);

               //masterCommandOffset = 0x0; // no idea, used in proc_80040A60
               masterCommandBuffer = ByteHelper.ReadInt(data, tkmkOffset + 0x2C);// read_u32_be(&tkmkOffset[0x2C]); // used in proc_80040A60
               masterCommandRemainingBits = 0x20;
               masterCommandPtr = tkmkOffset + 0x2C;//ByteHelper.ReadInt(data, tkmkOffset + 0x30);//&tkmkOffset[0x30];
               uint val = 0x20;
               //SetUp5BitBuffers((uint)some_u32s.Length - 4, ref val, data); // recursive, init buffers???
               //treeHead = new TKMKHuffmanTreeNode();
               //treeHead.Value = 0x20;
               treeHead = NewNewSetUp5BitBuffers(val, data); // recursive, init buffers???

               t1 = v0;
               t7 = 0; //the last used rgba color
               StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("process.txt");
               for (row = 0; row != height; row++) {
              for (col = 0; col != width; col++) {
                  t9 = ByteHelper.ReadUShort(doubleByteOutput, doubleByteIndex);// ????????? read_u16_be(doubleByteOutput);
                //read the existing color of the byte

                 if (t9 == 0) { //Not set yet
                     v1 = singleByteOutput[singleByteIndex];
                 } else {
                     //Test to make sure that the curent color is not the alpha value with the incorrect alpha channel value
                    s3 = t9 & 0xFFFE; //All the color but the alpha channel
                    t7 = t9;
                    if (alpha != s3)
                        goto goto_AdvanceToNextPixel;
                     //if alpha IS s3, then write it out
                    ByteHelper.WriteUShort((ushort)s3, doubleByteOutput, doubleByteIndex);// write_u16_be(doubleByteOutput, s3);
                    t7 = s3;
                    goto goto_AdvanceToNextPixel;
                 v1 += 1;
                 NewGetNextChannelCommand(data, v1, out v0); //Determine here if we use the previous color or a different one

                 if (v0 == 0) { //use last color here
                     ByteHelper.WriteUShort((ushort)t7, doubleByteOutput, doubleByteIndex);//write_u16_be(doubleByteOutput, t7);
                     writer.WriteLine("Previous color");
                    goto goto_AdvanceToNextPixel;

                 v1 = 1;
                 NewReadNextCommand(data, v1, out v0); //Check for creating new or re-using old RGBA value

                 if (v0 != 0)
                 { //Create new rgba value
                     NewNewRetrieve5BitValue(data); //Read red component

                    s0 = s4; //store red component into s0
                    NewNewRetrieve5BitValue(data); //Read green component

                    s1 = s4; //store green component into s0
                    NewNewRetrieve5BitValue(data); //Read blue component and store into s0

                    rgba0 = 0; //pixel above this one
                    rgba1 = 0; //pixel before this one
                    if (row != 0) {
                        rgba0 = ByteHelper.ReadUShort(doubleByteOutput, doubleByteIndex - (width * 2));// read_u16_be(doubleByteOutput - (width * 2));
                        rgba1 = ByteHelper.ReadUShort(doubleByteOutput, doubleByteIndex - 2);//read_u16_be(doubleByteOutput - 2);
                    } else {
                       if (col != 0) {
                           rgba1 = ByteHelper.ReadUShort(doubleByteOutput, doubleByteIndex - 2);//read_u16_be(doubleByteOutput - 2);

                    green0 = (byte)((rgba0 & 0x7C0) >> 6);
                    green1 = (byte)((rgba1 & 0x7C0) >> 6);
                    t8 = (green0 + green1) / 2;
                    t9 = s0;
                    //proc_80040C94(); //Get the red component
                    ColorCombine(t8, ref t9);
                    s0 = t9;

                    v1 = t9 - t8;
                    red0 = (byte)((rgba0 & 0xF800) >> 11);
                    red1 = (byte)((rgba1 & 0xF800) >> 11);
                    t8 = v1 + (red0 + red1) / 2;
                    if (t8 >= 0x20) {
                       t8 = 0x1F;
                    } else if (t8 < 0) {
                       t8 = 0;
                    t9 = s1;
                    //proc_80040C94(); //Get the green component
                    ColorCombine(t8, ref t9);
                    s1 = t9;

                    blue0 = (byte)((rgba0 & 0x3E) >> 1);
                    blue1 = (byte)((rgba1 & 0x3E) >> 1);
                    t8 = v1 + (blue0 + blue1) / 2;
                    if (t8 >= 0x20) {
                       t8 = 0x1F;
                    } else if (t8 < 0) {
                       t8 = 0;
                    t9 = s4;
                    //proc_80040C94(); //Get the blue component
                    ColorCombine(t8, ref t9);

                    t7 = (s1 << 11) | (s0 << 6) | (t9 << 1); //Combine the color components into the ushort
                    if (t7 != alpha) {
                       t7 |= 0x1;

                    // insert new value by shifting others to right
                    for (i = (uint)rgba_buf.Length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
                       rgba_buf[i] = rgba_buf[i - 1];
                    rgba_buf[0] = (ushort)t7;
                 { //Use existing rgba value
                    v1 = 6;
                    NewReadNextCommand(data, v1, out v0); //Read in the index of the rgba in the rgba buffer to use
                    t7 = rgba_buf[v0];
                    if (v0 != 0) {
                       for (i = (uint)v0; i > 0; i--) {
                          rgba_buf[i] = rgba_buf[i - 1];
                       rgba_buf[0] = (ushort)t7;

                  //Write the RGBA to the doubleByteIndex location
                 ByteHelper.WriteUShort((ushort)t7, doubleByteOutput, doubleByteIndex);//write_u16_be(doubleByteOutput, t7);

                 test_bits = 0; //stores flags marking the existence of pixels around the current pixel
                 if (col != 0) {
                    test_bits |= 0x01;
                 if (col < (width - 1)) {
                    test_bits |= 0x02;
                 if (col < (width - 2)) {
                    test_bits |= 0x04;
                 if (row < (height - 1)) {
                    test_bits |= 0x08;
                 if (row < (height - 2)) {
                    test_bits |= 0x10;

                 if (0x2 == (test_bits & 0x2)) { //if a pixel exists to the right 1
                 if (0x4 == (test_bits & 0x4)) { //if a pixel exists to the right 2
                 if (0x9 == (test_bits & 0x9))  { //if a pixel exists below 1 and to the left 1
                     singleByteOutput[singleByteIndex+width - 1]++;
                 if (0x8 == (test_bits & 0x8)) { //if a pixel exists below 1
                 if (0xA == (test_bits & 0xA)) { //if a pixel exists below 1 and right 1
                     singleByteOutput[singleByteIndex+width + 1]++;
                 if (0x10 == (test_bits & 0x10)) { //if a pixel exists 2 below this one
                     singleByteOutput[singleByteIndex+2 * width]++;

                 v1 = 1;
                 NewReadNextCommand(data, v1, out v0); //Check if we need to preload this color onto rows below this one

                 if (v0 != 0) {
                    int outOffset = 0;
                    s0 = width * 2; //Length of a row in bytes
                    s3 = t7 | 0x1; //Previous RGBA, with alpha forced on

                    do {
                       v1 = 2;
                       NewReadNextCommand(data, v1, out v0); //0 - advanced move, 1 - back one, 2 - no lateral move, 3 - forward one
                       if (v0 == 0) {
                          v1 = 1;
                          NewReadNextCommand(data, v1, out v0); //0 - stop advanced move, 1 - continue

                          if (v0 == 0) {
                          } else {
                             v1 = 1;
                             NewReadNextCommand(data, v1, out v0); //0 - move back 2, 1 - move forward 2
                             outOffset += 4;
                             if (v0 == 0) {
                                outOffset -= 8;
                       } else if (v0 == 1) {
                          outOffset -= 2;
                       } else if (v0 == 3) {
                          outOffset += 2;
                       outOffset += s0; //Move down a row
                       ByteHelper.WriteUShort((ushort)s3, doubleByteOutput, doubleByteIndex + outOffset);//write_u16_be(out, s3);
                    } while (true);
            goto_AdvanceToNextPixel: //Advance the pointers one forward
                 singleByteIndex += 1;
                 doubleByteIndex += 2;